Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Rather than turn to face me he kept his attention on the mass of shadows that concealed a nearby alley mouth and damaged store front. Instead a copy of him appeared facing me as the first kept watch on the shadows.

That's not how Oni Lee's power works. He can't look one way and teleport the other. He's a LINE-OF-SIGHT teleporter who leaves behind a temporary duplicate as a side effect.

I had no way of knowing which of these was the real Lee and didn't want to end up with a corpse on my hands.

And thus the MC proves himself to be an idiot rather than a hero. Even he knows that Oni Lee is:

an experienced parahuman murderer

who is currently trying to murder him, and yet in self-defense he refuses to kill him at the risk of his own life. There goes the rest of my interest in the story. This guy's just dumb. He's dumb in a way that fits really well with Worm, Superfriends, and other superhero settings that are more silly than reasonable/realistic. But still dumb.

You know there was a tinker fic I read once where the MC played it safe and tinkered in their home with no desire to go out. They were kidnapped by Coil. Turns out it's easier to disappear a tinker if no one knows about them.

Yeah, I think I read that one. It was a Taylor story, and the problems with the portrayal of both Coil and the Undersiders in that story were so bad I stopped reading it. Disappearing her from her home when she'd made no waves at all was so unbelievable, so unrealistic, and so out of character for at least 2 of the Undersiders that it was blatant author fiat plot-forcing and made no sense. So I wouldn't use that as an example of good writing.

Like his therapist recommends, he needs to go out of his comfort zone and do things and meet people.

That's not the same at all as going out to beat face before he's ready. He could go to a salsa class or a book club for that.

It would also be boring as shit.

And that's the reason it wasn't done in this fic. It would be boring to write and to read. But that's a Doylist reason, not a Watsonian reason. It's the writer making his character do stuff that character wouldn't do just because he doesn't want to write what that character would realistically do.

Let's look at Taylor in canon Worm. There's a reason that the story did NOT start right after she triggered. That reason: it would be boring as shit. She spent MONTHS experimenting with her power, ramping up her physical condition, making her costume. We still saw that, but only in paragraph-sized exposition mixed in with everything else. We didn't see it day by day because it would be boring.

This is also the problem with most Tinker fics. They almost always tend to start right after the trigger, and since writers don't want to spend too long on the ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY Tinker Ramping Cycle they skip ahead to the face beating. It's bad writing, and it's painful to read. Just once I'd like to see a Tinker fic that starts out 4-6 months AFTER the trigger where the Tinker in question was not a moron. This... is not that fic. Fucking LEET canonically meets this bar, but almost no fanon Tinker can manage it.

Show-don't-tell is important, but that refers to showing the important parts, not every moment. This could have started out months after his trigger, explained the power and which add-ons he got in what order and how they affected his state. All in between him actually doing something with his by-now useful power and in-shape body. It would have fitted BETTER with canon Worm rather than worse, because that's exactly what Worm did. The idea for the story is really cool, but as with almost all Tinker fics I've read, it isn't implemented very well.
That's not how Oni Lee's power works. He can't look one way and teleport the other. He's a LINE-OF-SIGHT teleporter who leaves behind a temporary duplicate as a side effect.
Oni Lee could have teleported somewhere within line of sight but rotated 180 and then teleported back. He is known for rapid teleportation and could have pulled that off. Oni Lee that was staring at darkness could have been 'a clone' already, with 'new original' somewhere else.

P.S Also Line of sight might be for long range, very short range might be available via other senses, like: as long as Oni Lee can sense the location, he can teleport there, eye just naturally wins in range and clarity. But Likely he is just 'line of sight'.

who is currently trying to murder him, and yet in self-defense he refuses to kill him at the risk of his own life.
If MC kills Oni Lee, there will be way too many consequences:
1. Rage Dragon and his goons out there for MC's metaphorical hide.
2. A lot of other villains that will think: "he broke the rules! We can broke ours in turn!" Or "Oh Shit, he is known cape-killer, and at his first night at that, better kill him first".
3. Public opinion that will not wait to proclaim him villain (unlike with PRT where you can claim self defense in court, If public claimed that you are out for blood, public will stick with that opinion)
4. PRT gains munition, not much since MC can claim self defense, but every bit can be the last straw (Vigilantism is a very thin Line even IRL, in worm it seems to be practically non existent for capes)

MC gains little by going lethal and loses too much.

