Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

[Gained: 2x 'Eavy Gunz (a Dark Star inspired, selective salvage of Ork kannons to find the largest and most easily repaired guns in order to save some manufacturing capacity and get some ability that might not be available)(Damage 3, VS Range; 1M), +1 to next macrocannon project, +2 to next bomb pumped laser project from studying Ork Looted lances, +1 to next Torpedo design from study of Ork "torpedoes", +1 to next engine design OR engine focused hull from looking at the Incleon Raider wrecks]
Result of 7-2 (straight upgrade)=5
Say, did the Macrocannon project get anything from the Uniary loot's +1 boost?

Also, all this loot needs to go into Da Pile Uv Gubbinz.
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Da Pile Uv Gubbinz has not been updated after the last construction turn where both IN Macrocannons and Light IN Armor where used.
There is a budget of 210 from Calavar+60 from her neighbors+20 from the Balafax region+15 from Uniary-15 from entertaining Radicals=290 Manufacturing to be spent and 10 Artisanal Workmanship.
Shouldn't we have 220 from Calavar? We had 190 last turn.

Tech-wise, this looks pretty good for us. The new sensors are good, the lance upgrade appears to be a free retrofit that even applies to existing lances, the new shields are stronger than the Haptrix-Alpha shields for the same cost, and dockyard militarization is enough that we can probably get a light cruiser out on turn 9 instead of turn 10 (although we'll have to double up and finish the yard next turn). The macrocannons are a touch disappointing, though - better damage, but man do we pay a premium for it.

@DaLintyGuy, I also have a question about the lances: I've been assuming that typical IN lances are Lance 3 like the salvaged one we have sitting around, but the results of the Farstrike Laser Containment project describe our lances as being less damaging. Is the salvaged one just in poor condition?
Just so everyone knows my time has been a tiny bit crunched compared to previously.

Say, did the Macrocannon project get anything from the Uniary loot's +1 boost?

Also, all this loot needs to go into Da Pile Uv Gubbinz.
It should have. I'll put some effort into fixing it.

I'll get it.
Da Pile Uv Gubbinz has not been updated after the last construction turn where both IN Macrocannons and Light IN Armor where used.
I'll get it.
@DaLintyGuy, I also have a question about the lances: I've been assuming that typical IN lances are Lance 3 like the salvaged one we have sitting around, but the results of the Farstrike Laser Containment project describe our lances as being less damaging. Is the salvaged one just in poor condition?
Poor condition and limited somewhat by available power transfer/storage/what have you.
Poor condition and limited somewhat by available power transfer/storage/what have you.
Fair enough. And the income from Calavar?

So, these are the ship/station designs I'm thinking about for this turn:

Auxiliary Carrier (Total cost: 74M, 3A)
- Bulk Hauler (0M)
- Merchant Bridge (4M)
- Distributed Array Auspex (16M)
- Merchant Warp Drive (0M)
- Essential Life Support (0M)
- Barracks Housing (0M)
- Farstrike Lance (9M, 3A)
- Cargo Bay Hangar x2 (6M)
- Cargo Bay Hangar x2 (6M)
- Cargo Bay Hangar x2 (6M)
- Bubble-type Rapid Shield (18M)
- Scaffold Armor (6M)
- Merchant Thrusters (3M)
Nothing fancy here. Tons of fighters, and lances for shooting from the rear.
Alternatively, for the same cost, we could replace the third set of hangars with a troop deck, which would give us fewer fighters but would make the ship good for planetary assaults and (with an appropriate shuttle) boarding actions. This would be good for going after Octan next turn; we'll need a lot of troops to secure the goodies.

