We are announcing that Isha, mother of the Aeldari is alive having probably one of her last high priestesses left in galaxy is quite important. Also, fuck conservatives any way to deny great enemy is good diversification and all

This is a conference that should be about unity and finding common ground. Going in there knowing we're deliberately alienating a significant part of the audience is not a good idea.

And bio-conservatism was something even the murder cultists on the Crone Worlds agreed with the Craftworld Eldar about Pre-Fall. This could have a small but real risk of being a big distraction to the actual work of the conference.

This isn't a time to prioritise making factional political statements or drawing dividing lines. It's a time to focus on the real enemy, Chaos.
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And Draylin has the problem of, well, not exactly being a spring chicken. Old Age and Treachery will only get you so far when you literally can't handle half the energy you used to because you might accidentally stop your heart or something, and Draylin has no intention of dieing before he can get as much of his knowledge--- preferably all of it---out of his very vulnerable head and into something a bit more durable, like triple-copied Wraithbone tablets. The man knows his time is running out, after all. The big thing he brings to your table is something far more precious than a mere powerful Psyker: knowledge. And not just raw data, but teaching manuals by an experienced teacher.
This makes me really want to leave him behind or get him and his heiress. Because he probably work better with her as someone who knows his style of teaching and can translate it.
Also, is Draylin about to upgrade Eldrad into being even more bullshit.
A thought on the seven sons. Presumably, they're not going to actually be speaking at the main conference, but on the side-lines.

It's not actually in use yet. We'll need to assign 1 Steward AP next turn to activate it.

Fair point. Hmm. Will have to think about this.

I'm still minded to bring them, because I really want to have them attending side-discussions at the conference with the smaller factions, which between them they're ideal for, but with the admin still a mess it's a more difficult call.
These troops would be the best you can bring regardless, yes.

And Draylin has the problem of, well, not exactly being a spring chicken. Old Age and Treachery will only get you so far when you literally can't handle half the energy you used to because you might accidentally stop your heart or something, and Draylin has no intention of dieing before he can get as much of his knowledge--- preferably all of it---out of his very vulnerable head and into something a bit more durable, like triple-copied Wraithbone tablets. The man knows his time is running out, after all. The big thing he brings to your table is something far more precious than a mere powerful Psyker: knowledge. And not just raw data, but teaching manuals by an experienced teacher.

I was wondering how long it would take someone to catch that.
Because yes,
Aresh-Vul: "You thought I was an OC, but it was me, DioFeanor!"

And it means I get to add a tag I've been sitting on!

So, the real perk to saving Meros is that we have a dude who Knows the Deep Lore, and better still, knows how to teach it? Not that he, personally, performance on the level of a wunderkind like Teclis?

Fuckin' hell, definitely worth the risk we took to bail them out.
I think that getting the priestess of Isha to tell people that Mom is alive is quite important, and while the Sword of Vaul is a flex, I would prefer to keep it in our pocket. Especially if orks or anyone really gets upitty during (probably) a year we are away.
If nothing else we know that Biel-Tan and (possibly) Alaitoc will still be enemies (albeit not the shooting kind) after this. Having even a semi-functional Blackstone Fortress as an ace in the hole would do wonders for throwing such plans into disarray. Plus, we're pretty well suited for making that semi-functional Sword of Vaul more or less ready for battle.
I would like to heavily caution against bringing all seven sons. I'd like it if we brought only three, the two youngest and the second eldest. The other four should be staying behind on the craft world making sure nothing goes wrong. For that reason I don't support taking both of meros's notables unless mechanis says they have someone capable of handling things while they are gone.

