Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

In this day and age, such callous decisions are far too common...
Also the fact that we literally can't do anything about it currently.

Anyway, an alternate plan! Like the other plan, it continues to support the defense league. Unlike the other plan, it doesn't go raid the orks (and for whatever reason the other plan doesn't even raid Hive World Octan/the ork world noted as 'wow if we could only steal one of those' anyway. Or deploy any armies to the shrine world when the big issue their is the local planets infested by orks.), but instead does two other things! First, there's been a Khornate Cult sitting on a hive world butchering the survivors since the first turn. While there's gonna be a lot less survivors then if we hit it earlier, hopefully there will still be some, we could really use a hive worlds resources, and anyway this is the front that already has the chaos stuff that's been attacking us. Punching them in the face back can only be a good thing, especially when it's a place where we can actually be the cavalry and help people, plus cut off a source of new recruits for them. The other place we're going to be the cavalry for is the Shrine World of Lativa, which has the sisters of battle hanging out. So we can show up there, give orbital support, and deploy two armies to helping clear out the orks from the surrounding worlds or at least headcapping any potential big warbosses over there.

(As a reminder before people complain, we don't need the support or the Auxiliary Squadron to deploy troops to places, they just give bonuses. But we only have two such groups and more then two places we need to send troops too, so...)

[X] Plan Scavenging, Diplomacy, and the Cavalry
-[X] Send North: 2nd Naval Squadron + 1st Torpedo Squadron + 1st Calavar Infantry Army + 6th Crusade Infantry Army (Aggressive Engagement, prevent orks from consolidating or re-consolidating in the area, and politely compete with competition for access to resources, manpower, and manufacturing from these worlds.)
--[X] Homna String Defense League (20LY): A defensive pact once stood among these worlds. Now it is broken between differing interests, from Traitor splinter forces to the leftovers of the repulsed WAAAGH!! Jawbreaka. [Ongoing Campaign] [Forces Present: 6th Crusade Infantry Army & 1st Calavar Infantry Army] [Dark Star forces present, including superheavy armor]
-[X] Send West: 3rd Patrol Squadron + Ashen Legion + 3rd Calavar Infantry Army (Patrol and anti-piracy)
--[X]Bailafax (20LY): Once conquered and once again besieged, Bailafax resolutely stands in defiance of the tide of frothing madmen. With the addition of Calavan granted weapons and fortresses, may she never falter in her vigil. [Owned by Calavar, provides 5M] [Forces Present: The Ashen Legion]
-[X] Send West: 1st Naval Squadron + 2nd Torpedo Squadron + 1st Support Squadron + 1st Calavar Armored Army + 5th Bailafax Infantry Army + 2nd Calavar Infantry Army (Suppress enemy defenses and invade/liberate the hive world.)
--[X]Khornate Cult (40LY): Squatting among the wreckage of what was once a prosperous if small Hive World these Traitors seem to be more interested in hunting down the remaining civilians and soldiery than offensive actions beyond their nominal space. Serves as a source of manpower for the Khornates as a whole. Defenses are judged to be "Light". [Traitor]
-[X] Send North: 3rd Naval Squadron + 1st Auxiliary Squadron + 7th Crusade Guard Infantry Army + 8th Crusade Guard Infantry Army (Be the cavalry, shoot orks in the face, shoot potential ork warbosses in the face, liberate worlds as possible, make contact with the sisters of battle and seek to convince them of the righteousness of the crusade.)
--[X]Shrine World Lativa: Remembered as the first world colonized by Imperial citizens in the region this is the center of worship for the southern half of the Subsector. It's Adeptus Sororitas have held back any Ork forces that made landfall but all worlds nearby have been overrun by leaderless Ork hordes. Should a new Warboss arise...
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Alright, I'm gonna give some judgments as to how the situations could be developing and what our priority should be.
-Homna String Defense League (20LY): A defensive pact once stood among these worlds. Now it is broken between differing interests, from Traitor splinter forces to the leftovers of the repulsed WAAAGH!! Jawbreaka. [Ongoing Campaign] [Forces Present: 6th Crusade Infantry Army & 1st Calavar Infantry Army] [Dark Star forces present, including superheavy armor]
An on-going commitment we can hardly withdraw from. Hopefully, the dividends from the multiple worlds and somewhat positive contacts with the Dark Star Heretics will be worth the multi-turn investment.
-Dark Star Alignment (20LY): Followers of a heretical version of the Imperial Cult based around the former Imperial Guard depot on the Feudal World of Calsum. Their ground forces and marines are well equipped, but they lack a true shipyard for the Adeptus Mechanicus in their territory refuse to aid them. Their military is recovering from the devastating war in defense of the Homnan worlds, building proper ships from the hulks taken en masse from the Orks. [Nominally Traitor]
Sending a bare minimum diplomatic fleet may be worth our time. If they're future enemies, it'd be best to know now, and if friends - or simply assets - getting the Mechanicus to cooperate (with either them or us) could really prove useful.
-Space Hulk: Whereas most of these floating flotsams are simply ventilated by the patrolling Crusade warships this agglomerate has the stern of a military vessel protruding from it. Hunting it down will be a chore but it does seem to be haunting this region.
We should probably get our hands on some elite infantry - like the Sisters - before taking a crack at this.
-Shrine World Lativa: Remembered as the first world colonized by Imperial citizens in the region this is the center of worship for the southern half of the Subsector. It's Adeptus Sororitas have held back any Ork forces that made landfall but all worlds nearby have been overrun by leaderless Ork hordes. Should a new Warboss arise... [Independent]
This is an obvious shiny with a clear time limit, but I think we can spare them at least one more turn.
-Hive World Octan: Notable for the manufacturing platforms in orbit, now turned to haphazardly producing guns for an endless stream of Orks. If even one could be taken and brought back to Calavar... [Ork]
I can see why the other fellow wants to take a crack at this. I'm not sure how much of it we'd be able to loot, or if capturing this place is either plausible or would cause horrible overextension, but the asset acquisition/denial would be considerable.
