Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

An Assessment of the Savior (reward of Yttreum Saviors)
I made another thing. Enjoy?

An Assessment Of A Savior?

There are few things that are certain in the universe. Besides, one might suppose, death and taxes. And the former is arguable.

The sheer reason for smuggling lanes and the black-market to exist was to avoid interdiction on products that authorities might not want traded and to avoid the fees and those that they did. Even without a greater tithe to the Imperium being implemented, the worlds in the Lativa subsector all taxed the commerce in their realms, for that wealth was the lifeblood of these nations. And so....the black market persevered.

And as it happened, one of the primary products that swam through the illicit stream of illegal goods through everywhere, and therefor the worlds of Yttreum, just so happened to be weapons.

"I don't know what you expect of us Lord Rognos. This part of the Hive has been abandoned for hundreds of years. Just clearing the floors without disrupting a machine spirit every few meters has been a challenge," An annoyed man with metal arms aggressively gestured toward the thousands of menials dragging and pulling holy debree out of a half buried structure so colossal that it served as a landmark down here in the plains side of the mountain range. The menials were easy to identify for the cybernetic prosthetics they bore as their legs, the devices allowing them to pull tons of material out of a hole that had been opened on the structure. They were blocky things with oversized servo-motors that were still laced with synthetic nerve endings so that their overseers could still whip them and expect a certain amount of obedient pain.

As was traditional.

This was justapoxed with the arms the man pointing at them wore. These were no worker's arms, no heavy duty model expected to brace heavy loads day after day, hour after hour. They were lithe, slim bureaucrat hands, with a plurality of digits in excess of the holy five that a human was born with, and small ink capsules dotting their forearms. He wore the garb of a floor administrator and it was his rather unpleasant duty to see that this floor of the factory was clear and ready for production.

Never mind that it had fallen off of the factory hundreds of years ago and had tumbled down the mountain a distance down into the plains.

"Speed and efficiency. The holy mark of a righteous crew," The one called Lord Rognos spoke as he breathed out a plume of pure black smoke. He, for his part, had no cybernetic enhancements save for his jaw and this alone would have marked as a Board Member even if his expensive garbs weren't em-blossomed with the shield of his house. In his mouth was a pipe choking on a black block that faintly glowed as it burned, a gift courtesy of house Minurva, "That is what I expect Admin Juke. Was I wrong too?"

"Emperor and Omnisiah burn my tongue for my impertinence lord," The administrator immediately bowed his head as decorum require, but he was visibly not cowed. This stubborn attitude of his was one of the reasons why Rognos secretly liked him, "But this is speed and efficiency. Throwing more men at the project or whipping them more isn't going to make the techpriest inspect and go through the holy objects of this factory floor faster!"

And, indeed, the red robed shapes of the techpriest from the local Mechanicum embassy were stopping groups of menials at a time, giving directions to the overseers as they went through every single bolt and rock pulled from the edifice.

Lord Rognos clicked his tongue in annoyance.

It had been a risky ploy that might have ruined his family if it hadn't been successful, bringing the Techpriests into this project. Luckily, a few of his more vocal adversaries had failed to recognized what his play for what it was and had annoyed the Mechanicum with their opposition. But time would not wait to see if his investment would give him returns, like he knew they would, and so he would need to bare the mockery of his opponents at the court of the CEO a while longer.

Things were fine for now, as law and precedence were with him. Despite having broken off the factory hundreds of years ago, and almost ruining his family in the process, the titanic assembly and smelter floor were still part of the Factory by the simple dint that the CEOs of the mining world of Antrap traditionally did not recognize distance as a limit on their authority; Once part of the Factory always part of the Factory. And as the Rognos family had never relinquished ownership of it, this half buried edifice in this desertic plain was still technically theirs.

But while the CEOs did not recognize distance as a limit on their authority, the same did not apply to board members. It was only a matter time of until his ownership was challenged and the only sure way to crush that was to be seen producing something. He had time still. He really shouldn't be over worrying for now.

And if the God-Emperor could see his thoughts, a particularly bulky techpriest lifted up on a gravplate and started heading for him.

The Board Member gritted his teeth and forced his face to mesh into the most pleasant expression that he could as the Techpriest in charge of getting his factory floor into working shape landed before him.

"Glory to the Omnisiah Lord Rognos, the healing of this edifice is proceeding excellently," Cold static voice of coming out of a techpriest half a head taller then he was greeted him with what he thought was happiness for one of her kind.