else then that. Full send. Show the alliance. And if possible. Treat them as equals until it comes time for us to present the reason for calling the Aeldmoot, at which point we kinda need to focus in on maximizing the info we can dump as quickly as possible.
Feel like keeping the serpant behind would be wise keep in mind every one is unique so even if they know we have one they wont know which one we have particularly since i would be surprised if it does not have defenses against scrying.
they still know we have one. Biel Tan is contained. we want to show off our strength and draw in those seeking protection towards us, not hide it as if we were dealing with enemies. this is a chance to encourage cooperation and kin protection among the Aeldari. we can't cower in fear of kinslayers and fail to draw the attention of those who may need our aid.
Putting so many representatives of our craftworld would be a bit much and in my opinion them being left behind to manage it is better option but I am not beyond being convinced
it's a short trip at the end of our turn, and there shouldn't be any crisis occuring that need there attention with beil tan certain to not arrive, chaos distracted with infighting, and orks a distant threat who's leader has accepted the battle lost. they will be more useful there to mingle and make connections with lesser world while there father tackles major and large craft world and the most important exodite ones.
He is part of the almost part of our coalition, he is good with ships and normal martial is covered by next people.
we definitely want his ship though. we are here to make a statement of cooperation and pooling resources making us strong to those in attendance, and a crone sword class battleship is the ultimate statement of strength.
Thinking of

[] The More the Merrier
- [ ] His Sons
Having more representatives means they can do more diplomacy in side discussions with minor factors on matters of interest
- [] Dragonlord Amar-Ithil of Quilan
- [ ] Draylin of the True Sight, Seerlord of Meros
The credibility boost would be useful and I think Meros is safe for now. His heir can stay at home and supervise there.
- [ ] Yranne Kal, the Mothwing Lord of Arach-Qin
So we can bring the Sword of Vaul
- [ ] Forgemaster Xenael Wraev of Zahr-Tann
For martial credibility
- [ ] Special Bodyguards
To show off our uniqueness, and because they're the main people we've re-equipped, and it leaves the bulk of our forces that we usually deploy behind
- [ ] Elite Bodyguards
- - [] Reduce this
To leave more regular and elite troops at home and make a bigger deal of our more unique troops
- [ ] Weight: Escort Heavy
As we've refitted more escorts
- [ ] Configuration: Cruiser Squadron
Bring a heavier fleet with a strong core of several cruisers.
- [ ] Special: The Serpent of the Stars
Bring Arach-Qin's Flagship. Only available if Yranne Kal the Mothwing Lord is attending.

I think people will learn about the Sword by scrying anyway, and it will be impressive, as well as allowing us to leave our unreformed battleships behind. Also, people may be aware of it already, and trying to hide it may look peculiar.
battleship squadron is better for showing off our war ketch and Nettler, and for showing off the serpent, by demonstating we have the escort numbers to form a proper Battleship task force in support of it.
It's not actually in use yet. We'll need to assign 1 Steward AP next turn to activate it.
this is confirmed where? regardless, this is a few months away at the end of our turn. nothing ground breaking is being done and most of these projects are rapping up and can proceed without them. 8 good leaders is a lot more mouths to talk to visiting dignitaries with than just our main guy.
Well. If nothing else Beil-Tan is going to lose their opportunity for a quiet Kinstrife.
lol. the Ironic thing is, if we arrive in the serpent of the stars, they'll have to question whether they could have shaken enough loose to threaten us even if this hadn't happened.
So, the real perk to saving Meros is that we have a dude who Knows the Deep Lore, and better still, knows how to teach it? Not that he, personally, performance on the level of a wunderkind like Teclis?

Fuckin' hell, definitely worth the risk we took to bail them out.
also, he can talk about the vast, Aeldari killing orcs in the north and the horrors they worked upon his craftworld and lure some Ork haters to our part of the galaxy.
I'm iffy on the sons, very much in favor of bringing our local priestess (fuck the bioconservitives, we're trying to not get our souls eaten, and we're revealing that "your goddess ain't dead"). I don't care which one from Meros we take but we should only take one.
This makes me really want to leave him behind or get him and his heiress. Because he probably work better with her as someone who knows his style of teaching and can translate it.
Also, is Draylin about to upgrade Eldrad into being even more bullshit.

