Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

Anyway, here is a hypothetical new Indomitable with the new stuff that we got.

Indomitable-C class Heavy Frigate (68M, 4A)
- Hull: War Hawk-class Heavy Frigate Hull (9M)
- Weapon: Macrocannons Mk.III (8M,1A)
- Weapon: Macrocannons Mk.III (8M,1A)
- Weapon: Macrocannons Mk.III (8M,1A)
- Defense: Bubble-type Rapid Shield (Shield 3, Armor 1) (6M)
- Defense: Scaffold Armor (Armor 2) (2M)
- Utility: Repair Deck (2M)
- Engine: Pulsed Flare Drive (Accel 3, Maneuver 1.5. Fuel Inefficient)(7M,1A)]
- Bridge: Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
- Sensors: Distributed Array Auspex (Active 2, Passive 2.5, Long Range) (4M)
- Warp: Merchant (4M)
- LS: Redoubt Life Support (3M)
- Housing: Bastion Pattern Housing (3M)

You could argue that unless we are going to put this ship in the Hunter Squad, that we could still give it Militarized Engines and have it comfortably be one more monstrous beatstick in the Beatstick Squad at 63M, 3A. This thing would basically be doing twice as much damage as a vanilla Indomitable while at short range, while being able to kite at it's normal damage from medium range.


Warrior-B class Corvette (57M, 3A)
-Spatha-class Hull (5M)
-Weapon: Macrocannons Mk.III (8M,1A)
-Weapon: Macrocannons Mk.III (8M,1A)
-Scaffold Armor (2M)
-Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
-Repair Deck (2M)
-Militarized Engine (3M)
-Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
-Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
-Pulsed Flare Drive (Accel 3, Maneuver 1.5. Fuel Inefficient)(7M,1A)
-Redoubt Life Support (3M)
-Bastion Housing (3M)
--Exoskeleton Support Bays (2M)

This would be an updated Warrior, with admittedly costing Artisan points but at only 10M more then the Warrior-A class easily providing much more value. THIS bad boy would be the ideal Hunter boat. Point in fact, if we ever find ourselves with an excess of funds, I'd suggest moving all the ships out of the 1st Squad except for the Courante and filling it up with these instead.
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Next turn we should commit one research on making Macrocannon III cheaper and another on trying to improve engines again.

Anyway, here is a hypothetical new Indomitable with the new stuff that we got.

Indomitable-C class Heavy Frigate (68M, 4A)
- Hull: War Hawk-class Heavy Frigate Hull (9M)
- Weapon: Macrocannons Mk.III (8M,1A)
- Weapon: Macrocannons Mk.III (8M,1A)
- Weapon: Macrocannons Mk.III (8M,1A)
- Defense: Bubble-type Rapid Shield (Shield 3, Armor 1) (6M)
- Defense: Scaffold Armor (Armor 2) (2M)
- Utility: Repair Deck (2M)
- Engine: Pulsed Flare Drive (Accel 3, Maneuver 1.5. Fuel Inefficient)(7M,1A)]
- Bridge: Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
- Sensors: Distributed Array Auspex (Active 2, Passive 2.5, Long Range) (4M)
- Warp: Merchant (4M)
- LS: Redoubt Life Support (3M)
- Housing: Bastion Pattern Housing (3M)

You could argue that unless we are going to put this ship in the Hunter Squad, that we could still give it Militarized Engines and have it comfortably be one more monstrous beatstick in the Beatstick Squad at 63M, 3A. This thing would basically be doing twice as much damage as a vanilla Indomitable while at short range, while being able to kite at it's normal damage from medium range.


