
In that case, what do people think of not building any vulture-droid factories this turn, and just waiting until the Foundry can come online? Frankly, our Kiln base is so darn cheap, it might be worthwhile to still build there, but Cato Neimoidia would probably get short shrift.

Alternately, given that the Foundry can build larger droid starships & vehicles, should we focus our current base upgrades on the smaller stuff -- battledroids and minor vehicles -- so the Foundry can prioritize the big items when it comes online?

It sounds like the Foundry will take at least another 2-3 turns to capture and me may want more military power available sooner than that.

Martial: Xruk has been working overtime to train the newest recruits, and OOM-9 is constantly running simulations to determine whether an attack on Palpatine is feasible.

Pick 2:
[x] CNS Defense Taskforce: The Council of Neutral System already has a Joint Forces Command that you basically controls. Now that the CNS spans the galaxy, expand the JFC's role and integrate the new members' armies and fleets, to secure all CNS territory and ensure local stability and security. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: improved odds for CNS recruitment, small decrease in CNS investment penalty (anti-piracy), better military preparedness
[x] Foundry Raid Night: It's going to be a long and bloody struggle, but the rewards from taking control of the Foundry would be soooooo worth it. Send over your men and see just how far they can get this quarter. (Starts Foundry Assault mini-turn)

[x] Calling In A Favor: A few years ago one Ferrus Olin left the Jedi Order, telling you that he would help you if needed. Well it is about time to call that favor in; get in contact with him and see if you can get the support of him and anyone he knows outside of the Order for the fight against Palpatine. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Ferrus Olin contacted
[x] But What About The Younglings!? (CNS): If your Shatterpoint abilities are telling you that the mounting protests around the Jedi Temple are going to lead to something big, it maaaay be worth listening to it and doing some preemptive preparations for whatever is about to happen. The Jedi Council might not be willing to cooperate with you, but encouraging Satine to help them move younglings and non-essential personnel offsite for the immediate future might not be the worst idea. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 100 Reward: Non-essential personnel temporarily evacuated from Jedi Temple for the duration of the protests

-[x] Chu'unthor Phase 2 Repairs: Raith's made himself clear: unless the Chu'unthor gets a stealth drive it's not going anywhere lest it get picked up by the Jedi. Not to mention that the training rooms and such need repairs in and of themselves. Cost: 200 Reward: Chu'unthor repairs continued
[x] Deepen The Baobab Partnership: Fact of the matter is that working with the Baobabs has already resulted in a considerable influx of credits into your accounts. Why not try and deepen the partership further, see if you can gain more from it? Besides, you're curious about this "Mungo" character Ebenn mentioned before... Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Partnership with Baobabs deepened
[x] One Fried Paranoiac, Extra Crispy: Fry is a paranoid man who is now of the belief that both the Republic and CIS are out to get him...the thing is while his reasoning is wrong his conclusions are entirely correct in a sense. Why not point this out to him and get one of the most talented inventors in the galaxy fully on your side? Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Taelsan Fry formally recruited

[x] Bad Moon Over Coruscant: You've been told that apparently something's going on at a moon of Coruscant involving a Palpatine shell corporation sending money there for something. That's definitely worth looking into. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Palpatine project investigated
[x] Rumblings Of A Giant: According to recent reports out of the Senate a major project has been authorized involving a "supercapital ship" of some variety. While the project is apparently going to take a considerable amount of time to complete, that definitely sounds like it's at least worth looking into. Maybe Raith knows more about it given his position? Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Information on Republic secret project gained
[x] Hell, Thyferra, What's The Difference?: There hasn't been enough to go on given the draconian security measures on the planet, but it's an unspoken truth that the average bacta worker suffers under conditions that are effectively slavery. Get enough evidence, stir up some scandals, and you'll have all the justification you need to deny them entry to the CNS. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Scandal created to justify not allowing Thyferra into the CNS


[x] Archaeological Expeditions: There are very famous sites in the galaxy that are dying for someone to lead expeditions to...and potentially locate Force-related artifacts. Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
-[x] Hutt Space (Manda, Tatooine)*: These worlds contain various libraries and such that would make for interesting material to steal examine closely.

[x] A "Blind" Explorer: After five years of no contact, you've finally managed to reunite with Jerec in the middle of his expedition into the Unknown Regions. While it would be difficult to maintain contact with him, he's mentioned that he'd be more than willing to renew the old agreement the two of you had given the chance, and it would be nice to better understand the mysteries of the Unknown Regions. What he needs from you is the ability to analyze data from his expeditions that he can't do on his own within the cramped quarters of his shuttle. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Renewed association with Jerec, information on Unknown Regions

Pick 2, or pick only one Research action and halve its time:
[X] Ysalamiri Investigation: The records from Obroa-Skai have helped you realized what's so special about Myrkr: the ysalamiri, a species that is somehow capable of naturally repelling the Force in a bubble around them. The applications for them are blindingly obvious and are far easier to act on than anything else you know of right now. The only catch is that from what you can tell it's been impossible to get them off of Myrkr otherwise you would have crates filled with the things right this second. Send your biologists, material researchers, hell, anyone available to figure out how to get these things off-planet. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Determine method to transport ysalamiri off of Myrkr [1 Turn Remaining]
[x] Mass Genemodding Program: You've had the genemod specs for a long while now, but getting a mass-modding program available has been difficult due to a lack of resources and facilities. However the rebirth of the Arkanian Legacy has given you an opportunity: setting up a program with Adascorp could make genemodding your forces a much more viable option in general. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: Genemodding program for troops initialized

-[x] Strategy Lessons: Between Grievous and Thrawn you have some very skilled leaders under your employ, and you could hardly ask for better instructors if you want to learn more about how to properly command troops on the field. Reward: Martial Increase, command training
[x] Personal Tutoring (Apprentices or Agents): With some extra dedicated time, you can substantially increase the skill of your Force Users and thus improve their odds of promotion. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: This turn, +30% Apprentice promotion chance and/or +15% Agent promotion chance
[x] Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine: After all of the assassins Dooku has been sending after you, the last thing you expected to get from him was an invitation to a formal dinner on Serenno. It's obvious Dooku has some ulterior motive, but you won't really know what it is unless you decide to go... Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???
[x] Annoy Padme (Free Action, no bonuses): The honeymoon suite prank went even better than expected. You have to see how the rest of this plays out. Chance of Success: Yes. Reward: Entertainment

Optional, Pick Up To 3 & 1 Genemod, Uses Hero Unit's Full Stats:
[x] Cheriss Sair - The Art Of The Droid: Granted, Cheriss' new mechu-daru abilites certainly speak for themselves but it couldn't hurt for other members of your organization to learn about them in more detail. Sadly, since she is currently the only one within it to fully master the ability, she'd have to commit to teaching this for the immediate future. (Uses Lore Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Reward: Cheriss teaches mechu-deru to Agent teams, ???

[x] Thrawn - A Scholar's Passion Project: One of the Wonders of the Galaxy is Space City, a mostly abandoned colossal space station that is not only effectively a floating museum but is rumored to be home to ancient Jedi libraries. Thrawn is more concerned about the 'museum' aspect though, and has politely mentioned that if you could give him time and (admittedly significant) funds he would like to take teams to the city and expand its collections. While there would be a base established there in some capacity, it's rather obvious that Thrawn considers that to be an afterthought. (Uses Stewardship Bonuses. Thrawn must be assigned to this action) Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Space City reclaimed as both museum and base, ???

[x] HK-47 - Write the Book: No one has more experience in fighting, defeating, and killing Force Users - Jedi and Sith - than HK-47. While getting him to write an actual manual might convince him to turn on you out of sheer frustration, having him program some scenarios against Force users for your sim centers on Kalee would be an amazing aid to your troops. Hopefully HK won't get too carried away... (Uses Lore Bonuses, HK-47 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Anti-Force user simulations designed, ???

