Well, here's that version of the plan then. Sent 1st over to open diplomatic contact and lower tensions and sent the 1st Torpedo Squadron over to Uniary in the expectation we might be getting into a big chaos brawl over there. For the same reason, I swapped the 2nd and 3rd naval squadrons, so the 2nd is at Uniary to greet the Carmine, or any rampaging orks, with our Heavy Frigates and the 3rd is at the less likely to be majorly attacked Homna String Defense League, and added in the order that squadron commanders can authorize plasma shell deployment should they see the need.
[X] Plan: Through the Warp & Diplomacy
-[X] Send 1st Calavar Void Army to Central (Secure control of the Hulk, recover technology):
--[X] Space Hulk: Whereas most of these floating flotsams are simply ventilated by the patrolling Crusade warships this agglomerate has the stern of a military vessel protruding from it, and has recently picked up new debris and battle scars. Hunting it down will be a chore but it does seem to be haunting this region though possibly is being increasingly attracted South.
-[X] Send 3rd Naval Squadron + 1st & 2nd Bridgehead Armies + 3rd Calavar Infantry Army + 1st Crusade Defense Army North (Proceed with the ongoing offensive):
--[X] Homna String Defense League (20LY): A defensive pact once stood among these worlds. Now it is broken between differing interests, from Traitor splinter forces to the leftovers of the repulsed WAAAGH!! Jawbreaka. [Ongoing Campaign] [Forces Present: 6th Crusade Infantry Army & 1st Calavar Infantry Army] [Dark Star forces present, including superheavy armor]
-[X] Send 1st Auxiliary Squadron + 2nd Torpedo Squadron + 1st & 2nd Crusade Assault Armies + 7th & 8th Crusade Guard Infantry Armies + 1st Aerial Combat Army North (Annihilate the Orks):
--[X] Shrine World Lativa (60LY): Remembered as the first world colonized by Imperial citizens in the region this is the center of worship for the southern half of the Subsector. It's Adeptus Sororitas have held back any Ork forces that made landfall but all worlds nearby have been overrun by leaderless Ork hordes. Should a new Warboss arise... [Crusade][Requires an Army stationed here on effectively permanent duty][Ongoing Campaign]
--[X] Assign the 8th Crusade Army to the Shrine World on effectively Permanent Duty.
-[X] Send 1st Support Squadron + 2nd Naval Squadron + 1st Torpedo Squadron + 1st & 2nd Crusade Siege Armies + Calavar Holy Shield Army + 2nd Crusade Defense Army West (Aggressive Attack):
--[X]Uniary (40LY): The fallen Hive World is being clawed back by the forces of the Crusade in a grinding campaign of urban combat. Something that is drawing attention judging by the number of ships nosing around. [Forces Present: 1st Calavar Armored Army + 5th Bailafax Infantry Army + 2nd Calavar Infantry]
-[X] Send 1st Naval Squadron East (Open formal diplomatic contact and attempt to lower tensions):
-Fleet Bastion Gehault (40LY): Several squadrons of the Imperial Navy continue their protection of their homeworlds where the Sector battlefleets do not out of the logistical base at Gehault. Several vicious punishments against rebellious worlds have been reported by local shipping, including at least one life eater bombardment, but they commonly range outside of their nominal territory in order to destroy Traitor raiders and collaborators. Their Read Admiral keeps a wary eye on the growing power of their neighbor, lest Calavar turn out to be heretics or worse in disguise. [Gehault]
-[X] Give 1x set of Thermo-Cavitation Shells each to the KV-1 "The Resolute" and KV-2 "Wage of Dissent" in the 1st naval squadron, 1x to FF-1 "Indomitable" in the 2nd Naval Squadron, and 1x each to the KV-5 "Undaunted" and KV-6 "Armor of Hatred" in the 3rdnaval squadron.