Warrior-B class Corvette (57M, 3A)
-Spatha-class Hull (5M)
-Weapon: Macrocannons Mk.III (8M,1A)
-Weapon: Macrocannons Mk.III (8M,1A)
-Scaffold Armor (2M)
-Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
-Repair Deck (2M)
-Militarized Engine (3M)
-Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
-Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
-Pulsed Flare Drive (Accel 3, Maneuver 1.5. Fuel Inefficient)(7M,1A)
-Redoubt Life Support (3M)
-Bastion Housing (3M)
--Exoskeleton Support Bays (2M)

This would be an updated Warrior, with admittedly costing Artisan points but at only 10M more then the Warrior-A class easily providing much more value. THIS bad boy would be the ideal Hunter boat. Point in fact, if we ever find ourselves with an excess of funds, I'd suggest moving all the ships out of the 1st Squad except for the Courante and filling it up with these instead.
Mithril, while we may have a change due to whatever Gehault hands us in exchange for the 50M in repairs, should we put in a Farstrike Lance or the Macrocannon in the Endeavor?
Next turn we should commit one research on making Macrocannon III cheaper and another on trying to improve engines again.

Mithril, while we may have a change due to whatever Gehault hands us in exchange for the 50M in repairs, should we put in a Farstrike Lance or the Macrocannon in the Endeavor?

Honestly? To get the traditional Endeavor experience, we need to go full on Macros.
Okay. Ill post up a revised plan once I get home but the gist of it is... we cant start on the Endeavor if we want to finish the Audacity. We need 63M to finish the Audacity unless there's some omake bonus im not aware of. So in order to do so we need to put off starting the Endeavor to next turn.

And I'm also going to have to remove the 3rd garrison army group I wanted.

This is unless we put off building a Monitor. But im against that.

So the general plan could be finish Audacity this turn, using it to augmwnt our anti Ork operation and ensure we have a minimal repair bill.

Start the Endeavor (and maybe a strife as well as starting the Bagalog light cruiser) next turn. Use the fleet elements we have freed up to hit Incleon to weaken its defenses and get a measure of it.

Then on the 3rd turn we finish the Endeavor, maybe another Strife, and amass our fleet to strike Incleon to burn that world.
[] Turn 10 Repairs and Prep Mk. III [390/390M, 4/9A]
-[] Ship Building
--[] Audacity-class Light Cruiser (70/133M 6/8A; spend 63M 2A) [2nd Naval squadron]
---[] Martinet-Class Light Cruiser (16M)
---[] Groupsight Combat Bridge (16M)
---[] Distributed Array Auspex (16M)
---[] Merchant Warp Drive (6M)
---[] Redoubt Life Support (12M)
---[] Bastion Housing (12M)
---[] Plow: Farstrike Lance (12M, 3A)
---[] Broadside: Plasma broadside (8M, 5A)
---[] Scaffold Armor (6M)
---[] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (18M)
---[] Corona-Pattern Point Defense Array (6M)
---[] Repair Deck (6M)
---[] Militarized Engines (9M)
--[] Guardian class Monitor (52M 2A)
---[] War Hawk MkII Heavy Frigate (8M)
---[] Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
---[] Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
---[] Essential Life Support (2M)
---[] Bastion Housing (3M)
---[] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (5M)
---[] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (5M)
---[] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
---[] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
---[] Scaffold Armor (2M)
---[] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
---[] Repair Deck (2M)
---[] Militarized Engines (3M)
-[] Repairs
--[] Industrial Repair (30M)
--[] General Repair (122M 2A)
--[] Endeavor Repair (15M)
-[] Diplomacy Spending
--[] Gehault Repairs (50M)
--[] Yttreum Repairs (10M)
--[] Spatha hull to Yttreum (17M)
---[] Spatha-class hull, militarized engines, merchant sensors, warp, essential life support, barracks
--[] Promise Bagalog a Light Cruiser if it will launch an assault on Incleon.
-[] Army Construction
--[] Homna String Losses Replacement (17M Total):
---[] 2x Orbital Defense Armies (10M)
---[] 2x Defense Armies (4M)
---[] 1x Infantry Army (3M)
--[] 1st Calavar Armored Assault Army (14M) [1st Mobile Army Group]
---[] Armored Core (8M)
----[] Attachments: Cataphracts (6M), Heavy Artillery (0M), Anti-Air (0M)

Right, so, here's the updated plan.

As stated, the Endeavor has been removed (though one good thing is since we are not going to be trying to finish the Endeavor next turn we can afford to stuff the Mk. III Macro on her despite the cost), 3rd garrison army group has been removed. Yttreum repair reduced to 10, but Yttreum gets the hull that we offered in exchange for additional privateers last turn.