West: A string of fallen worlds shows the interest of the Ruinous Powers in the Subsector, surrounded by worlds they plunder for slaves and material as their corruption deepens.
This is a mess that'll hopefully be banging against our new Fortress World until we're ready to take them on. Good news is, no real urgent threats to crush or friendlies to save, so it can be ignored for the moment.
South: This is the shortest route to Imperial territory from Calavar, in terms of objective distance.
If we secure this total area, some sort of contact with the Imperium might be possible.
-Bagalog (20LY): An opportunistic warlord has risen to power over the Civilized World of Bagalog. Nearby worlds have been yoked or willingly come to the banner of it's leader, the new leader of a middling merchant cartel by the name of Loree Mulyran. The central location and continued pleas for assistance have attracted an Explorator to the region, providing technology and manufacturing to the upcoming merchant lord for oaths of power and riches. Defenses are judged to be "Light" with a small number of newly built hulls coming from a recently operational construction dock in orbit. [Independent]
This is something we should take care of now, even if it's not an immediate emergency. Warlords of the sort need to be cracked down on, the infrastructure useful, and the Explorator contacted. Here's hoping the situation can be handled diplomatically.
-Feral World Jurgenz (40LY): Taken by WAAAGH!! Gunbreaka this is now a fortress world. At least by Orkish standards. Current Defenses are judged to be "Moderate" (a double handful of small defense platforms anchoring a minefield and what are probably monitors of some description), with the signs of that continuing to go up in coming years. [Held by WAAAGH!! Gunbreaka] [Sits on the Warp Current leading towards Imperial space and deeper into Gunbreaka territory]
This seems to be a 'boss' that'll prevent us from making contact with the Imperium, and by the looks of it, only get stronger the more time we give it.
-Minor Xenos (40LY): Smooth and flowing ships have emerged, wresting a handful of frontier worlds from Human and Ork alike. [Hashim]
-Civilized World Ungaunt (40LY): Once a lone beacon of civilization amidst a string of Feudal and Feral Worlds, Ungaunt is under siege as alien warships fly with impunity over the worlds of Humanity. The Hashim have clamped down on the region, fending off random Ork raiders and possessing control over at least a large portion of Ungaunt's surface. The fate of the Human inhabitants are as of now unknown. [Hashim]
I'm deeply unhappy about this, but apparently they outmatch us - for the moment. A wrong to be corrected in the near future, but as to now, the Xenos will apparently continue their agenda unimpeded.
-Civilized World Allient (40LY): Fallen to the perfidious greenskins Allient now provides for the raiding fleets sent out by it's barbarous overlords with it's maintenance platform of similar design to Calavar's. Defenses are judged to be "Light" and increasing slowly, but with mobile elements returning from attacks at unpredictable intervals. [Held by WAAAGH!! Gunbreaka]
This is another raiding hub for the Orks similar to the last one we hit, presumably stronger and with better 'loot' - including orbital infrastructure. I think it's from the same faction we thrashed last turn, so perhaps now's an opportune moment to strike.
-Civilized World Yttreum (20LY): Having taken the lead over several Agri and Mining Worlds Yttreum eyes the Imperial deserters at Gehault with increasing hostility and has begun a crash industrialization program on their allied worlds. [Independent]
A shiny not under immediate threat - by the sounds of it, a bare minimum force could get them to sign on with us, although that'd lead directly to tensions with the deserters.
-Stream Trade Triangle (20LY): A collection of worlds bound by trade ties and pacts into a rough oligarchy. Under increasing pressure from their militarized neighbors they have acquiesced to the demands, allowing the Navy deserters of Gehault access to their fueling and repair network and tactical command of what few combat ships they have. [Gehault]
-Fleet Bastion Gehault (40LY): Several squadrons of the Imperial Navy continue their protection of their homeworlds where the Sector battlefleets do not out of the logistical base at Gehault. Several vicious punishments against rebellious worlds have been reported by local shipping, including at least one life eater bombardment, but they commonly range outside of their nominal territory in order to destroy Traitor raiders and collaborators. Their Read Admiral keeps a wary eye on the growing power of their neighbor, lest Calavar turn out to be heretics or worse in disguise. [Gehault]
And then there's these guys. On one hand, basically fellow Imperials actively fighting the Enemy, so that's awesome. Lots of unfortunate implications here, though, so a diplomatic expedition to either see if something really bad is up or clear waters with the Admiral should be a priority. Making an unnecessary enemy out of this faction would be an incredible waste.
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This is another raiding hub for the Orks similar to the last one we hit, presumably stronger and with better 'loot' - including orbital infrastructure. I think it's from the same faction we thrashed last turn, so perhaps now's an opportune moment to strike.
Actually, we fought WAAAGH! Jawbreaka last turn. His territory is in the 40 LY North.
-Homna String Defense League (20LY): A defensive pact once stood among these worlds. Their strength bled out by the mere sheddings of the nearby WAAAGH!!s and the overflow of Freebootas from the fallen core worlds, WAAAGH!! Jawbreaka struck in force and scattered their so called warships and bowled over their limited armies. Now all factions look to the region to deny their enemies territory and assets. [Contested]
-WAAAGH!! Jawbreaka (40LY): The farthest point that has been tainted by Orks spilling from the North. Jawbreaka leads a small WAAAGH!! as these things go, even for Lativa. Defenses are estimated to be "Light" with a notable mobile force element due to the WAAAGH!!s small territory. [Ork Held]
I'd like to hit him, since those are "Light" defenses, and the mobile force element should be depleted from the battle last turn. Plus, securing it gets us closer to Lativa.
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Hmm... I'm not much of a strategist, and you guys seem to have a good idea on what to do.
I think next turn we ought to design an envoy ship, a ship that can slip pass the enemy and contact our neighbors

