Time, effort, risk. Take your pick.
What if Mammon decides to spite us, and has a minion appear with an item of Disjunction or something? We could lose fortunes in magic items, and Mammon would barely care.
We can summon them as but a background action.

We get to call on them, they only get a willsave to resist.

We have a Mindblank, so he can only guess whom we'll target next.
We have a Snare.

Using a Disjunction... well, that will hurt the part of Snare they'd be in.
Then they'd still have a fuckbunch of precautions to go through, and Viserys will surely have enough time to murderblender them in the meantime.

Then, also, it's not like Viserys would be summoning CR15+ creatures alone, mate.

Don't underestimate the Snare.
This masterpiece is something I'm absolutely using for a campaign, if I actually end up DM'ing a campaign by this summer...

And Mammon will care for an item like that. A lot.
That's fuckin Disjunction item.
If he ever uses that, it's when he's sure he has the means to fuck us up, so he wouldn't ever put it on a random nobody-devil that we can actually kill ourselves.

We totally can go through most names known to Uniila without a second thought.
All usual precautions applied, of course, but that's a given nowadays.

You should notice that Lya managed very nicely doing just that previous month, and she's very pointedly not VIserys.

EDIT: Sorry for being a bit incoherent. Trying to get ready for an exam, fucking up my brain hard.
  1. Because the wards are not strong enough to stop magic above level 20
  2. Viserys does not know IC
Anyway I'm going to do an interlude next, an Ysilla, though it wil also include Waymar's alchemy results.

You know what, the OG are using the disruption onothe treet stride from their anger as a carrot, but I'm wondering if we could shout into the hive mind (meditation before the philosopher's tree) that we just want to visit our kin, out of familial love, and just lean lightly on our rep.

A perk, from the "Waking Dreamer" and "Brought Baelor's godpower to be nommed by the OG" things. Is that viable?

Also, can/does bloodraven eat? Would be nice to bring exoitic fruits :D
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Teleporting to the groove can end in one of four ways.
1. Viserys goes splat on the wards as it strips away CL boosters
2. Viserys cant teleport there
3. Teleport through and nothing happens
4. teleport through and rip a hole in the wards

I would suggest asking Bloodraven before trying anything. This is epic level Old magic . I don't want to mess with it.
You know what, the OG are using the disruption onothe treet stride from their anger as a carrot, but I'm wondering if we could shout into the hive mind (meditation before the philosopher's tree) that we just want to visit our kin, out of familial love, and just lean lightly on our rep.

A perk, from the "Waking Dreamer" and "Brought Baelor's godpower to be nommed by the OG" things. Is that viable?

Also, can/does bloodraven eat? Would be nice to bring exoitic fruits :D
  1. You could try certainly
  2. He's honestly not sure. He has not tried eating in over twenty years
Thoughts regarding the festival tourney: I think we should advertise the tourney and other martial tournaments (like a Melee, archery, constest etc) in Westeros as well. By offering free transportation, lodging and upkeep during the festivities, as well as significant price pools that also includes good consolation prices for those who didn't manage to get far in the tourney, we should be able to attract a large number of hedge knights, and probably even a number of professional or even noble knights.

They would get a close-up view of our realm and then spread what they saw once they return to Westeros far and wide. A gigantic rumor mill, and one that cannot be spun against us.

Also, we should see and ask if the Night's Watch doesn't want to send some representatives to the festival. If they make a good showing, it would serve to make the Night's Watch more attractive. They could even set up a recruitment stand where they make publicity and try to pick up some new recruits.

Another thing that came to mind. I believe it was said there were no Septs in SD? I believe we might want to keep our eyes and ears open for a priest with a fitting temperament and theological orientation to lead the faithful of SD. We know there are plenty of people who either forsook the Seven or took up their own interpretation of the Faith (like that one Reachman swine farmer way back when we restored Waymar's arm through Polymorph). Ideally we could deal with one of the Chosen beforehand, perhaps Bloodraven might arrange a meeting between Danelle and us soon, but if not a Septon of our own could be our method to contact the Seven. It's very likely that the lack of a Sept has worked as a deterrent to a great deal of people who would otherwise emigrate, confirming that the rumors about Viserys being a faithless abomination or whatnot being true.
Wait, so anything flying faster then a dragon is SoD breaking for you, but Viserys doing nano-engineering is perfectly fine? :confused:

Considering the principal was observed and understood in peacock feathers with only the capabilities of one of the below. Yes I consider this significantly different, as we have established Fabricate to do what you want in a fairly straightforward manner and they would have first hand visual of the structure to replicate.
. It's very likely that the lack of a Sept has worked as a deterrent to a great deal of people who would otherwise emigrate, confirming that the rumors about Viserys being a faithless abomination or whatnot being true.

See I would be tempted to allow this but I don't want to give the Seven an easy ground in our realm. Also we technically are a faithless abomination. I mean we are as Dany would say "Shopping for gods". All gods are equal in our realm. We also are products of incest so the people who think that are technically not wrong.
Now that I think about it, Viserys doesn't even need to use Harmonic Chorus to boost his caster level to 21. He can just use Wild Arcana and some Mythic Power to duplicate a Greater Teleport spell, since doing so raises the caster level of the spell by +2.
@DragonParadox been meaning to ask since there is a Feywild entrance in Lys do we need to do any special actions to regulate that or at least speak with local fey?

Also I assume we are putting resources to fixing all the damage caused by undead plagues the city has been subject to in recent years.
Thoughts regarding the festival tourney: I think we should advertise the tourney and other martial tournaments (like a Melee, archery, constest etc) in Westeros as well. By offering free transportation, lodging and upkeep during the festivities, as well as significant price pools that also includes good consolation prices for those who didn't manage to get far in the tourney, we should be able to attract a large number of hedge knights, and probably even a number of professional or even noble knights.

