Current Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 32.6 Officer, 51.47 Enlisted, 67.55 Techs
Explorer Corps: 17.5 Officer, 18.4 Enlisted, 14.5 Techs
Yeah, that's the problem with Great Power Wars.
Nobody's happy at the end of them.
However a program 2 refits a year (I'm assuming a start of 2330) would take 19 years to fully upgrade all Es and As baring any losses.
Vrs say: 4 refits a year which would take 10 (9 years of 4/4 + 1 solo refit)
Not to mention the headache of refitting all the Rennies
On the other hand, it would seem unwise to build berths that are likely to spend a lot of time standing empty, unless we're specifically worried about repair yard capacity.
So we need more shipyards and/or more berths at existing yards. We'll also want to start building larger berths for when we inevitably get around to ships like the Galaxy Class.
The way I read the situation is that this war is the result of us managing to peace both of them so well that they couldn't use us as a target for aggession anymore leaving only each other. Their cultures and relationship forced the rest
"The Federation? That's just a puffed-up blowfish. <poke>"My understanding is that our completely accidental "blowfish strategy" of becoming too large to easily swallow succeeded.
Refit to Centaur-B of USS Yuudachi, Centaur-A-class Frigate (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2133) @ Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards Berth 3
We don't even have the tech to build berths or ships that large (should be getting it from the Honiani tho). I wouldn't worry about it, since we won't need a berth for the Galaxy until the end of the 2330s at the earliest, and we'll only need one to start with (for the prototype). Prototyping takes long enough we'll be able to add the larger berths during that time.
Or partially uncrewed.The Klingons have a hell of a lot of ships for being on the verge of collapse. Unless a significant number are actually damaged and in the yards.
The Klingons have a hell of a lot of ships for being on the verge of collapse. Unless a significant number are actually damaged and in the yards.
Has the SDB looked at 5mt+ explorer designs? If the Honiani really do give us the 4000kt Shipyard Berth tech, then the 5000kt Shipyard Berth tech will open up and it's a 0 / 80 tech, so it's technically possible to have it researched by those early 2330s. I'm not saying it's a good idea to go all in on an oversized Explorer, but I am curious just how many stats can be stuffed in a ship bigger than the canon Galaxy. (Though with tech that's maybe just-a-little-bit too early.)