Sounds like a sure way to get khaine to keep his murder all aeldari attitudeIf anything, I am curious if we could bonsai the shards; grow small ones, shatter those those that overly big into a bunch of small ones, and overall ensure increased availability while ensuring that Khaine stays a distributed network of power-ups instead of murderous wargod.
If anything, I am curious if we could bonsai the shards; grow small ones, shatter those those that overly big into a bunch of small ones, and overall ensure increased availability while ensuring that Khaine stays a distributed network of power-ups instead of murderous wargod.
Sounds like a "khaine" problemSounds like a sure way to get khaine to keep his murder all aeldari attitude
With our new knowledge of Aeldari Devahood, could we try and use Shards to power other kinds of Khainite Theurgy than pure "summon berserker kaiju" type stuff?And then somebody figured out the Ritual of the Young King, and he didn't stop laughing for like a decade because it means that the Eldar can still pull out most of his active blessing when they need to, even though he's not got the power for it normally, and have bits of him running around Swording things in the face even though he should be too dead for that.
With our new knowledge of Aeldari Devahood, could we try and use Shards to power other kinds of Khainite Theurgy than pure "summon berserker kaiju" type stuff?
I think it could be completely viable once we reach a certain threshold in God-crafting.With our new knowledge of Aeldari Devahood, could we try and use Shards to power other kinds of Khainite Theurgy than pure "summon berserker kaiju" type stuff?
Look, a bunch of smiths chaining and repeatedly breaking Khaine for their own use is such a delicious level of irony that we physically cannot not do it if it is possible.I mean, we'd do it if anyone would. But even for us that seems really heretical.
Hmmm, we could load up our ships with inactive Khaine blessings until we sacrifice a fleet commander to it, activating every blessing in the fleet.With our new knowledge of Aeldari Devahood, could we try and use Shards to power other kinds of Khainite Theurgy than pure "summon berserker kaiju" type stuff?
Nah, stuff Khaine shards into our sword of Vaul. Or if we do make a giant mecha god it needs to wield that sword of vaul we're getting like an actual sword.Now we need to go all Dwemer and start building giant Mecha God powered by Khaininte Shards and C'Tan Shards. Ultimate unity of Materium and Immaterium.
Oh it's totally a Daemon weapon, that's the selling point. Imagine doing the Daemon Engine equivalent of that, say hello to our new Psychic Murderbots.Just installing a shard of Khaine into the biggest naval weapon that we can possibly build so that we can blast enemies with divine murder (plus whatever the gun already did before) would be fantastic.
(this is in no way a daemon weapon I promise)
"There is a critical flaw in your strategy, you aren't murdering hard enough"I was thinking maybe activating a training buff on our Shrine of the Last Hour or something like getting some of Khaine's strategic insights during a fight rather than his personal prowess.
Personal lessons from Khaine about how to block chaos from getting what it wants.I was thinking maybe activating a training buff on our Shrine of the Last Hour or something like getting some of Khaine's strategic insights during a fight rather than his personal prowess.
I wonder how talkative our Shard of Khaine will be.I was thinking maybe activating a training buff on our Shrine of the Last Hour or something like getting some of Khaine's strategic insights during a fight rather than his personal prowess.
Admittedly, when considering the qualities that Khaine exemplified during his last hour, "absolutely brilliant plan for accomplishing your strategic objectives that no one else would ever think of, even if it costs you everything" is about as good a description as you'll get.I was thinking maybe activating a training buff on our Shrine of the Last Hour or something like getting some of Khaine's strategic insights during a fight rather than his personal prowess.
Isn't Asuryan mainly to blame for forbidding the rest of the Pantheon from telling the Eldar that what they were doing would go catastrophically wrong and that they needed to stop immediately?The problem is that Khaine is pretty much the main reasons things ever got as bad as they did.
So at best he made up some of the damage he did.
One of the Minors invented it (or at least, the early quick and dirty version) out of desperation because there was a Keeper of Secrets strutting around the place and they didn't have anyone badass enough to, say, kill it in single combat with a spear.wait, is the ritual of the young king already a thing? As in, is someone about to share it on the moot or will it be changed by virtue of us putting Khaine as a defender of Aeldari in the moment of our greatest need, like ritual of Old Sentinel?
I am so sad that we can no longer shit on Khaine because he actually did probably one of the most important things for post-fall Aeldari: Prevent us all from acting like fucking Biel-Tan.
Isn't Asuryan mainly to blame for forbidding the rest of the Pantheon from telling the Eldar that what they were doing would go catastrophically wrong and that they needed to stop immediately?
And isn't he the reason all but one of the Eldar gods were basically grouped up for one big slaughter during the Fall?
Eh, yes and no. I don't remember if this is canon or this quest or another fic/quest but there was something about how if Vaul hadn't been crippled and chained to the anvil, he would have been able to craft a Slaanesh Containment Device (or at least an anti-Slaanesh weapon for Khaine) before it ate them all, which is Khaine's fault, and arguably Khaine going on the rampage in the first place was Lileath's fault for telling him that the Eldar would doom their pantheon.Isn't Asuryan mainly to blame for forbidding the rest of the Pantheon from telling the Eldar that what they were doing would go catastrophically wrong and that they needed to stop immediately?
And isn't he the reason all but one of the Eldar gods were basically grouped up for one big slaughter during the Fall?
So he singlehandedly prevented the birth of Slaanesh and the Fall from being averted even when the signs were blatantly clear, all to stop Khaine from being Khaine...and it didn't even work because Khaine is still around doing Khaine things.Yes, because he had enough of Khaine's shenanigans but lacked the ability to rein him in specifically, so he just told everyone "Alright, fine, Gods don't interfere with mortals, period, so I'm putting a wall between the Immaterium and the Materium and you're no longer allowed to communicate through it, that'll stop 'em!"
And then he refused to go back on his words even as the sky was caving in, which meant that there was nowhere for the Space Elf gods to run.
Anyhow, @Mechanis ! What are the odds of the doot tonight?
I mean, the only other option was letting the Aeldari all die and then eating it anyway because they're just as tied to us as we are to them.So he singlehandedly prevented the birth of Slaanesh and the Fall from being averted even when the signs were blatantly clear, all to stop Khaine from being Khaine...and it didn't even work because Khaine is still around doing Khaine things.
Asuryan must have stupidity as part of his domain, surely?
Shards of Khane are installed in your shrine of Khane, so that all your warriors can get some bonuses. If you have a few you might put one into the force stave of a named blade dancer Psycher, unless you have doomblades which are all around a step up.Just installing a shard of Khaine into the biggest naval weapon that we can possibly build so that we can blast enemies with divine murder (plus whatever the gun already did before) would be fantastic.
(this is in no way a daemon weapon I promise)
More self destructive pride. too prideful to accept that he fucked up, too prideful to believe these visions of being eaten,ect.
Asuryan is the God of kings and rulers in general. Therefore, ineffectual politician must be part of his domain.