Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I like the idea that Aura will just be something else that Joe has and forgets about. Someone was worried about the life fibers developing Aura. Actually, I sort of see it figuring Aura out much sooner than Joe.

Joe will be using Aura accidentally or in the background of things. He is actively training with the life fibers. Let's step back and look at things though. He couldn't make use of the life fibers right off until he figured out a method. Garment Gloves was the key there. Now, he has a system that makes life fibers seem rather safe so far...

Aura is a nice general background booster. Early Joe would have noticed much more than current Joe. Joe won't be training it unless he builds something like a danger room with sensors to detect/train his odder skills. More of a bring forth skills/abilities that he is neglecting sort of thing.

Someone made the comment that with Aura that Joe can't really be safe in the gym anymore. Snorts. Joe can't be safe in the gym after his life fiber training. He'd need one serious stranger effect if he wants to go back there. Joe doesn't need the Gym to train. Joe needs the Gym for Socialization. His therapist even noted that he was doing much better and thought a good part of it might have had to do with his interactions with others at the Gym.

The Undersiders are an exploitive relationship with him. He merely wanted to protect Taylor. At the moment, he would really like to forget about her. Not likely, but you know his general levels of avoidance.

Joe doesn't need to show up at the local PRT. After things calm down somewhat, he can just take a brief trip to New York and power test there if he wanted to. While there, he could quietly have a chat with Legend on Taylor's importance to his thinker power. Legend is about the only one that I could see him telling it all to. Well, that or his therapist.

So when do you think that he will get around to checking his PHO account? He has been rather busy. It's like they can't understand that he needs to tinker/train and all that. Everyone expects him to spend his time on PHO. I can see him reading and replying to each and every comment in his inbox and mainly avoiding what the threads are saying about him. PHO and/or his family are the last groups that he wants to interact with.

I can't wait until Joe actually invites anyone for a tour of his workshop and having totally forgotten about or just ignoring the wall art. Now, who would be the best person reactions wise to give that tour to?
He power explicitly give her immunity to everything she want to be immune to. The only way of kill the Siberian is to kill Manton himself.
Technically you would need at least Clockblocker timelock levels in spacetime hax to pop the Siberian, she'll come back of course but you could pop her
I've just been binge reading the story and was hoping some of the original followers could answer a question of mine?
Has the OP released a link to the document that they are using for randomizing their jumps? i don't mean the Celestial Forge doc, i mean one they made for this story?
I'm a jumper myself and i like the idea a lot, but the original document isn't set up for this stories method.
These are the abilities Joe currently has

Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

A minor background character from Worm gets access to a compounding series of Jumpchain crafting powers and is left to figure things out with nothing but the nature of his abilities and a vague connection to his passenger for guidance.
This is amaaaazing please continue updating.
At first i was juat like not another worm fic but you've turned me aroundthis is good i want to see the conclusion or after effects to this healing on a case 53 .
Damn feels like a cliff hanger
Still though, this opens up possibilities. For one, he no longer strictly needs Cybertronioum for space warping anymore. I seem to remember some girl had a hand bag that turned into a minigun. Sure, it probably won't be as good but it does expand his tinkering options
Can I just say thank you for someone finally spelling the god damn name of the basis of all Transformers technology correctly for once in this god damn thread!

@LordRoustabout Cybertronium is named after Cybertron, for the love of God please stop dropping the second R from the word. It's incredibly jarring to read every time it happens. It's worse than running across weird british spellings or random japanese inserted into a story for now reason.

Other than that really loving the story.
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Can I just say thank you for someone finally spelling the god damn name of the basis of all Transformers technology correctly for once in this god damn thread!

@LordRoustabout Cybertronium is named after Cybertron, for the love of God please stop dropping the second R from the word. It's incredibly jarring to read every time it happens. It's worse than running across weird british spellings or random japanese inserted into a story for now reason.

