Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

Maybe we want that. Maybe we don't want Gehault to be at full strength.
That is certainly an option. As the Admiralty you do need to take political factors into account, and the Imperium's long term planning can stretch millennia.

Of course, if you feel that things are sufficiently a seller's market you can twist their arm to get them to do things for you to keep industrial support coming their way...
Of course, if you feel that things are sufficiently a seller's market you can twist their arm to get them to do things for you to keep industrial support coming their way...

We ARE the only dependable show in town for them, lol. Honestly, we really should repair them fully but, you know, not all at once.

If people see you do something quick and fast, they tend to think that it wasn't hard.
I'm not entirely clear on the state of Gehault's relationship to us? I think we thought they were deserters, and they tried to boss us (Calavar) around by being "the legitimate Imperial Navy"? But there was some kind of peace conference/agreement and now things are less tense and there's an informal border?

The peace treaty was conditioned on repairs and maintenance and resupply. It would be neighborly to get on that in a timely manner, so I'm very tentatively in favor of trusting in our fellow Man and giving them a bigger piece of our industrial pie next turn. We have a fairly large navy ourselves and while definitely not comfortable I think we are less desperate now.
I'm not entirely clear on the state of Gehault's relationship to us? I think we thought they were deserters, and they tried to boss us (Calavar) around by being "the legitimate Imperial Navy"? But there was some kind of peace conference/agreement and now things are less tense and there's an informal border?

The peace treaty was conditioned on repairs and maintenance and resupply. It would be neighborly to get on that in a timely manner, so I'm very tentatively in favor of trusting in our fellow Man and giving them a bigger piece of our industrial pie next turn. We have a fairly large navy ourselves and while definitely not comfortable I think we are less desperate now.
I get the feeling we'll be in substantially worse shape by the end of the turn, though.
I'm not entirely clear on the state of Gehault's relationship to us? I think we thought they were deserters, and they tried to boss us (Calavar) around by being "the legitimate Imperial Navy"? But there was some kind of peace conference/agreement and now things are less tense and there's an informal border?

The peace treaty was conditioned on repairs and maintenance and resupply. It would be neighborly to get on that in a timely manner, so I'm very tentatively in favor of trusting in our fellow Man and giving them a bigger piece of our industrial pie next turn. We have a fairly large navy ourselves and while definitely not comfortable I think we are less desperate now.

They ARE deserters and they did try to boss us around. It just so happened that they tried to boss around more people then they had the force to do it with and, because they are much too combat shy and force conservative, the threat of a prolonged war without the ability to repair their stuff brought them to the negotiating table.

OUR negotiating table, mind.

So now we are their sugar daddy and that's our leverage on them.
Also, I noticed in one of our recent battles we had a rough transition back to realspace and ended up in a somewhat bad situation, scattered, because of it. I'm scared of screwing with Warp teach over much but is "more reliable dewarping" a narrow enough goal for Warp Drive improvements to not have terrible penalties @DaLintyGuy ?
Also, I noticed in one of our recent battles we had a rough transition back to realspace and ended up in a somewhat bad situation, scattered, because of it. I'm scared of screwing with Warp teach over much but is "more reliable dewarping" a narrow enough goal for Warp Drive improvements to not have terrible penalties @DaLintyGuy ?
That would synergize with/be essentially the same as dealing with rough Warp conditions in general, so yes. Which, seeing as you do have Traitor forces to the West is not impossible to be hit with again.
Homna is going to be helped by Dark Star up to a certain degree, sooooo....maybe send the 3rd to Lativa to contest the space?
We can hope that Gehault and Yttreum won't do anything stupid but yeah, maybe.

But if we send the 3rd into Lativa we split off Sacred Legacy and put it at Calavar. We can't afford to risk losing that ship to the Orks.

@DaLintyGuy you forgot to put in:

2nd Garrison Army Group
-3rd Orbital Defense Army (5M)
--Foot Infantry (2M), Strategic Command (2M), Anti-Air (1M), Heavy Artillery
--Raised Turn 9
-3rd Crusade Defense Army (2M)
--Foot Infantry (2M), Military Police (0M), Engineers (0M), Heavy Artillery (0M)
--Raised Turn 9
-4th Crusade Defense Army (2M)
--Foot Infantry (2M), Military Police (0M), Engineers (0M), Heavy Artillery (0M)
--Raised Turn 9
-10th Calavar Infantry Army (3M)
--Foot Infantry (2M), Elite Infantry (0M), Armor (1M), Heavy Artillery (0M)
--Raised Turn 9

Into the army list.