They would get a close-up view of our realm and then spread what they saw once they return to Westeros far and wide. A gigantic rumor mill, and one that cannot be spun against us.

Also, we should see and ask if the Night's Watch doesn't want to send some representatives to the festival. If they make a good showing, it would serve to make the Night's Watch more attractive. They could even set up a recruitment stand where they make publicity and try to pick up some new recruits.

Another thing that came to mind. I believe it was said there were no Septs in SD? I believe we might want to keep our eyes and ears open for a priest with a fitting temperament and theological orientation to lead the faithful of SD. We know there are plenty of people who either forsook the Seven or took up their own interpretation of the Faith (like that one Reachman swine farmer way back when we restored Waymar's arm through Polymorph). Ideally we could deal with one of the Chosen beforehand, perhaps Bloodraven might arrange a meeting between Danelle and us soon, but if not a Septon of our own could be our method to contact the Seven. It's very likely that the lack of a Sept has worked as a deterrent to a great deal of people who would otherwise emigrate, confirming that the rumors about Viserys being a faithless abomination or whatnot being true.
I like this idea a lot, @Azel. We could also include contests for mages, our own and those from elsewhere. We might attract some decent magic using immigrants in this manner.
Thoughts regarding the festival tourney: I think we should advertise the tourney and other martial tournaments (like a Melee, archery, constest etc) in Westeros as well. By offering free transportation, lodging and upkeep during the festivities, as well as significant price pools that also includes good consolation prices for those who didn't manage to get far in the tourney, we should be able to attract a large number of hedge knights, and probably even a number of professional or even noble knights.

They would get a close-up view of our realm and then spread what they saw once they return to Westeros far and wide. A gigantic rumor mill, and one that cannot be spun against us.

Also, we should see and ask if the Night's Watch doesn't want to send some representatives to the festival. If they make a good showing, it would serve to make the Night's Watch more attractive. They could even set up a recruitment stand where they make publicity and try to pick up some new recruits.

Another thing that came to mind. I believe it was said there were no Septs in SD? I believe we might want to keep our eyes and ears open for a priest with a fitting temperament and theological orientation to lead the faithful of SD. We know there are plenty of people who either forsook the Seven or took up their own interpretation of the Faith (like that one Reachman swine farmer way back when we restored Waymar's arm through Polymorph). Ideally we could deal with one of the Chosen beforehand, perhaps Bloodraven might arrange a meeting between Danelle and us soon, but if not a Septon of our own could be our method to contact the Seven. It's very likely that the lack of a Sept has worked as a deterrent to a great deal of people who would otherwise emigrate, confirming that the rumors about Viserys being a faithless abomination or whatnot being true.
I agree with pretty much all of this. Getting a bunch of Westerosi knights to participate in the Grand Tournament would make for brilliant PR as well as making it that much more epic. On a similar note, it's past time we established fronts for the Red Faith and the Seven.
Name: Vaela Naetalor
Any Neutral?
Race: Human
Level: 3
Class: Cleric 3
Improved Counterspell, Protection Devotion, Divine Defiance
Class Abilities: Turn Undead, Balance Domain, Ocean Domain

Languages Spoken: Low Valyrian (Tolos), ???

HP: 3d8 +3
AC: 10 +armor?
Initiative: +0 (Dex)
Attack: +2(BAB) -1 (STR) = +1
Spell Save: 10+ 2 (Wis) + spell level
Weapon Proficiency: ?

8 (-1) Strength
10 (+0) Dexterity
13 (+1) Constitution
14 (+2) Charisma
15 (+2) Wisdom
12 (+1) Intelligence

FORTITUDE: 3 +1 = 4
WILL: 3 +2 = 5

Concentration: 6 +1 (CON) = 7
Diplomacy: 6+2 (CHA) = 8
Knowledge (The Planes): 6 +1 (INT) = 7
Spellcraft: 6 +1 (INT) = 7

Spells Prepared (Caster level 3):
Level 0 (4/day): Create Water, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Message
Level 1 (2+1+D/day): Barbed Chains, Bless, Divine Favor, Make Whole(D)
Level 2 (1+1+D/day): Aid, Swim, Sound Burst(D)

Supernatural Abilities:
Turn Undead (5/day)

Balance Domain:
Once per day, as a free action, you can add your Wisdom modifier to your Armor Class. This bonus lasts for one round per cleric level.

Ocean Domain:
You have the ability to breathe water as if under the effect of a water breathing spell, for up to 1 minute per level. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily time limit)

Protection Devotion:
Once per day as an immediate action, you can activate a protective aura. While it is active, you gain a +2 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus to AC, as does every ally within 30 feet of you. This bonus increases by 1 for every four character levels you possess (maximum +7 at 20th level). This effect lasts for 1 minute.
Use Turnings for more daily uses.

Equipped Magic Items:

First shot.
I think she'll be a decent counterspeller in battle, with the usual clerical skill to buff before it and heal afterwards.
Of course she'll mostly grow into that once she has some Dispel.
Gladly taking tips to improve.

Edit: Envoy of Balance has features that will greatly improve her counterspelling, even against more powerful foes.

@DragonParadox, have you decided on what gear Vaela starts out with?

By the way @Artemis1992, her full name is Vaela Naetalor.

We know she has one spell that opens doors from the linked interlude, Knock is not available to Clerics so I'm not sure what it was.
Remember those mageling duels Teana was going on about?
Well our Sorcerers can one-shot-kill every other mageling by accident with a fire spell.
If only they could get Wings of Cover, then they'd be truly unbeatable in 1-on-1 duels... Well, almost. Familiars can be used for extra actions, after all.