Other than that really loving the story.
Lol, I'm dyslexic so every time I try to type a word like that I google it. I didn't even notice other people getting it wrong.
Weld Spicy (Knaka)
Ah, Weld got some of his senses back, and now you guys get a new omake. This was inspired by a comment from the author on Ao3


Weld Spicy

Battery stared at Clockblocker as he lay in the hospital bed. They were currently in the private section of the PRT hospital. All of the male wards other than Weld had to be hospitalized earlier this evening, and Battery had to clear things up with Clockblocker about the incident. While she knew what happened in general, she needed specifics.

Clockblocker looked like he was in minor pain. He was currently in a hospital gown with a generic mask on. Battery could see Clockblocker wince as she approached.

"Alright, so what happened?" asked Battery.

Clockblocker sighed as he collected himself. "It started when Weld told us that he had a new deal with some Thai restaurant downtown and invited us to come with him to the grand reopening. Vista is still avoiding Weld, so she didn't want to go. Shadow Stalker said she was stuck with us too often as is, and Flechette wanted to rest, so it was just us guys."

Battery motioned for Clockblocker to continue and he did so. "So it turns out that Weld was there to promote the new 'Weld Spicy' challenge, where if you can eat a small bowl of soup and last ten minutes without drinking anything, the restaurant gives you a fifty dollar voucher. They said it was so spicy that only Weld could handle it, and to promote it, Weld ate three bowls during the presentation. We figured that if he could handle three bowls, we could handle one."

Battery stared flatly at Clockblocker. "You do realize that Weld is made out of metal?"

Clockblocker looked sheepish as he replied. "Yeah, but we heard that he could taste things now, so we figured it wouldn't be that bad. Completely forgot about the part with his diminished senses."

Battery continued "Didn't Weld himself warn you against trying?"

Clockblocker nodded "Yeah, but we insisted. All of us decided to try the challenge at once. We were seated on the same table and they brought out a bowl of soup and a glass of milk for each of us." Clockblocker looked sheepish as he continued. "We even joked that whoever drank the milk would get mercilessly mocked later."

"And how did that work out for you?" asked Battery.

"We each lasted one spoonful. It probably wouldn't have been so bad if we didn't all eat it at the same time." replied Clockblocker.

Battery just sighed. "Did you have to freeze the others?"

"Hey, they were drinking so much milk, I needed it." replied Clockblocker. "Besides, it was just meant to stop them until the servers brought more milk."

"Which you then drank" said Battery as Clockblocker nodded. "Along with the next serving and the gallon container Weld had to buy."

"The soup was a lot more spicy than I thought it would be." Clockblocker said weakly. "Besides I kept them frozen until the PRT arrived."

Battery just continued to stare at Clockblocker.

After a few moments, Clockblocker sighed. "Anyway, we really should have that restaurant stop that challenge, or at least have the waiters wear goggles and a respirator so people know what they're getting into, it's way too dangerous."

Battery laughed as she turned around and headed to the door. "First, it's not the PRT or Protectorate's job to do that. Second, Vista, Shadow Stalker and Flechette decided to try the challenge after hearing what happened to you. They all beat it."

As Battery left, she could hear Clockblocker's excited shouts.

"What!, Wait, What!"


Edit: SPAG
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IIRC he has a Bakuda time bomb, which was in turn 'inspired' by Clockblocker. Sufficient AVE IMPERATORs later and that might do the trick even without additional perks.

of course, additional perks never hurt anybody

Actually, while maybe inspired by Clock-blocker, a bakuda time bombs are merely extreme time dial action, compared to Clocks time stop, as we can see with the unfortunate case of Big Boy Daunty in Post-Worm literature.
IIRC he has a Bakuda time bomb, which was in turn 'inspired' by Clockblocker. Sufficient AVE IMPERATORs later and that might do the trick even without additional perks.

of course, additional perks never hurt anybody

Well, they never hurt anybody until Joe successfully rolls The Truth and permanently loses his arm.

I'm kinda hoping it just abruptly falls off or explodes or something. It'd be a lot funnier than just blinking out of existence. Or angstier. Or both. My tastes are varied.
until Joe successfully rolls The Truth and permanently loses his arm.