Watchtower-class Defense Platform (Total cost: 37M, 2A)
- Trench-Class Small Defense Platform (3M)
- Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
- Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
- Essential Life Support (2M)
- Bastion Housing (3M)
- Farstrike Lance (3M, 1A)
- Farstrike Lance (3M, 1A)
- Cove-pattern Hangar (4M)
- Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
- Scaffold Armor (2M)
- Repair Deck (2M)
- Savior S-1s (1M)
With two lances and no batteries, this platform would be good at long range combat but vulnerable to ships charging in and engaging at close range. However, with support from a ship or two, or from an orbital defense army, I think it would do pretty well, and it crucially isn't vulnerable to enemies with medium-range macrocannons (i.e. every IN escort class) sitting at medium range and hammering it down. If we had medium range macrocannons of our own I'd say we should do one and one, but we don't.

Escort Carrier Type C (Total cost: 28M)
- Converted Freighter (3M)
- Merchant Bridge (1M)
- T-100 Auspex (2M)
- Merchant Warp Drive (4M)
- Essential Life Support (2M)
- Bastion Housing (3M)
- Cargo Bay Hangar (1M)
- Cargo Bay Hangar (1M)
- Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
- Militarized Engines (3M)
- Savior S-1s x2 (2M)
An updated escort carrier with two squadrons of Saviors, no macrocannons (because I'm not sure what they're doing on the Modernized Escort Carrier), and militarized engines to keep up with our newer ships. We can build one of these to get the Fourth Squadron up to... not full strength, but close enough to be deployable.
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Fair enough. And the income from Calavar?

So, these are the ship/station designs I'm thinking about for this turn:

Auxiliary Carrier (Total cost: 74M, 3A)
- Bulk Hauler (0M)
- Merchant Bridge (4M)
- Distributed Array Auspex (16M)
- Merchant Warp Drive (0M)
- Essential Life Support (0M)
- Barracks Housing (0M)
- Farstrike Lance (9M, 3A)
- Cargo Bay Hangar x2 (6M)
- Cargo Bay Hangar x2 (6M)
- Cargo Bay Hangar x2 (6M)
- Bubble-type Rapid Shield (18M)
- Scaffold Armor (6M)
- Merchant Thrusters (3M)
Nothing fancy here. Tons of fighters, and lances for shooting from the rear.
Alternatively, for the same cost, we could replace the third set of hangars with a troop deck, which would give us fewer fighters but would make the ship good for planetary assaults and (with an appropriate shuttle) boarding actions. This would be good for going after Octan next turn; we'll need a lot of troops to secure the goodies.

Watchtower-class Defense Platform (Total cost: 37M, 2A)
- Trench-Class Small Defense Platform (3M)
- Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
- Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
- Essential Life Support (2M)
- Bastion Housing (3M)
- Farstrike Lance (3M, 1A)
- Farstrike Lance (3M, 1A)
- Cove-pattern Hangar (4M)
- Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
- Scaffold Armor (2M)
- Repair Deck (2M)
- Savior S-1s (1M)
With two lances and no batteries, this platform would be good at long range combat but vulnerable to ships charging in and engaging at close range. However, with support from a ship or two, or from an orbital defense army, I think it would do pretty well, and it crucially isn't vulnerable to enemies with medium-range macrocannons (i.e. every IN escort class) sitting at medium range and hammering it down. If we had medium range macrocannons of our own I'd say we should do one and one, but we don't.

Escort Carrier Type C (Total cost: 28M)
- Converted Freighter (3M)
- Merchant Bridge (1M)
- T-100 Auspex (2M)
- Merchant Warp Drive (4M)
- Essential Life Support (2M)
- Bastion Housing (3M)
- Cargo Bay Hangar (1M)
- Cargo Bay Hangar (1M)
- Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
- Militarized Engines (3M)
- Savior S-1s x2 (2M)
An updated escort carrier with two squadrons of Saviors, no macrocannons (because I'm not sure what they're doing on the Modernized Escort Carrier), and militarized engines to keep up with our newer ships. We can build one of these to get the Fourth Squadron up to... not full strength, but close enough to be deployable.[/spoiler]

