AN: Here is another omake for you
@DaLintyGuy and various other readers. This is from the perspective of a Noble Tank Commander in the Uniary campaign during Turn 4, hope you enjoy.
Armour Superiority
Lieuetenant Gaius Solomon is a loyal and pious son of Calavar that has been given the honor and priveledge of commanding one of the ancient and venerable Malcador Defender tanks that have been found and returned to their former glory in Calavar. The Defender named Stormbringer is also crewed by my personal attendant and sons of minor noble houses that have been loyal allies of house Solomon for many generations. This ensures that there is no risk of betrayal while also elevating the prestige of the minor houses that ally with house Solomon by having one of their sons serve the Imperium in an ancient warmachine. The other Defenders are piloted by other major noble houses of Calavar and their attendants, mostly to ensure that the status quo is kept between the major houses and keep the peace.
Lieuetenant Gaius's Stormbringer has been assigned to help the Bailifax Army in clearing the Lower Hive of Hive City Rhine of traitors. With how big a regular Hive City is, it will probably take a few years of campaigning before all of the Hives are clear. He and the other officers have received word that reinforcements will arrive during the next shipment so the campaign might not take as long as it was estimated. However that still meant months of clearing a section of a level of a Lower Hive, waiting for the engineers to secure it with fortifications, and then continue. The ganger kept throwing everything they have at the various guns of Calavar, which meant that we don't have to work as hard in dragging them out of their holes. It does keep slowing the march of the Crusade down however.
"Marcus, we are taking fire from a cute little truck armed with a Heavy Stubber."
"I see it."
"Fraking adorable like a puppy. Kill it."
"On it, sir."
The roar of the Heavy Bolter quickly signal the Stormbringer's ire with the technical that dared to peck at it. The barrage of Bolters quickly punctured the vehicle and exploded inside, resulting in the complete destruction of the hostile vehicle. Once the nuisance was eliminated,Marcus returned to scanning the buildings for infantry garrisonned inside them.
Colonel Granger, the officer put in charge of clearing this section of the Lower Hive have scouts find the location of the Traitor Stronghold, that was initially an Arbites station, the traitors use to launch their attacks against us. The Stronghold have many defenses in the form of the buildings surrounding it becoming improvised bunkers. Because the station is also connected to the level above by a load bearing pillar, it is imperitive that we do not damage the tower or we run the risk of a section of the hive coming down a crushing an entire block. Once their center of command is neutralized, the traitors will be far less organised and in capable of being resupplied, will be easy pickings for the Bailifax and Calivar regiments or simply retreat to the lower levels of the Hive allowing us to take this level with minimal resistance.
And so with the Defender at the front of the column, with a screen of infantry to check for explosives on the road, the Calivar and Bailifax army march to the Ganger Stronghold. We were met with stiff resistance as soon as we enter traitor territory, many buildings are used as bunkers and are promptly surpressed with the Stormbringer's Heavy Bolters, while the Bailifax and Calivar Infantry clears and secures the buildings.
"Jeeves, that bunker offends me. Remove it."
"Yes, sir."
The blast of the Stormbringer's Demolisher cannon is both terrifying and awe inspring. The power of a storm in a pull of a trigger. The Demolisher promptly demolish that bunker, causing it to crumble as its supports are blasted away.
"Take a left on the next intersection and then carry on."
This is generally how things go with commanding a Defender tank, anything that can pose a threat to us, like an Autocannon emplacement, are usually spotted and surpressed by the infantry screen in front of the tank before the Defender is informed about the threat and then is promptly demolished by the Demolisher Cannon. The 3 Bolter gunners usually just shoot anything that moves in their field of view, with 1 being assigned to the 2 Bolters at the front, 1 handles the Bolters on the left and right, and 1 assigned to the Bolter at the back and occasionally help man the left Bolter when the tank is part of a column or in an entreched position. The Loader's job is to make sure all of the guns are loaded, from the loading a Demolisher shell into the breach and to attaching fresh belts of Bolter rounds for the top and sponson Bolters.