New Bases:
Scipio: With the IGBC safely purged of Palpatine's influence it's now much easier to get property on Scipio. Which is good, because it might be worthwhile to keep an eye on the banks. For their own safety of course... Cost: 150 Reward: Property on Scipio

Corulag: Alternatively, Raith is willing to set aside some property on Corulag if you're willing to help invest in the more clandestine Advanced Research Division branch of his company. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Corulag

Fresia: Thanks to Seti's support the Fresian government has marked a piece of property that is conveniently empty for you to build a base on for hiding away, supporting Incom, or both. Cost: 100 Reward: Base on Fresia

Arkania: The Arkanians have been overjoyed at your ability to recover the Arkanian Legacy and have mentioned that they could provide a "discount" on a Karada facility on the planet. Now seems like a good a time as any to move in. Cost: 100 Reward: Facility on Arkania

Pantora: Since you (or more accurately Silas) helped alleviate the worst of the blockade over Pantora, the people there are more than willing to let you set up a Karada facility there...on a planet with a wide-spanning media and intel network... Cost: 150 Reward: Facility on Pantora

Outland Transit Station: Once Jango Fett's home of sorts, the station in question has been badly damaged in the process of one of Jango's contracts. Still, he's pointed out that it would hardly be difficult to properly occupy the station if you wanted to...though it is a bit of a fixer-upper. Cost: 200 Reward: Outland Transit Station repaired and occupied

Tibannopolis: An abandoned Tibanna platform floating among the clouds of Besipin once meant to be an equivalent of Cloud City, it's just begging you to move in and exploit it yourself. Cost: 200 Reward: Tibannopolis reoccupied

Base Upgrades: With how many credits you own it might be an idea to upgrade your bases a bit.
Coruscant Base:
[x] Karada Expansion: Setting up more specialized branches of Karada would help you get more credits out of the company.
-[x] Karada Laboratories: set up a public-facing research laboratory to develop more medicine and pharmaceuticals for general use. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
-[x] Karada Academy: expand the training programs, to offer conferences and collaborative projects between other major medcenters in the galaxy, and cross-training for doctors who specialize in different skill sets (surgeon vs. pediatrician) and different species. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
[x] Uscru Investments: The Uscru Entertainment District is the entertainment center of Coruscant, and it could certainly use an infusion of Outer Rim culture. Invest in a playhouse or venue, and organize regular performances showcasing the culture of various CNS members. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 investment income
[x] All Planets Market: This massive marketplace showcasing the products of the galaxy would be an ideal venue for promoting the CNS. Purchase enough space and rent it out to member-systems of the CNS to give them a place to sell some of their more unique goods. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 trade income
[x] Corusca Intelligencer: The only real game in town right now is Palpatine-controlled media. Start up a news outlet of your own and make sure that the people aren't only hearing his voice. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Investment income, Abyss Watchers-owned media outlet set up on Coruscant
[x] Undercity Healthcare: You know damn well the people of the Undercity are in dire need of healthcare. Setting up a network of Silver Cross-affiliated clinics would go a long way towards making things a bit better down there and making you some money that can't be taxed by the Neutrality Acts. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Silver Cross Income

Kalee Military Base:
[x] Tradeport: Now that Kalee is coming into its own with the help of the Muuns, it's definitely worth building up a proper tradeport to capitalize on that. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[x] Benelex Expansion: The move to Kashyyyk seemed to work well for them, so helping Benelex move to Kalee to not only provide additional security but gain the services of the Kaleesh would likely go a long way for them. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Investment income

Oracle (Lucrehulk):

[x] 'Grand Fleet' Initiative: A bold initiative suggested by Thrawn: leveraging your connections with Sienar, Incom, and KDY, give them enough credits to convert your support fleet for the Oracle into a legitimate battlefleet with military-grade hardware across the board. It will be incredibly expensive, but the results will speak for themselves. Cost: 250 Reward: Oracle Fleet upgraded to military-grade

Mandalorian Mansion:

[x] Aegis Security Facility: Instead of going through the hassle of setting up a defense grid for paranoia's sake, you could instead set up an Aegis Security branch and let them handle local security for you while still maintaining a slight profit. In this case it would be more involving hiring out Guardians than running protection on Mandalore itself. Cost: 75 Reward: +25 income, defenses established
[x] Karada Facility: Setting up a Karada facility on Mandalore would certainly get you some money, but more importantly it would help you funnel scientists and medical gear to Kyriemout more easily. Cost: 125 Reward: +50 income from Karada sales, medical supplies for Clan Skirata
[x] Corellia-Mandalore Pilot Training Initiative: Fact: Mandalorians are not known for their piloting abilities. Fact: Corellians are. Get a piloting academy set up on Mandalore and invite the brightest of Corellia's pilots to train the Guardians and they'll become even more fearsome on the battlefield. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Increased piloting capability of Mandalorian Guardians

Nar Shaddaa Property:

[x] Blacksite: Much like Kalee, you could build up a facility that would allow you to train up more men. Given that this is Nar Shaddaa, no one would bat an eye at the place anyway. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Increased recruitment rates for all units
[x] Expanded Smugglers Den: Nar Shaddaa is a 'Smugglers Moon', so it shouldn't be too difficult to invest more heavily in the black market. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Smuggling Income
[x] Undercity Investment: Right beneath your property are factories, shipyards, and who knows what else that could be exploited for the sake of amplifying your profits on the planet. That and investing in actually paying your workers could make you a popular woman on the planet... Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: 30% boost to Nar Shaddaa income
[x] Karada Medcenters: The Smuggler's Moon is one of the poorest, dirtiest, most diseased locations in the entire galaxy. Surely there's demand for a full-time medcenter to help the poor huddled masses? Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
[x] Versuch Labs: Shady, yes. Useful, most definitely. Expand your underworld 'research center/healthclinics' to the Smuggler's Moon. Its location should ensure a steady stream of patients in such desperate medical & financial straits, that it'll have no lack of (well-compensated) volunteers for medical trials or experimentation. Pair it with an 'official' Karada branch to maximize positive PR, for Lady Ciaran's charity for the poorest members of society. Cost: 200 Reward: +100 Investment income
[x] Boltholes: Nar Shaddaa is a loud planet, not only in terms of people on it but it practically "deafens" Force users through sheer magnitude. All of that makes it an excellent place for someone to lie low if things get too hot, from the lowest of scum to a Jedi Master...hypothetically speaking. Set up some hidden caches and hideaways to take advantage of those facts. Cost: 100 Reward: Boltholes set up across Nar Shaddaa
[x] Serv-O-Droid Expansion: The legendary civilian droid manufacturer from Nimban is facing a steadily diminishing profit margin, and seems to be in danger of bankruptcy. Help them expand to Nar Shaddaa to streamline their production line with cheap labor, in exchange for a small ownership share. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income

Muunilist Mansion:

[x] Invest in Phlut Design Systems: once a thriving weapons developer, Phlut borrowed a massive amount from the IGBC to get in on the 'battle droid builder' game. Their first and major product (the IG lancer droids) performed decently in the Battle of Muunilist, but with the IGBC defeat, Phlut has had trouble staying solvent. A prime opportunity for investment, especially since they have quite a few droid models that might prove useful to us. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 income, access to IG droid schematics, potential for future upgrades
[x] Muun Auditors: Incorporate a new financial business as professional auditors of everything, and offer your services (or rather, that of renowned Muun bankers) to the galaxy at large. Independent auditing is very big business, especially given the complexity of galaxy-level tax laws. And if it also helps get inside information on a wide array of governments and businesses around the Republic, all the better. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Investment income, increased information on financial matters across the galaxy

Taris Property:

[x] Orbital Drydocks: Expanding on the shipyards in orbit, help set up drydocks for repairs and refueling. Plenty of ships are moving through the system anyway, so it would easily make a killing. Cost: 250 Reward: +100 Investment income, ability for Taris to handle ship repairs
[x] Planetary Shield: Vectivus is right; you need something to properly defend Taris now, as any damage to the planet would be nigh-on catastrophic for both you and the CNS as a whole. Set up a planetary shield to deter any would-be assaults from orbit. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Planetary shields set up for Taris
[x] Bureau of Ships and Services: The Bureau is an organization that helps organize the various transponder codes on ships and tracks civilian traffic. Wouldn't it help if they were on a nice, safe planet that you had so many wiretaps on as it is? Of course you're going to omit that latter detail... Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Bureau relocated to Taris, increased ability to track ships registered to the Bureau

if i did all this right we leave with 55 credits but look at all the shiny upgrades
also better chance for better and more agents and still do cool stuff late

There is something called a moratorium it means the vote is not open yet.
Actually, one last thing: I'm struggling with what to name it. :D

Option A:

Option B:

Option C:

...Unfortunately, the two 'Hero' themed songs are either a) country music or b) from the same person who sang 'Total Eclipse of the Heart'. :confused: So... pick your poison? Or suggest a different 'Hero' song if you know a better one.
Could you post the Plan with Plan Name XXXXX and then we can debate actions and also figure out what name fits it.
Dammit all to hell, reading through your discussions made me realize that the site ate another important detail:

The Jerec action is an Archaeology action. In case it matters.
Bases: because this is its own separate thing. Again, these are with no regard to budget and with more regard to what stuff looks valuable. "Can pay for itself in 2 turns or less" is in and of itself valuable. Thus, trying to avoid "Investment" income, as that's under the Palpatine Tax.