Those Hashim are discomforting to me. We don't know how effective their ship armaments are by dint of the fact we only got their infantry weapons to play with. So it could be they have a good counter to our shields and our armor. I'd like to have some sort of weapon that can handle em, so I'd perfer to keep them on the backburner.
Just so everyone else knows, you do know the performance values for those corvettes.
Yes but...
Diamond-class Corvette
-1x Plasma Missile Batteries (Damage 2, Short Range)
-1x Pulse Lasers (Damage 1, PD 3, VS Range)
-Shield Rating of 4
-Acceleration 2, Maneuver 2
(Capable of entry and exit from planetary atmosphere)
This still isn't the sort of statline I want to take on with an inferior number of squadrons which are still almost 50% made up of AMMs. They might have less outright damage then our proper shooty ships, but they have better shields and their PD rating counters our carriers and torpedoes nicely. They're also faster, both in acceleration and in maneuvering ability, then our baseline Resolutes.

If we had two squadrons full of Resolute-A class ships, or Indomitable class Heavy Frigates, I'd be willing to make a go at stabbing them, but not with our current forces, not unless we manage to free up all three naval squadrons and both torpedo squadrons at once.

And you know, good luck with that. We've too many other places those ships need to be at.

Edit : Also, that doesn't include their Frigates, which we know they have a few of and we can probably expect to have more/better stuff then the Corvettes.

Sending a bare minimum diplomatic fleet may be worth our time. If they're future enemies, it'd be best to know now, and if friends - or simply assets - getting the Mechanicus to cooperate (with either them or us) could really prove useful.
The issue is we need a proper military unit for that, or so we've been told, and we only have one of those right now and we need it punching stuff. Hopefully next turn, because ideally we can replace the merchant ships in either the 2nd or 3rd squadron with proper military ships next build phase.

