Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

She stopped talking as the slip of metal flashed with an otherworldly light. There was blinding radiance in the shape of a woman and the sound of sliding metal, then nearly six feet of magical power armor was standing in my workshop.

Aisha is 13 right?

How tall is she? Because if she became six feet tall wearing that armor then as long as she doesn't talk much she will sound like a mature mercenary considering how well armed she is.
Aisha is 13 right?

How tall is she? Because if she became six feet tall wearing that armor then as long as she doesn't talk much she will sound like a mature mercenary considering how well armed she is.
...why do I have a feeling, no, a guarantee that there would be idiots shipping Apeiron/Lethe once she appears? Especially if it's public knowledge that they work together?

► XxVoid_CowboyxX (Banned): First Khepri, then Dragon, and now Lethe!? Is Apeiron some kind of harem protagonist!!!!?!!! IS HE THE NEXT HEARTBREAKER!?

► Tin_Mother (Moderator): First off, banned. Comparing capes with Heartbreaker has been very discouraged for the longest time for good reason, especially in the case of Apeiron who has repeatedly stated a lack of Master capabilities despite all accusations. This is not the first thread you have done this in either, so enjoy your week-long absence from the threads.

► Bagrat (The Guy In The Know): Thank you for the quick work of getting rid of him as always, Tin_Mother.

► Tin_Mother (Moderator): Only doing my job. Besides, there is no way Dragon is interested in Apeiron. She is merely hunting him down for being a wicked scoundrel and that is the entirety of it.

► GarmentGloves (Verified Cape): DULL

► ShipperOnDeck: Wait, why is GarmentGloves posting here? Normally she's only on fashion threads! Don't tell me...!

► Bagrat (The Guy In The Know): Please, not one more ship...!
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And with no outward indication of her age, when one considers the amount of work leading to creation of a masterpiece such as Beria, then it becomes apparent who is the female closest to Apeiron's heart right now. And it would even be true. Only in slightly different way. He feels responsible for her.

And I want to see reaction of halbeard to seeing a power armour of such caliber being simply gifted. Especially if Aisha's learning curve in its operation will be visible.
And with no outward indication of her age, when one considers the amount of work leading to creation of a masterpiece such as Beria, then it becomes apparent who is the female closest to Apeiron's heart right now. And it would even be true. Only in slightly different way. He feels responsible for her.

And I want to see reaction of halbeard to seeing a power armour of such caliber being simply gifted. Especially if Aisha's learning curve in its operation will be visible.
Maybe PHO won't instantly ship Lethe and Apeiron? There's a nonzero chance that they'll see that learning curve and think "Bring your daughter to curbstomp Lung day".


Pffft– , I can't even think that with a straight face.
I afraid that Aisha power boosted in control, which also make me more curious if control will evolve to dominion on her shard and to that we add her armor that also use her shard to booster her protection.

What I am saying is that will take some years until Aisha selective control allow her to have a electronic presence while still being protected from electronic presence/data collection. And then PHO can ship adult Aisha with the MC without their moderators hitting hard with the ban hammer ^^.

In another note. I curious of how much Aisha future will 'steal' the ones of the like of Taylor/Legend/Eidolon and etc. Sure she can't do army control alone or hit as hard. But is not like her stealth power was designed to be truly be used by puny humans. Just like her brother shard was not use for humans benefit.

What I am saying that if epilogue has a army controled by fleet being covered by her power and having survey getting the same to kill Zion while 'stolen' the thunder of Taylor. Then I will not be surprised.

Specialty so if the MC bullshit and how good his data to shard 'taste' allow him to go to where Aisha power is to do some hacking, breaking limitations and doing some upgrades.

Well crossing my fingers here. But will all those 'monster' capes and March I will not be surprised if the MC star getting allies and doing upgrades to shards outside Zion domain.

