We're locked into a support talent, which means any plan that prioritizes being a DPS is kinda eh, either in ignoring the character sheet people voted for, which is meh for persistence and consequences, and in failing to match to our actual talents, which just hurts us. Ling Qi also has a lot of emotional investment in the music, while archery is a thing that is fun. To that end, sunsetting FVM in favor of archery is terrible, though I don't think many would seriously consider this.
Now, a holdout is good. If we can find archery arts that play well with what we have for our other stuff, I don't mind keeping archery up to dateish, not focusing on it, and only going for arts that fit with what we do better to some extent.
Of everything we have, AE is the easiest to drop for future training. Its dice don't mesh with what we do well, and its first technique has anti-synergy with FVM. We're going in too many directions, as people, and now literally the person we paid to tell us how to train, have reiterated constantly. Stopping means stopping now.
[X] Plan AE is Forbidden
Sure, but 'redoing it' and 'it actually being fixed' are different things, even for professional game designers. And any fix introduced is likely to introduce new problems or unintended issues, so forgive me for playing the game we have, rather then some theortical game we might one day have.
A redo doesn't mean that new problems won't appear, but generally means that known problems won't persist in the same ways. This, in turn, means that there's no reason to prioritize the system we have, and in fact that flaws or weaknesses in the current system are worse than useless for basing plans for a new system around. If someone's designing a system to avoid doing Y, worrying that the system will do Y is probably one of the few things least likely to be a concern.