@Happerry Can't remove the Spatha hull because that was what was promised to Yttreum for additional privateers last turn.
[X] Turn 10 Repairs and Prep Mk. IV [390/390M, 8/9A]
Ship Building
--[X] Audacity-class Light Cruiser (70/133M 6/8A; spend 63M 2A) [2nd Naval squadron]
---[X] Martinet-Class Light Cruiser (16M)
---[X] Groupsight Combat Bridge (16M)
---[X] Distributed Array Auspex (16M)
---[X] Merchant Warp Drive (6M)
---[X] Redoubt Life Support (12M)
---[X] Bastion Housing (12M)
---[X] Plow: Farstrike Lance (12M, 3A)
---[X] Broadside: Plasma broadside (8M, 5A)
---[X] Scaffold Armor (6M)
---[X] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (18M)
---[X] Corona-Pattern Point Defense Array (6M)
---[X] Repair Deck (6M)
---[X] Militarized Engines (9M)
--[X] Guardian class Monitor (50M 4A)
---[X] War Hawk MkII Heavy Frigate (8M)
---[X] Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
---[X] Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
---[X] Essential Life Support (2M)
---[X] Bastion Housing (3M)
---[X] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M 1A)
---[X] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M 1A)
---[X] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
---[X] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
---[X] Scaffold Armor (2M)
---[X] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
---[X] Repair Deck (2M)
---[X] Militarized Engines (3M)
--[X] Industrial Repair (30M)
--[X] General Repair (122M 2A)
Diplomacy Spending
--[X] Gehault Repairs (50M)
--[X] Yttreum Repairs (10M)
--[X] Spatha hull to Yttreum (17M)
---[X] Spatha-class hull, militarized engines, merchant sensors, warp, essential life support, barracks
--[X] Promise Bagalog a Light Cruiser if it will launch an assault on Incleon.
---[X] Bagalog Export Light Cruiser (0/107M; Spend 17M)
----[X] Martinet-Class Light Cruiser (16M)
----[x] Merchant Bridge (4M)
----[X] Merchant Sensors (4M)
----[X] Merchant Warp Drive (6M)
----[X] Essential Life Support (8M)
----[X] Bastion Housing (12M)
----[X] Plow: Macrocannon Mk. I (6M)
----[X] Broadside: Macrocannon Mk. I (12M)
----[X] Scaffold Armor (6M)
----[X] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (18M)
----[X] Corona-Pattern Point Defense Array (6M)
----[X] Cargo Bay (0M)
----[X] Militarized Engines (9M)
-[X] Army Construction
--[X] Homna String Losses Replacement (17M Total):
---[X] 2x Orbital Defense Armies (10M)
---[X] 2x Defense Armies (4M)
---[X] 1x Infantry Army (3M)
--[X] 1st Calavar Armored Assault Army (14M) [1st Mobile Army Group]
---[X] Armored Core (8M)
----[X] Attachments: Cataphracts (6M), Heavy Artillery (0M), Anti-Air (0M)
-[X] Navy Reorganization
--[X] CVL-2 Due Exercise from 2nd Naval Squadron to 3rd Squadron
--[X] KV-5 Undaunted from 3rd Naval Squadron to 3rd Patrol Squadron
--[X] AMM-1 Voidwright from 3rd Naval Squadron to 1st Patrol Squadron
--[X] AMM-10 Golden Ark moved from 1st Patrol to 3rd Patrol Squadron
Right, put in the Bagalog light cruiser and gave it 17M scraped together from the 15M that I'd mistakenly put into repair and 2M from changing the monitor's macros from the pure M cost to the 4M 1A cost.
I *think* this should be the finalized version. Anyone have any objections to this?
@DaLintyGuy can you do a once over and see if I'd made any mistakes please?