P.S. If you were on a stroll, got attacked with lethal force, killed the attacker because you couldn't run, it's self defense. If you went onto patrol, got attacked with lethal force but chose to use lethal power, it's murder - as far as law is concerned you should have stayed home.

Edit: And MC actually can't claim self defense, he was the first to make aggressive move by drawing weapon, according to chapter 3
Did I want to do this? Was I ready to do this? Probably not, but that wasn't going to stop me. I stared down the demon mask for a handful of seconds as neither of us made a move. Then I shifted my stance, drew my club, and suddenly it was on.
He could have run, he could have retreated, yet he drew weapon. Oni Lee was busy, he would have left MC alone. That's not self defense, but provocation.
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2. A lot of other villains that will think: "he broke the rules! We can broke ours in turn!" Or "Oh Shit, he is known cape-killer, and at his first night at that, better kill him first".

What rules? In canon those were given by Tattletale for small-time criminals like Uber and Leet (or it was) and Wards. Anyone engaged in serious gang shit is playing by grown-up rules.

Source: Bakuda trying to kill the MC and the Undersiders. Which is actually an improvement from the Worse Than Death shit she was pulling before. To say nothing of Oni Lee being a serial bomber who already tried to take out the MC.

Moreover: the ABB have fallen down the slippery slope faster than they did in canon -which led to all the gangs allying to take them down. Who is going to stand up for them here?
What rules? In canon those were given by Tattletale for small-time criminals like Uber and Leet (or it was) and Wards. Anyone engaged in serious gang shit is playing by grown-up rules.
And Undersiders plus Uber&Leet did appear to follow rules. MC probably was expecting to face both groups eventually.

Also the main point wasn't about rules, it was about response:
When you are fighting a known killer, you are bond to be less stingy about methods. Every villain will automatically assume that you are a more serious threat than heroes who won't kill you, thus villaind are more likely to divert force to fight or hunt you. If you are not a killer - you are safe to approach and to stomp at to prove the might of stomper's gang. If you are a cape killer: expect a sniper's bullet to the head, curtesy of Victor. Expect that Undersiders will escalate against you. Expect to be priority target for any other engagement.
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Oni Lee could have teleported somewhere within line of sight but rotated 180 and then teleported back.

Could have. If so it should have been shown. As it is, it just looks like the writer doesn't know how Oni Lee's power works.

Also Line of sight might be for long range, very short range might be available via other senses

Maybe. But that would be an AU Oni Lee.

If MC kills Oni Lee, there will be way too many consequences

No, there wouldn't. And even if that were true, that's exactly why it was stupid to go out before he was ready.

A lot of other villains that will think: "he broke the rules! We can broke ours in turn!"

A) What rules? The only rules that matter are power. Even laws don't matter if you have enough of that, as Lung demonstrates. He doesn't even have a kill order because his power makes the government afraid to throw capes at him.
B) If you mean Tattletale's rules, he doesn't know them, and they aren't universal anyway.
C) Who cares what anyone would think if you survive a fight for your life? If you don't survive, it's a moot point how anyone thinks of you.

Public opinion that will not wait to proclaim him villain

Wrong. The public hates Oni Lee, who murders them more than he does capes. The public, particularly in Brockton, WANTS the villain capes taken care of since the Protectorate is failing at that.

If you went onto patrol, got attacked with lethal force but chose to use lethal power, it's murder - as far as law is concerned you should have stayed home.

That's not how things work in half of the states TODAY. What makes you think it'll work that way in Cape-apocalypse Worm?
Rule 3: Be Civil - Avoid attacks on other users' characters
What rules? In canon those were given by Tattletale for small-time criminals like Uber and Leet (or it was) and Wards. Anyone engaged in serious gang shit is playing by grown-up rules.

Tattletale tries to frame things as a harmless game in order to recruit Taylor. It helps paint the Undersiders crimes as minor harmless thefts. Of course that doesn't make any damn sense because Lung was trying to kill them a few minutes before she says this.

Joe gets into this a bit in the Amy interlude and does an excellent job explaining the Unwritten Rules. I never liked calling them the unwritten rules, and prefer how Joe phrases it in the Amy interlude.

"There's such a thing as a measured response and it's a very important concept for capes."

Measured response is something that applies to things beyond the cape scene. It's more relatable and understandable. There is probably a name for this in diplomacy and criminal justice, but I can't recall it.

