Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

If comms Joe can't yet crack end up being the heart of ABB plans, I feel the need to remind people Joe has one other unpredictable power aside from gaining new perks. He has that "listen in on the enemy transmission" perk that activates totally at random and operates on fiat rather than any explainable mechanism. That could gunk up Marche's plan, if she's unaware when Joe suddenly is magically and undetectably listening in on her directions.

No idea how Lord decides when that Perk goes of though. It is supposed to be random, right? I'm not just misremembering that? Maybe he actually uses a dice or something. Has he ever commented on that?
The Perk is Called Comm Chatter (took the text from the ao3 reference)
Comm Chatter (Ace Combat) Free:
While an important part of war is knowing what your opponent is up to, sometimes it's good for puffing your ego up too. For whatever reason, your radio will occasionally catch communications being broadcast from the enemy. This can range from important information to wild surprise at your antics. Not too useful, but good for knowing how you're doing
No WOG on when it happens, but as a writer, I doubt LR does it randomly.
When Joe overheard that Comm Chatter that first time around, it was very deliberatley building up drama.
The Perk is Called Comm Chatter (took the text from the ao3 reference)

No WOG on when it happens, but as a writer, I doubt LR does it randomly.
When Joe overheard that Comm Chatter that first time around, it was very deliberatley building up drama.

Well, an important point to note is that it seems to be deliberately limited to being "not very useful, but good for seeing how you're doing." So if it does happen, however Lord chooses when it will happen, it's very likely it won't let him dominate the fight. At most it will give him a one-off hint by telling him how Marche is reacting to something he just did.

Still some potential to screw Marche up, but nothing too serious compared to other ways he could do that.

Thanks for the quote.
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The Void Dragon (Mojave Courier)
Looks like there are a lot of omakes being written right now. I'm throwing another one into the pile. These quotes are what inspired me along with the recent boost to Joe's demigod abilities and the talks about 40k.

Joe has himself admitted that his own tastes actually run edgy. He's a very repressed dude who didn't get to express himself as a teen so wants to make up for lost time by literally being a Final Fantasy Final Boss.

Joe, listen

you never needed the chuuni transforming shield to become powerful

the power of edge was inside you all along

The Void Dragon

"I never stood a chance after all."

The words came out of Defiant's mouth before he could stop it. There was just truly nothing he could do about Apeiron after all.


Mere minutes ago, Defiant had been fighting the Endbringer Leviathan, utilizing his greatest weapons yet, the nanothorn technology and his predictive programs.

He had watched countless hours of footage of Leviathan in preparation for this battle. So much time spent training, preparing, readying himself for this one moment. The moment that he could become known as more than just the Protectorate's 2nd​ greatest Tinker and become the Endbringer-Killer.

It was all worthless in the end.

At first, everything was going perfect. He was winning against Leviathan, doing more damage than anyone had ever done before, even Eidolon. Even Scion.

He had delivered blow after blow, cut after cut, slice after slice at speeds that matched and maybe even surpassed the fastest Endbringer. He had cut Leviathan apart so much that by the time he managed to get another good luck at Leviathan from afar, it was bleeding ichor from over a hundred wounds across its body, some small, some large and many in-between.

He had smiled at his work and charged in to finish the job.

That was when everything went wrong.

The moment Defiant sought to finish the battle and put an end to the Endbringer, Leviathan had acted, acted in a way contrary to every prediction he had garnered from every previous battle that Leviathan had ever been a participant in.

The beast caught his halberd mid-swing, crushing it, and his right arm, within one of his hands and tossing it aside as if it was nothing more than garbage.

After that, it was all a blur. By the time he came to, Leviathan had tossed him aside, towards one of the few buildings left standing in its wake and into the arms, or gloves in this case, of Garment, the fabric cape.

He had lost and he lost badly. His halberd was crushed, his arms were ripped apart and most of his cybernetics were badly damaged, damaged enough that he would barely be able walk, let alone fight.

All he could was rest and watch as Leviathan set its sight on the greatest Tinker in the world, Apeiron.


Watching Apeiron fight was like watching art in motion. There had been no movements wasted, every action he took, he took with complete efficiency. It had reminded Defiant of himself. And yet the sheer might behind every attack Apeiron launched was more reminiscent of Scion himself.

Huh. Maybe one of PHO's crackpot theories was right. Maybe Apeiron was Scion's lovechild.

Defiant couldn't help the small chuckle.

At the very least, no one could see him. Garment had left to help out everyone she could, leaving him alone and with his thoughts.

A moment later, one sentence echoed out, one sentence from Apeiron himself.

"I'm done holding back."