Hell give how good his art, communication powers and etc is. There a no 0% chance of avoiding the end of Earths by show that MC can reverse entropy (the sonic perk of making 1 to get 5) and show a better way of getting data plus new girlfriend for Zion based in the less horrific traits of Eden.
Edit: some serious grammar mistakes. Sorry about that. With the phone is harder to triple check.
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That's a good point, but I'd expect conflicting emotions to cause Joe to lock up, which would be a bit problematic in battle. Maybe Joe's shard would completely override Cherish's influence, or maybe Cherish would come out ahead. I'd rather Joe not take the risk when it's unknown how well his shard can counter Masters. Or he can at least ask his shard to clarify.
Not to mention that Joe's no longer metaphysically human. He's a demigod, with all that such entails. I don't think he'd be completely Master-proof, but between his robot/transformer/inhuman psyche, demigod nature, his Shard lending help, and the neural chip, I'd say that Joe's gonna be very hard to Master.
If Cherish needs to put him down, she's likely gonna wanna use her goto method of murdering. And seeing as it'll make him want to kill himself, that may provoke a very interesting reaction. Enough self-loathing would make him just slit his throat if he were unarmored, but his defenses far outstrip his offensive capabilities, unless he uses something that'll kill everyone else in the city, and if he wants to kill only himself he won't break out that kind of firepower no matter how much he wants to die. Probably. Lack of options may then make him start considering the source of the emotion, and either hunt down the cape causing it or start doing some neurosurgery.
I think that 1. Cherish can also induce apathy, so he might be fine murdering everyone in the city in that scenario. 2. Joe's near constant contact with A.I. and Garment would mean someone would alert him when he started acting out of character, allowing him to begin the "am I being mastered right now?" process faster than otherwise, which would only be problematic if Cherish was able to play his emotions well enough to make him not care that he's being mastered. I see a non-zero chance that Joe realizes he's being mastered and it fills him with the sort of righteous indignation he was feeling the first time we saw him use Aura, leading to a power-boost? Maybe additional master-resistance from Aura making him able to resist Cherish's emotion attacks better?
And then PHO can ship adult Aisha with the MC without their moderators hitting hard with the ban hammer

I think the point was, in full-body six-foot tall armor, no one is going to know that Aisha is 13. Heck, if she doesn't open her helm or speak too much, they might not know she's female. So the moderators wouldn't be ban-hammering people for shipping a minor until and unless Aisha/Lethe informs them of such. Heck, unless she makes herself obvious (which, yeah, it's Aisha) and doesn't erase herself, there's no guarantee anyone will know Lethe is associated with Apeiron anyway.

I'm more wondering what's going to happen when Joe figures out a way - and has to actually do it - for Survey (or Delphine) to have a physical body. I imagine the questions Survey and Fleet will be asking will be Very Uncomfortable for Joe.
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Joe will probably say that Aisha/Lethe is underage or saying that she is 13 and causing people to think that she's a case 53 with how tall she is.
Hell give how good his art, communication powers and etc is. There a no 0% chance of avoiding the end of Earths by show that MC can reverse entropy (the sonic perk of making 1 to get 5) and show a better way of getting data plus new girlfriend for Zion based in the less horrific traits of Eden.
Joe convincing Scion to just not do GM or end the cycle is the pacifist ending of this fic. I don't think that the entropic reversion thing will work, because Scion stopped caring about the cycle the moment he realized Eden was dead and then the human-mind emulation kicked in. My bet is on Joe approaching Scion as an equal by the end of the fic, though, and he becoming a constructive influence for Scion(preventing the inevitable "I like murder" realization that leads to GM). In fact, ApeironXScion is the only ship that I will be endorsing in this thread. Unless Scion chose not to simulate Romantic/Sexual attraction as part of the human-mind emulation (which seems completely reasonable for a space-whale to not care about emulating), in which case I will be rooting for a Queer-Platonic Partnership between the two of them.
I think the point was, in full-body six-foot tall armor, no one is going to know that Aisha is 13. Heck, if she doesn't open her helm or speak too much, they might not know she's female. So the moderators wouldn't be ban-hammering people for shipping a minor until and unless Aisha/Lethe informs them of such. Heck, unless she makes herself obvious (which, yeah, it's Aisha) and doesn't erase herself, there's no guarantee anyone will know Lethe is associated with Apeiron anyway.