Yes, her the noble decided.

Although it was not obvious, to the Board Member there was something...feminine about the Techpriest. The shape of it's eyes, and, sometimes, the way it walked, as if it sometimes forgot that it's center of gravity wasn't situated on it's lower body anymore. It was...discerningly confusing to be honest.

"It's been two years Magos Houndglass. Two solar years," Rognos softly reminded the mechanical human, the unvoiced reprimand implied. The Magos energetically waved away the concern with a smooth slender metal clawed hand as it turned around to point at a row of machinery being dragged out of the building. Yes, she was most definitely happy.

"Ah, but what is two years to the bounty that the Omnisiah has rendered to us? Most of the holy machinery is still in repairable condition, if not intact. This will shave more years off then we have spent clearing the floor!" The emotionless voice intoned with the closest thing that Rognos had ever seen to excitement in one of the Martian Brotherhood.

Alien as it was, it was strangely infectious.

"The next scheduled Board Meeting is 8 years, less if the CEO decides to summon us all. Will I have something to show for it then?" The mining world noble catiously ask, the smile that he forced on his face slowly becoming geniune.

Mago Houndglass actually emoted a single short "AH!" before gesturing the Boardmember into her gravplate, "Why don't I show you then, if your faith in the servants of the Omnisiah is so weak?"

Rognos almost spluttered a bit at the dangerous accusation before deciding that the Magos was just ribbing him.


And what awaited him inside the factory floor when they hovered into it was the product that he hoped to use to secure the future of his family.

A Calavan Savior S-1 Multirole fighter.

Dissembled and spread all over a cleared corner of the factory.

"What sort of degeneracy is this?" He couldn't help but squeak as he beheld dismantled fighter that he had loaned the Techpriesthood in hopes that they could help him set up a factory line to make his own.

He had actually procured a squad's worth of the fighters from his acquaintances in House Minurva and smuggled them into Antrap to avoid giving his enemies notice of what his plans. He would have honestly paid the tax on them if he could but then, he had commisioned another shipment of the fighters to arrive in more official channels in a few years to "justify" his possession of his illegal goods. This meant that each example represented a humongous investment in his part, as cargo space aboard Minurva ships came at a premium.

And these fools had taken one apart!

"This is the fitting of the factory machinery," Magos Houndglass had the nerve to proudly proclaim and as she puffed her chest out, "Do you understand? We had expected to take this step after we had cleared everything. But these blessed fighters are so simple and easy to make that we can modify the factory tooling as we go!"

It took the mining noble a few seconds to process that. To let his anger shimmer down and realize the implications.

'So, do you mean that we can-" He started to voice, uncharacteristic hope starting to come out before he was interrupted.

"-YES! If we can revive the reactor, we only need to clear enough of the smeltery works to start producing parts for this magnificent design. We need not wait to completely heal the whole factory floor before we start producing this holy design!" Was....was the magos shivering with excitement? Why, strange day in the morning, she indeed was. made her too human. It even made him forget taking slight at being interrupted.

"That is why I hope you'll provide us with another Savior." Houndglass decided to wait until that moment to strike him where it hurts, his investments. For a moment he wondered why he had ever thought techpriests like her hard to read, for he rarely come across an individual half as cocky.

"Ah, are you going to dismantle this one too?" He sighed as he resigned himself to basically losing two of his Saviors. Still, the sooner he could get production running the sooner he could recoup his losses.

"Tempting..." The Magos had the nerve to admit before shaking her head, "But no. Have you flown one before?"

Rogos was taken a back at the question a little bit before nodding his head, "Yes, while Landers are a plenty and reliable, it is far too dangerous to be out in the void for long periods of time. I have taken to sending my retinue separately from myself, using the Saviors too quickly get to where I need to be to avoid ambushes."

"And what do you think?" Magos Houndlgass curiously asked as she inquisitively leaned forward, almost invading the Board Members space. It allowed him to see her eyes more closely, to notice the quiet intensity in them.

"They are...magnificent." Lord Rognos admitted as he recalled the easy thrust and turn of the fighter. Minurva ships had Furies in their arsenal, and these had better speed, turning and target acquisition then his personal Savior. But whereas they had to stop when entering one of the other planets in the system, the aerodynamc design and features of the fighter allowed him to simply fly where he needed to go. It added a layer of strategic advantage that, at present, no one else near Antrap could easily match. Or provide them with.