There was a bright flash and when the light was gone, it was as if the world was frozen in time.

Apeiron had changed. He had transformed, transformed into a being crackling with power, a being towering over even Leviathan, a being that reminded Defiant of the Simurgh herself.

Apeiron's skin had become metal and where his heart should be, there was instead a hole, a hole from which lightning, both green and red emerged, scouring off parts of Leviathan as the energy struck the beast.

Apeiron's face had become black, darker even than the black holes from Bakuda's singularity bombs.

Behind him, Apeiron had a halo of wings, green and red energy crackling out as did his metal body. In his hand, Apeiron wielded a spear, pulsating with power and green and red lightning that cratered wherever it struck.

Apeiron had become greater than any other. Apeiron had become a Titan, an Endbringer.


I kind of pictured Apeiron's Titan Form to look like a mix of these two.

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For the omake snip done by Albert, would U&L showcase the snip on PHO under the title?

"Unleash the BEEF-cake!"

How many views would it get and would Aperion be tempted to 'one-up' even that?
Honestly, that's far enough into the omake-trail as I want to get, until the next snippet shows us how LordRoustabout intends to actually use the Bayonetta perks in combat.

But it'll certainly be interesting to see his reaction to being streamed live to the fans while smexily battling the ABB capes.

EDIT: Given that Piggot is a major source of official obstruction when it comes to Apeiron, the best way to get her sidelined would be to heal her. Into the M/S tank alongside Panacea with you!
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Honestly, that's far enough into the omake-trail as I want to get, until the next snippet shows us how LordRoustabout intends to actually use the Bayonetta perks in combat.

But it'll certainly be interesting to see his reaction to being streamed live to the fans while smexily battling the ABB capes.

EDIT: Given that Piggot is a major source of official obstruction when it comes to Apeiron, the best way to get her sidelined would be to heal her. Into the M/S tank alongside Panacea with you!
And coil can't take over because of March/state of emergency. It's perfect. And it all happens by ACCIDENT.
Broadcast for Mature Audiences (Crake)
Honestly, that's far enough into the omake-trail as I want to get, until the next snippet shows us how LordRoustabout intends to actually use the Bayonetta perks in combat.

But it'll certainly be interesting to see his reaction to being streamed live to the fans while smexily battling the ABB capes.
"This broadcast is for mature audiences only."

Immediate jump-cut to Apeiron's abs, clearly visible through skin-tight fabric.

Joe, trying to explain the nature of these shots to PHO: "There's a logical reason for how exposing my costume is."

"lmao, no exhibition tags?"

"Rite, u sure it's not cuz you're into that??"

"I don't know about you, but it seems to me your costumes have been getting tighter and more form-fitting as time goes on."

"No kinkshaming."

"I for one welcome our stripper overlords."

"The oddest part about all this tbh is that cape costumes have been trending towards more risqué ever since you came onto the scene."

"You do you."

Joe: "I really need better image management..."

Aisha: "Actually, your ratings have gone up after that last capefight!"
Given that Piggot is a major source of official obstruction when it comes to Apeiron, the best way to get her sidelined would be to heal her. Into the M/S tank alongside Panacea with you!

Gosh, it feels like ages since a point like this came up. I think I made my first big post in this thread about a point like this. Anyways though...

No. Piggot is not a thorn in Apeiron's side. Bureaucracy is the mildly annoying, but largely ignorable for a powerful independent, "problem" plaguing his relationship with the PRT. Piggot's own interlude in this fic reveals how she no longer believes or agrees with a lot of the early judgments/decisions she made in regard to Apeiron, but mounting chaos and a declared state of emergency prevent her from officially doing away with the consequences of those decisions in a timely manner.

If Piggot were dealing with a regular cape and not a special snowflake Jumpchain boy, her early decisions probably would have worked out fine for her. Even when Joe began to show he was more powerful than usual, I think if he were a regular cape Piggot's initial fear and caution would have been warranted in a setting like Worm.

Here in the present, however, you could shoot Piggot in the head, dump her body in the bay, and magically replace her immediately with your favorite PRT director, and the PRT would still be tripping over itself due to institutional weaknesses in the face of a sudden Mega-Crisis.
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Gosh, it feels like ages since a point like this came up. I think I made my first big post in this thread about a point like this. Anyways though...

No. Piggot is not a thorn in Apeiron's side. Bureaucracy is the mildly annoying, but largely ignorable for a powerful independent, "problem" plaguing his relationship with the PRT. Piggot's own interlude in this fic reveals how she no longer believes or agrees with a lot of the early judgments/decisions she made in regard to Apeiron, but mounting chaos and a declared state of emergency prevent her from officially doing away with the consequences of those decisions in a timely manner.