That's a fair point. I'm tempted to just say 'to hell with it' and bring her, her father, and the seven sons. And maybe do some dynastic matchmaking CK2 style

We should be prepared to be bold and take a risk to leverage this amazing opportunity as best we can.

battleship squadron is better for showing off our war ketch and Nettler, and for showing off the serpent, by demonstating we have the escort numbers to form a proper Battleship task force in support of it.

The War Ketch is a frigate, an escort. The Nettler is a destroyer.
These troops would be the best you can bring regardless, yes.

And Draylin has the problem of, well, not exactly being a spring chicken. Old Age and Treachery will only get you so far when you literally can't handle half the energy you used to because you might accidentally stop your heart or something, and Draylin has no intention of dieing before he can get as much of his knowledge--- preferably all of it---out of his very vulnerable head and into something a bit more durable, like triple-copied Wraithbone tablets. The man knows his time is running out, after all. The big thing he brings to your table is something far more precious than a mere powerful Psyker: knowledge. And not just raw data, but teaching manuals by an experienced teacher.

I was wondering how long it would take someone to catch that.
Because yes,
Aresh-Vul: "You thought I was an OC, but it was me, DioFeanor!"

And it means I get to add a tag I've been sitting on!
Can we get this man a soul stone before he goes? We need soul stones.
So, the real perk to saving Meros is that we have a dude who Knows the Deep Lore, and better still, knows how to teach it?

Fuckin' hell, definitely worth the risk we took to bail them out.
And most importantly, isn't one of those infuriating "wise old master" types who takes dozens of secret techniques and lessons from the School Of Hard Knocks with him to the grave because he didn't write them down.

That's very important.
Look you threw me by having your Feanor expy feel literally any emotion except for rage :V
Well, to be fair, Feanor would probably feel pretty different emotions if his defining moment wasn't forging the Simirils, but leading a panicked flight with whatever and whoever he could grab from Morgoth cultists that were murdering everyone they could catch, followed by said worthy murdering all but two/three of the Valar, declaring himself God, and proving it by casting a curse that simultaneously killed 3 out of 4 of the surviving elves and stripped the Life of the Eldar from the remainder, making them as mortal as Men. Their circumstances are a little bit different.
In terms of bodyguards, I am Leaning towards Elite and Special. I want to bring out the BLING. If we want to be the arm sellers of the aeldari, You bring your best product to the showcase and then once you hook attention, You wheel out the rest of the arsenal.

In terms of who we take, I definitely want to take Irsfeial, It pisses off the conservatives, But they are already more likly to just fall in line with the shit Biel-Tan is spewing anyway, And this helps showcase that we are willing to accept strange bedfellows to defeat the Curses. Pissing off Biel-Tan is also a Bonus.

I feel Like I would like to bring the forgemaster? Not sure what the Pro's and cons are for him or his wife. Either way I would like to show that we have freinds, Trusted friends, Who have more guns then we do.

EDIT: I think It would be better to have draylin stay home? He would be highly respected from his age and knowledge, but at the same time, This is the kind of guy I would rather not put through the stress of a Giant political moot, Filled with bickering Elves and the stress of Travel and politics. Let the Man stay home and teach and write, It would be a good experience for his designated heir to experience this.
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If we do bring our psyker special units and Draylin and his daughter, I wonder if he can give them any tips on the journey.

I'm iffy on the sons, very much in favor of bringing our local priestess (fuck the bioconservitives, we're trying to not get our souls eaten, and we're revealing that "your goddess ain't dead"). I don't care which one from Meros we take but we should only take one.

The bioconservatives may possibly be the great majority of Eldar and may also include the majority of the other ex-priesthood of Isha who may doubt our claims because we're associating with what they maybe think is an arch-heretics. Deliberately offending people who may be best placed to undermine our claims is not a good idea.