"Then understand then that we do not know that. And cannot as these are new creations and as such, we lack specifications for them," The mechanics member said with almost clear scandal in her otherwise emotionless voice, " The Saviors are easy to replicate, but without knowing the extend of their functions it would ill behoove us to do so. We need testing."

Lord Rognos grumbled a bit internally, although he was honestly relieved that that he wasn't going to have to lose another one. Just as he opened his mouth to accept the request and transfer another Savior in their keeping, he was struck once more by how....human Houndglass looked. The intensity in her eyes was highlighted with a golden honey color, and her eyebrows provided evidence that she was, point in fact, a brunette. He could tell nothing else about her, as her mouth was covered by a respirator device, and bulky cables and tubes ran out and into her robe. Her feet had normal fabric boots and, despite being so tall, the width of her shoulders seem to be a bit slim below the muscle needed to hold up her mechandendrites.

He couldn't believe he was even contemplating doing what he was contemplating doing but there was something about her that he couldn't help but be attracted to.

"Will my personal Savior do?" He found himself asking, planning on voxing his attendants to clean up and make the gilding on it glean. Well, more then they already did anyway.

"You would give us your personal Savior?" The techpriest said, taken aback.

"I would allow one of you to accompain me in this testing that you need. Never let it be said that I am above doing work for the Onmisiah," The Noble proudly replied as he straightened his clothes. Actually, was that an assertion that he, Rognos, was the Omnisiah? Seeing as all of this was being done in his interests? Damn, maybe he didn't plan this out enough....

"Well," The Magos said, somewhat impressed, as she started considering the matter, "A few of the initiates would be able to-"

"-if it isn't too big a request, I would like it to be you." Rognos interrupted before this could veer off in the comedic. "I have an image to preserve, you understand Magos Houndglass, and as such I cannot allow any other inferior techpriest to ride with me," He lied through his teeth; There was no way any of his colleagues would ever be able to tell Techpriests apart.

"Politics," The techpriest huffed with annoyance before considering the matter again. Finally, shrugging in a way that definitely caught Lord Rognos attention, she said, "Well, why not?"

Much Later, Lord Rognos would fully confirm that she was indeed a woman.


How good is the Savior? Well, let me tell you:

It's good enough to pick up women. Point in fact, although I have no further evidence, it is THE choice of nobles to pick up Mechanicum chicks. Or dudes, never let it be said that Savior isn't multirole~

Yeah, no, honestly, this one got away from me. The romance just kind of...happened.
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Nothing is ever simple when it comes to retracing the steps of the Ancients on the Quest for Knowledge. But when we look upon their works we know it will be worth it.

[] Prepare for Deployment: Work is authorized to turn all allocated resources to finishing a notable number of units for immediate use. (Gain an attachment of Walkers this construction phase)
[] Sweat for Blood: Not all knowledge gained by the project was applied to the final result, something needed to fight design creep. Yet the benefits will be seen for the next iteration. (+1 to next walker project)
An Assessment Of A Savior?
Not so much an assessment as it is the natural tendency for off brand copies to proliferate. Just look at the Kalashnikov.
As for rewards... I can offer you 5M worth of Saviors, either for another Army formation or for carrier deployment in the future.
Nothing is ever simple when it comes to retracing the steps of the Ancients on the Quest for Knowledge. But when we look upon their works we know it will be worth it.

[] Prepare for Deployment: Work is authorized to turn all allocated resources to finishing a notable number of units for immediate use. (Gain an attachment of Walkers this construction phase)
[] Sweat for Blood: Not all knowledge gained by the project was applied to the final result, something needed to fight design creep. Yet the benefits will be seen for the next iteration. (+1 to next walker project)
Can I wait to see how well the walkers turned out before choosing?
Not so much an assessment as it is the natural tendency for off brand copies to proliferate. Just look at the Kalashnikov.
As for rewards... I can offer you 5M worth of Saviors, either for another Army formation or for carrier deployment in the future.
Is there anyway I can earmark those 5M of Saviors as trade to Yttreum instead? Gotta keep that influence gravy train rolling after all!
Actually, next turn, would anyone be interested in sending Yttreum a carrier along? 5M is exactly five of them which is, admittedly, just a full squad, but I really would love to do an omake where they actually deploy a carrier full of Saviors.
Actually, next turn, would anyone be interested in sending Yttreum a carrier along? 5M is exactly five of them which is, admittedly, just a full squad, but I really would love to do an omake where they actually deploy a full carrier full of Saviors.
Our carriers are tiny. 5M is actually five hangars worth. 5M isn't a full squad, it's a full air army. Additionally, escort carriers are the ship type they're most likely to be able to build on their own.
Actually, next turn, would anyone be interested in sending Yttreum a carrier along? 5M is exactly five of them which is, admittedly, just a full squad, but I really would love to do an omake where they actually deploy a carrier full of Saviors.
We'll have to see if it's in the budget, depending on how the rolls went, we're going to be spending a lot on refits.
We'll have to see if it's in the budget, depending on how the rolls went, we're going to be spending a lot on refits.
Oh, we are not going to refit the entire fleet. We might want to put the new sensors on a few ships, but we can't afford to take too many off the line for a turn. We should keep the Yttreum support going, but I think most of it should be in the form of additional empty hulls.