I can see why the other fellow wants to take a crack at this. I'm not sure how much of it we'd be able to loot, or if capturing this place is either plausible or would cause horrible overextension, but the asset acquisition/denial would be considerable.
One of my primary issues with the other plan is that the ork world they hit isn't this, actually.

-[X] Send South: 2nd Naval Squadron + 2nd Torpedo Squadron + 1st Support Squadron + 2nd & 3rd Calavar Infantry Armies (Retrieve the Shipyard Facility, try to recover any surviving civilians on site)
--[X] Civilized World Allient (40LY): Fallen to the perfidious greenskins Allient now provides for the raiding fleets sent out by it's barbarous overlords with it's maintenance platform of similar design to Calavar's. Defenses are judged to be "Light" and increasing slowly, but with mobile elements returning from attacks at unpredictable intervals. [Held by WAAAGH!! Gunbreaka]
As can be seen here, it's targeted at Allient instead for some reason.

This is something we should take care of now, even if it's not an immediate emergency. Warlords of the sort need to be cracked down on, the infrastructure useful, and the Explorator contacted. Here's hoping the situation can be handled diplomatically.
This is again something we need a proper military unit for if we want to send diplomats over, because armed merchant ships do not make the proper impression. And we need those proper military units elsewhere right now.

A shiny not under immediate threat - by the sounds of it, a bare minimum force could get them to sign on with us, although that'd lead directly to tensions with the deserters.
Really not worth the issues with the navy until we clear things up with them in my opinion, given they have capitals and we do not.

Hmm... I'm not much of a strategist, and you guys seem to have a good idea on what to do.
I think next turn we ought to design an envoy ship, a ship that can slip pass the enemy and contact our neighbors
The issue isn't being able to reach them, it's 'giving the proper impression'. Of which neither a blockade runner or any squadron half full of converted merchant ships with self defense guns achieve.
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Actually, we fought WAAAGH! Jawbreaka last turn. His territory is in the 40 LY North.
Ah, gotcha.
I'd like to hit him, since those are "Light" defenses, and the mobile force element should be depleted from the battle last turn. Plus, securing it gets us closer to Lativa.
Potentially knocking a foe out of the game does sound tempting ... but that also means less enemies fighting each other, it doesn't sound like he's an immediate threat, and I'm fairly certain we can just go directly to the Shrine World.

For me, the issue is a mild confusion over how many 'actions' we have, and how much they need to be concentrated to keep the fleets useful and prevent casualties. I think the rule of thumb is three, with one of them being unusually powerful. My vague plan is continue the Homna investment, send a fleet to Bagalog to get the Explorator and prevent the Warlord from building up too much, nail another enemy solid on the asset acquisition/denial scale, and send an envoy to the deserters to treasure the Admiral we're not heretics and make sure he's not evil.
The issue isn't being able to reach them, it's 'giving the proper impression'. Of which neither a blockade runner or any squadron half full of converted merchant ships with self defense guns achieve.
I get what you mean, especially with Bagalog, but for other options just making contact is the objective.
In the Naval Intelligence Reports informational, you have found that their corvettes have a Weapon rating of 2.
I'm not very comfortable with the crunch for this quest, but it sounds like a to-the-knife battle with the Xenos would be unwise. On the other hand, perhaps just conducting reconnaissance in force would mess with their plans? Something to consider.
I'm not very comfortable with the crunch for this quest, but it sounds like a to-the-knife battle with the Xenos would be unwise. On the other hand, perhaps just conducting reconnaissance in force would mess with their plans? Something to consider.
Comparisons are hard because our ships are, er, not exactly mass produced to any individual standard.

As a quick rundown, our base Resolutes have a total macrocannon of 4 (2 cannons of rating 2) with a range of short, 1 acceleration, 1 maneuver, and defenses of armor .5 and shields 2. The Resolute-A class has the same guns and shields, but upgrades to 2 Acceleration and Maneuver, and also has an accuracy bonus from the Groupsight Combat Bridge.

In short, we're slower and less well defended in exchange for having more gun, all our gun ranging out to short range instead of one third of it being very short, and having an actual armor rating. We may or may not be better in boarding combat, at least with the Cyborg Defense Stations add on, we don't know yet.

The enemy PD value will also mess up our Torpedoes and Carriers, both of which have been our primary support assets so far.

Lastly, our new Indomitable class is still slower, if less so, because it has a hull debuff to engines, but has a total gun of 3x2, or 6 macrocannon in all, and a total defense rating of 2 shields and 2 armor, so is defensively equal. Ish. 4 points of defense in total, but split into two types of defense at 2 each instead of just having a shield rating of 4. It super outguns them though and has equal to superior range.