The unwritten rules/truce/the game are rules of thumb for widely accepted conventions of capes. Breaking these conventions ruins your reputation, shuns you from the community (heroes and villains), and escalates retaliation. If you break those conventions, then people will retaliate in kind. PRT raises threat ratings. You'll have a dangerous reputation and other capes will respond with greater/deadlier force. It goes the other way too. If someone attempts to murder you or go after your civilian life, you will protect yourself with necessary force. Of course capes break those conventions if they believe they can get away with it, either by fighting off any retaliation (Lung and Bakuda) or through subterfuge (sneaky Coil).

The biggest problem with all this that Joe brings up is that it's an unstable system. Once conflict escalates, it is nearly impossible to deescalate. Brockton Bay was not reflective of the wider cape scene. The first few months of Taylor's cape career goes completely off the rails even by Brockton Bay's already dangerous standard. It's actually a point that Flechette and Weld bring up in the Weld interlude. This is brought up in canon when Taylor joins the Chicago Wards too.

Oni Lee could have teleported somewhere within line of sight but rotated 180 and then teleported back. He is known for rapid teleportation and could have pulled that off. Oni Lee that was staring at darkness could have been 'a clone' already, with 'new original' somewhere else.

As far as I can tell, semianpower posts in threads to screech about how stupid the MC is.
Tattletale tries to frame things as a harmless game in order to recruit Taylor. It helps paint the Undersiders crimes as minor harmless thefts. Of course that doesn't make any damn sense because Lung was trying to kill them a few minutes before she says this.

Joe gets into this a bit in the Amy interlude and does an excellent job explaining the Unwritten Rules. I never liked calling them the unwritten rules, and prefer how Joe phrases it in the Amy interlude.
There are unwritten rules. People are just conflating two things.

First thing: the monologue Tattletale gave to Taylor which was specifically about relatively harmless villains to get her to participate in the bank job. Uber, Leet and so on. Basically her argument is that for most capes like Uber and Leet it's a game of "cops and robbers". This doesn't include gangs.

"No, no. Hear me out. Grown adults running around in costume? Making up code names for themselves? It's ridiculous, and we know it's ridiculous, even if we don't admit it out loud. So there's capes like you and me, where we go out in costume and it's fun. Maybe we have some agenda or goals, but at the end of the day, we're getting our thrills, blowing off steam and living a second life. Then there's the crazies. The people who are fucked up in the head, maybe dangerous if there's not something or someone to help keep them in line. The people who take it all too seriously, or those guys you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of, even if they didn't have powers. Lung, Oni Lee, Heartbreaker," she paused. "Bitch."

Lisa paused, "Right. But you have to understand, ninety percent of what goes on when you're in costume? It's the first group. Adults in costumes playing full contact cops and robbers with fun-as-fuck superpowers and toys. This mindset applies to the people without powers too. Way I see it, having a local team of superheroes is like having a sports team. Everyone's rooting for them, they make for great media that isn't about wars or the water crisis or whatever, there's merchandising and tourists… all good shit that the local government loves. But what good is having a team if there's no competition?"

Notice: Bitch, who is a member of the Undersiders, is not included in these rules because she's considered too messed up. To say nothing of Lung.

Even Taylor realizes this is bullshit soon enough.

The real unwritten rules which is basically the S-class truce plus perhaps not mass-outing capes like Coil did.

The code has been there since the beginning. If a bigger threat shows up, we band together. We don't distract each other with attacks or murder attempts, we don't take advantage of the situation to fuck with civilians. The truce is there for a reason, and it has weight because everyone knows that they can't handle the trouble that gets express-delivered to their doorsteps when they've defied it.

In Piggot's interlude:

"But we have a store of equipment we confiscated from Bakuda when we raided her laboratory. Miss Militia deployed a number against Leviathan, but we have more. Once the other factions have engaged, we bombard the area with the remainder in a second strike. Our research suggests that several of these explosives can bypass the Manton effect."

"This breaks the unspoken rules between capes. And the truce against the Nine. I don't like this."
When Piggot wants to bomb the Nine along with anyone fighting them.

People conflated them in their minds and came up with the idea that fighting rage dragons and suicide bombing psychos was some sort of game. It's not. The ABB have shown multiple times that they're trying to kill people.
In that last example following through would/should have the very real outcome of capes expecting the PRT/Protectorate would not honor truce agreements. Which would be bad. Declaring total war with people with superpowers results in horrible collateral damage if only because one group think they have nothing left to loose.