[] Lianna OR Corulag
Raith is a good guy to keep tabs on. I like keeping our eyes on the Advanced Research Division.

[] Sullust
Bribbs has been good to us in the past. Sullust is also SoroSuub.

[] Pantora
Media and intelligence network opens up so many options.

[] Tibannopolis
Tibanna gas. A Cloud City analogue. THE ALTISIAN JEDI (a little less Lawful, a little more Good). Oh, right, and their mobile academy ship. When the "reasons this is good" stack up onto a second line it's a no brainer.

[] Manda
Baobab. That's all it needs to say.

[] Droid Marketing
Pays for itself in 2 turns. Turns excess resources into money.
[] Karada Expansion
-[] Karada Laboratories
-[] Karada Academy
Pay for themselves quickly. Does actual good.
[] All Planets Market:
Pays for itself.
[] Corusca Intelligencer:
Media outlet on Coruscant. This would be cheap at a much higher price.
[] Underworld Takeover
If we've got the money for it. Resource gain isn't a bad thing.
[] Undercity Healthcare
Wave the flag, get good PR, and do good things.

[] Tradeport
Money's money. Kalee has a bonus if I recall.
[] Megafauna Museum
If just for the omake potential.
[] Benelex Expansion
Why not?

[] 'Grand Fleet' Initiative:
We did False-Flag to justify this.

Mandalorian Mansion:

[] Aegis Security Facility:
The paranoid survive.
[] Karada Facility:
Medical to Skirata. It also makes money.

Lordran, Kiln:
[] Baktoid Vehicle factories:
-[] Single-Trooper Aerial Platform:
STAPs are annoying to fight. They buzz around and shoot you with vehicle-level cannons while not providing you a big target to hit.
-[] Armored Assault Tanks:
Tanks. You're welcome.
-[] Vulture-class droid starfighter
Cheriss-affected droids that can affect space.

La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):
[] Svivreni Material Research Facilities:

Nar Shaddaa Property:
[] Blacksite
Personal selfish priority here: increasing Agent stuff gives me more opportunities to write further Riphath advancement.
[] Expanded Smugglers Den
Smuggling money isn't touched by the tax; Nar Shaddaa has a bonus.
[] Undercity Investment
Increase bonus. Is +30% worth--yes.
[] Karada Medcenters
Yes. It's probably my professional background coloring this (I work in health-care and worked in emergency near a poor big city for two years). I don't care. Yes.
[] Boltholes:
Safehouses are good to have.

Castell Facility:
[] Gossam Commando Investments/Subversion
Resources to improve anti-Shu Mai actions. Duh.
-[] Commando Gear
Surviving is good.
-[] Gossam Militia
Surviving and infiltrating and gathering info is also good.
-[] Castell Academy
We don't have many options for increased promotion rates. This one also does Gossam Commando stuff.

Muunilist Mansion:
[] Invest in Phlut Design Systems:
This isn't about the money. It's about going from B1s to IGs. 86, 88, 100, the whole stack.
[] Muun Auditors
Spywork that isn't seen as spying.

Kashyyyk Facility:
[] Tarisian Ale Plant
I'm amused by the name stuff as much as anything. It's also money that pays for itself. I'm otherwise preferring to stay off of Kashyyyk because investment income is heavily taxed.

Taris Property:
Okay, look. I know Vectivus kept saying don't put your eggs in one basket, but when that basket turns eggs into golden eggs you load that basket up.
[] Mercy Medcenter Expansion
Get Karada off Coruscant. Also make money.
[] Planetary Shield
Preventing orbital bombardment is a good thing.
[] Bureau of Ships and Services
Spywork as a base action.
[] Beautification
Increase the eventual bonus for stuff we're going to probably do later.
[] Svivreni Mines
Materials is good.
[] Black Market
[] Ojoster Intelligencer
Propaganda machine.
[] Aegis Security Expansion
Yes. Rubber-hose cryptanalysis needs to be protected against as much as genius cryptanalysis.

Naboo Mansion
[] Tradeport Expansion
More naboo money.
[] Porso Hill Base Reclamation
Sourcing starfighters from lots of places is good.
[] Buy Out Borvo's Black Market (Naboo)
Smuggling money isn't taxed.
[] Invest in Borvo's Black Market (Rori)
Smuggling money isn't taxed.

Cato Nemodia Mansion:
[] Karada Medcenter
Karada money. Diversify, diversify.
[] Purchase Rush Clovis's Factory
Time to finish plucking the Clovis.

Ord Mantell Compound
[] Smuggler's Den
See previous discussion on smuggling income.
[] Fort Garnik Depot
More resources like this isn't a bad thing.
[] Conference Center
See "Smuggler's Den"

Dantooine Facilities
[] AgriCorps Outpost
Artifact checking by spending credits on it. Yes.
[] Expand Luxus Resort
Tourism locales is good.
[] Asteroid Mining
Mining income gives us more resources.
[] Space Curling Arena
I like space curling, okay?

Corellia Property
[] Aegis Security Facility
Security income, defenses, yes yes yes.
[] Dedicated Salvage Teams
More salvage teams is good.
[] Large-scale Wiretaps
Welp. Money's money. Data's data.
[] Corellian Recruitment Center
Corellian pilots are good. Corellian cooks? Maybe not so much.
[] Fund Garm Bel Iblis's Militia
He's a jerk at times, but if we can make him be our jerk that's a good thing.
[] Karada Medcenter
[] Nerfworks
as much as i would love all or most of the bases upgrades we do not have the money for it all

aldo i do like the list above, far more balanced then mine was
The Jerec action is an Archaeology action. In case it matters.
@Dr. Snark: can we still pick that option with one of our 'Regular' Actions? Because I have plans for our Archaeology Expeditions....

Bases: because this is its own separate thing. Again, these are with no regard to budget and with more regard to what stuff looks valuable.
Fortunately, with our income, we can mostly afford to pay for 'stuff that looks valuable' rather than counting credits. I looked over your list, and substantially agree with most of it. :D

Could you post the Plan with Plan Name XXXXX and then we can debate actions and also figure out what name fits it.
Err... once the Plan is posted and people start voting for it, it's pretty much impossible to change the name. I can post the intro section, but it's not quite the same. I'm kinda inclined to stick with 'Heroes and Friends' -- despite the fact that it's <dramatic pause> country music <dramatic chipmunk>, the song is fairly decent and I'm pretty sure I recognize the singer (which is not something I can say about 98% of country musicians).

Anyway, here's the intro section is anyone is interested:
[] Plan Heroes and Friends
Balance Sheet
♫ I ain't live forever but I've lived enough
And I've learned to be gentle and I've learned to be tough
I've found only two things that last to the end
One is your heroes and the other your friends

The emphasis this turn is on acquiring more of those 'heroes and friends'. We're recruiting at least one new Hero next turn (Talesan Fry) and laying foundations for another (Mungo Baobab). We're reconnecting with the Jedi Sentinels and Jango's Cuy'val Dar, making contact with Blackguard (not to mention activating the Chu'unthor), accepting Dooku's invitation for dinner (90% chance of crit), and maybe kidnapping the head of the Techno Union. Oh, we're also upgrading all of our droids with Sair Frames, and drastically expanding our production lines with vulture droids and extra battledroids. Depending on your stance on droid rights, that either means more fodder, or more friends!