Of course, we don't know what their actual Frigates have yet, so...

As can be seen here, it's targeted at Allient instead for some reason.
Because last I checked, the target you're advocating for has no reading on the defense level, so I don't much feel like gambling with our squadrons there for the moment.
...Er, what? What does this have to do with your ork target being the target not noted for having phat loot, when I'm hitting neither of the ork targets in question?
...Er, what? What does this have to do with your ork target being the target not noted for having phat loot, when I'm hitting neither of the ork targets in question?
Because its a target with tangible loot and known risk levels, yet you keep talking about how we should be hitting the target we have no information about because there's 'phat loot' to be had there. I'd like to have a turn where we don't sink a third of our economy to just fixing the damage from last turn, and getting a second station's the start of that.
...Oh, you're not talking about my targets like it sounded like, you're talking about how Octan doesn't have a defense note. Fair point.

@DaLintyGuy is that an oversight or do we not know in character/have any guesses as to Octan's defense level right now?
Because its a target with tangible loot and known risk levels, yet you keep talking about how we should be hitting the target we have no information about because there's 'phat loot' to be had there.
What, Lativa? The first action would be linking up with friendlies rather than attacking anything.

Which... Would also proc the "what does your force look like" if to a lesser degree than Bagalog.

@DaLintyGuy is that an oversight or do we not know in character/have any guesses as to Octan's defense level right now?
Little evidence of stationary defenses (backed up by the Orks not having a leader to MAKE them leave such a thing alone rather than being subject to every Great Idea a Mek had) and possible occasional Freeboota or similar presence.
On the other hand, the assets we can gain from Latvia are irreplaceable. Power Armor infantry with heavy weaponry- I don't see any other way to gain such assets in the near future, to say nothing of what securing a shrine world would do for morale. We should grab that ASAP. They may potentially hold out for another turn or two, but I don't think it's worth the risk.
Power Armor infantry with heavy weaponry- I don't see any other way to gain such assets in the near future,
Powered armor has been done elsewhere for baseline Humans, so it is certainly an avenue you could explore. It is not deployed in large numbers for rank soldiery due to the expense of doing so and is sufficiently advanced that most places do not already have the capability to produce it.

You could also go real crazy and give a Sentinel actual arms. Or do something... Strange.
Powered armor has been done elsewhere for baseline Humans, so it is certainly an avenue you could explore. It is not deployed in large numbers for rank soldiery due to the expense of doing so and is sufficiently advanced that most places do not already have the capability to produce it.

You could also go real crazy and give a Sentinel actual arms. Or do something... Strange.
Sentinel Powerlifters have always been a thing, though. One would think we've already got them as part of our logistics detachments, at least for the IG standard ones.
Maybe, but they are... Poorly, shall we say, adapted for controlling those arms as arms. Plus the fact they are built as cargo lifters alone rather than capable of mounting more flexible hardpoints.
Well, there's also the Catachan pattern, which has a chainsword arm on a swivel for dealing with brush and would-be bushwhackers, both usually just as lethal as the other.
Powered armor has been done elsewhere for baseline Humans, so it is certainly an avenue you could explore. It is not deployed in large numbers for rank soldiery due to the expense of doing so and is sufficiently advanced that most places do not already have the capability to produce it.

You could also go real crazy and give a Sentinel actual arms. Or do something... Strange.
Speaking of which, what generally is the tech-level of our resident Admech? I know it's been mentioned that by and large they can't produce augments to the same quality as most of their kin (resulting in them being mostly meat) but how far behind the curve are they?

I mean they apparently can't even create/forge Adamantium currently.
Still, that damper placed on expectations bore fruit as the Harvest was slowly and methodically peeled apart for research purposes. Materials used in her construction were divided across a select group of workshops as Adepts supplicated the holy product of the Forges to bequeath the secrets of their production upon them for the betterment of Humanity. Alas, Adamantium was something closely guarded by the tech-savants of the Martian Brotherhood and would not give up so easily. Engineers found more success with the frame of the ship as they studied it's construction and the solutions her designers had provided for the stresses of firing her main armament.
[Gained a +2 bonus to building a dedicated Torpedo hull, +1 to next Adamantium project (-4 difficulty modifier)]

Perhaps the most useful piece of the ship were the carefully studied slabs of composite Adamantium and high grade plasteel that had lined the hull, including the curved bow sheathe. It represented something that could not be manufactured by Calavar's assets and so was thusly considered valuable.
[Gained an Armor module, "Light IN Armor". Costs 2M,2A to apply to a hull, provides 3 Armor.]