I'm kinda hoping it just abruptly falls off or explodes or something. It'd be a lot funnier than just blinking out of existence. Or angstier. Or both. My tastes are varied.
I'm pretty sure all of the perk are being treated like its at the end of a jump and if I remember correctly I might be wrong but you regain your arm after you finish the jump so Joe might not loose arm.
Well, they never hurt anybody until Joe successfully rolls The Truth and permanently loses his arm.

I'm kinda hoping it just abruptly falls off or explodes or something. It'd be a lot funnier than just blinking out of existence. Or angstier. Or both. My tastes are varied.
He can easily regen his arm with nanites healing or alchemy healing.
Even if it's something gone at the soul level MC can just pay back that cost to regain it with his hax perks like how the main characters of FMA were able to regain a entire body sacrificed to truth.
He can easily regen his arm with nanites healing or alchemy healing.
Even if it's something gone at the soul level MC can just pay back that cost to regain it with his hax perks like how the main characters of FMA were able to regain a entire body sacrificed to truth.

I think I saw this on AO3, so while I can't say I've checked the arm loss perk myself, I can say I'm pretty sure said arm loss is fiat backed. He loses his arm for the same reason hybridization works or his nanites can heal far beyond his knowledge or ability to program: "because." Thus it is an inconvenience on par with workaholic, in that it could easily be solved if only he could turn the perk off.

Of course, I think the author also noted in that post on AO3 that Joe could just build a new, better robot prosthetic easily. Which is fine by me anyways. I'm just hoping for something like, maybe, he loses his arm in front of somebody. And then that person is like, "what the fuck is this guy doing to his body..." Stuff like that, you know?

I'm pretty sure all of the perk are being treated like its at the end of a jump and if I remember correctly I might be wrong but you regain your arm after you finish the jump so Joe might not loose arm.

Maybe. But the willingness of the author to acknowledge the downsides of being constantly subject to the effects of these perks is one of the reasons I like this story. Why stop at the fun subtle downsides, like Joe's gradual alienation from normal life, when there's a fun obvious downside to play with, like losing an arm in the middle of an important fight due to a random roll or something else hilarious like that?

Of course, a lot of this is only my opinion. Feel free to disagree. Given the current chapter track record I imagine I'll be entertained whatever the approach the author ends up using.
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I think I saw this on AO3, so while I can't say I've checked the arm loss perk myself, I can say I'm pretty sure said arm loss is fiat backed. He loses his arm for the same reason hybridization works or his nanites can heal far beyond his knowledge or ability to program: "because." Thus it is an inconvenience on par with workaholic, in that it could easily be solved if only he could turn the perk off.

Of course, I think the author also noted in that post on AO3 that Joe could just build a new, better robot prosthetic easily. Which is fine by me anyways. I'm just hoping for something like, maybe, he loses his arm in front of somebody. And then that person is like, "what the fuck is this guy doing to his body..." Stuff like that, you know?

You loose your arm because fiat once. It does not repeatedly get rid of your new arm as such you can regen it.

In addition as the same comment you are referring to in AO3 noted all of mcs perks are considered post jump as such the arm part of the perk would disable anyway as can be noted in the jumpdocs notes.
I doubt truth would make any deals with Joe to get his arm back, with his constant violations of equivalent exchange it must be really annoyed with him
I doubt truth would make any deals with Joe to get his arm back, with his constant violations of equivalent exchange it must be really annoyed with him
What truth is often debated, is it really god? that been disproven, is it a negative version or "conscience" of the gate user? Maybe, can it stop trades? no, it has no authority over what you do with your gate.

In fact it is only known to appear when human transmutation happens and as mc never did human transmutation Truth might not be kicking around by his gate anyway.
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Man, with just Aura and Kill La Kill tech any character could become an absurd monster. Hell, digging deep enough with either would make you Endbringer tier.
Now with aura the only person in the bay that could hurt him is bakuda with super bombs and Flechette
Tattletale power will probably be screaming to her to not mess with joe now
LordRoustabout, even if Scion dies, will the story, Joe, continue to Ward?

I would love to see what he might do in the City or traveling between the different earths, him interacting with Teacher, Goddess ect.