Our lowest-probability action is a 95%, but there's only one of those. Our next-lowest action is a 97%. Everything else is a guaranteed success.

As far as bases go: check out the specifics, but we're purchasing three new ones, building a Grand Fleet around the Oracle, building a Planetary Shield around Taris, and rapidly diversifying our investments and assets to our other planets.
Last edited:
Well it looks like discussions have ended and it's almost that time anyway so the voting moratorium is now over! Go nuts, you mad bastards.
[X] Plan No Special Name

Current Treasury: 694
Current Income: 6732
Current Upkeep: 1921
To Spend: 5505


[X] CNS Defense Taskforce: The Council of Neutral System already has a Joint Forces Command that you basically controls. Now that the CNS spans the galaxy, expand the JFC's role and integrate the new members' armies and fleets, to secure all CNS territory and ensure local stability and security. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: improved odds for CNS recruitment, small decrease in CNS investment penalty (anti-piracy), better military preparedness

[X] Foundry Raid Night: It's going to be a long and bloody struggle, but the rewards from taking control of the Foundry would be soooooo worth it. Send over your men and see just how far they can get this quarter. (Starts Foundry Assault mini-turn)
-[X] The Silencer
-[X] Grievous
-[X] HK-47

Foundry Raid Night
Reasoning- Because the CNS needs to be built up or else it's just a paper tiger and the Foundry is too potentially useful.

CNS Defense Taskforce
Reasoning- This takes care of piracy which increases our income and also increase CNS defense. I like it.

WHY NOT THE OTHERS: I don't care for the piracy actions. All it will do is create more potential issues down the road and we don't need the extra credits. The same reasons why I don't care for mercenary work. Anti-Slavery will net us good publicity sure, but I'm wanting to shore up the CNS more than I want better publicity. Paramilitary, Preying Mantis', and Militia Standardization look good but there are other priorities.

[X] But What About The Younglings!? (CNS): If your Shatterpoint abilities are telling you that the mounting protests around the Jedi Temple are going to lead to something big, it maaaay be worth listening to it and doing some preemptive preparations for whatever is about to happen. The Jedi Council might not be willing to cooperate with you, but encouraging Satine to help them move younglings and non-essential personnel offsite for the immediate future might not be the worst idea. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 100 Reward: Non-essential personnel temporarily evacuated from Jedi Temple for the duration of the protests
-[X] Thrawn

[X] Watching The Watchmen: While you haven't been formally in contact with the Jedi Sentinels as of late due to your issues with the Order, getting back into contact with them at this point would certainly be useful to both sides. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Formal contact with Jedi Sentinels restored

But What About The Younglings!? (CNS)
Reasoning- Whatever's coming it's better to be safe than sorry ...

Watching The Watchmen
Reasoning- Deepens our connections with the Jedi Order, allows us to use their information, and we might be able to use them as well.

WHY NOT THE OTHERS: Like with @Publicola, the Thyferra Delimma is more easily done with an Intrigue action. I personally don't give a crap about creating a Grey Council so contacting other orders with no special abilities to use has no real reward for me and only wastes time. Bounty Hunting or CNS recruitment isn't needed at this time. We have enough Income and the CNS is already big enough and any more threatens to make the CNS "Too" powerful. Ferrus Olin can wait.

[X] Treasury Auditing: While the actual backdoor to the Republic Treasury remains out of your reach (damn you Skirata), he is willing to let you (or more accurately the Muun bankers you have on staff) look over some past records to see if they can find anything to investigate further...or maybe some dirt. Odds are there's something there knowing Palpatine. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Locate potential dirt on Palpatine or find leads on other projects
-[X] Silas Cata
-[X] Cheriss Sair

[X] Sienar Custom Vessel: Now that you've partnered with Sienar you can request customized ships from them for a price. You can either send them a plan of your own, or give their engineers a base concept and let them work out the details. Chance of Success: 90%
-[X] Chu'unthor Phase 2 Repairs: Raith's made himself clear: unless the Chu'unthor gets a stealth drive it's not going anywhere lest it get picked up by the Jedi. Not to mention that the training rooms and such need repairs in and of themselves. Cost: 200 Reward: Chu'unthor repairs continued

[X] One Fried Paranoiac, Extra Crispy: Fry is a paranoid man who is now of the belief that both the Republic and CIS are out to get him...the thing is while his reasoning is wrong his conclusions are entirely correct in a sense. Why not point this out to him and get one of the most talented inventors in the galaxy fully on your side? Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Taelsan Fry formally recruited

Treasury Auditing
Reasoning- This could definitely help us with exposing some of Palpatine's corruption or other projects.

Sienar Custom Vessel: Chu'unthor Phase 2 Repairs
Reasoning- Because @Publicola would kill us if we didn.t Being more serious though it is a potentially great asset and we've already made it space worthy. Let's continue to finish it up.

One Fried Paranoiac, Extra Crispy
Reasoning- Like Publicola said, we need a stewardship hero and if he's on our side he's no longer able to be on anyone elses. He'll also be helpful in intrigue.

WHY NOT THE OTHERS: No other Sienar option is really as potentially rewarding as the Chu'unthor. We already have enough income. The Baobabs sound good for further income but we need to focus on Palpatine.

[X] Hell, Thyferra, What's The Difference?: There hasn't been enough to go on given the draconian security measures on the planet, but it's an unspoken truth that the average bacta worker suffers under conditions that are effectively slavery. Get enough evidence, stir up some scandals, and you'll have all the justification you need to deny them entry to the CNS. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Scandal created to justify not allowing Thyferra into the CNS

[X] Operation Ultra: With Fry's codebreaker you have a major opportunity to crack into some of the most classified transmissions on Coruscant. Going over transmissions to and from Palpatine on the planet could give you some vital intel on his stooges in the Republic. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Gather information on Palpatine and his inner circle in the Republic

[X] Delicious Bacta: Thyferra has been a very rich planet thanks to keeping a stranglehold on bacta and any product that could potentially compete with it. While the potential profit from a heist would be nice, it might be worthwhile to try and break their stranglehold over bacta given the recent political issues with the planet. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Data on bacta products stolen from Thyferra

Hell, Thyferra, What's The Difference?
Reasoning- We need to deal with them. This intrigue action has better chance than Stewardship, screws the Thyferran Corporations (a plus, definitely), and safely shuts them out of the CNS. Our anti-slavery bent might worry the hutts but continuing to invest in Nar Shadaa and Borva should relieve them.

Operation Ultra
Reasoning- Continuing on my paranoid focus on getting more dirt to fight Palpatine with.

Delicious Bacta
Reasoning- Leads to potential increases in income as well as healing of troops. Also, because fuck the Thyferran Corporations.

WHY NOT THE OTHERS: There were way too many options. I focus more on Palpatine than Shu Mai and this turn we needed to deal with Thyferra. I decided to do as much as possible to screw them over just for shits and giggles mainly. The war can continue on it's current pace and should until we are ready.

[X] Research Alternative Force Schools: While the Jedi and Sith are the most well-known Force users in the galaxy there are certainly others that have mastered more esoteric techniques that could be useful to you. You already have information on them from the datachips so it shouldn't be too difficult. (Choose 1 below) Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Learn techniques from other Force users
-[X] Disciples of Twilight: Located on the isolated colony of Dyspeth, founded by a former Jedi in the aftermath of the Ruusan Reformation, the Disciples specialize in illusion techniques said to surpass even the Fallanassi light-benders.

[X] Archaeological Expeditions: There are very famous sites in the galaxy that are dying for someone to lead expeditions to...and potentially locate Force-related artifacts. Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
-[X] Yavin IV*: Home to many different Force temples and was the home base for many famed Sith Lords, the moon would certainly contain plenty of interesting artifacts on its surface.

Research Alternative Force Schools: Disciples of Twilight
Reasoning- Should actually be useful for intrigue. Just think of the trolling!! We could bring more of those biscuit hallucinations to Palpatine!! HAHAHAHAHA- *cough* ...Right.

Archaeological Expeditions: Yavin IV
Reasoning- Yavin IV has a lot of history with the Sith. Might as well see what's there.