I'm more wondering what's going to happen when Joe figures out a way - and has to actually do it - for Survey (or Delphine) to have a physical body. I imagine the questions Survey and Fleet will be asking will be Very Uncomfortable for Joe.
With her power now actively erasing records of her presence, at least while wearing the power armor, it's somewhat likely that people will never know that Lethe exists, let alone the connection to Apeiron. Even if a thread is posted on PHO, it gets erased the next time she uses her power while wearing the armor.
You know, I wonder if there's potential for the parahuman-magic equivalency to backfire on Joe. It is a two way street to some extent, isn't it? We've heard a WoG that The Fairy Queen would still perceive Joe as some odd anomaly in her hierarchical shard naming system, not because he was supposed to be a parahuman but because her powers will pick up on the inherently magical bits of him as something parahuman-ish.

If the percentage of Joe's existence inherently tied to magic ever starts to outweigh all the non-magic supernatural whatnot giving him some master resistance, maybe things like Jack Slash's power will remain unfortunately effective on him.
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You know, I wonder if there's potential for the parahuman-magic equivalency to backfire on Joe. It is a two way street to some extent, isn't it? We've heard a WoG that The Fairy Queen would still perceive Joe as some some odd anomaly in her hierarchical shard naming system, not because he was supposed to be a parahuman but because her powers will pick up on the inherently magical bits of him as something parahuman-ish.

If the percentage of Joe's existence inherently tied to magic ever starts to outweigh all the non-magic supernatural whatnot giving him some master resistance, maybe things like Jack Slash's power will remain unfortunately effective on him.
Joe could be hit with a power-negation effect, which would probably be deleterious - the Motoroid is powered by magic, the pocket-dimension he's currently storing it in is accessed via magic, and probably all of Joe's other equipment has magical bits worked into the design. I'd put "hit with a power-negation effect" as the most likely situation where Joe's scrapping perks become relevant. It might also have a bad reaction with his demi-god physiology, and also carry the shock of suddenly being significantly less powerful than he expected to be at the time. If the key to the workshop is considered a magic effect, then it locks him out of there, which furthers the "Scrapping perks are suddenly relevant" thing.

Jack Slash's power remaining effective on him could be a good thing: because there's no way Jack survives a meeting with Apeiron, the S9 avoids Brockton Bay like the plague, which keeps the members that could actually pose a threat to Joe away from him at least until he's able to create counter-measures
Technosorcery (Gargoyles) 400:
Combining magic and technology is a no brainer for you. You can handily blend the two to create amazing effects like broadcasting spells over telephone lines or melding creatures together through sorcerous surgery. Very little in the field of technomagic is beyond your reach with this skill.

Wait...anything created by Science is tech. A simple stick used to lift a rock fulcrum style becomes technology. Sooo, Alchemical circles created to use alchemy which is a science would be considered tech too then, right? That means his Alchemy is now magic too right?
If the key to the workshop is considered a magic effect, then it locks him out of there, which furthers the "Scrapping perks are suddenly relevant" thing.
Joe's workshop key is fiat-backed which is a key distinction. Fiat-backed stuff or stuff that isn't explicitly called magic would be unaffected, so it's not as big of a hit as it would be. The enchantments are powerful and definitely give him an edge, but he'd still do fine against many opponents. As for the Demigod stuff, that's more like a "divine" power than a "magic" power, as for Percy Jackson, the Mist is what was considered the "magic" thing in that verse.

Also what the other guy said, I believe Lord said on Ao3 that Jack's thinker power doesn't work on Joe.
I think the point was, in full-body six-foot tall armor, no one is going to know that Aisha is 13. Heck, if she doesn't open her helm or speak too much, they might not know she's female.

I think you may be underestimating Joe's aesthetic powers. I'm 99.999% (five nines of reliability) sure that Beria looks like a feminine super armor suit. He has a lot of video game/anime powers, so while I doubt that it is boob-plate I will assume that anyone looking at it will see that the armor was built feminine and that Lethe is female. It even has frickin high heel rockets!
Wait...anything created by Science is tech. A simple stick used to lift a rock fulcrum style becomes technology. Sooo, Alchemical circles created to use alchemy which is a science would be considered tech too then, right? That means his Alchemy is now magic too right?