With all of the weapons, ammunition, and crew the Defender is very cramped. However, with a small payment to a Calivar Tech Priest, managed to instal a boiling vessel that is powered by the tank's engine, this creates a convinient way to heat rations and water without having to leave the tank and becoming vulnerable to enemy assassins. Why would you want to heat water inside of a cramped and hot tank, you may ask? Why for tea of course, granted it is effervesent tablet tea but it tastes acceptable enough and the fizz adds a unique sensation that is not available in regular brewed tea. All that is required to brew it is to pop a tablet or two in a canteen, give it several seconds and a few shakes, and you get to enjoy Calivar Army Tea.
"Ground Command to Armour Detail, how copy?"
"Armour Detail, reporting."
"You are closing in on the Arbites station, procede with caution."
"Roger that."
As soon as we turn the corner, the Defender is immediately pelted by numerous autoguns and autocannons as the gate of the Arbites compund is bristling with weapon emplacements. The Defender retaliates with 3 of its Bolters firing at the Arbites Gate whilst slowly advancing forwards. With the various feeds, the Bailifax can be seen using the Defender as cover and applying covering fire to those finding positions to take cover behind. Even with the venerable Defender's ancient armor, the racket is starting to be irritating.
"I suppose if they are very lucky they could give us a headache with their Autocannons."
"Yes, sir."
"Bolter crew, shoot all hostiles, Jeeves blow a hole in that wall."
"Right away, sir."
With that blast, the Arbites gate house and wall comes crumbling down. The Bolter Gunners contribute by firing their holy Bolters at any traitor in their field of fire. With the way open, Jeeves drived the Defender into the Arbites courtyard, where it is met with blistering autogun and cannon fire from the sides and front. The Bailifax regiment followed behind and throw plenty of smoke grenades to cover their position. This is where the venerable Defender shines as it makes use of its total coverage to rake the courtyard with Bolter fire.
A massive jolt slammed into the defender before a wave of heat filled the cre compartment from the left side.
"Frak, hothothot." Francis immedietely used his fire suppresion canister and hosed his station. A look to the left shows a hole in one of the windows which shows a heavy weapons team trying to reload a Plasma Cannon.
"Oh frak, that is a Plasma Cannon... OH FRAK, THAT'S A PLASMA CANNON!"
"Jeeves, 60 degrees to the left, 2nd floor. Put a Demolisher round up their ass! Everyone else Suppress them so they don't get to shoot again!"
With the command given, the crew obeyed. The top Bolter gunners quickly orient themselves, spot the window in question and proceeded to blast it with extreme prejudice. Those that doesn't have the angle, settle for covering the Defender's flank and supporting the Bailifax Guardsmen that are entering the station through breaches in the wall. In 3 seconds the Demolisher cannon has the Heavy weapon team in its sight and fired.
"Ground Command this is Armor Detail, how copy?"
"This is GroundCom send traffic."
"Arbites Courtyard secured and infantry are currently securing the interior. Got hit with a Plasma Cannon at our side plating, I don't know the full extent of the damage but I fear it may be a cause of concern until it is repaired."
"Copy that, once the all clear is sounded, we'll send your repair team over with the garrison force to inspect the damage. ETA will be in an hour so sit tight."
"Roger, over and out."
It didn't take long before the Bailifax reported that they have cleared the station and have now begun to fortify it. While the poor groundpounders are busy constructing walls from the rubble and setting up defensive emplacements. My crew are currently enjoying a hot flask of tea and a strip of Calivar jerky. Overall, other than that scare with the Plasma Cannon it is just another regular day as a the operators of the Stormbringer.
AN: This took several days but I finally finished it. I have a very limited idea about Imperial heirarchy in a tank battalion so if anyone can correct me if I made any lore mistakes, please let me know. I read the wiki that the crew of a Malcador is 1 Commander(probably also the vox operator), 1 Loader (probably for the Demolisher and secondary weapons), 1 Driver, and 5 Gunners for 1 Demolisher, 2 Sponsons, and 5 Bolters at the top of the tank. So I think the Driver would both drive and aim the Demolisher since he is the one that can turn the tank and aim the Demolisher, 3 Gunners would handle the 5 Bolters at the top of the tank, and the remaining 2 Gunners will man the Sponson weapons. Since there isn't any picture of the insides of a Malcador I had to guess and use my imagination. Yes the Boiling Vessel is real and in use inside British tanks so they don't have to exit their tank to cook their rations. I am also adapting Company of Heroes 2 funny quotes because it is funny.