Next turn we should be able to put in 40~ for the Bagalog ship, 70 for the Endeavor refit and 50 for another Strife while still building another monitor for Calavar.

Proposed Endeavor refit to be started next turn is:

--[] Endeavor Refit-class Light Cruiser (0/139M, 0/6A)
---[] Endeavor class Light Cruiser
---[] -Existing Bridge-
---[] Distributed Array Auspex (16M)
---[] Merchant Warp Drive (6M)
---[] Redoubt Life Support (12M)
---[] Bastion Housing (12M)
---[] Plow: Duet Torpedo Tubes (6M)
---[] Broadside: Standard Macrocannon Battery Mk. III (48M 6A)
---[] -Existing Armor-
---[] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (18M)
---[] Corona-Pattern Point Defense Array (6M)
---[] Repair Deck (6M)
---[] Militarized Engines (9M)

And proposed Bagalog export light cruiser:
--[] Bagalog Export Light Cruiser (101M)
---[] Martinet-Class Light Cruiser (16M)
---[] Merchant Bridge (4M)
---[] Merchant Sensors (4M)
---[] Merchant Warp Drive (6M)
---[] Essential Life Support (8M)
---[] Bastion Housing (12M)
---[] Plow: Macrocannon Mk. I (6M)
---[] Broadside: Macrocannon Mk. I (12M)
---[] Scaffold Armor (6M)
---[] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (18M)
---[] Corona-Pattern Point Defense Array (6M)
---[] Cargo Bay (0M)
---[] Militarized Engines (9M)
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If I am reading this correctly, are you saying that the fact that they wouldn't let us put a sword over their heads is on it's own indication that we need to put a sword over their head?
Call it me being afraid of Gehault abandoning us when we need their aid most. But maybe I'm a bit too focused on their status as deserters and their willingness to use life eater bombs. I'll just go back and brainstorm a bit about something that gives us an edge over them or bagalog. Something preventive rather than just better ships to face them in combat.
Call it me being afraid of Gehault abandoning us when we need their aid most. But maybe I'm a bit too focused on their status as deserters and their willingness to use life eater bombs. I'll just go back and brainstorm a bit about something that gives us an edge over them or bagalog. Something preventive rather than just better ships to face them in combat.

Hmmmm, what exactly do you expect out Gehault and Bagalog? Because if the answer is "fighting to the death for us" that would certainly be a tall order, heh.

Think of it this way; If you don't expect them to be a big help to begin with, then you won't be disappointed when they fail to be a big help. Certainly, the situation that we are in isn't one where they can afford to not be a big help, but if you are looking to the far future then the answer is that if you want a hard tool to make them behave as we would have them, then the most straightforward and effective solution is to just conquer them. That way WE get to direct their deployments and force outputs.

It's just, you know, not a palatable solution because it costs us more then we get out of it. Most Hard Power solutions to diplomacy run into the same problem.

It's simply better to count on what they are most probably going to help us with then try and depend on something that they might not. Thus far, their greatest contribution to us is NOT being a filthy xeno or heretic polity that's willing to play ball with our diplomatic fictions and that depends more on creating a system where they not playing ball is also of benefit to us. Soft Power, if you would.
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---[] Broadside: Macrocannon Mk. I (6M)
broadside weapons cost an additional 2x as they are on both sides of the ship for a total of 3x(cruiser) 2x(broadside)=6x

--[] Endeavor Repair (15M)
The Endeavor has 15M worth of reusable parts reducing its build cost by 15M not a 15M to build cost

---[] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (5M)
---[] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (5M)
As you have a bit of A unused i would go for:
-2x Macrocannon Turrets: Standard weapons of the Imperial Navy, though a bit worse for wear after being shot out of their ships. (Battery 3, Medium Range. 4M,1A)
Or even:
-Plasma Turret: Powerful, long ranged, but power hungry and temperamental even before it was set adrift. (Battery 4, Medium Range, Aggressive Spirit. 5M,4A)
on the monitor
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broadside weapons cost an additional 2x as they are on both sides of the ship for a total of 3x(cruiser) 2x(broadside)=6x

Ah, woops. Got it. So it should be 12M. Not too much of a difference.