WHY NOT THE OTHERS: With Matukai we're good in physical strength. We need to shore up our force abilities. We're already practically undetectable (personally) so not Fallanasi and none of the others scream they will be useful besides the Jensaari which I'm having Asajj go to. Jerec is ehhh and a force blaster is neat and all but illusions can be more useful in the right hands.

[X] Ysalamiri Investigation: The records from Obroa-Skai have helped you realized what's so special about Myrkr: the ysalamiri, a species that is somehow capable of naturally repelling the Force in a bubble around them. The applications for them are blindingly obvious and are far easier to act on than anything else you know of right now. The only catch is that from what you can tell it's been impossible to get them off of Myrkr otherwise you would have crates filled with the things right this second. Send your biologists, material researchers, hell, anyone available to figure out how to get these things off-planet. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Determine method to transport ysalamiri off of Myrkr [1 Turn Remaining]

[X] Analyze Commando Gear: Despite his grumbling Skirata was willing to part with a few sets of clone commando armor and weaponry. Have your research teams look into them and see what they can reverse-engineer from them. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 150 Reward: Commando Gear reverse-engineered [Takes 2 Turns]

[X] Mass Genemodding Program: You've had the genemod specs for a long while now, but getting a mass-modding program available has been difficult due to a lack of resources and facilities. However the rebirth of the Arkanian Legacy has given you an opportunity: setting up a program with Adascorp could make genemodding your forces a much more viable option in general. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: Genemodding program for troops initialized

Ysalamiri Investigation
Reasoning- Locked in.

Analyze Commando Gear
Reasoning- The Foundry could take care of the droids. The meatbags will need to be equalized.

Mass Genemodding Program
Reasoning- Opens up potential options to better improve our troops.

WHY NOT THE OTHERS: Materials is okay but it doesn't scream useful as much as commando gear does. Anti-Force stuff can be built off of the Ysalamiri .


[X] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Sometimes you just have to either keep an eye on your minions to ensure that they don't screw up or prepare more intensively for something that you need to handle personally. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice
-[X] Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine

[X] Force Training: You've certainly gotten stronger, but Mortis has taught you that you still have a long ways to go.
-[X] Blazing Chains (Advanced): Now that you actually know how to properly use Blazing Chains, Tyro has offered to put you through the higher-level training of the technique should you so desire. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Advanced-level Blazing Chains techniques learned

[X] Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine: After all of the assassins Dooku has been sending after you, the last thing you expected to get from him was an invitation to a formal dinner on Serenno. It's obvious Dooku has some ulterior motive, but you won't really know what it is unless you decide to go... Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???
-[X] Personal attention/Increased Focus
-[X] 5 Watcher Teams

[X] Annoy Padme (Free Action, no bonuses): The honeymoon suite prank went even better than expected. You have to see how the rest of this plays out. Chance of Success: Yes. Reward: Entertainment

Personal attention/Increased Focus: Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine
Reasoning- Dooku's calling and we need to ensure our own safety.

Force Training: Blazing Chains (Advanced)
Reasoning- Primarily because it has a better chance than Organic Shatterpoint which might need personal attention.

Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine
Reasoning- Fuuuckkk, it's the mystery box. Is he chafing under Palpatine and wants us as an apprentice or is this jsut a huge and obvious trap? Damn, damn, damn ... We just have to know.

Annoy Padme (Free Action, no bonuses)
Reasoning- Because traditions should be upheld.

[X] Under The Knife: With the facilities of the Arkanian Legacy at their disposal, the Arkanians can easily genemod anyone you want to go through the process. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Selected Hero Unit genemodded
-[X] Choose 1 Hero Unit:
--[X] Ventress: Leery of the Arkanians, it might be a bit difficult to get her to go through with it.
-[X] Choose 1 Genemod:
--[X] Miraluka: Your own species, able to see through the Force despite a lack of eyes. The Arkanians have admitted that they're not entirely sure what will happen if that mod is used due to the species' natural connection with the Force. (Lore, ???)

[X] PR-1 - From The Ground Up: "The 3P0 frame just isn't going to cut it anymore," is what Cheriss told you after you brought up how she didn't physically modify him any further to suit your needs. She's told you in no small words that if he's going to be able to fulfill the functionality you really need right now, he's going to need an android body, which would provide greater familiarity for diplomacy and enhanced mobility for combat. (Uses Learning Bonuses, PR-1 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 200 Reward: PR-1 transferred to android frame, ???

[X] Asajj Ventress - Journeys Of An Exile: Fact of the matter is that you just don't have time to go contact every Force sect in the galaxy to speak with them or learn their techniques or whatever. In light of this Asajj has volunteered to go visit some of the groups...though while she'd never say it outright she'd like to be able to gain practical knowledge (usually involving new ways to kill things with her mind) from whoever she visits or at least not have to go through hours of scholarly discussion to gain their trust. Odds are any kind of "scholarly discussion" involving Asajj wouldn't work anyway knowing her... (Uses Diplomacy Bonuses, Asajj Ventress must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Asajj contacts designated group, ???
-[X] Jensaarai: A group of Force users that apparently follow a blend of Jedi and Sith teachings. Their unique ability is "ballistakinesis," which is basically hurling things at enemies at blindingly fast/lethal speeds. Asajj never said it outright but she has taken quite the interest in that particular ability, and she's noted that their Sith heritage would mean they wouldn't reject her.

[X] Jango Fett - Those Who Do Not Exist: When the clone army was in development Jango gathered what he referred to as the Cuy'val Dar - "Those Who Do Not Exist." The majority of them barring a few such as Skirata have returned to their lives as mercenaries. Given enough time and resources, Jango firmly believes that he could rally them again as their Mand'alor, giving you an extremely potent force to work with. (Uses Diplomacy Bonuses, Jango Fett must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Cuy'val Dar reunited, ???

Under the Knife - Ventress (Miraluka)
Reasoning- I mean ... what would this do? Ventress at least seems safe for a test.

PR-1 - From The Ground Up
Reasoning- He's lagging behind the other heroes badly. He needs an update or he's fairly useless.

Asajj Ventress - Journeys Of An Exile: Jensaarai
Reasoning- This will prove useful in a fight just as much as illusions will.

Jango Fett - Those Who Do Not Exist
Reasoning- These guys would turn out to be a potent asset more so than simple bounty hunters and we're already covering potential Force abilities.

[X] Rust And Metalorn: You've got a lead that not only is the Techno Union planning on rolling out a line of cortosis-alloyed battle droids but also that Wat Tambor himself will be on the planet for the foreseeable future to oversee the project. Those two factors combined make this too good to ignore; send out the best men you have, sabotage the project, steal the droids for your own purposes, and maybe get a crack at capturing Wat himself. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: CB-3 droids captured and production sabotaged, potential to capture Wat Tambor

Reasoning- These are the droids that attack the Jedi Temple and are made with Cortosis. They need to be dealt with. Also, if we can capture Wat Tambor, that means we could potentially infiltrate the Techno Union.

[X] 5x - Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine

Watcher Teams to "Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine":
These guys would be sacrificed to aid Ciaran in any potential blow up when talking with Dooku.

The Silencer: [X] Foundry Raid Night
Silas Cata: [X] Treasury Auditing
Thrawn: [X] But What About The Younglings!?
Grievous: [X] Foundry Raid Night
HK-47: [X] Foundry Raid Night

Cheriss Sair: [X] Treasury Auditing

Removed by actions:
Asajj Ventress: Journeys Of An Exile (Blackguard)
Jango Fett: Those Who Do Not Exist
PR-1: From The Ground Up

Free for Others:
Silas Cata: Operation Ultra
Reasoning- 40% chance needs as much help as possible.

Cheriss Sair: Analyze Commando gear

Reasoning- 40% chance needs as much help as possible.

Thrawn: But What About The Younglings!?

Reasoning- Narrative wise, Thrawn is friends with Ashoka. If this turns into the Temple Bombing then he can help her out.

The Silencer: Foundry Raid Night
Grievous: Foundry Raid Night
HK-47: Foundry Raid Night

Reasoning- This is apparently going to be a bloodbath so getting as many Martial heroes there would help out tremendously.