We should have at least 305M to spend this turn - 265 from last turn, plus 30 from the dockyard expansion and 10 from getting Uniary back. We might have more from controlling more of Uniary than we did on turn 4, or possibly from additional growth in Calavar, the surrounding systems, or Bailafax, but 305M is what we can rely on. Of that, we need to spend 98 on repairs and rearming, 60 on the dockyard, and 15 on the walker project, which comes to 173. That leaves us at least 132 for everything else.

A defense station with our current tech and a lance+macrocannon armament would cost 33; I figure with the new tech it'll be 35-39. Turning the bulk hauler into a carrier would cost (depending on how much the new shields cost) 63-69M, so 23-29 would get us far enough to finish it next turn. Send maybe 45 to Yttreum, and we'll have somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-25M left.

Just give me something to work with guys!
It's an omake; it doesn't have to match up with actual events perfectly. You could just assume they'll make their own escort carrier.
It's an omake; it doesn't have to match up with actual events perfectly. You could just assume they'll make their own escort carrier.
If I wasn't aiming for as canon events as I can...what's the point?

No, I can't assume they have their own escort carriers because such "god modding", as it were, is unearned. It takes away from the appeal of kicking ass, when things just happen to go your way because of author fiat.

At any rate, that's my appeal and I will try and see if I can convince others to throw me a bone next turn.
If I wasn't aiming for as canon events as I can...what's the point?

No, I can't assume they have their own escort carriers because such "god modding", as it were, is unearned. It takes away from the appeal of kicking ass, when things just happen to go your way because of author fiat.

At any rate, that's my appeal and I will try and see if I can convince others to throw me a bone next turn.
I don't think "let's make suboptimal choices because I want to write this omake and I'm too stubborn to do it if we don't" is a very good argument, but, hey, other people might disagree.
I don't think "let's make suboptimal choices because I want to write this omake and I'm too stubborn to do it if we don't" is a very good argument, but, hey, other people might disagree.

How do you see yourself winning Vanigo? Or rather, how do you see us winning? Taking over every single planet in the system? Perhaps just breaking out of the subsector and making Imperial contact? Which is technically the one sure fire way to win.

Perhaps you see us simply razing every single enemy down to nothing.

You are talking about winning. And you are talking about optimal. But if you talk about both, then you can only do so in specific ways.

Me? I want to have fun while winning. There is nothing inherently suboptimal about being flexible enough to put markers with which to measure our progress along the way, because 100 percent efficiency isn't the only type of way to win this game. Without the context of other POVs, "how well are we doing" is just numbers.
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How do you see yourself winning Vanigo? Or rather, how do you see us winning? Taking over every single planet in the system? Perhaps just breaking out of the subsector and making Imperial contact, which is technically the one sure fire way to win.

Perhaps you see us simply razing every single enemy down to nothing.

You are talking about winning. And you are talking about optimal. But if you talk about both, then you can only do so in specific ways.

Me? I want to have fun while winning. There is nothing inherently suboptimal about being flexible enough to put markers with which to measure our progress along the way, because 100 percent efficiency isn't the only type of way to win this game.
Uhh.... what? "Markers with which to measure our progress"? I have no idea what that's supposed to mean, unless you're saying that the omake itself is supposed to somehow "measure our progress", which wouldn't make much sense. The rest of the post is... also kind of confusing. I'm not sure where this talk about my preferred long-term strategy came from?

The message that you think spending 21M on an escort carrier for the sole purpose of allowing you to write an omake about it is worthwhile, at least, is clear enough.
Uhh.... what? "Markers with which to measure our progress"? I have no idea what that's supposed to mean, unless you're saying that the omake itself is supposed to somehow "measure our progress", which wouldn't make much sense. The rest of the post is... also kind of confusing. I'm not sure where this talk about my preferred long-term strategy came from?