The Endeavor has 15M worth of reusable parts reducing its build cost by 15M not a 15M to build cost

Oh, then I was misreading the situation? Cool. Gives me 15M to work with then. So I can add in either starting the Endeavor or building a garrison army group.

@DaLintyGuy Just to double check, is what sunrise said correct? And am I correct in that the Endeavor basically needs everything except the bridge and armor right (so, life support, crew quarters, sensors, weapons, shield, and engine)?

As you have a bit of A unused i would go for:
-2x Macrocannon Turrets: Standard weapons of the Imperial Navy, though a bit worse for wear after being shot out of their ships. (Battery 3, Medium Range. 4M,1A)
Or even:
-Plasma Turret: Powerful, long ranged, but power hungry and temperamental even before it was set adrift. (Battery 4, Medium Range, Aggressive Spirit. 5M,4A)
on the monitor
Good point. If we aren't going to be using them to help with our macrocannon research then might as well make our monitor swole with them.
Two Customs Monitors are available for rebuilding without deconstruction costs, otherwise 6M each.]
Just to be sure
So for 6M we get the existing ship back and replacing parts cost the same as a new build?
-Self Defense Guns (Damage .5, Short Range), Navigational Shields (Shield 1), Plasteel Composite (Armor 1.5), Engine (Accel 1.5, Maneuver 1)
Are the existing monitors low damage but in defenses equal to our early resolutes with slightly better engines.
adding mkII marco cannons for 2M or the looted lances for 3M will spend a total of 18M and the pair is better then a ship we can build for that.
@DaLintyGuy Just to double check, is what sunrise said correct? And am I correct in that the Endeavor basically needs everything except the bridge and armor right (so, life support, crew quarters, sensors, weapons, shield, and engine)?
Aye and correct. It is a 15M discount from repurposing and recycling damaged components.
So for 6M we get the existing ship back and replacing parts cost the same as a new build?
Yes. Though their slots are locked to their existing category (Shield, Battery, etc).
--[] Promise Bagalog a Light Cruiser if it will launch an assault on Incleon.
Don't we have word of GM we have to at least start building the hull for them for them to believe that? If so, I'd suggest swapping out the Spatha hull to Yttreum for that and literally build the hull, which would leave 1 M left over we should probably put on Yttreum Repairs if we aren't giving them a ship this turn.

Good point. If we aren't going to be using them to help with our macrocannon research then might as well make our monitor swole with them.
I'd prefer to save them for more mobile builds. Like either on some Warriors (next turn when we build some) or as prow guns on the next Audacity class we intend to keep, which seems like it'd suit those plasma guns quite well. At most, I'd support putting one set of guns on the Monitor to give it some good teeth into medium range, but isn't that what giving it lances is supposed to do?

Yes. Though their slots are locked to their existing category (Shield, Battery, etc).
Seems we may as well keep them. Numbers also matter for defense and even if they're weak, they still force the enemy to react to them and are perfectly good distractions and anti-getting flanked back up. Even if I'd still like to build a second monitor, cheaper, monitor next turn out of a Spatha class hull.
@Happerry Can't remove the Spatha hull because that was what was promised to Yttreum for additional privateers last turn.