Safe To Spend (- Treasury - Action Costs(-1350) ): 3461

[X] Tibannopolis: An abandoned Tibanna platform floating among the clouds of Besipin once meant to be an equivalent of Cloud City, it's just begging you to move in and exploit it yourself. Cost: 200 Reward: Tibannopolis reoccupied

[X] Manda: You're already on good terms with the Baobabs at this point, so why not have a more physical sign of your partnership? Cost: 200 Reward: Property on Manda

[X] Corusca Intelligencer: The only real game in town right now is Palpatine-controlled media. Start up a news outlet of your own and make sure that the people aren't only hearing his voice. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Investment income, Abyss Watchers-owned media outlet set up on Coruscant

[X] Uscru Investments: The Uscru Entertainment District is the entertainment center of Coruscant, and it could certainly use an infusion of Outer Rim culture. Invest in a playhouse or venue, and organize regular performances showcasing the culture of various CNS members. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 investment income

[X] Undercity Healthcare: You know damn well the people of the Undercity are in dire need of healthcare. Setting up a network of Silver Cross-affiliated clinics would go a long way towards making things a bit better down there and making you some money that can't be taxed by the Neutrality Acts. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Silver Cross Income

[X] Karada Expansion: Setting up more specialized branches of Karada would help you get more credits out of the company.
-[X] Karada Laboratories: set up a public-facing research laboratory to develop more medicine and pharmaceuticals for general use. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
-[X] Karada Academy: expand the training programs, to offer conferences and collaborative projects between other major medcenters in the galaxy, and cross-training for doctors who specialize in different skill sets (surgeon vs. pediatrician) and different species. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income

[X] All Planets Market: This massive marketplace showcasing the products of the galaxy would be an ideal venue for promoting the CNS. Purchase enough space and rent it out to member-systems of the CNS to give them a place to sell some of their more unique goods. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 trade income

[X] Tradeport: Now that Kalee is coming into its own with the help of the Muuns, it's definitely worth building up a proper tradeport to capitalize on that. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income

[X] Megafauna Museum: If Grievous is any indication, the Kalee would be honored to host a zoo/museum of the biggest and baddest animals in the galaxy. Especially since he already dumped a exogorth carcass as the first exhibit. Reward: Containment facilities for aggressive fauna constructed Cost: 200 Reward: Megafauna museum opened, +50 investment income, potential to study contained fauna in more detail

Oracle (Lucrehulk)
[X] 'Grand Fleet' Initiative: A bold initiative suggested by Thrawn: leveraging your connections with Sienar, Incom, and KDY, give them enough credits to convert your support fleet for the Oracle into a legitimate battlefleet with military-grade hardware across the board. It will be incredibly expensive, but the results will speak for themselves. Cost: 250 Reward: Oracle Fleet upgraded to military-grade

[X] Karada Facility: Setting up a Karada facility on Mandalore would certainly get you some money, but more importantly it would help you funnel scientists and medical gear to Kyriemout more easily. Cost: 125 Reward: +50 income from Karada sales, medical supplies for Clan Skirata

[X] C-9979 Landing Craft Slipways: Building C-9979 Landers over Cato Nemodia would raise a lot of questions. Building them over Kiln would raise none, and you do have plenty of space in the Oracle for them. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: +1 C-9979 Landers per turn

[X] Baktoid Vehicle factories: It might be worthwhile to have these set up on Kiln so you can deploy these elsewhere with no questions asked.
-[X] Vulture-class droid starfighter: The fighter of choice for the CIS, this fighter has a droid brain in the place of a pilot, though its combat abilities slightly suffer for it. Maybe have Cheriss look into that at some point. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: +1 group of Vulture Droids per turn

[X] Carnivore Containment Facilities: The fact of the matter is that the galaxy is home to a lot of very angry and very dangerous predators that can tear people to shreds in an instant. So why not capture a few for yourself and see if you can tame them? You know, as long as you place several durasteel walls between them and everyone else. In comparison to the proposed megafauna facility on Kalee, these would contain (relatively) small predators. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Containment facilities for aggressive fauna constructed

[X] Svivreni Material Research Facilities: The isolated nature of the facility and the already present research equipment make La'Sombra a prime location for setting up facilities dedicated to researching anomalous or rare materials in the galaxy. With the addtion of the Svivreni to the CNS, the facilty would now be even more effective with some of the galaxy's greatest material experts on staff. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Significantly Decreased research times for current/future anomalous/rare materials research

Nar Shaddaa
[X] Blacksite: Much like Kalee, you could build up a facility that would allow you to train up more men. Given that this is Nar Shaddaa, no one would bat an eye at the place anyway. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Increased recruitment rates for all units

[X] Expanded Smugglers Den: Nar Shaddaa is a 'Smugglers Moon', so it shouldn't be too difficult to invest more heavily in the black market. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Smuggling Income

[X] Undercity Investment: Right beneath your property are factories, shipyards, and who knows what else that could be exploited for the sake of amplifying your profits on the planet. That and investing in actually paying your workers could make you a popular woman on the planet... Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: 30% boost to Nar Shaddaa income

[X] Karada Medcenters: The Smuggler's Moon is one of the poorest, dirtiest, most diseased locations in the entire galaxy. Surely there's demand for a full-time medcenter to help the poor huddled masses? Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income

[X] Invest in Phlut Design Systems: once a thriving weapons developer, Phlut borrowed a massive amount from the IGBC to get in on the 'battle droid builder' game. Their first and major product (the IG lancer droids) performed decently in the Battle of Muunilist, but with the IGBC defeat, Phlut has had trouble staying solvent. A prime opportunity for investment, especially since they have quite a few droid models that might prove useful to us. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 income, access to IG droid schematics, potential for future upgrades

[X] Muun Auditors: Incorporate a new financial business as professional auditors of everything, and offer your services (or rather, that of renowned Muun bankers) to the galaxy at large. Independent auditing is very big business, especially given the complexity of galaxy-level tax laws. And if it also helps get inside information on a wide array of governments and businesses around the Republic, all the better. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Investment income, increased information on financial matters across the galaxy

[X] Naboo Moon Mining Guild Investments: The Naboo Moon Mining Guild is an organization that legitimately sells spices on the market, not to mention that they are in competition with a slaver organization of some kind. It certainly sounds like a useful investment. Cost: 150 Reward: +50 income from Mining Guild investments, good PR against slavers

[X] Tradeport Expansion: You've already got a lot of money from this planet but it never hurts to consolidate. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income

[X] Buy Out Borvo's Black Market (Naboo): Borvo and his Nal Raka Criminal Empire have a much broader reach now than they did when he was still operating in a single sector. Borvo has neither the time nor the inclination to deal with Naboo, not when they still remember him for his actions during the Naboo invasion. Suggest to him that the Abyss Watchers should take over the local black market; your reputation is spotless, and now that you have a base on the planet, it should be easy to coordinate things. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income

[X] Invest in Borvo's Black Market (Rori): Orbiting Naboo is the swamp moon Rori, best known for its kassoti spice mines -- a very mild narcotic with less severe addictive effects, which is why it's legal to trade and distribute. Borvo owns a trade port on the planet, to help facilitate transportation throughout the system. More importantly, Borvo's operation utilizes a private hyperlane, the Old Trade Federation Route, to transport goods on and off world. Invest in the tradeport, and in the black market surrounding it, to gain full access to those smuggling lanes. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income

Cato Nemodia
[X] Expand Baktoid Shipping Center: Granted it's nice that this factory has been making you credits but you'd really like to be able to properly get the vehicles off-planet for your own ends. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Ability to move vehicles off-planet

[X] Trade Port: The Trade Federation is based off of this planet. Getting in on the trade here is only logical. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income

[X] Orbital Drydocks: Expanding on the shipyards in orbit, help set up drydocks for repairs and refueling. Plenty of ships are moving through the system anyway, so it would easily make a killing. Cost: 250 Reward: +100 Investment income, ability for Taris to handle ship repairs

[X] Planetary Shield: Vectivus is right; you need something to properly defend Taris now, as any damage to the planet would be nigh-on catastrophic for both you and the CNS as a whole. Set up a planetary shield to deter any would-be assaults from orbit. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Planetary shields set up for Taris