Also breaking truce agreements is often like killing ambassadors, a declaration of war.
Nope. The last Leet camera tried to self destruct after they teleported away with Bakuda. Apeiron stopped the self destruct, but the camera was still disabled. So him disarming the bombs wasn't broadcast.

Also, I wonder how many people will hear about him saving all those people. He doesn't have a PR machine, so it will only show up on PHO. Maybe it will show up a lot in the comments of Leet's video too. But it will probably not be published in any mainstream news. I expect the PRT to use their PR machine to pull something similar to what happened after canon Bakuda bombing was stopped. News will report on the heroics of the PRT and Protectorate (even if they barely did anything) and Apeiron will receive no mention.
Word of mouth. Kicking some psycho cape's ass is one thing. Personally removing dozens of bombs from peoples' heads is something else entirely. Especially with how grateful they'll be.
Loved the story so far and it really didn't feel like the length it truly was. Unfortunately I feel the pace is drastically slowing down, especially that essentially 50k long fight scene. I feel its getting into Taylor Varga levels of dragging things out (though not as boring or circle jerky).

Still its the kind of fanfic I like around here anyway, with a mix of character emotions without coming off as angsty. Thanks for the effor OP, but is this you caught up or is there more on other sites?
Word of mouth. Kicking some psycho cape's ass is one thing. Personally removing dozens of bombs from peoples' heads is something else entirely. Especially with how grateful they'll be.
Word will get out. But, a major bombing spree will generate a ton of uproar online and off, post rates will skyrocket... PHO forums will descend in to chaos and other sources won't be any better. Eventually things will normalize and word of Apeiron's role will spread widely, but it could take a while.
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Word will get out. But, a major bombing spree will generate a ton of uproar online and off, post rates will skyrocket... PHO forums will descend in to chaos and other sources won't be any better. Eventually things will normalize and word of get Apeiron's role will spread widely, but it could take a while.

It really depends on how it's written as the witness accounts can be drowned out if certain people like Coil make the effort. On the other hand Flechette + SS might have witnessed some of the surgery process. Maybe.
@LordRoustabout, if the shard is a Worm fan SI and it's basing its judgment and predictions on the Worm series then is it really taking into account the growth of Joe?

Is the shard not a bit too married to the idea of Taylor defeating Scion? Surely Joe could, after long enough do a much better job then the cannon outcome.?

I'm looking forward to some serious conflict between how the shard remembers Worm, and how it actually would be to experience it first hand. We saw a glimpse of this with Aisha. Hopefully, there's a deeper exploration of that.

I've gotten into this on other sites, but the prediction regarding Taylor's importance to defeating Scion is the result of the communication limitations of the passenger connection, ambiguity over Scion's full power, and bias towards and enthusiasm for Taylor. The Khepri/Golden Morning scenario is the only confirmed way of defeating Scion. Every other option is based on a theoretical match-up. Scion's full power is not clear as he never completely cut loose and word of god makes some very strong claim. Also, because 'magic' is being treated the same as parahuman abilities by the universe's metaphysics there trump based counters to the high level magic that would normally be able to take out Scion. There is not enough information to say with confidence that any combination of powers will be enough to take Scion in a head on, no holds barred conflict.

It is not 'the Celestial Forge cannot defeat Scion without Taylor', it's 'Taylor is part of the only scenario confirmed to defeat Scion'. The problem was that did not come across clearly in the emotional link, and was mixed with other reactions at the same time.

A few minor things I wanted to say:

1. "Tinker"
It's kind of bizarre for the PRT (not just Armsmaster) to rate him as a non-Tinker. Worm power codes are practical/tactical/functional, with no real fundamental element. Saying he's not a Tinker is saying that he isn't a source of advanced gear and/or he doesn't need tools and materials. Maybe they could argue the tools and materials part, though that's extremely dubious given what they've seen. But they know perfectly well that he gave the Undersiders super-cutting abilities for the bank battle, and they're conceding he wasn't present at the battle. If that's not considered functionally equivalent to a Tinker like Dragon providing containment foam then it should be treated as functionally equivalent to a power-granting Trump like Teacher or Bastard Son or Galvanate providing extraordinary capabilities to their minions. Given him sourcing extraordinary cutting capabilities for a battle he wasn't present at, either he needs to have a Tinker rating or a Trump rating.