If Piggot were dealing with a regular cape and not a special snowflake Jumpchain boy, her early decisions probably would have worked out fine for her. Even when Joe began to show he was more powerful than usual, I think if he were a regular cape Piggot's initial fear and caution would have been warranted in a setting like Worm.

Here in the present, however, you could shoot Piggot in the head, dump her body in the bay, and magically replace her immediately with your favorite PRT director, and the PRT would still be tripping over itself due to institutional weaknesses in the face of a sudden Mega-Crisis.
Piggot is limited by what she can do because she can't dispel the master accusations, and is facing an emergency. The "question people healed by Aperion" was likely trying to quickly get them out of the way, because the last thing she wants to do is alienate New Wave by proving that Glory Girl mastered her sister.
She's stuck between a rock and a hard place, and has no time to maneuver, replace her if you want but the situation is the same. She'll probably be directly ordering Dragon to prioritize the ABB, because Aperion hasn't done anything besides healing Panacea and attacking the ABB.
Since we had talk so much about Joe's abs. I wonder how much his bullshit help tetra in buffing him up.
He can't make something less than a masterpiece when he not trying to so, like really trying to so (like with the truck), he have genius, some potions, a fashion spirit that can see the future of fashion and certainly make cloths that help in the building process, some other bullshit like his unconscious genius and AIs help the (little amount) of bodybuilding that he does in the 'proper' way, bullshit martials arts that work with life force, Aura the very expression of his soul in the form of the light of his soul that can be better shaped with the proper conduit and as 'edgelord' being buffed as *&¨% certainly should count^^, magic and other stuff being passed in his body in mastercraft ways, multiple types of nanites and he is a demigod.

I just saying that he leaving the mountain of beefcake and entering being a narrative powered beefcake. Like that would count as crystalizing of his legend kind of bullshit. one that rise under some conditions^^.

I will stop here on my silly post. And Imagine what a beefcake garment can make herself look like be truly 'shaping' her body in her clothes^^. what? she certainly can do this :D
edit: grammar.
edit2: grammar. some mistakes here I have no idea how they happened.
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Sooo, question, would Joe get a free Style from the DMC jump when he gets Weapon Crafting? From what I'm remembering, the first Style that you pick is a freebie so he miiiiight be able to get one of those?

You are now imagining Joe with Darkslayer (which comes with a free Get Set so he can automatically change his hair to whatever he wants!) or Quicksilver.
Quicksilver would be more useful in a pinch though, since it specifically states that it allows the style-user to function in other time-based shenangians, so no more getting time-bombed or Grey Boy'd.
Now I want Joe to have a battle aura an animal battle aura just imagine survey making a hologram of a dragon while he fights lung or dragon.
I sorta just realized we forgot that Lee is also gonna be at the fight. He is likely healed, like Bakuda was, and who knows how March might have brought him close to his passenger, and who knows how the healing might have affected his mind.
He is the big force multiplier with Bakuda, and I can only imagine how March's timing will help there. Joe should prioritize getting rid of the bomb cloner IMO.
I am interested in how that will play out. We're on less than 24 hours for the next chapter, no?
I sorta just realized we forgot that Lee is also gonna be at the fight. He is likely healed, like Bakuda was, and who knows how March might have brought him close to his passenger, and who knows how the healing might have affected his mind.
He is the big force multiplier with Bakuda, and I can only imagine how March's timing will help there. Joe should prioritize getting rid of the bomb cloner IMO.
I am interested in how that will play out. We're on less than 24 hours for the next chapter, no?

Oh yeah, damn. He's kind of the most important pawn at the moment in regards to actually hurting Joe, huh. Unless Lung goes mega big, but that'd be more than Apeiron's problem at that point. What a thing to forget...
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Oh yeah, damn. He's kind of the most important pawn at the moment I'm regards to actually hurting Joe, huh. Unless Lung goes mega big, but that'd be more than Apeiron's problem at that point. What a thing to forget...
Joe and the duplicates probably prepared a find weapons and tricks to fight Lee with, like the laser to point systems.

Still very dangerous.
Lee has probably had to deal with those before, maybe something along the lines of a flashbang, but different enough that one can't prepare for it
Remember, this is the guy whose idea of "good armor" being something that could take hits from anything short of Siberian or an Endbringer, while also capable of acting as a portable sound system, fabricator, artillery, power booster, etc. To Apeiron, a flashbang isn't some kind of low-powered explosive that releases enough light and noise to blind and deafen enemies.

It would probably skip physics entirely and go towards "blinding a person's soul through magical radiance".