[X] Aegis Security Expansion: Fry Industries may provide electronic security, but that does little for physical security. Fortunately, you own a security company with its own training compound. Expand it to a facility on Taris, and offer bodyguard and escort services for the rich and famous. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Security income

[X] Black Market: Even if the planet is doing well and discouraging people from criminality through sheer success, there's always a market for illegal goods. Get in on it, not only to make a profit but to make sure that no one tries anything through it. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 black market income

[X] Mercy Medcenter Expansion: Fact of the matter is that having Karada's HQ on Coruscant is a baaaad idea given that Palpatine is right there. As such running an expansion on the Mercy Medcenter and making it an equally viable headquarters would hardly be the worst idea, especially since it would also mean more money. Cost: 200 Reward: +100 Karada income, ability to operate from Taris

[X] Ojoster Intelligencer: The CNS does not have its own propaganda machine to counteract Palpatine's own. Fix that. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Investement income, Abyss Watcher-controlled media set up on Taris

[X] Bureau of Ships and Services: The Bureau is an organization that helps organize the various transponder codes on ships and tracks civilian traffic. Wouldn't it help if they were on a nice, safe planet that you had so many wiretaps on as it is? Of course you're going to omit that latter detail... Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Bureau relocated to Taris, increased ability to track ships registered to the Bureau

[X] Fund Garm Bel Iblis's Militia: In spite of Corellia's open neutrality Senator Garm Bel Iblis has formed a sort of private fleet to look after the space around Corellia since the Republic has declined to do so. Fund his fleet, and help incorporate it into the CNS joint forces structure. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Bel Iblis' militia integrated into CNS fleet, increased security for Corellian space

New Upkeep: 1921 + 630 = 2501
One-Off Costs:
1200 + 4975 = 6225
New Income:
6732 + 1998.75 = 8730.75
8730.75 - 8726 = 4.75

Costs/Upkeep (bases and then per planet): 380+750+300+250+125+455+375+595+250+450+250+1200+225 = 5605
Income (per planet): 435+135+50+370+150+185+50+562.5 = 1937.5 + 61.25 = 1998.75

New Treasury: 694 + 4.75 = 698.75


  • Removed Cheriss Sair's hero action and moved her to help Analyze Commando Gear
  • Added Bureau of Ships and Services to replace 150 remaining from the previous change.
  • Switched Baobab Relations to Treasury Auditing to put focus on Palpatine. Also switched Cheriss and Silas to be helping that action.
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45 minutes till the moratorium ends, but I had another question for @Dr. Snark:
The carrot should also be obvious. Thyferra wants access to the galactic marketplace; they want to be able to sell to the Republic, not just to the CIS. We happen to run one of the largest smuggling operations in the galaxy, and have access to the big players in the criminal underworld who might do the same. So: we promise to help smuggle bacta supplies off Thyferra, for our mutual profit.

They get most of the benefits of CNS membership (access to a market, albeit a black market) without the political complications of actually joining us.
I had mentioned it before, but would this be an acceptable write-in? Or pair it with the sabotage, so it's a single action:

[] Carrot and Stick: You know how this game is played. With one hand, ensure that Thyferra gets the memo that it is not wanted in the CNS -- intimidation, blackmail, sabotage, and the like. With the other, offer Thyferra a consolation prize for withdrawing its application -- promise to help smuggle bacta supplies off the planet, to be sold in the black market for our mutual profit. They get the benefits of CNS member (access to the wider galaxy); you avoid the political complication of actual membership.


EDIT: Solo'd by Dr. Snark opening the vote anyway. :rofl: Plan to follow.
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[X] Plan Heroes and Friends
Balance Sheet

♫ I ain't lived forever but I've lived enough
And I've learned to be gentle and I've learned to be tough
I've found only two things that last to the end
One is your heroes and the other your friends

The emphasis this turn is on acquiring more of those 'heroes and friends'. We're recruiting at least one new Hero next turn (Talesan Fry) and laying foundations for another (Mungo Baobab). We're reconnecting with the Jedi Sentinels and Jango's Cuy'val Dar, making contact with Blackguard (not to mention activating the Chu'unthor), accepting Dooku's invitation for dinner (90% chance of crit), and maybe kidnapping the head of the Techno Union. Oh, we're also upgrading all of our droids with Sair Frames, and drastically expanding our production lines with vulture droids and super battledroids. Depending on your stance on droid rights, that either means more fodder, or more friends!

Our lowest-probability action is a 95%, but there's only two of those, and only two more actions at 97%. Everything else is a guaranteed success.

As far as bases go: check out the specifics, but we're purchasing three new ones, building a Grand Fleet around the Oracle, building a Planetary Shield around Taris, and rapidly diversifying our investments and assets to our other planets.

Martial: Pick 2:

[X] CNS Defense Taskforce: Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: improved odds for CNS recruitment, small decrease in CNS investment penalty (anti-piracy), better military preparedness
[X] Foundry Raid Night: (Starts Foundry Assault mini-turn)
-[X] HK-47
-[X] Grievous
Thanks to last turn's 'False Flag', the CNS Defense Taskforce is justifiable in the galactic public's eyes, and would be a big boost to consolidating Neutral Space (and countering Palpatine's 'Tax'). As for the Foundry Raid... yeah, there was never a chance I wouldn't pick it. We do need to allot a fair bit of Hero Support to make success more probable, though -- I assigned our top two Martial Heroes.

CNS Military: 70% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 35% chance of crit
Foundry: ???

Diplomacy: Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 CNS Action:
[X] Watching The Watchmen: Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Formal contact with Jedi Sentinels restored
[X] But What About The Younglings!? (CNS): Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 100 Reward: Non-essential personnel temporarily evacuated from Jedi Temple for the duration of the protests
Dammit, no Shard engineers again! But it's clear that we need to keep an eye on that Temple protest thing, so that one is definitely locked. As for the second... as much as I'd love to contact/recruit the Corellian Jedi, or Ferus Olin, or Fay, or Thracia Cho Leem, restoring contact with the Sentinels would help with our Intrigue actions, and give us eyes on the Jedi Temple if things go bad. I'm definitely willing to be persuaded here -- there are so many high-quality actions here.

Younglings: 80% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 30% chance of crit
Sentinels: 80% + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 25% chance of crit

Stewardship: Pick 2 Regular Actions, Up to 1 Sienar Action:
[X] Sienar Custom Vessel: Chance of Success: 90%
-[X] Chu'unthor Phase 2 Repairs: Cost: 200 Reward: Chu'unthor repairs continued
[X] Deepen The Baobab Partnership: Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Partnership with Baobabs deepened
[X] One Fried Paranoiac, Extra Crispy: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Talesan Fry formally recruited
-[X] PR-1
Finally we get to recruit Talesan Fry! He's a genius inventor and a gifted businessman, which means his stats will make him ideally suited for Stewardship and Learning hero support. I added support from PR-1 to guarantee success; it's overkill, but I'm in no mood to leave things to chance.

Finally the Chu'unthor should be ready for service next turn, with a second round of repairs. I imagine we'll be able to improve it further with base upgrades, but with the stealth drive and training rooms online, it should give us the +1 Diplomacy action (contact Force Orders) and/or +1 Lore action (study their techniques) that makes a praxeum-ship so invaluable.

For our final Stewardship action... I would still love to buy out Subpro or another starshipwright, and we've been working on hosting the Galactic Games and Swoop-Bike Circuit with our recent Taris base upgrades. (And the "???" reward for the Circruit seems promising...). However, adding Mungo Baobab to our stable of heroes would be a big deal, and improving our partnership with the Baobab Merchant Fleet would probably help with the investment penalty. Still, I am very willing to be persuaded here.

Chu'unthor: 90% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 30% chance of crit
Baobab Family: 70% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100% odds, with 30% chance of crit
Talesan Fry: 60% + 10 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 12 (PR-1) = 100+% odds, with 42% chance of crit

Intrigue: Pick 3, 1 Free Action:
[X] Return to Tipoca City: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Information on inhibitor chip implantation and chipless clones gathered, high potential for sabotage
[X] Operation Ultra: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Gather information on Palpatine and his inner circle in the Republic
-[X] 2 Watchers
[X] Carrot and Stick: Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Thyferra dissuaded from openly joining, black market ties with planet established
-[X] Silas Cata
[X] Rust And Metalorn: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: CB-3 droids captured and production sabotaged, potential to capture Wat Tambor
-[X] The Silencer
'Rust and Metalorn' is time-sensitive and locked in; I added Hero support to make it a guaranteed success. We have to deal with Thyferra this turn, and I figured that pairing the 'Subtle Nudge' (sabotage) with theft of their bacta secrets would ensure they don't want to join us (and compensate us for the trouble of getting them to buzz off).