I don't think there's been a single Parahuman fanfiction that has made it from early worm to the end of Ward. I'm not expecting a canon retreading or anything considering what you've written so far has been so great in delivering an unexpected twists.

The snowballing of Joe's actions extrapolated that far, it would be a sight to see, to read.
I haven't decided what will happen when Scion dies. Since this is jumpchain based 'something' will happen after either ten years of the death of Scion. Both of those situations is fairly distant at the moment, but that would be the point where the true nature of Joe's passenger gets revealed along with what the exact mechanics of the chain actually are.
I love it already, can he get the "Strong Spark" ability in the Supplement you are using?

I can see it now, Joe now has a different set of Social problems
Spark Joe: Depression? Social Anxiety? PFFFT We have no time for nonsense like that when there is too much SCIENCE!!! to do.

Spark Joe: Not a Tinker am I!? Projections?!! Not Science!? I will have revenge for this insult! PRT...Armsmaster!!! I'll show you...I'll show you ALL, the power of APEIRON!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! *lightning crakles and booms in the background*

Then Joe proceeds to have an entire cult and multiple minions signing up due to the sheer Charisma he excludes
Strong Spark is in the Celestial Forge list I'm using so there's as good a chance that it could be rolled as any other 600 point perk. Last chapter the rolls made it to 500 points, so we're probably going to be seeing a 600 point perk soon, whatever it might be.

Counting on a spark nature to deal with your personal issues is an interesting concept. Spark mentality doesn't so much fix your mental problems as replace them with new exciting mental problems that are probably also on fire.
He's not going to get very far if he's counting on eezo to be his ticket to the stars. While he''s definitely got the tech savvy to account for static charge buildup inherent to element zero drives, those same FTL drives are not that fast in relation to fuel use. That's why the relay network is so important. Galaxy is freaking huge. Even in Mass Effect where the map makes it look like the whole galaxy is claimed by a few powers, it's noted that less than 5% of the galaxy is actually explored/mapped.

Without the relays, and using the cutting edge of Citadel species tech at the advent of the Reaper War, you can hit about 12-15 light years per 24 hours, and will need multiple refuelings from exploring a single cluster of systems with any degree of thoroughness.
I have no idea when FTL will become relevant in this story, but remember his technical level is higher than base Mass Effect and he has unlimited element zero. There as real chance he will be able to build his own relays. Even without getting into that he also has Transformers and Star Trek FTL. Just combining mass reduction with a warp field could have incredible results in terms of maximum speed and efficiency.
On the subject of biology is there any perk on the celestial forge that can make Joe create any biological creatures like in spore or even chemicals that can affect someones biology like for example a highly radioactive or poisonous gas. It could be interesting since Joe would have an inner conflict on using such perks unless it was dire consequences and also the danger of being considered an s class very quickly
Joe already has perks for both applications. Deranged Alchemist can create life in classic alchemy fashion and Grease Monkey has access to all of Bubblegum Crisis's bio and chemical weapon tech. Joe has been making a effort not to pursue either option, though that was before he had both a perfectly optimized alchemy lab and a workshop addition built for all the cyberpunk bioware a person could want.
Are souls even a thing that natives from the Wormverse have?

I think they would only be brought about as a part of any magic system Joe's power creates.
My ruling is that souls are a thing in Worm, but for most people there isn't an accessible afterlife. Once a normal person dies their soul is gone beyond reach. When a cape dies their soul is stored in their shard (what Butcher and The Fairy Queen access). Given what shardspace is like it's debatable if that counts as a good thing.
Forgive me if it's been answered elsewhere, but which version of the celestial forge is being used? I can't see some of these powers on the original list.
I'm using a reduced version of the original forge. Since it's years out of date some of the names of perks have changed. Additionally I add in any free perks from the jumps that are necessary for the perks to work, as well as some that seem harmless or amusing. That had added a bunch of new abilities that aren't listed in the Celestial Forge.
Bruh, he got fucking aura?! Wonder what his semblance will be. One of those counts as a Parahuman ability of its own.
Joe's semblance is something I'm going to have to give a lot of thought to. Semblances are reflections of a person's personality. Not what they do, but who they are. It would be easy to go with something crafting or technology related, but that's not really reflective of Joe's personality. It will take a bit of time to figure out, both in story and for me as an author.
Wow, so Aura, dust and Variable Weaponry. The fact that they can be combined into other forms of dust with his Materials power and alchemy... whelp. I have to wonder if he can use that to get rid of the sound effect when fleet transforms.