What about a defense platform with Hangars? That way we don't need to worry about having carriers around protecting things.
150 (base)+60 (nearby worlds)+60 (120 investment in the Industrial Platform)+20 (Bailafax region)+20 (Uniary). I think. Total... 305. Subtract 15 for 290. Which I believe was the given total.
Unless I am missing a Platform tick, which is... Possible.
On turn 3, our income from Calavar proper increased from 150 to 160 without comment, and that +10 has been there every turn since - last turn, we got 190 from Calavar, not 180. I figured it was general economic growth on Calavar-IV.
So. Assistance for Yttreum. We have 5 squadrons of Saviors already earmarked for them, but that definitely won't be enough. Last turn we sent them three Spatha hulls with minimal essentials, and we could do the same this turn, but there are some other options to consider.

The conflict has apparently cooled down to the point where it's mostly raiding. To better fight raiders, Yttreum may need faster ships. We could send them two Spathas with militarized engines and two extra sets for 40M total.

We could send them a complete light carrier built on a Spatha or War Hawk hull, which would probably cost about 40M. This wouldn't be a particularly good idea, except that @mithril-blade is fired up to write an omake about Yttreum deploying Saviors, but won't do it unless we know for certain that they're fielding carriers, even though they almost certainly are... Actually, @DaLintyGuy, is Yttreum already fielding homegrown escort carriers (probably along the lines of the converted craft haulers we've been dealing with in Chaos fleets)?

In addition to any of the above, we might be able to send them the schematics for our scaffold armor. It's cheap and moderately effective, so it'd be a good thing for a resource-strapped world to have.
Actually, @DaLintyGuy, is Yttreum already fielding homegrown escort carriers (probably along the lines of the converted craft haulers we've been dealing with in Chaos fleets)?
Yttreum fields packs of eclectic freighter refits, commonly with single shot torpedo racks, some kind of gun, and armor, and has some old pirates who tried to wait out the trying times after access to outside the Subsector became difficult sort of leading.
Really it's just a mess of angery bois in space technicals being directed by professional performers while basing out of rebuilt shadow ports and covert supply depots.

A handful of Bagalog and Calavar hulls make up the core of what can be called the "professional" navy. Plus a disabled, captured, and rebuilt Firestorm Frigate rejiggered with what was probably Orktech at some point. It has a teleportarium by some accounts though, even if only enough for a handful of soldiers at a time.
Yttreum fields packs of eclectic freighter refits, commonly with single shot torpedo racks, some kind of gun, and armor, and has some old pirates who tried to wait out the trying times after access to outside the Subsector became difficult sort of leading.
Really it's just a mess of angery bois in space technicals being directed by professional performers while basing out of rebuilt shadow ports and covert supply depots.

A handful of Bagalog and Calavar hulls make up the core of what can be called the "professional" navy. Plus a disabled, captured, and rebuilt Firestorm Frigate rejiggered with what was probably Orktech at some point. It has a teleportarium by some accounts though, even if only enough for a handful of soldiers at a time.
Is this all happening in the Yttreum system, or are they also skirmishing in nearby systems? And is "makeshift carrier" one of the types of space technical?

Interesting that Bagalog is also sending them hulls in addition to fighting directly. Do we have a ballpark figure on how many?
Is this all happening in the Yttreum system, or are they also skirmishing in nearby systems? And is "makeshift carrier" one of the types of space technical?

Interesting that Bagalog is also sending them hulls in addition to fighting directly. Do we have a ballpark figure on how many?
Skirmishes between a squadron or more Yttreum hulls and a single, pair, or squadron level force of Gehault Escorts are taking place throughout Yttreum "controlled" and Trade Triangle space over refueling and supply points.
Yttreum does not make regular use of strike craft flown off of mobile decks, being unable to easily replace losses to point defense and not having a reliable gun line to screen carriers from attack. What they do have are used as PDF formations to prevent any landings or protect things like dockyards.

One or two of their Hatchet class seem to be under direct Yttreum control.