The message that you think spending 21M on an escort carrier for the sole purpose of allowing you to write an omake about it is worthwhile, at least, is clear enough.
To you, personally, does it really matter what my message actually is? You see a spenditure of 21M on an escort carrier and that's clearly what matters to you, so I ask if there really is no way to convince you that that is a way to maximize your enjoyment in this game?
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To you, personally, does it really matter what my message actually is? You see a spenditure of 21M on an escort carrier and is there really no way to convince you that that is a way to maximize your enjoyment in this game?
You've convinced me that it's a way to maximize your enjoyment of the game. You get to have fun writing your omake. You haven't convinced me that it's a way to maximize my enjoyment of the game, or for that matter anyone else's. Frankly, this request of yours seems pretty self-centered, especially because it would be totally unnecessary if you were a little more flexible about fitting your omakes to known canon.

For my part, I have fun optimizing stuff. I like looking at a complicated system and tweaking knobs to try and get the best outputs. If you're absolutely determined to convince me that this is a good investment, probably the only way to do it is to explain what omake bonus you hope to get and why you think it's worth the cost (and even then a significant part of me will resent the fact that you refuse to bend on the canon thing).
You've convinced me that it's a way to maximize your enjoyment of the game. You get to have fun writing your omake. You haven't convinced me that it's a way to maximize my enjoyment of the game, or for that matter anyone else's. Frankly, this request of yours seems pretty self-centered, especially because it would be totally unnecessary if you were a little more flexible about fitting your omakes to known canon.

For my part, I have fun optimizing stuff. I like looking at a complicated system and tweaking knobs to try and get the best outputs. If you're absolutely determined to convince me that this is a good investment, probably the only way to do it is to explain what omake bonus you hope to get and why you think it's worth the cost (and even then a significant part of me will resent the fact that you refuse to bend on the canon thing).

You have absolutely no idea how rarely people actually lay down their cards on the table for me. Thank you.

Right, so, optimizing stuff. The draw of doing something excellently, like the veritable mechanic who only needs to smack a pipe once with a hammer to fix the whole steam boat. I think it would be accurate to say that winning, rather then how you win, is how you have fun, right? In many ways, we both want the same thing. I submit that this whole quest isn't just a single game but, rather, many different games held around a single goal.

Meta-wise, you have the "social" side of convincing us berks to follow what you argue to be the most sensible choices. Here you have an opportunity to influence me and hopefully other people by not fighting against every single current that crashes around your plans, but the by harnessing it towards bigger moves in the future. Because a lot of the time you aren't fighting against opposition but indifference.

Now, the major difference between making things for ourselves and making things for others is that we get more input in the former as, you know, total control of our assets means that we can more efficiently make ourselves win. In that sense, the only thing that investing in Yttreum is getting us is interest in the form of good will. And surely you'll agree that, in that sense, some investment is better then nothing, no? That getting them into our sphere of influence is worth something. Perhaps not 21m, but something.

Well, then, I propose that you have been overlooking that we, the players, DO have a direct lever in the diplomacy department in the shape of, well, omakes. Nations around us have modified their actions because of omakes and opened opportunities to further invest in them because of omakes. In that sense, wouldn't you agree that gunning to make something canon in a way that favors us is far more important then the actual bonuses? I argue that's the way to optimize both the diplomatic side of this quest AND what we, your fellow players, chose to contribute to this game we are all playing.

If we are doing diplomacy at all, why wouldn't you want to win in it?
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You have absolutely no idea how rarely people actually lay down their cards on the table for me. Thank you.

Right, so, optimizing stuff. The draw of doing something excellently, like the veritable mechanic who only needs to smack a pipe once with a hammer to fix the whole steam boat. I think it would be accurate to say that winning, rather then how you win, is how you have fun, right? In many ways, we both want the same thing. I submit that this whole quest isn't just a single game but, rather, many different games held around a single goal.

Meta-wise, you have the "social" side of convincing us berks to follow what you argue to be the most sensible choices. Here you have an opportunity to influence me and hopefully other people by not fighting against every single current that crashes around your plans, but the by harnessing it towards bigger moves in the future. Because a lot of the time you aren't fighting against opposition but indifference.

Now, the major difference between making things for ourselves and making things for others is that we get more input in the former as, you know, total control of our assets means that we can more efficiently make ourselves win. In that sense, the only thing that investing in Yttreum is getting us is interest in the form of good will. And surely you'll agree that, in that sense, some investment is better then nothing, no? That getting them into our sphere of influence is worth something. Perhaps not 21m, but something.