[X] Turn 10 Repairs and Prep Mk. IV [390/390M, 8/9A]
-[X] Ship Building
--[X] Audacity-class Light Cruiser (70/133M 6/8A; spend 63M 2A) [2nd Naval squadron]
---[X] Martinet-Class Light Cruiser (16M)
---[X] Groupsight Combat Bridge (16M)
---[X] Distributed Array Auspex (16M)
---[X] Merchant Warp Drive (6M)
---[X] Redoubt Life Support (12M)
---[X] Bastion Housing (12M)
---[X] Plow: Farstrike Lance (12M, 3A)
---[X] Broadside: Plasma broadside (8M, 5A)
---[X] Scaffold Armor (6M)
---[X] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (18M)
---[X] Corona-Pattern Point Defense Array (6M)
---[X] Repair Deck (6M)
---[X] Militarized Engines (9M)
--[X] Guardian class Monitor (50M 4A)
---[X] War Hawk MkII Heavy Frigate (8M)
---[X] Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
---[X] Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
---[X] Essential Life Support (2M)
---[X] Bastion Housing (3M)
---[X] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M 1A)
---[X] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M 1A)
---[X] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
---[X] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
---[X] Scaffold Armor (2M)
---[X] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
---[X] Repair Deck (2M)
---[X] Militarized Engines (3M)
-[X] Repairs
--[X] Industrial Repair (30M)
--[X] General Repair (122M 2A)
-[X] Diplomacy Spending
--[X] Gehault Repairs (50M)
--[X] Yttreum Repairs (10M)
--[X] Spatha hull to Yttreum (17M)
---[X] Spatha-class hull, militarized engines, merchant sensors, warp, essential life support, barracks
--[X] Promise Bagalog a Light Cruiser if it will launch an assault on Incleon.
---[X] Bagalog Export Light Cruiser (0/107M; Spend 17M)
----[X] Martinet-Class Light Cruiser (16M)
----[x] Merchant Bridge (4M)
----[X] Merchant Sensors (4M)
----[X] Merchant Warp Drive (6M)
----[X] Essential Life Support (8M)
----[X] Bastion Housing (12M)
----[X] Plow: Macrocannon Mk. I (6M)
----[X] Broadside: Macrocannon Mk. I (12M)
----[X] Scaffold Armor (6M)
----[X] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (18M)
----[X] Corona-Pattern Point Defense Array (6M)
----[X] Cargo Bay (0M)
----[X] Militarized Engines (9M)
-[X] Army Construction
--[X] Homna String Losses Replacement (17M Total):
---[X] 2x Orbital Defense Armies (10M)
---[X] 2x Defense Armies (4M)
---[X] 1x Infantry Army (3M)
--[X] 1st Calavar Armored Assault Army (14M) [1st Mobile Army Group]
---[X] Armored Core (8M)
----[X] Attachments: Cataphracts (6M), Heavy Artillery (0M), Anti-Air (0M)
-[X] Navy Reorganization
--[X] CVL-2 Due Exercise from 2nd Naval Squadron to 3rd Squadron
--[X] KV-5 Undaunted from 3rd Naval Squadron to 3rd Patrol Squadron
--[X] AMM-1 Voidwright from 3rd Naval Squadron to 1st Patrol Squadron
--[X] AMM-10 Golden Ark moved from 1st Patrol to 3rd Patrol Squadron

Right, put in the Bagalog light cruiser and gave it 17M scraped together from the 15M that I'd mistakenly put into repair and 2M from changing the monitor's macros from the pure M cost to the 4M 1A cost.

I *think* this should be the finalized version. Anyone have any objections to this?

@DaLintyGuy can you do a once over and see if I'd made any mistakes please?
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I think we need to reorganise our squadrons:
The 3th patrol squadron has 0 ships left
3rd Naval Squadron has a mix for the Sacred Legacy (Ancient Frigate) to resolutes with merchant drives.
2nd Naval Squadron has a carrier, an escort carrier, and two frigates.

probaly move the escort carrier out of the 2nd to one of the patrol forces, the stock resolutes to escort the carrier and add one or two ships to the 1st patrol squadron that protects our main shipyard in addition to the monitor.
I'll be editing in a bit of reorganization of the fleet when I get the chance.

Particularly the 2nd squadron. The escort carrier no longer belongs there since the Audacity will be added there.

Reestablishing the 3rd patrol is important as well of course.
Navy reorganization is the following:

-[] Navy Reorganization
--[] CVL-2 Due Exercise from 2nd Naval Squadron to 3rd Squadron
--[] KV-5 Undaunted from 3rd Naval Squadron to 3rd Patrol Squadron
--[] AMM-1 Voidwright from 3rd Naval Squadron to 3rd Patrol Squadron

We reestablish 3rd patrol squadron with one of the original Resolutes and a AMM. Move the escort carrier out of 2nd into 3rd to make the 2nd into a proper heavy hitter squadron since we are adding in the Audacity this turn to the 2nd squadron.