Now is not the time to be playing internal factional political games designed to strengthen dividing lines between the Eldar. Now is a time to look for things that unite rather than divide the survivors.
[] Plan: Allies and Bling
-[ ] Irsfeial, Emissary of the Ishari
-[ ] Draylin of the True Sight, Seerlord of Meros
-[ ] Seer Araeniel of Meros
-[ ] Zevrin Kal, Blademaster of Arach-Qin
-[ ] Faelin Wraev of Zahr-Tann
-[ ] Elite Bodyguards
-[ ] Special Bodyguards
-[ ] Weight: Escort Heavy
-[ ] Configuration: Cruiser Squadron
We should leave Irsfeial and our sons behind and try and present a united front of Craftworlds for our bloc rather than throwing shit at the wall in the hopes it collectively sticks. The Ishari are incredibly vulnerable right now, and incredibly controversial. They do not need to be paraded around like a prize animal just to prove our point and there's very little chance her participation would be actively helpful for the Ishari's goals- which are currently just survival even moreso than the rest of the Eldar.

It's not helping her and her people, it's using her for shock value to cement our own credibility while ensuring our enemies become her enemies and then some.
[] Plan a Show of Strength, Kin Protecting, and cooperation
-[ ] Weight: Escort Heavy
Bring a fleet weighted towards lighter ships—Frigates, Destroyers, and so on.
-[ ] Configuration: Battleship Task Group
Bring a battleship with an appropriate support fleet.
-[ ] Special: The Serpent of the Stars
Bring Arach-Qin's Flagship. Only available if Yranne Kal the Mothwing Lord is attending.
That's a fair point. I'm tempted to just say 'to hell with it' and bring her, her father, and the seven sons. And maybe do some dynastic matchmaking CK2 style

We should be prepared to be bold and take a risk to leverage this amazing opportunity as best we can.

The War Ketch is a frigate, an escort. The Nettler is a destroyer.
yes, and a battleship task force consists of battleships, and numerous escort vessels needed to properly protect it. we don't have a frigate option or a destroyer option, and our cruiser models haven't undergone refits. the battleship task force is best for showing off the allies we have made and the impressive vessel we will gain from them as well as the vessels we have managed to improve since the fall.
We should leave Irsfeial and our sons behind and try and present a united front of Craftworlds for our bloc rather than throwing shit at the wall in the hopes it collectively sticks. The Ishari are incredibly vulnerable right now, and incredibly controversial. They do not need to be paraded around like a prize animal just to prove our point and there's very little chance her participation would be actively helpful for the Ishari's goals.

It's not helping her and her people, it's using her for shock value to cement our own credibility while ensuring our enemies become her enemies and then some.

this is all perfectly fair, And the best counter arguments that I have is that as a Priestess of isha, It might serve to make the point of isha being alive better to have a actual priestess present. At the same time that could be undermined by her transformation. The only other reason I can think off is that it pisses Biel-tan off, But that still treats her more as a Political shock Pawn, When it might be better to leave her at home and let her help sort out the obvious issues that Evacuating a forest will create.
This isn't a time to prioritise making factional political statements or drawing dividing lines. It's a time to focus on the real enemy, Chaos.

Each choice here is a political statement. You should consider what message you wish to send, and what cards you wish to reveal
It quite literally is time for a political statement, and while it is true that taking Irsfeial, Emissary of the Ishari, will offend people who already hate us like Biel-fucking-Tan and Alaitoc, who is set in near stagnation of their paths. It is more important in my mind to get other misfits to not die off because nobody else will treat them with the respect they deserve. And remember:

bringing Irsfeial would be a strong statement to the more radical factions
We are the greatest radicals who decided to directly mess with our own souls, we will never be liked by the conservatives (or reactionaries like Biel-Tan, those fuckers), but getting radicals to still feel part of Aeldari in my opinion is one of the more important things we can get.