2. randomized jumpchain Tinker perks
I enjoy the writing. Characterization and drama are done quite well - his interactions with The Undersiders, Panacea, Garment, his psychologist, and Coil have been great. Plotting works well enough when it actually happens, though pacing is a bit wonky. But the real problem is... much of the story is centered around his Tinkering. Tinkering-centric stories *can* be done well. But his Tinkering capabilities are sourced from Jumpchain. Which still could be done well... much of Jumpchain runs on arbitrary fiat, clashing metaphysics, and worse, but with careful selections and intelligent setting fusion that could be massaged in to something good for a Tinker story. Except that perks are selected mostly randomly and the MC has never gained the ability to disable perks, so "careful selections" are out the window from the start, and "intelligent setting fusion" is a tall order indeed under the circumstance. It's a bit late now, but I would have strongly recommended some sort of authorial filter on what perks/items or combinations of perks/items are available. Even some in-story filtering could have helped a little, giving the MC a tiny bit of control over what sorts of perks/items he gains.

Also, the power-curve is a bit wonky, with a long-term rate of 100cp every 2000 words. I'd have suggested something with diminishing returns, with more words needed per CP as the story progressed.

...I had a number 3 but seem to have misplaced it somewhere in the caverns of my mind...

The threat ratings cited were provisional, and thus not fully vetted. Armsmaster said it looked like a parahuman effect rather than a constructed item and that was enough for the moment. None of it was final, and the important thing was the ratings in other categories as they would be used to determine countermeasures deployed in the field. No one was expecting ratings made from a single reported conversation and one example of work to be comprehensive.

For the pacing, technical descriptions, and power curve issues are points I'm aware of and am doing what I can to mitigate. Those are somewhat intrinsic to the structure of the story, and that structure makes the process of writing the story much more engaging. This is also a deep dive into the Celestial Forge, which is about fully exploring some more obscure Jumpchain perks. I think there's an interesting element to seeing the effect an unusual or unbalanced power can have on a character and the world around him.

So do you think the next chapter will be an interlude or a pho thing? Also is March a OC or is she from wild bow?

A deeper look at the PHO reaction is coming, but probably a couple of chapters away.

I would have to assume that after this the March lady would likely have a kill order against her. Although I get the feeling that this goes a lot deeper than just having March as the coordinator. Interesting!

It was cool to see the Wards perspective on the limitations that are put on them.
Good job March. Kill Order coming in 3, 2, 1. Congratulations you just proved you deserve to be killed to protect the public. Enjoy the notoriety for however long it takes for Uncle Sam to come and stomp you into dust
Awesome chapter, Thank you!
I doubt they will be handing out kill orders so soon. Love how you're fleshing out the characters, it's easy to sympathize or hate them.
Keep up the good work and cheers!
Honestly surprised March doesn't have a kill order yet. Seems disruptive and dangerous enough to have at least warranted the personal attention of some Powerful members of the PRT and then subsequently birdcaged.

Since the MC can heal better than Panacea, he's probably going to get a blank check, behavior-wise. As long as he doesn't do anything on the level of the Nine, he should be okay. Though the PRT is going to want to buy his healing, no matter what Piggot says --she has bosses who will want access to that level of healing, even if only in Endbringer fights.

And if that healing, which is better than Panacea's, can help Eidolon with his power-slump? Well, Cauldron might not know that yet, but they could very well hope it might and act accordingly. Hell, they might try to bring him in as a sort of Hero 2.0

Sphere is probably going to go after the MC, though... Time to stock up on wartime stuff. And if anyone asks WHY the MC has such dangerous stuff, he can just casually point to the Nine or the Endbringers and go "that's why."

There are problems with kill orders that make people reluctant to issue them even in situations where they are completely called for. Kill orders are the declaration of an effective free for all against the target. It's what's used when Protectorate capes like Sere or Crucible aren't enough. Kill Orders are not Uncle Sam taking the action, they're every loony vigilante showing up to try their luck.

They also have to be discussed and approved by the local PRT, civilian government, police, judges and regional PRT directors. They tend to move at the speed of government as a delay on any level will propagate through the chain. A kill order is complete chaos and an invitation for collateral damage. As long as Bakuda is holding the city hostage with her deadman's switch there was be serious resistance to issuing a kill order against any member of the ABB since she'll almost certainly get caught in the crossfire.