Well, then, I propose that you have been overlooking that we, the players, DO have a direct lever in the diplomacy department in the shape of, well, omakes. Nations around us have changed their actions because of omakes and opened opportunities to further invest in them because of omakes. In that sense, wouldn't you agree that gunning to make something canon in a way that favors us is far more important then the actual bonuses? I argue that's the way to optimize both the diplomatic side of this quest AND what we, your fellow players, chose to contribute to this game we are all playing.

If we are doing diplomacy at all, why wouldn't you want to win in it?
Well, I'm certainly not arguing that we shoudn't be sending ships to Yttreum. I'm the one who put together last turn's plan, which sent them 46M worth of support, and I've penciled in 45M for this turn as well. And yes, that does mean that we could pay for an escort carrier with part of that 45M and thereby not affect the budget, but judging from the sitrep in the turn seven design phase post, warship hulls are what they want most. Even so, if you have a plan for an omake featuring Yttreum deploying an escort carrier that you think could be used to influence them in a way useful to us, then I'd be happy to hear you out.

That said, I'd actually be amazed if Yttreum doesn't have some kind of carrier capacity, at least at the level of the converted craft haulers we've been seeing Chaos forces using from the start of the game.
Well, I'm certainly not arguing that we shoudn't be sending ships to Yttreum. I'm the one who put together last turn's plan, which sent them 46M worth of support, and I've penciled in 45M for this turn as well. And yes, that does mean that we could pay for an escort carrier with part of that 45M and thereby not affect the budget, but judging from the sitrep in the turn seven design phase post, warship hulls are what they want most. Even so, if you have a plan for an omake featuring Yttreum deploying an escort carrier that you think could be used to influence them in a way useful to us, then I'd be happy to hear you out.

That said, I'd actually be amazed if Yttreum doesn't have some kind of carrier capacity, at least at the level of the converted craft haulers we've been seeing Chaos forces using from the start of the game.

Oh but that's easy; Giving a carrier so Calavan that despite all Yttreum guilding and icons, other nations that see them will think "Calavar".

Basically, we can make them do advertising for us in the cheap. Make it known that we are willing to give things away and make them want to come to us to get some of that sweet Calavan help.
Oh but that's easy; Giving a carrier so Calavan that despite all Yttreum guilding and icons, other nations that see them will think "Calavar".

Basically, we can make them do advertising for us in the cheap. Make it known that we are willing to give things away and make them want to come to us to get some of that sweet Calavan help.
Why an escort carrier, then? I mean, I know inspiration is a fickle beast, but wouldn't an omake about a different ship type be about the same? It would also make more sense in-universe, since escort carriers are not nearly as impressive as actual warships, nor are they half as distinctive as our homemade hull types.
Why an escort carrier, then? I mean, I know inspiration is a fickle beast, but wouldn't an omake about a different ship type be about the same? It would also make more sense in-universe, since escort carriers are not nearly as impressive as actual warships, nor are they half as distinctive as our homemade hull types.

Because I have already laid the groundwork for it. And because the only way to make this canon is to do it in such a way that DaLintyGuy wants to make it canon, and I believe that I can write carriers in such a way that it helps tell the story he wants told. After all, he shouldn't be expected to approve of things that don't fit his vision.

Like, well, honestly the shining jewel here is the Savior. That's what I am going to be concentrating on. But It's no very visible and needs something bigger for it to make any justifiable amount of change.
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Oh but that's easy; Giving a carrier so Calavan that despite all Yttreum guilding and icons, other nations that see them will think "Calavar".
Carriers aren't exactly Calavan? Calavan tends to be "You don't have to worry about surviving if you kill the enemy first". Just look at what Bagalog thinks of our design.
Of course, such a distinction was important as the Calavans had been extremely aggressive in their warship designs and it was only recently that they had begun backpedaling.
Where the Calavans went for killing power
Carriers aren't exactly Calavan? Calavan tends to be "You don't have to worry about surviving if you kill the enemy first". Just look at what Bagalog thinks of our design.

Well, like I said, is mostly the Savior that's going to be doing the leg work as that's kind of spreading through other places now as of our GMs notes on my omake. But they aren't showy enough to advertise our help well. Big ships are easy to justify in that sense, and I can connect that to the presence that the Savior already has and is hopefully going to further have.