*Gaspu* a new shiny we didn't have. Can we buy that Teleportarium? :D
No. Rip it from the cooling husk of the ship yes, but that'd be dishonorable so I bet you won't do it.

Though, Space Hulks will be an actual force you can fight this turn to prevent Ork attacks and see if there is anything useful inside.
No. Rip it from the cooling husk of the ship yes, but that'd be dishonorable so I bet you won't do it.

Though, Space Hulks will be an actual force you can fight this turn to prevent Ork attacks and see if there is anything useful inside.
Aargh, yet another tempting target!

I imagine reverse-engineering a teleportarium would be a lot harder than the warp drive research we almost crit-failed, though; seems foolhardy to try.
Yeah, actually reverse engineering something meant to bring things OUT of the Warp (or the layer Tau drives use, which isn't the Warp itself) has risks involved. At least you knew how a Warp drive worked, ish.
I imagine reverse-engineering a teleportarium would be a lot harder than the warp drive research we almost crit-failed, though; seems foolhardy to try.
To be fair, we would have a working model to reverse engineer and unlike a Warp Drive have a very small area of effect. So a crit fail would at most vaporize a room and probably the teleportarium itself.
An updated escort carrier with two squadrons of Saviors, no macrocannons (because I'm not sure what they're doing on the Modernized Escort Carrier)
By memory it was 'maybe they should have something to actually defend themselves with' given that fighters have turn around times that make them very poor to use if an enemy gets close at all. Given all the ork scrap ships we've been fighting I wanted to make sure they had at least some direct self defense ability. If we'd had lances back then I'd have probably used those instead.

Also some level of future proofing for eventually moving them over to patrol squadrons when we can afford to replace them with actual military hulled carriers.
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Guardsman Song
So I adapted the Warrior Song, made by the US Army, and made it work for the Imperial Guard. I highly recommend you look up the other versions of the song, for the Air Force, Navy, and Marines. Hope you enjoy. I can see this being sung on Uniary as lines of Guardsmen march to relieve a position when they walk through a residential with a lot of crowds like a parade for a while before it becomes routine. This is best enjoyed with the accompanying music so look up Warrior Song US Army on youtube.

Guardsman Song​

I've got the reach and the teeth of a killing machine, with the need to bleed you when the light goes green,
best believe, I'm in a zone to be, to live my life by the Imperial Creed.
Put a grin on my chin when you come to me, 'cuz I'll win, I'm a one-of-a-kind and I'll bring death
to the place you're about to be: another river of blood runnin' under my feet.
Forged in a fire lit long ago, stand next to me, you'll never stand alone.
I'm last to leave, but the first to go, Emperor, make me dead before you make me old.
I feed on the fear of the devil inside of the enemy faces in my sights:
aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart like arctic ice

I am a Guardsman and I'm marching on,
I am a Guardsman and I'm marching on!
I am a warrior and this is my song,
I am a warrior and this is my song!

I bask in the glow of the rising war, lay waste to the ground of an enemy shore,
wade through the blood spilled on the floor, and if another one stands I'll kill some more.
Bullet in the breech and a fire in me, like a deathstick thrown to prometheline,
if death don't bring you fear I swear, you'll fear these marching feet.
Come to the nightmare, come to me, deep down in the dark where the devil be,
in the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth, where the brimstone burns and the angel weeps.
Call to your gods if I cross your path and my silhouette hangs like a body bag;
hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is the one I cast.

I am a Guardsman and I'm marching on, I am a warrior and this is my song.
My eyes are steel and my gaze is long, I am warrior and this is my song.

Now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief, and the least of me's still out of your reach.
The killing machine's gonna do the deed, until the river runs dry and my last breath leaves.
Chin in the air with a head held high, I'll stand in the path of the enemy line.
Feel no fear, know my pride: for The Emperor I'll end your life.

I am a Guardsman and I'm marching on, I am a warrior and this is my song.
My eyes are steel and my gaze is long, (I cannot hear you!) I am a warrior and this is my song!
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