Then why hasn't that happened already? There's already a significant amount of FotS worshipers in our domain, priests who push against the orthodoxy in Westeros. Yet there's been no holy host coming from the heavens and laying down the law. It's clear that Gods have a limited amount of direct influence, and almost always act through their champions. And we can fight Luncan Longfield on much more even terms.

I think you're exaggerating the ability of Gods to directly intervene. For example, why hasn't Rhllor done something about us being proclaimed Azor Azhai? Pretty sure he ain't thrilled about that little bit.

They are minor enough and our actions are minor enough that the gods dont give a damm. That and they are also just waking up too. I dont understand why you want the faith to have a sept in the kingdom now and not later. Hell if the faithful want a sept they can build one themselves(assuming they follow our laws and structures). But fuck supporting them until after we kick their teeth in. I dont get why you think it is a good idea to help them now. It is stupid to give the enemies a lever, like a building or support. Next you will suggest we get crowned in a Westerosi fashion. You want a schism, sure lets do it but to hell with any building of their religion existing in our kingdom till after the war. God knows how they will use that.
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I asked, and DP confirmed that it does not belong to House Rogare. However, DP did say that we can support Shara Rogare in hunting down Truth and reclaiming it. It's hers by right.


-[] Give Shara whatever support she needs in hunting down Truth and reclaiming it for her house. This will cement her new beginnings as your vassal. Loan her Wayfinders and Inquisition agents when necessary.
It feels odd to send inqusition on this personal matter. What about a few b party members, if available? It feels more questy than demon-clearing or fey wrangling imo
King's Landing Baelor's Sept.
Still want to burn that down.

Don't you think it would send a message if we manage to get some greater servant of the Seven to fight us over that Sept and end it by burning the Sept and sacrificing the enemy for a new Weirwood in its place?

It might not help with the fanatics, but it would clarify the winning side to everyone else.
Best done after we bind him to our realm more closely through Divine Source contracting, reminder Yss still doesn't give a fuck about us, only profit.
@DragonParadox, does Viserys think IC this a more reasonable course of action?

There are still people arguing not to kill Tor, doesn't seem like a minor action to me.
There will be a vote on what to do with Tor, I'm sure.
But let's be honest here - do you really think there is any better thing the thread can collectively decide to do with him? more than a half people here see his "arc" as fully complete and don't care for any sort of "redemption".
At least by bringing him up now I'm making sure he doesn't get to stay in Larder for months to no end.
So that there is some sort of decision about him.
Shouldn't the Silver Eye be subsumed, mages are to answer to the Scholarum first and foremost, this arrangement would undermine that, the Inquisitors should be Inquisitors only.
Ask Azel, I have no idea what is this for, but I kinda trust him on this.
I asked, and DP confirmed that it does not belong to House Rogare. However, DP did say that we can support Shara Rogare in hunting down Truth and reclaiming it. It's hers by right.


-[] Give Shara whatever support she needs in hunting down Truth and reclaiming it for her house. This will cement her new beginnings as your vassal. Loan her Wayfinders and Inquisition agents when necessary.
Will add.
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It feels odd to send inqusition on this personal matter. What about a few b party members, if available? It feels more questy than demon-clearing or fey wrangling imo
The b party members are already assigned for other things, whereas this is basically an excuse for the Inquisition to make a proper scapegoat out of whatever poor bastard stole Shara's ancestral Valyrian Steel Longsword.
I asked, and DP confirmed that it does not belong to House Rogare. However, DP did say that we can support Shara Rogare in hunting down Truth and reclaiming it. It's hers by right.


-[] Give Shara whatever support she needs in hunting down Truth and reclaiming it for her house. This will cement her new beginnings as your vassal. Loan her Wayfinders and Inquisition agents when necessary.

Cheers, did he say where it came from? I think we should know before reforging it into an insult, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say "some shitter had it for a week" isn't going to hold up well against "has been in my family for centuries".
Cheers, did he say where it came from? I think we should know before reforging it into an insult, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say "some shitter had it for a week" isn't going to hold up well against "has been in my family for centuries".
He didn't go very deep into it. All we know is that Aedon murdered someone for it and then used it as a symbol of legitimacy.
He did come down with a personal investment in that Lyseni Oracle, over a relativly minor matter, so he clearly can take direct influence if he wants to.
That was weird. I think it's because it was us that was involved, and even then he knew we were going to be a big deal. Alternatively, Early Installment Weirdness.
They are minor enough and our actions are minor enough that the gods dont give a damm. That and they are also just waking up too. I dont understand why you want the faith to have a sept in the kingdom now and not later. Hell if the faithful want a sept they can build one themselves(assuming they follow our laws and structures). But fuck supporting them until after we kick their teeth in. I dont get why you think it is a good idea to help them now. It is stupid to give the enemies a lever, like a building or support. Next you will suggest we get crowned in a Westerosi fashion. You want a schism, sure lets do it but to hell with any building of their religion existing in our kingdom till after the war. God knows how they will use that.
We Are Not Helping The Faith. We are undermining it. There's a difference.
Cheers, did he say where it came from? I think we should know before reforging it into an insult, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say "some shitter had it for a week" isn't going to hold up well against "has been in my family for centuries".
Ah, "finders keepers"? An interesting rule. Well I found you, so now I'll keep you.
You want to contradict me, do you?
That was weird. I think it's because it was us that was involved, and even then he knew we were going to be a big deal. Alternatively, Early Installment Weirdness.

