And to be fair that damnation was really fueled by Danzo/Otto, Alicent and the rest of the Greens...
I wonder what factions will form vying for the hand of Prince Baelon this time... That if he also doenst feel inspired by Lucien own wedding and decide to adhere the Old Gods of Valaryia.
The line of sucession its currently like this I guess: Baelon, Rhaenyra (followed by her own children) , Daemon, the Twins (and their possible children given that being born of Rhae they will be old enough to marry and have child depending when the Dance Starts), depending on legality issue Rhaenys the Queen who never was followed by her children (and possible granchildren), Lucien followed by his own children, with Rhaenyra's having the strongest claim, followed by child via Laena (combined claim of Rhaenys) and Alicent (Not Targ blood except Lucien).
Edit: And if shit happens: Visanya, the Triplets, Gael and by the end Aegor and siblings, saying nothing about Saera kids. (To you see how long the list is, even Visanya has a better claim than Lucien own being born of Baelon and Vissara if she was given the name.)
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