Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

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The in progress royal road rewrite of this quest can be found here

The biting chill of autumn...
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Ling Qi portrait
Oh, hey, art of our protagg. Tried to mix the description we had and some personal ideas, so I didn't draw her ugly necessarily, but plainer, and gets worse off in comparison to classical Chinese beauty standards and also xianxia beauties.

Also, I vote we grow our hair out, hair tends to be more manageable when you have a decent length to tie up. And also also also, I want her hair in a bun.
Ling Qi and Friends
[x] Plan The Zephyr Will Fly

Also I said I would do art, and i have it here, my approval of this plan is totally contingent on MY BOY HAN JIAN. jk, it's popular and also preempts our massive pill-popping spree. Still a bit rough but eh.

Next up I'll probably draw that creepy kid cause I kind of find him hilarious.
Ling Qi Playing
Mmm, the Mist is rather randumb... Just consider this a before sleep sketch.

EDIT: Wait... Why did the dress get so light?
+compares scanned image and actual paper+
Uh. Whatever.

Ha! Doubled-down on the blue!

EDIT^3: . . . Wait, if the collar slant is on that side... Then the slit...

Augh... I hate fashion and late night muse.
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