Still though, this opens up possibilities. For one, he no longer strictly needs Cybertronioum for space warping anymore. I seem to remember some girl had a hand bag that turned into a minigun. Sure, it probably won't be as good but it does expand his tinkering options.

Aura is pretty useful all on it's own. A general enhancement to all stats including physical recovery is pretty great. The actual barrier aspect is also quite useful considering the amount of firepower it could let him tank. It's also something he could share... if he knew he could do it anyway.

Incidentally, I am quite glad that Weld didn't get transformed back from his metal body. I'm pretty sure that Weld is happy about that too. He's breathing water vapor after all. It would be all kinds of shitty for him to get his humanity back just to drown in nominally breathable atmosphere.
Considering even stealth and infiltration specialized Transformers made the noise I don't think it's something that can be removed. Diminished maybe, but it's always there.

There is a specific item (skill book) for size reduction in the RWBY jumpdoc that clarified the limits of size reduction technology:
Bigger on the Inside, 100CP, Drop-In Discount:
A book teaching miniaturization techniques. Starts with Bazookas into bottles, leads into Cars into cupholders. They still weigh the same, unfortunately. A master of this knows how to miniaturize around living things! It's very uncomfortable for them, so they won't stay like that.

This isn't Joe's current skill level, but represents the limit of what he can achieve with this kind of technology.

Awakening another person's aura is something that will take a lot or research to even realise is an option, much less the technique to do so. Massively powerful if he can manage it, but something of an uphill battle.

There was like a 98% chance he would be able to get human-Weld oxygen and to the surface in the event he real-boyed him there and then. Yes it would have been hilarious, but Joe had kind of lost context for what was happening given the distractions he was under.
Glowing eyes, no need to breath under water plus tech to 'heal mutations and physical alterations' ... Unfortunately PRT might see a very ominous pattern here or even couple.

He made a tech to heal mutation, very likely there should have been mutations or alterations to heal, tech is way too specific.
This was an angle I hadn't considered, since all this stuff was just a natural extension of the forge. You are right. The logical explanation points to either case 53/monstrous cape, tinkering with mutation side effects, or a body horror based trigger. None of those are particularly appealing prospects to have associated with a tinker of Apeiron's level.
This character interaction is what I love, more than all of the tinker stuff. I get It read a tinker fic and what should I expect but I tend to just skim until he starts talking. You do wonderful dialogue.
Thanks for the compliment. There are a lot of aspects to this fic that different people seem to favor and I'm trying to keep them in balance. The interactions always seem to get a good response, to the point where I think people would enjoy it if I just started writing coffee shop AUs with the characters. I can at least assure there won't be as much isolationist tinkering in the future of the fic.
Another connection made in the Humorous Misunderstanding constellation!

At least it's better than the "No Good Deed" perk from the PRT Accusation constellation from last week that makes all his best deeds seem like nefarious plots, scaling to how heroic they were.
This is a really fun concept. If someone wants to create the twelve constellations of the Worm protagonist forge (including PRT Accusation and Humorous Misunderstanding) that would be just about the best thing ever.




