We can hope that Gehault and Yttreum won't do anything stupid but yeah, maybe.
But if we send the 3rd into Lativa we split off Sacred Legacy and put it at Calavar. We can't afford to risk losing that ship to the Orks.
@DaLintyGuy you forgot to put in:
2nd Garrison Army Group
-3rd Orbital Defense Army (5M)
--Foot Infantry (2M), Strategic Command (2M), Anti-Air (1M), Heavy Artillery
--Raised Turn 9
-3rd Crusade Defense Army (2M)
--Foot Infantry (2M), Military Police (0M), Engineers (0M), Heavy Artillery (0M)
--Raised Turn 9
-4th Crusade Defense Army (2M)
--Foot Infantry (2M), Military Police (0M), Engineers (0M), Heavy Artillery (0M)
--Raised Turn 9
-10th Calavar Infantry Army (3M)
--Foot Infantry (2M), Elite Infantry (0M), Armor (1M), Heavy Artillery (0M)
--Raised Turn 9
Into the army list.
Anyways. I'm thinking something like the following:
[] War Plan Green
-Homna String Defense League (20LY): 1st Patrol Squadron, 4th Patrol Squadron, 1st Garrison Army Group, 2nd Line Army Group, 1st Auxiliary Squadron
--In conjunction with the Dark Star Alignment the ground forces will do their best to hold the line against the Ork invasion. Patrol squadron's job is not to engage the Orks offensively. They are to support the landing of troops and otherwise avoid combat and preserve their ships.
-Shrine World Lativa (60LY): 3rd Naval Squadron, 3rd Line Army Group, 1st Combined Army Group, 2nd Support Squadron
--Naval units will ferry in ground reinforcements to Lativa to hold the planet until relieved.
-Uniary (40LY): 1st Naval Squadron, 2nd Naval Squadron, 4th Naval Squadron, 1st Torpedo Squadron, 2nd Torpedo Squadron, 1st Line Army Group, 1st Calavar Void Army, 1st Mobile Army Group, 1st Support Squadron
--The bulk of the Calavar fleet will fight to hold Uniary against the Ork onslaught.
-Surrounding Calavar: 2nd Garrison Army Group
-Calavar: Sacred Legacy (Detached from 3rd Naval Squadron)
-Lexicalum: 3rd Patrol Squadron