His alchemy circles aren't just going to automatically become generically magic, whatever that would imply. Though I would bet that technosorcery might allow Joe to mix the design of magic ritual circles with the design of a totally-not-magic alchemy circles.

In fact, I think the only kind of magic circle Joe has access to is a magical variant of alchemy, so it does all seem to fit together in the end.

Well, discounting the satanic rituals. What would mixing those with alchemy even let you do? Summon demon chimeras? Transmute earth material to hell material easier?
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"I play fear" Cherish says playing a card on the table.
Joe: panic, panic all the panic! It's time to use the super laser!
Cherish: Oh Sh- (dead)

I don't think power suppression would work on the demigod physiology, it doesn't kill case 53s after all. Even then he is left with the normal setup and juggernaut. Hatchet Face cannot deal physical damage to Joe if he is suited up on his (HF) own.
Joe: panic, panic all the panic! It's time to use the super laser!
Cherish: Oh Sh- (dead)

I don't think power suppression would work on the demigod physiology, it doesn't kill case 53s after all. Even then he is left with the normal setup and juggernaut. Hatchet Face cannot deal physical damage to Joe if he is suited up on his (HF) own.

Won't his implant neutralize Cherish emotion powers? If not, at least let Joe know he's being mastered. Also Garment and Survey probably won't be affected and can help Joe escape back to the forge. Can Joe lure Cherish into his lab and cut her off from her powers. Without her powers, he can lock her up like a normal person.
Joe has a surprising lack of dedicated anti-master technology, you would think it would be one of the first things he would build since being mastered is basically game over if you are hit with the right power. Do any of his current perks allow him to build anti-master tech or is it still out of his reach currently? You would think one of his bio-tinker powers would have some way to prevent the brain from being affected by outside sources but maybe I'm just completely off the mark.
Won't his implant neutralize Cherish emotion powers?

All his implant does is allow for direct communication between Joe's computer network and his brain. It couldn't just neutralize a power. Though because it monitors his brain, it could detect outside influence and help him do this:
let Joe know he's being mastered. Also Garment and Survey probably won't be affected and can help Joe escape back to the forge.

However, being in the lab does not prevent parahumans from using their abilities, so he wouldn't be able to do this:
lure Cherish into his lab and cut her off from her powers.
Who wants fleet to have a Zamboni like in plants vs zombies it would be easy with ice dust making it leave a temporary ice trail just imagine Joe skating behind it with a sound track. I think 'Yuri on ice' yes I like the idea just add classy contortionist and inexplicable innuendo yes let's go shōnen-ai.
His alchemy circles aren't just going to automatically become generically magic, whatever that would imply. Though I would bet that technosorcery might allow Joe to mix the design of magic ritual circles with the design of a totally-not-magic alchemy circles.

In fact, I think the only kind of magic circle Joe has access to is a magical variant of alchemy, so it does all seem to fit together in the end.

Well, discounting the satanic rituals. What would mixing those with alchemy even let you do? Summon demon chimeras? Transmute earth material to hell material easier?
I think that technosorcery could affect alchemy by letting Joe treat magical-energies as a viable candidate for equivalent-exchanging, potentially converting between mana pools? Also maybe converting mana into materials or something. As for satanic ritual alchemy: maybe A Satan summoning ritual instead summons an army of demons with a total power level equal to that of one satan.
Jack Slash's Shard does not work on Apeiron
I know that, but I was responding to a post that posited the question "what if it did"
I don't think power suppression would work on the demigod physiology, it doesn't kill case 53s after all. Even then he is left with the normal setup and juggernaut. Hatchet Face cannot deal physical damage to Joe if he is suited up on his (HF) own.
But you agree that it would probably be enough to fuck up Joe's equipment? Also, if the particular power suppression effect drains his mana pool(s), he might experience a detrimental effect from having his mana drained.