We Are Not Helping The Faith. We are undermining it. There's a difference.

No we are helping it. We aren't undermining shit. We will give them legitimacy in our kingdom. We will give them a sept with which they can send fanatics to attack our citizens. Hell I am willing to bet that if we do this then Luncan will pop out of that sept and god knows how many mages will die. They threw the first blow. I am saying fuck peace till after we are done with our war. Hell the only reason I want to go to Oldtown is to cause such a schismatic mess that the faith becomes neutered
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Still want to burn that down.

Don't you think it would send a message if we manage to get some greater servant of the Seven to fight us over that Sept and end it by burning the Sept and sacrificing the enemy for a new Weirwood in its place?

It might not help with the fanatics, but it would clarify the winning side to everyone else.
I mean, I have nothing against the idea, but we can dodge temple burning accusations, and, I honestly think this would be cooler, have the tree roots run up and break down the sept to have it all subsumed into the weirwood or ground beneath it, during the ritual, then the roots withdraw and just the tree remains. "It's not Viserys burning the seven's temple, it's the Old Gods tearing it down! Are you gonna argue against the workings of gods, fellow peasant*?"

*This is how westerosi peasants talk to eachother, yeah?

The b party members are already assigned for other things, whereas this is basically an excuse for the Inquisition to make a proper scapegoat out of whatever poor bastard stole Shara's ancestral Valyrian Steel Longsword.

Oh, cool, that makes a bit more sense. Could you throw in something to that in the vote, maybe, if you are the vote wrangler this time plz? :)

Edit: I'm in no rush to kill Tor, it's like a calm inevitability. He's going nowhere, and yeah a vote for it sounds grand. I know my stance ;)
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I didn't say we'd give it to them but it's an insult people would die over, likely in an inconvenient manner.
We'll just have to make sure that the right people die then.

And @LonelyWolf999, early installment weirdness? I don't think so. IMO it was more "Lys is on the brink of the Apocalyse" weirdness. Gods can act, they just usually don't unless it's a real emergency. We haven't really hurt the Red Faith much at all yet, and the Rhllor knows that if he appears in front of us today we have the power to harm him.
And I think there were hints in the text that being possessed by the Red God wasn't a great experience for the Cleric in question. A risky use of an asset.
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I mean, I have nothing against the idea, but we can dodge temple biting accusations, and, I honestly think this would be cooler, have the tree roots run up and break down the sept to have it all subsumed into the weirwood or ground beneath it, during the ritual, then the roots withdraw and just the tree remains. "It's not Viserys burning the seven's temple, it's the Old Gods tearing it down! Are you gonna argue against the workings of gods, fellow peasant*?"
I'm sure someone like Azel or Crake will find some nice details, this is more about the general idea to combine the three factors:
1. Kill powerful angel of the Seven in public location
2. Destroy our least favorite ancestors work in KL
3. Replace an important sept with a Weirwood
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I'm sure someone like Azel or Crake will find some nice details, this is more about the general idea to combine the three factors:
1. Kill powerful angel of the Seven in public location
2. Destroy our least favority ancestors work in KL
3. Replace an important sept with a Weirwood

That all sounds good, I was just talking about the method of replacing the sept in particular, mainly for the ascetics (fast tree roots pulling down walls) I think I'd enjoy reading the most, and secondly that I think that burning a scept looks bad, worse than having a weirwood pull it down.
Sorry, all I hear is:
"You don't get to throw a last insult over the guy that took about 15 days from the previous turn by sheer incompetence".

I'm not listening.

You have my vote.
And my HATE.

And mine. Honestly the city is such a disgrace to architecture and proper city building that burning it is the only way the land can be cleansed of such sin. Of course after we move all the people out.
He was tired (burned out;)) afterwards, but seemed fine a bit later when Daario attacked the temple, so propably nothing serious.
This is a sign that the Red God was there personally (this wasn't just some illusion: there was power from outside the priest at work). That means we could have tried to catch it and sacrifice it somehow!
Tried and failed of course. We had nothing that good at the time. The God could just have left that body at any point (no stasis here or anything).
We haven't really hurt the Red Faith much at all yet, and the Rhllor knows that if he appears in front of us today we have the power to harm him. Hence why I don't expect to meet him directly again unless he is ready to use enough Divine Salient Abilities to crush us, or unless He has allies and servants on hand just in case. Probably both.
and secondly that I think that burning a scept looks bad
Try exploding it from underground with a volcano of draconic fire, and manipulating all the wreckage away from people by bullshit Mythic Power is.
We have many ways of bringing it down in an explosion of sheer Aewesome.
@egoo should be handling minor actions.
Oh, feel free to drop modified versions of stuff at me. Or any other actions you think up.
I'm in no state to edit anything myself right now.
This is a sign that the Red God was there personally (this wasn't just some illusion: there was power from outside the priest at work). That means we could have tried to catch it and sacrifice it somehow!
Tried and failed of course. We had nothing that good at the time. The God could just have left that body at any point (no stasis here or anything).
Our only serious offense at that point was a regular Fireball. Not even Searing.

In hindsight I'm rather glad I lost a few votes around there, because I'm not too optimistic about the outcome of a fight.