How do we have a caster level of 19. I found one of the two extras in our Draconic Power feat but couldnt find the other.
Spell-Singer's Ring (1/day):
  1. Wearer benefits from a +1 Competence bonus to Arcane spellcasting level, increasing to +2 for all Fire-based spellcasting.
  2. The wearer becomes cognizant of all spellcasting that occurs within 60 feet, and she can identify the spell being cast (even if she can't see its casting or effect) on a successful Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level). If this identification succeeds, the wearer can choose once per day to have the ring counterspell (without readying a counterspell action or making a dispel check) or can change the target or the point of effect of the spell to any target or point within 60 feet (including herself if she chooses to redirect a potentially beneficial spell). If the wearer chooses an illegal target (an animal for a humanoid-affecting spell, for instance, or a point of effect outside the spell's range as measured from the original caster), the spell functions normally and the redirection is wasted. If the wearer ends up in the area of a retargeted spell, she experiences the effect of the spell as normal.
  3. Your spells benefit from a +4 bonus to caster level to resist Dispel Magic and Counterspell attempts.
  4. 5/day as a Swift Action, add +2 Competence bonus on any Dispel Magic checks made before the end of the turn.
  5. 3 Charges/Day: 1 Charge (+2d6 Fire damage on your next Fire spell), 2 Charges (+3d6 Fire damage on your next Fire spell), 3 Charges (+4d6 Fire damage on your next Fire spell)
Interlude CCCXLXVIII: Timely Gifts
Timely Gifts

Third Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC

"Do you know what day it is today?" Ysilla Royce asked as she walked into her brother's bedroom.

"What did I say about knocking?" Waymar was sitting on the bed while Tyene was fiddling with his armor's straps, helping him get it off. From the looks of things he had been sparring in the afternoon again which probably meant teaching all that alchemy stuff in the Scholarum was still giving him trouble.

Scholarum Course - Alchemy Progress: 12/20

Resisting her urge to roll her eyes out of deference to how tired her brother looked, Ysilla still had to point out. "If you two really needed to be alone you would have locked the door."

Waymar gave her a scandalized look while Tyene just smiled and shook her head. The younger Royce scion was quite aware of the fact that the two of them were lovers and she knew in a vague sort of way that it was supposed to be wrong, though she paid it no mind. She liked Tyene. After all, neither of them was married or even betrothed to another, so it was not like they were hurting anyone. On top of that she would wager quite a lot that they would be marrying each other before long.

"What's so important that you just walked in here?" her brother asked, trying and not really managing to sound stern.

"It's Andar's name day, we aught to give him a gift. I mean, there's all this stuff around..." She motioned vaguely towards the window. "Things being sold in the market that you can't find in the Vale, not even in Gulltown, maybe not even in King's Landing."

"Which would make for some rather conspicuous gifts," Tyene pointed out. She was doing that thing again where she wanted Ysilla to argue with her to prove her point to teach her something.

"I never said we should take a Valyrian steel sword from the armory to hand to him, did I? Come on, it's his name day..." And I'm feeling homesick, the girl admitted to herself. After a bit more cajoling the two agreed.


Andar Royce was not one to usually drink and sing the night away and then sleep past noon, but it wasn't every day a man turned nine-and-twenty, or at least that is what he told himself before his sixth mug of beer. After that it was all perfectly reasonable and everything was right with the world. As was the natural course of the world that sense of rightness quickly gave way to the painful realities of mixing prodigious amounts wine and bear.

It was therefore little wonder that upon being confronted with the strange sight of his two youngest siblings and a blonde girl who looked faintly familiar showing up without even using the door that he thought them a particularly odd dream.

"G' 'way! Wanna sleep!" he shouted, or at least tried to. It came out as more of a croak.

"Here," his very much solid brother grabbed him and hoisted him up in bed. "Tyene can fix this."

The Dornishwoman grabbed his wrist and a moment later the fog lifted from his mind with the sharp and embarrassing realization that he had slept in his clothes and probably looked and smelled like death warmed over.

"Happy name day, Andar!" Ysi called, pressing a booklet into his hands. "That's all about the Royces of Runestone from the really old days before the Andals came, as remembered in the tales of the Children of the Forest. I had a few copies made so it wouldn't be lost."

"The Children of the Forest... So that part's true, too?" The elder Royce shook his head, bemused.

"And from me there's..." Waymar was presenting a beautifully worked leather sword sheath when a creek sounded from outside the door... then a scratch as someone tried to meddle with the latch.

"It looks like we are about to see some unwelcome company, of the sort that would prefer to help itself to your things while you are dead to the world I'd wager," Tyene sounded like she found the prospect more amusing than frightening, and from what he remembered of her powers Andar had to admit she had the right of it. What worried him more was that Ysi seemed outright excited.

"I can help." She turned to Waymar. "I can, right?"

Rather than a flat refusal the answer she got was surprisingly tactful: "None of us can help directly in a way that would be seen... There are more dangerous things out there than brigands to worry about."

"I can handle them," Andar assured her, looking around the room for his sword... and finding nothing among the chaos.