A kill order against March could be particularly bad since she has a talent for directing large and small scale engagements. That collateral damage could end up pointed exactly where she wants it and be several times worse than expected.

With the events of the night a kill order will certainly happen at some point, but it won't be issued immediately or before the Protectorate gets a good handle on the situation and confirms they can't deal with it themselves.

Apeiron's healing was already suspect thanks to the mess with Amy. It will need to be thoroughly vetted before they accept it for Protectorate capes or civilian use. No one wants to end up with another Teacher or Ingenue. There will still be people desperate enough to not care about potential risks, so demand for it is going to be very high. With how the broadcast was structures it will be very clear that a visit from Mannequin and Bonesaw is just a matter of time. Once he sees the broadcast and online reaction prepping for the Nine is going to become a major priority.
With how the broadcast was structures it will be very clear that a visit from Mannequin and Bonesaw is just a matter of time. Once he sees the broadcast and online reaction prepping for the Nine is going to become a major priority.

Time to start creating some heavy-hitting stuff... Welp, it was nice knowing you, Brockton. Sad to see that you've been glassed (jk)
I've gotten into this on other sites, but the prediction regarding Taylor's importance to defeating Scion is the result of the communication limitations of the passenger connection, ambiguity over Scion's full power, and bias towards and enthusiasm for Taylor. The Khepri/Golden Morning scenario is the only confirmed way of defeating Scion. Every other option is based on a theoretical match-up. Scion's full power is not clear as he never completely cut loose and word of god makes some very strong claim. Also, because 'magic' is being treated the same as parahuman abilities by the universe's metaphysics there trump based counters to the high level magic that would normally be able to take out Scion. There is not enough information to say with confidence that any combination of powers will be enough to take Scion in a head on, no holds barred conflict.

It is not 'the Celestial Forge cannot defeat Scion without Taylor', it's 'Taylor is part of the only scenario confirmed to defeat Scion'. The problem was that did not come across clearly in the emotional link, and was mixed with other reactions at the same time.

The threat ratings cited were provisional, and thus not fully vetted. Armsmaster said it looked like a parahuman effect rather than a constructed item and that was enough for the moment. None of it was final, and the important thing was the ratings in other categories as they would be used to determine countermeasures deployed in the field. No one was expecting ratings made from a single reported conversation and one example of work to be comprehensive.

For the pacing, technical descriptions, and power curve issues are points I'm aware of and am doing what I can to mitigate. Those are somewhat intrinsic to the structure of the story, and that structure makes the process of writing the story much more engaging. This is also a deep dive into the Celestial Forge, which is about fully exploring some more obscure Jumpchain perks. I think there's an interesting element to seeing the effect an unusual or unbalanced power can have on a character and the world around him.

A deeper look at the PHO reaction is coming, but probably a couple of chapters away.

There are problems with kill orders that make people reluctant to issue them even in situations where they are completely called for. Kill orders are the declaration of an effective free for all against the target. It's what's used when Protectorate capes like Sere or Crucible aren't enough. Kill Orders are not Uncle Sam taking the action, they're every loony vigilante showing up to try their luck.

They also have to be discussed and approved by the local PRT, civilian government, police, judges and regional PRT directors. They tend to move at the speed of government as a delay on any level will propagate through the chain. A kill order is complete chaos and an invitation for collateral damage. As long as Bakuda is holding the city hostage with her deadman's switch there was be serious resistance to issuing a kill order against any member of the ABB since she'll almost certainly get caught in the crossfire.

A kill order against March could be particularly bad since she has a talent for directing large and small scale engagements. That collateral damage could end up pointed exactly where she wants it and be several times worse than expected.

With the events of the night a kill order will certainly happen at some point, but it won't be issued immediately or before the Protectorate gets a good handle on the situation and confirms they can't deal with it themselves.

