we don't. there still far to weapons heavy and systems low, particularly if we are considering dropping webway gates on battleships, as has been proposed numerous times, in favor of putting them elsewhere. a new hull designed for primarily system slots and only a small number of weapons batteries could serve both roles, allowing us to focus on damage and defense with battleships.
@Alectai fairly solid plan, though the AP on where Nacretinei is is simply wasted. it has 3 craftworld direct Allies who will surely spend 6 fold that seer ap minimum between them investigating a good deal more than we could knowing none but the barest details. this isn't any way to make progress on that quest line. it's something we need to wait until we meet them with diplomacy to get the details and benefit from their combined efforts which we can act on with our meta knowledge to find them.
I also think your rushing into sloop and strike craft refits a bit fast, taking development actions to get the techs your missing for them while refits are still an AP intensive 10+ turns to finish. I'd say slow it down some. if our entire previous system for anything warrior related was that inefficient, how bad are our current hulls? I know we still want to refit them but it maybe worth taking it a bit slower on our sloops and fighter craft and taking a turn to judge what we should be using their designs for and grab a few more development techs first. I for one would like some missiles for our strike craft, particularly if we are making haywire bombs.