percent ..and missing period
Thank you, corrected.
Now that the PRTknows that joe is a tinker and has super healing they can't ignore and vilified him now
hell I would be surprised if they bring some big guns for recruitment (from a visit of the triumvirate to dragon wanting to talk ) Healing is rare, tinkers are somewhat rare but A TINKER WITH HEALING is supremely rare , even if they ignore joe super tech they cant not just ignore him now
The world had already seen Teacher granting thinker and tinker powers and ending up birdcaged, Ingenue enhancing powers and ending up birdcaged, and the Pastor manually activating Corona Pollentias and ending up as Quarantine site 2. If something seems to be too good to be true for the PRT it probably is. The apprehension around Apeiron is pretty justified.
But, since Transformers exists in setting, RWBY might as well.
I can see one of the AI discovering it while surfing the net, realizing the connection, and Joe using the show to help figure out more.
After all, knowing something can be done is a big help to figuring out how to do it.
When was RWBY announced?
Because for Joe is 2011.
even if they did come out before 2011 the scion might have butterfly the plot away
It is too early for RWBY. The only good part of this is Monty is still alive.
Leviathan might have butterfly the plot away. He razed Japan, so Anime (and anime inspired shows like RWBY) might not exist.

They have some imports from Aleph, but that's it.
A lot of Japanese creators and animation immigrated to America following the sinking of Kyushu. Anime may have died, but western animation is seriously better than in Earth Bet than in our world.
Why not hire Tattletale to manage his PR? She owes him more than enough.
I literally screamed inside my head when I read this. Giving that girl responsibility for managing social media of any kind is a recipe for disaster, bordering on doomsday gumbo.
Piggot: why is everyone bullying me, it's been 3 days, everything is exploding
Piggot: it's not my job to rate capes anyway
Piggot: that was Armsmaster and the power analysts downstairs
Piggot: garbage in garbage out, I have to take claims of Master influence seriously, just look at what happened to that department in bumfuck kansas who blew shit off
Piggot: god
Piggot: has anyone got anything new on Bakuda, you know, the cape I actually care about right now
I really enjoyed this. With the focus on the main character people forget that 1. It has been a very short time since this mess started and 2. Just trying to follow PRT procedure during that timeframe would take most of the effort you could muster. Crafting a perfect recruitment pitch would be possible in peacetime, but they have bigger problems at the moment.
Piggot: why is everyone bullying me, it's been 3 days, everything is exploding
I absolutely love this line.
So over on CF discord we have been discussing if mc could stave off heat death with his now N^4 exponential energy and matter powers, what do you guys think?
It even worst: the old one are undefeated, and they kill at least 25% of the roster each time. And the death are random. It give a Cosmic horror vibe to the story.

He have a limited life span, so no, all he can do is to slightly refill the universe reserve. And that analysis will hold true regardless of how powerful his perk is. As long as he have a finite output and a finite life span, he can only produce a finite amount of energy, so he can only slow down universe heat death, no stop it.
You might want to look up the main goal of the Generator Rex Nanite Project, which Joe has the end result of. Ageing out isn't going to be a problem. Mental strain is another story. I don't know about the full dynamics of heat death, but running a hose from one of the faucets in his workshop could produce infinite hydrogen, even beyond his own lifespan.
Ah you're right. I thought optical computer and remembered fiber optics. Joe's computers are more like diamonds. Yeah, Shatter bird doesn't impact that.
The computer is worst than that. It is diamond, highly pure with atomic scale imperfections aligned to function as processors. That throne is probably enough to out-compete De Beers indefinitely and would probably piss off Watchdog to no end.
Can I just say thank you for someone finally spelling the god damn name of the basis of all Transformers technology correctly for once in this god damn thread!

@LordRoustabout Cybertronium is named after Cybertron, for the love of God please stop dropping the second R from the word. It's incredibly jarring to read every time it happens. It's worse than running across weird british spellings or random japanese inserted into a story for now reason.

Other than that really loving the story.
Okay, there seems to be some difference between Cybertronium and Cybertonium. I will admit to being a casual fan and having to rely on wikis, but that's also the spelling used in the jumpdoc, so I'm inclined to stick with in. I will say Cybertronium sounds a lot better than Cybertonium and would be easier to write, spell, and say. Unfortunately, that's not what the sources I've pulled are using. I'm going to stick with the more awkard spelling, at least until the jumpdoc is revised to correct it.
Ah, Weld got some of his senses back, and now you guys get a new omake. This was inspired by a comment from the author on Ao3


Weld Spicy
Thanks for the omake, threadmarked!
Should be "A hands-free straw", otherwise it's something quite different.
Thank you, corrected.