Apeiron's healing was already suspect thanks to the mess with Amy. It will need to be thoroughly vetted before they accept it for Protectorate capes or civilian use. No one wants to end up with another Teacher or Ingenue. There will still be people desperate enough to not care about potential risks, so demand for it is going to be very high. With how the broadcast was structures it will be very clear that a visit from Mannequin and Bonesaw is just a matter of time. Once he sees the broadcast and online reaction prepping for the Nine is going to become a major priority.
Don't we have a confirmed way to kill Sion without Taylor? Taylor way of defeating him was basically goad him in to suicide using a combination of abilities. While he was depressed they shot him with sting. Even then another way to kill him is Jack Slash considering with his shard he convinced Sion to start the rampage he can convince Sion to suicide using Broadcast.
Don't we have a confirmed way to kill Sion without Taylor? Taylor way of defeating him was basically goad him in to suicide using a combination of abilities. While he was depressed they shot him with sting. Even then another way to kill him is Jack Slash considering with his shard he convinced Sion to start the rampage he can convince Sion to suicide using Broadcast.
I want to use Flechette and make a dimension piercing Gatlin gun. But hey, thats just my opinion.
Don't we have a confirmed way to kill Sion without Taylor? Taylor way of defeating him was basically goad him in to suicide using a combination of abilities. While he was depressed they shot him with sting. Even then another way to kill him is Jack Slash considering with his shard he convinced Sion to start the rampage he can convince Sion to suicide using Broadcast.

Scion possesses his own version of Path to Victory - Khepri was neccesary for the plan because

A) The massive fuck you canon they used to actually kill him required multiple tinkers who would otherwise be unwilling to cooperate or even help in the fight to work together.

And B) The perfect single minded coordination of hundreds of capes in order to hold him off and distract him long enough for said fuck you canon to be finished.

Sting, (I could be remembering wrong, it's been a while) wouldnt actually have dealt with Scion - just the projection he uses to look human. And much like the Siberian, that resolution would have been very temporary. Hence the giant canon they used to fuck his main body while they distracted him with his dead wife
Nope. The last Leet camera tried to self destruct after they teleported away with Bakuda. Apeiron stopped the self destruct, but the camera was still disabled. So him disarming the bombs wasn't broadcast.

And, that is a good thing, because if Bakuda had known that he was removing her bombs she would have set them off while he was in the middle of removing them.
Why does he not simply buy land and build his Base/Fortress? Hell maybe even bypass the land issue and make it a Flying.

And I really hope the Taylor thing gets fixed, hopefully either the Shard gets straight with him or he starts focusing on his own survival regardless of Taylor's involvement.
I sincerely hope we get another PRT board meeting chapter to talk about what just went down, even if this interlude covered it pretty well. Or hopefully we see the after-effects of what he has done in a debrief with the Undersiders, possibly talking about what should happen next with hopefully another commission for new tech. I sincerely want them to get new costumes because I'm dying to legitimately know how he would over-design them, what their reactions would be like and what the PRT thinks of them in their next encounter. It'd probably be similar with the knives, but I think it deserves some attention. Also it'd be the perfect excuse to make tracking devices that only he can use, especially with his concerns regarding the Undersiders.

Regarding Taylor, while Joe has somewhat lost his blind faith in Taylor, I believe he'd still pay a bit more attention regarding costuming. I'm assuming that Taylor while not completely attached to her costume, still wants some use out of it, so maybe they could collaborate on it, possibly with the aid of Garment. Garment might deal with the other members of the group, but I have no idea. Otherwise he'd likely upgrade it with some new bells and whistles which are backed by fiat and give her some better armor to ensure that she doesn't die. I think all of the Undersiders need decent Comms, and possibly HUDs. It could legitimately boost their capabilities a lot with Taylor and Tattletale on the team.

I really like this fic, especially with how it describes the aesthetics and the reactions to those aesthetics. I think more fanfics need to deal with them in an interesting manner, even if Tinkers usually make tech out of garbage.
"Oh, sure. Shadow Stalker and I just ran into a new cape."

"Is everything alright?"

"Oh. Yeah, not like that. She's awesome. What's this about?"
I'm drawing a blank. The most recently triggered BB capes I can think of from this point on the timeline are Dinah Alcott, Skitter, Browbeat, and maybe Whirlygig, and it's pretty clear that she's not talking about any of those. So either an OC or someone I can't remember?

The bombings themselves ought to generate fresh triggers, but that doesn't sound like an encounter with someone just coming out of a trigger event.
Who's this figure? Not someone I've seen covered in fanfic before, and it's been years since I read Worm.
Minor cape in the Merchants. Young female Shaker, makes things orbit around her at high speeds I think hence the name. I think she shows up post-Leviathan, but maybe was already around at this time. I think they have several other unnamed capes that might have been around at this time too.