[ ] Plan: Cranking Our Hogs
-[ ][STEWARD] Move Existing Councils (5 AP)
-[ ][STEWARD} Manage Diplomatic Affairs (2 AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Replace Primary Power Distribution Control (2 AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Enhance Industry (3 AP)
--[ ][FORGE] Use the Forge (One Turn Completion)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Enhance Industry (3 AP) (2)
--[ ][FORGE] Use the Forge (One Turn Completion) (2)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Armour Foundry (Void Guard Warsuit) (2AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Continue ship repair (1 AP)
[Strongly recommended]
-[ ][BONESINGER] Continue ship refits (1 AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Develop Basic Grenades (1 AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Develop Basic Voidship Torpedos (1 AP)
-[ ][BONESINGER] Develop Melta Weapons (1 AP)
-[ ][SEER] Develop Warstaff (2 AP/3 Battlecasters)
-[ ][SEER] The Eye of Tzeentch (8 AP)
-[ ][SEEKER] Grav-Gun Hybridization
--[ ] Simple Hybridization (3 AP)
--[ ] Perfect Hybridization (6 AP)
-[ ][SEEKER] Reverse-engineer Haywire Weapons
--[ ] Haywire Bombs (3 AP)
-[ ][WARRIOR] Organize Troops (2 AP)
-[ ][WARRIOR] The Burden of Command (1 AP)
-[ ][WARRIOR] Design a Light Capital (Cruiser or Light Cruiser) (4 AP)
-[ ][WARRIOR] Chassis Militarization (2 AP)
-[ ][WARRIOR] Develop Refit Profiles (3 AP)
--[ ] Wraithbone Trauma Plates and Wraithweave Void Suits to be replaced with Wraithweave Brigantine. Infantry Lasweapons replaced with Infantry Needle Weapons
-[ ][WARRIOR] Deploy forces to conduct an exploration and salvage mission in the Kronite System
--[ ] Send 1 Combat Brig, 4 Battle Carracks, 10 Assault Ketches, and 20 Lance Sloops, Zahr-Tann's 15th Scout Fleet is to assist as they are able and provide early warning in case any local Problems decide to start coming our way.
--[ ] Blades of Isha are to be deployed as a precautionary measure and to ensure the security of our investigators in case anything nasty is still living in those wrecks, their skills in close quarters combat will be valuable then.
---[ ] This is not to be a combat operation despite the forces being deployed, our objective is to salvage any artifacts from the human wreckage that may provide useful insights for our own Seekers, sure, it's crude and poorly developed--but the core principles are still useful, and we're hardly in a position to be picky for sources of how to rebuild our forge-craft without the blessings of the Phoenix Court. Withdraw if there is any significant risk of sustaining damage.
-[ ][WARRIOR] Deploy 2 Scouting Fleets from Zahr-Tann's forces to assist in scouting the regional Webway.
Okay, so, lemme explain why we should crank our hogs.
We need a VGA foundry up sooner rather than later, and to do that, I've had to remove points from basic torpedoes and Seer Council (We'll research torps next turn + seers only really improve scrying, which we ain't using until Kairos fucks off), but in exchange I've also dedicated the excess points and VAP to an extra Enhance Industry to give us an additional 2 BAP next turn to dedicate towards even more industry (EXPONENTIAL GROWTH, HOOOOOOO-), meltas and grenades so our troops can get even more killy (plus meltas are basically upgraded flamers and we'll be needing those)
Removed the Seeing Circle and moved the SAP to Eye of Tzeentch since training battle psykers is basically a pit where we throw our AP away, better to spend it on Tzeentch anyways.
(Kept the warstaffs though)
Ok so this might be controversial, but do we really
need haywire guns? Anything those can do, a haywire bomb could do better and it won't require axing our troops firepower to do so, and while scrambler fields are neat (definitely could see the appeal of them), they seem like they'd quickly fall-off once our enemies learn to shield their electronics, plus pretty much everything we build and train has a holo-field, so that's even less reason to grab this.
To that end, I've dedicated the excess points towards Perfect Hybridization, and lemme explain why.
Simple Hybrid sounds like it's cut out for our mid / upper-mid range troops, while Perfect Hybrid seems better scaled for elite troops and HQ units, but that's not the point I wanna explain.
Thirdly, is to shoot for a full integration of both technologies—though this will likely take a significant amount of work. Most problematic is power—especially at the infantry level, you may have to develop some kind of ultra-high-density power supply or even a microfusion plant that can fit in such a weapon's frame without becoming too heavy for practical use.
If we grab Perfect Hybrid, we will also be grabbing tech related to increased power supplies and microfusion plants, which doesn't
sound exciting, but I assure you, it's way more important than you think.
Space Marine power armour runs off of a microfusion plant built into the armours backpack, which gives them significantly extended operation time as well as allowing them to hook up any weaponry to their armour to power larger weaponry (Plasma cannons, multi-meltas, etc)
The armour's backpack contains the suit's main power source -- a sub-atomic microfusion generator and a back-up solar power converter and 100 solar cell batteries to store the absorbed solar energy.
The backpack also contains the armour's environmental and life support systems and additional movement stabiliser thrusters for low and zero-gravity combat.
While I admit that grabbing both might not be feasible (since I can predict that the voters will always go for the easiest and cheapest option), the opportunity to grab a potential upgrade to our armour designs is too much to pass up (extra slots for our VGA would be juicy)
Getting lazy now, crank your hogs, save Vau-Vulkesh, yadda yadda.