This isn't a time to prioritise making factional political statements or drawing dividing lines. It's a time to focus on the real enemy, Chaos.
Each choice here is a political statement. You should consider what message you wish to send, and what cards you wish to reveal
It quite literally is time for a political statement, and while it is true that taking Irsfeial, Emissary of the Ishari, will offend people who already hate us like
Biel-fucking-Tan and Alaitoc, who is set in near stagnation of their paths. It is more important in my mind to get other misfits to not die off because nobody else will treat them with the respect they deserve. And remember:
bringing Irsfeial would be a strong statement to the more radical factions
We are the greatest radicals who decided to directly mess with our own souls, we will never be liked by the conservatives (or reactionaries like Biel-Tan, those fuckers), but getting radicals to still feel part of Aeldari in my opinion is one of the more important things we can get.
Also remember the creation 2 of 2
At present, there are five Major Craftworlds active in the galaxy—Alaitoc, Biel-Tan, Iyanden, Saim-Hann, and Ulthwe. More may be rediscovered as time passes, but at present these are the Great Powers of the Aeldari… such as they are.
While we know of 5 major craftworlds there is a chance that radical major craftworld exist and just hid because why would they involve themselves in the affairs of people who hate them, why would they risk anything or offer anything if Fucking Biel-Tan will at best scoff at them and attack them with their own gifts at worse.
Speaking of major craftworld Ulthwe and Saim-Hann are almost guaranteed to support us, while Biel-Tan will be always against us (unless we will be fighting orks), Alaitoc will probably be reeling from the fact that their obsession with following paths of assuryan could strengthen the claim of Nurgle on the Aeldari and worse weaken Isha and make her vulnerable to being eaten by Nurgle, they might react badly to Irsfeial before news break but the sheer mental contrast between their scorn before the news and after could help dislodge them from stagnation.
The greatest game changer and kingmaker is, as always, Prosperous Iyanden, who I think can be placated with the news the news of Slanneash being just usurper and that and with the fact alone that Aeldari race will have a unifying goal, freeing Isha. This mission will likely get at least some of the smaller craftworld to follow their lead.