Ever-helpful, Ysi... drew a dagger to hand to him, too small for his hands, but obviously a war-blade... hers. Seeing his expression, she huffed, "Would you rather I not be able to defend myself?"

Again Waymar played the diplomat, handing out his worn sword, bronze crackling with tiny threads of lightning: "A sword will work better anyway."

While the conversation had been going on the Dornishwoman had made first herself then Ysilla and Waymar unseen with a spell before pulling a ribbon out of her hair and handing it off. "Put this on and think of that as a normal sword!"

Having no time to argue, Andar did as he was bid moments before the footpads finally barged in, two with heavy clubs wrapped in rags at the ready and the third oddly enough with only a pierce of wet cloth. Finding not a unconscious reveler but a knight ready and armed the thugs quickly fell to the last, one dead, two merely wounded.

As the brief skirmish ended, Andar's guests showed themselves. Ysi looked pale and tight-lipped as he would have thought she would be, but it was the Dornishwoman who provided the greatest surprise of the day. She picked up the cloth, smelled it, and asked: "Do you have any idea who would want to kidnap you and why?"

OOC: A low roll for Alchemy with only 4 on 2d6, also present Royce family dynamics, and as is so often the case in Westeros, a plot. That does not mean you have to drop everything and follow up. Andar is safe, and Bronze Yohn has prisoners to interrogate.
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Yss is a total bro. I would have trusted Yss in our mirror network, for example.
After we feed him some, but still.

I think at this point we are as close to being his "Champion" as it gets without actual metaphysical connection.
We further his agenda, give him followers, and feed him to food coma.

A low roll for Alchemy with only 4 on 2d6
Low roll on alchemy aside...wait does Waymar not have an advantage on researching alchemy? Should it not be 4d6? Okay low roll aside that was sweet and also somewhat concerning at the end.
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@everyone, g'night.
Don't hesitate to tag me all over the place for additions to Minor Actions, but I'l lbe here to add them only in 10-11 hours or so.
It might still finish with the book. I have not rolled on that yet.
Eh, It's just the randomness that gets to me, be it here, or in most other quests.
When adventuring is concerned, stacking odds in our favor is way more straightforward, be it planning, buffs, or somethign else.

Here... well, aside from throwing more people at the problem, we have none.

I don't really like this sort of action-deciding dice, when I have to wait IRL months for things to be done :/
This smells like devils, probably Corbray.
Agree with the latter, not really the former.
If a Devil had wanted to abduct him they would have send someone capable of doing it.
But Corbray seems possible, we'll see who's men these were.

Since Tyene is here right now, could she spend a minute on casting a few Brainspiders?
That saves Royce the chance of failure regular interrogation has.
Eh, It's just the randomness that gets to me, be it here, or in most other quests.
When adventuring is concerned, stacking odds in our favor is way more straightforward, be it planning, buffs, or somethign else.

Here... well, aside from throwing more people at the problem, we have none.

I don't really like this sort of action-deciding dice, when I have to wait IRL months for things to be done :/

I get it, it's just that the alternative is that everything move unrealistically fast in character.
Eh, It's just the randomness that gets to me, be it here, or in most other quests.
When adventuring is concerned, stacking odds in our favor is way more straightforward, be it planning, buffs, or somethign else.

Here... well, aside from throwing more people at the problem, we have none.

I don't really like this sort of action-deciding dice, when I have to wait IRL months for things to be done :/
Life sucks. Things don't always go as planned. Not everything can be perfectly controlled.
Agree with the latter, not really the former.
If a Devil had wanted to abduct him they would have send someone capable of doing it.
But Corbray seems possible, we'll see who's men these were.

Since Tyene is here right now, could she spend a minute on casting a few Brainspiders?
That saves Royce the chance of failure regular interrogation has.

... @DragonParadox, can we assume that Tyene will Brain Spider and rip apart the minds of the bastards who tried to take Andar on a Ruse Cruise?

Sure brain spiders make sense.
Agree with the latter, not really the former.
If a Devil had wanted to abduct him they would have send someone capable of doing it.
But Corbray seems possible, we'll see who's men these were.

Since Tyene is here right now, could she spend a minute on casting a few Brainspiders?
That saves Royce the chance of failure regular interrogation has.
Corbray is a devil cultist, so I don't see why devils wouldn't be involved if he was.

Anyway, @DragonParadox, can we buy Elysian Bronze in the Opaline Vault or Armun Kelisk? I've been wanting to make Waymar another set of armor. The fact that it gets extra bonuses against all magical beasts is probably going to make it great deal useful in the future.
Corbray is a devil cultist, so I don't see why devils wouldn't be involved if he was.

Anyway, @DragonParadox, can we buy Elysian Bronze in the Opaline Vault or Armun Kelisk? I've been wanting to make Waymar another set of armor. The fact that it gets extra bonuses against all magical beasts is probably going to make it great deal useful in the future.

you might be able to find a few relics made of it, but not the metal in bulk.
What is the exact goal of waymar's alchemist project? Is it just improving the alchemy skills of our graduates or making Pathfinder Alchemists?