Anyways. I'm thinking something like the following:

[] War Plan Green
-Homna String Defense League (20LY): 1st Patrol Squadron, 4th Patrol Squadron, 1st Garrison Army Group, 2nd Line Army Group, 1st Auxiliary Squadron
--In conjunction with the Dark Star Alignment the ground forces will do their best to hold the line against the Ork invasion. Patrol squadron's job is not to engage the Orks offensively. They are to support the landing of troops and otherwise avoid combat and preserve their ships.
-Shrine World Lativa (60LY): 3rd Naval Squadron, 3rd Line Army Group, 1st Combined Army Group, 2nd Support Squadron
--Naval units will ferry in ground reinforcements to Lativa to hold the planet until relieved. Warships will bleed the Orks as best possible but preservation of the 3rd squadron as a combatant force is a high priority.
-Uniary (40LY): 1st Naval Squadron, 2nd Naval Squadron, 4th Naval Squadron, 1st Torpedo Squadron, 2nd Torpedo Squadron, 1st Line Army Group, 1st Calavar Void Army, 1st Mobile Army Group, 1st Support Squadron
--The bulk of the Calavar fleet will fight to hold Uniary against the Ork onslaught.
-Surrounding Calavar: 2nd Garrison Army Group
-Calavar: Sacred Legacy (Detached from 3rd Naval Squadron)
-Lexicalum: 3rd Patrol Squadron
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We can hope that Gehault and Yttreum won't do anything stupid but yeah, maybe.

But if we send the 3rd into Lativa we split off Sacred Legacy and put it at Calavar. We can't afford to risk losing that ship to the Orks.

@DaLintyGuy you forgot to put in:

2nd Garrison Army Group
-3rd Orbital Defense Army (5M)
--Foot Infantry (2M), Strategic Command (2M), Anti-Air (1M), Heavy Artillery
--Raised Turn 9
-3rd Crusade Defense Army (2M)
--Foot Infantry (2M), Military Police (0M), Engineers (0M), Heavy Artillery (0M)
--Raised Turn 9
-4th Crusade Defense Army (2M)
--Foot Infantry (2M), Military Police (0M), Engineers (0M), Heavy Artillery (0M)
--Raised Turn 9
-10th Calavar Infantry Army (3M)
--Foot Infantry (2M), Elite Infantry (0M), Armor (1M), Heavy Artillery (0M)
--Raised Turn 9

Into the army list.

Anyways. I'm thinking something like the following:

[] War Plan Green
-Homna String Defense League (20LY): 1st Patrol Squadron, 4th Patrol Squadron, 1st Garrison Army Group, 2nd Line Army Group, 1st Auxiliary Squadron
--In conjunction with the Dark Star Alignment the ground forces will do their best to hold the line against the Ork invasion. Patrol squadron's job is not to engage the Orks offensively. They are to support the landing of troops and otherwise avoid combat and preserve their ships.
-Shrine World Lativa (60LY): 3rd Naval Squadron, 3rd Line Army Group, 1st Combined Army Group, 2nd Support Squadron
--Naval units will ferry in ground reinforcements to Lativa to hold the planet until relieved.
-Uniary (40LY): 1st Naval Squadron, 2nd Naval Squadron, 4th Naval Squadron, 1st Torpedo Squadron, 2nd Torpedo Squadron, 1st Line Army Group, 1st Calavar Void Army, 1st Mobile Army Group, 1st Support Squadron
--The bulk of the Calavar fleet will fight to hold Uniary against the Ork onslaught.
-Surrounding Calavar: 2nd Garrison Army Group
-Calavar: Sacred Legacy (Detached from 3rd Naval Squadron)
-Lexicalum: 3rd Patrol Squadron