Also remember the creation 2 of 2
At present, there are five Major Craftworlds active in the galaxy—Alaitoc, Biel-Tan, Iyanden, Saim-Hann, and Ulthwe. More may be rediscovered as time passes, but at present these are the Great Powers of the Aeldari… such as they are.
While we know of 5 major craftworlds there is a chance that radical major craftworld exist and just hid because why would they involve themselves in the affairs of people who hate them, why would they risk anything or offer anything if Fucking Biel-Tan will at best scoff at them and attack them with their own gifts at worse.

Speaking of major craftworld Ulthwe and Saim-Hann are almost guaranteed to support us, while Biel-Tan will be always against us (unless we will be fighting orks), Alaitoc will probably be reeling from the fact that their obsession with following paths of assuryan could strengthen the claim of Nurgle on the Aeldari and worse weaken Isha and make her vulnerable to being eaten by Nurgle, they might react badly to Irsfeial before news break but the sheer mental contrast between their scorn before the news and after could help dislodge them from stagnation.

The greatest game changer and kingmaker is, as always, Prosperous Iyanden, who I think can be placated with the news the news of Slanneash being just usurper and that and with the fact alone that Aeldari race will have a unifying goal, freeing Isha. This mission will likely get at least some of the smaller craftworld to follow their lead.
[ ] Irsfeial, Emissary of the Ishari
Whilst both the logistics of transporting sufficient biomass to sustain her and the likelihood of pushback from the more conservative Craftworlds given the soul-modification they have performed, bringing Irsfeial would be a strong statement to the more radical factions—and she is an ordained priestess of Isha, whose survival is part of the news you will be breaking.
I think it's important to bring the Ishari with us. We want to convince them there are other ways of dealing with the curse and they can't say we aren't being serious or didn't do our due diligence. Also, they HARD confirm that Isha is still alive seeing as they still have a direct(?) connection to her.

Edit: What is the point of showcasing a shattered sword? We have yet to even start true repairs let alone getting it to even partial effectiveness. We should keep this blade hidden. Us showing off our other troops is all the show of strength we need.
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So, the reason to bring Draylin and hi
In terms of who we take, I definitely want to take Irsfeial, It pisses off the conservatives, But they are already more likly to just fall in line with the shit Biel-Tan is spewing anyway, And this helps showcase that we are willing to accept strange bedfellows to defeat the Curses. Pissing off Biel-Tan is also a Bonus.

It's really not. Deliberately pissing off people off at a conference designed to promote unity because we don't like their politics is Biel Tan behaviour. Don't be the Biel Tan. Don't look for what we can do to accentuate division and make it the focal point that people concentrate on and make the most important issue that overshadows what we're actually here to do.

Let it pass. Focus on our actual goals here, which is to convince people that the Curses are real and they need to take them seriously. This isn't the time to reheat Pre-Fall ideological disputes.
It quite literally is time for a political statement, and while it is true that taking Irsfeial, Emissary of the Ishari, will offend people who already hate us like Biel-fucking-Tan and Alaitoc, who is set in near stagnation of their paths. It is more important in my mind to get other misfits to not die off because nobody else will treat them with the respect they deserve. And remember:

I said it's not time for a factional political statement. It's time for a statement about unity and about the Eldar working together for a common goal.

Remember. The Craftword Eldar and Exodites were the Conservatives Pre-Fall. The ones who stayed true to the gods will. Rejection of trans-eldarism is was part of that. The Trans-Eldarists were the most radical of those who rejected the gods, who tried to become new gods themselves like the Dark Muses, who undermined the pantheon and helped usher in the birth of Slaneesh. Being opposed to trans-eldarism is almost a prerequisite for being a Craftworlder, as otherwise they wouldn't be on a Craftworld, they'd be in a shadowy Webway realm as part of a Haemunculi Coven.

Trans-eldarism has a justifiably bad rap Associating ourselves with them is not a good look.
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