I want to talk about rare pills for a moment.
Another thought about the rare pills.
The eightfold path is better the more rare pills we have that boost up the Imperial 8 elements. For instance, it combines exceedingly well with the Skyblood elixir (which moves successes to spiritual, not qi). This means that the more pills we can acquire and accumulate for the Eightfold Path Pill the better the pill will do. Hopefully, in this shopping trip, we can uncover level 3 pills for the Imperial 8 so that we can use them for Eightfold Path week as well.
This also means that any thieving action we do, before the eightfold path week, should be focused on pills rather than talismans or spirit stones. The more rare and exotic pills we get the better the pills will synergize with our current crop of rare pills.
For example, we know that a pill like the Eightfold Path pill exists (duh we have it). What that means, however, is that pills like the Eightfold path pill but which affect other things (like Common 5 elements, qi rolls, meridian rolls, spiritual rolls, physical rolls, etc.) might exist. They will probably be crazy hard to find, but it is possible that we may be able to find them if we look in the right place (Yan Renshu's hideout, Sun Liling's private stash of pills, Lady Cai's private stash of pills).
If we do find these pills, then a Sable light weeks power could increase dramatically (as 50% increase to qi rolls and meridian rolls for stones and pills would be bonkers). These pills are hypothetical though, so we should not wait to find these hypothetical pills before doing a good solid pill week.
I would just like us to keep in mind that with the Eightfold Path Pill the value of pills for the Imperial 8 elements are 50% more valuable, which means we should totally pilfer Sun Liling's camp for any such pills as well as Yan Renshu's hideout.
After all, Winners don't use drugs. Unless your Ling Qi, in which you buy and steal all the drugs, then use all the drugs, all at once.
It's time to rev up the drug-fueled cultivation engine that is Ling Qi.