....No, the 3rd needs a backbone of some sort and the Ancient Frigate is perfectly able for that. If we are too afraid to lose it in an "All hands on deck" scenario then we are basically turning into Gehault, lol. It woudl be better to maximize it's utility but, well, it's not Legcutta going after Lativa so we at least don't have to worry about massive amounts of boarding.
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....No, the 3rd needs a backbone of some sort and the Ancient Frigate is perfectly able for that. If we are too afraid to lose it in an "All hands on deck" scenario then we are basically turning into Gehault, lol. It woudl be better to maximize it's utility but, well, it's not Legcutta going after Lativa so we at least don't have to worry about massive amounts of boarding.
Its Orks. There *always* massive amounts of boarding. What we won't have to worry about as much at Lativa is surprise Ork Kommandos.
Yeah that. The Frigate is fast enough and long ranged enough to keep it's distance while our older ships basically do a good impression of road blocks, though even now they should still be decently good at putting up a fight.
Hm. Reading back through the stats, yeah, if we put in orders that the preservation of the Sacred Legacy is high priority it might be worth it to send it with 3rd squadron.

Especially since the 3rd squadron's job will be defending the ground forces while they are in transit.
Keep in mind that the Sacred Legacy is powerful, but remember that when we deployed it at Latvia, the commanders didn't pursue the retreating Locroft because they didn't want to risk damage to the Sacred Legacy. I'd rather have our ships be willing to get stuck in than have them not engage to prevent damage to the Sacred Legacy.
Keep in mind that the Sacred Legacy is powerful, but remember that when we deployed it at Latvia, the commanders didn't pursue the retreating Locroft because they didn't want to risk damage to the Sacred Legacy. I'd rather have our ships be willing to get stuck in than have them not engage to prevent damage to the Sacred Legacy.
Wouldn't we just worry about them not using the SL to chase after retreating Orks rather then not wanting to engage at all? Cause otherwise, the Sacred Legacy is unusable since there is no way to use it in any of the fronts without there being danger of it being harmed.

And relic or not, we really don't need a Harbor Queen at this time.
The biggest concern with the SL at Lativa was that it would outpace all of it's escorts, leaving it vulnerable to possible surprise strikecraft (or even spacecraft really, if the enemy fleet maneuvered correctly) that could damage things that are irreplaceable.
Its a major risk, but what about raiding that other ork world again? The one with the feuding orks and the orbital stations?
If we can get them to hold off forming a waarg for another turn then that would be useful AND we might get another station.
Its probably a bad idea, but i thought i should mention it as even a raid might be enough to give us an extra turn.
What about sending the SL to Lexicalum so they can study it for a turn, i am not expecting any results from the actual study of the craft but we can trade the option to study it for 5 years for support in battle and the result of their design actions. @DaLintyGuy do we know how large their fleet is, we know it includes several escorts and we saw those in action at Lativa but how good are they?
What about sending the SL to Lexicalum so they can study it for a turn, i am not expecting any results from the actual study of the craft but we can trade the option to study it for 5 years for support in battle and the result of their design actions. @DaLintyGuy do we know how large their fleet is, we know it includes several escorts and we saw those in action at Lativa but how good are they?
The Sacred Legacy is an Archeotech ship. Even at venerable Forge Worlds like Mars, studying Archeotech, even examples the size of a pistol or rifle, is a process that can drag on for centuries. Lexicalum isn't even a full Forge World, it is an Admech supply depot that has been tooling itself up into an industrial world. They won't be able to do it in any timeframe this quest operates in.
What about sending the SL to Lexicalum so they can study it for a turn, i am not expecting any results from the actual study of the craft but we can trade the option to study it for 5 years for support in battle and the result of their design actions. @DaLintyGuy do we know how large their fleet is, we know it includes several escorts and we saw those in action at Lativa but how good are they?
The Sacred Legacy is an Archeotech ship. Even at venerable Forge Worlds like Mars, studying Archeotech, even examples the size of a pistol or rifle, is a process that can drag on for centuries. Lexicalum isn't even a full Forge World, it is an Admech supply depot that has been tooling itself up into an industrial world. They won't be able to do it in any timeframe this quest operates in.
Yeah, that. Simply put it is too divergent from what you know to find commonality in order to figure out how the rest of it does what it does. Plus a small order of "if you look at it you break it".
On another note, we've got around three new ships that are currently nameless. We might want to suggest some.