EDIT: never mind, picked 'Carrot and Stick' with Hero Support from Silas Cata, and replaced 'Delicious Bacta' with the 'Return to Tipoca City'.

Lastly, 'Operation Ultra' puts Fry's Codebreaker to use against Palpatine directly, and gives us a jump-start on identifying his key allies, discovering his secrets (both the Death Star and his cloning facilities might be up for grabs), and anticipating his moves. This might give us a boost to any number of other actions, especially including 'Black Information (Republic)'. I added a few Watchers to help ensure success.

Kamino Raid: 60% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 95% odds, with 35% chance of crit
Codebreaker: 60% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 2 (Watchers) = 97% odds, with 37% chance of crit
Carrot and Stick: 50% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 12 (Silas Cata) = 97% odds, with 47% chance of crit
Techno Union: 60% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 10 (Silencer) = 100+% odds, with 45% chance of crit

Lore: Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 Archaeological Action:

[X] Archaeological Expeditions: Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
-[X] Yavin IV*
[X] No Match for a Good Blaster At Your Side: Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Customized blasters designed for Force users
As much as I'd like to send an expedition to Cularin this turn, Yavin IV has been waiting in the wings for a while, and there are so many goodies to be found -- things like a cortosis alloy battle suit once used by Exar Kun, plus Exar Kun's corusca-gem studded Tomb (and Force Ghost), plus an ancient Massassi warrior in (millennia-long) suspended animation, plus an adorable bunny-rabbit Jedi Master in a (centuries-long) meditative trance, plus a dimensional prison filled with Massassi children (who are naturally Force sensitive and would presumably be very willing to work for the people who saved them...!). And that's just the fourth moon of Yavin -- there are more moons, and many more discoveries elsewhere in the system.

As for the regular action, I was really torn between the Blasters and the contact with Jerec. I'm still willing to be persuaded, but my first instinct was to boost our Agents' ability with Blazing Chain, and not just because it'd make Panory happy. 'Blasters' also unlocks a Personal Action for Ciaran to construct her own special blaster, which (paired with that splash-damage lava crystal) would be a massive power-up for her.

Yavin: 80% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 35% chance of crit
Blasters: 70% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 35% chance of crit

Learning: Pick 2, or pick only one Research action and halve its time:
[X] Ysalamiri Investigation: Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Determine method to transport ysalamiri off of Myrkr [1 Turn Remaining]
[X] Personal Shield Technology: Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Reward: Personal Shields (re-)developed [Takes 2 Turns]
[X] Sair Frame Integration: Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 200 Reward: Sair frames integrated into current/future droid units
I was slightly tempted by 'Commando Gear', more tempted by 'Nanodroids' (with our ysalamiri research being concluded this turn, I figured it'd be better to avoid long lock-times, in case we need the spare Actions next turn), and very tempted by 'Mass Genemodding Program' (upgrading all of our troops, at least organic ones, to be harder better faster stronger). All that to say, I'm willing to be persuaded here.

Still, I am fairly comfortable with both of these choices. 'Personal Shields' are a massive power-up, and we've laid a lot of groundwork for this thanks to HK-47 and our Naboo investments (Gungan engineers...). 'Sair Frame Integration' is another big power-up, with an across-the-board upgrade to all our droid units, right as we're starting to mass-produce droids from our factories on Kiln and Cato Neimoidia. This also pairs really well with Cheriss's hero action, 'Experimental Frame Development' to push her mechu-daru even further. Finally, this should also keep more of our droids active through the Foundry Assault, which should save the lives of our organic forces as well.

On the other hand, 'Mass Genemods' might save those organic lives directly, so.... As I said, I'm willing to be persuaded.

Personal Shields: 80% + 20 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 40% chance of crit
Better Droids: 80% + 20 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 40% chance of crit

Personal: Pick 3:

[X] Physical Training: Chance of Success: 70%
-[X] Form III (Soresu) Training: Reward: Martial Increase, Form III training (Takes 2 Turns)
[X] Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine: Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???
-[X] Personal Attention
-[X] Thrawn
-[X] 8 Watchers
[X] Annoy Padme (Free Action, no bonuses): Chance of Success: Yes. Reward: Entertainment
[X] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice
-[X] Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine

Yeah, I'm opening the mystery box. For obvious reasons we should assign 'Personal Attention' to it, plus Hero and Watcher support. Per Dr. Snark, it is a 'Diplomacy' action, and Thrawn is our strongest Diplomancer. If we start with a mere 10% chance of success, his support plus 8 Watchers would be enough to effectively guarantee success. Plus it lets us pit our smartest Hero against the leader of the Separatist movement -- I can only imagine the fireworks.

For our Training action... I was torn between Blazing Chain and Soresu. Especially if we're picking 'Blasters' in the Lore category, I'd like to make the most use out of them as soon as we have them. (Plus, it makes Panory happy). On the other hand, a lot of people this turn & last felt that we should boost our lightsaber skills, and that training would also let us interact with either Obi-Wan or Anakin. I'm willing to be persuaded here, if people feel strongly about it.

EDIT: People felt strongly.

Mystery Box: ??? + 5 (default) + 20 (omakes) + 40 (Personal Attention) + 17 (Thrawn) + 8 (Watchers) = ? odds, with 90% chance of crit
Soresu Training: 70% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 35% chance of crit

Hero Units: Optional, Pick Up To 3 Regular Actions & 1 Genemod Action, Uses Hero Unit's Full Stats:

[X] Under The Knife: Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Selected Hero Unit genemodded
-[X] Choose 1 Hero Unit:
--[X] Ventress
-[X] Choose 1 Genemod:
--[X] Miraluka: (Lore, ???)
[X] Cheriss Sair - Experimental Frame Development: (Uses Learning Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Cheriss continues R&D on her frame, ???
[X] Asajj Ventress - Journeys Of An Exile: (Uses Diplomacy Bonuses, Asajj Ventress must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Asajj contacts designated group, ???
-[X] Blackguard
[X] Jango Fett - Those Who Do Not Exist: (Uses Diplomacy Bonuses, Jango Fett must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Cuy'val Dar reunited, ???
Given the importance of our Martial and Intrigue actions, we only had Cheriss, Asajj, and Jango Fett left over after Hero Support was allotted. Fortunately, each of them has a very useful Hero Action available this turn. Cheriss will focus on frame development, so that our rewards (and droid upgrades) from 'Sair Frames' will be even better than before. Jango will reunite the Cuy'val Dar and bring them under our umbrella, for a potent addition to our stable of anti-Palpatine assets.

Finally, Asajj was tough -- I was tempted to send her after Bec Lawise to undermine Dooku, but I figured we should wait on that until after the mystery-box dinner invitation. Instead I sent her to make contact with Blackguard, which fits our organization perfectly (they specialize in learning techniques from other Force sects, and should be an easy sell to join us, which would give us a head-start once the Chu'unthor is up and running). Plus, the Blackguard originally descended from a pre-Baneite Sith Lord, so Asajj Ventress has an 'in' thanks to her own background as a Sith Acolyte.

Genemod: 70% + 25% (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 45% chance of crit
Cheriss: 50% + 20 (default) + 26 (Cheriss Sair) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 66% chance of crit
Asajj: 60% + 5 (default) + 19 (Asajj Ventress) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 44% chance of crit
Jango: 60% + 5 (default) + 24 (Jango Fett) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 49% chance of crit

New Bases:

[X] Sullust: Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Sullust
[X] Arkania: Cost: 100 Reward: Facility on Arkania
[X] Tibannopolis: Cost: 200 Reward: Tibannopolis reoccupied
[X] Lorrd: Cost: 200 Reward: Property on Lorrd
We have plenty of bases (and will probably add the Chu'unthor to our stable next turn), but we have a lot of income, and will be adding more (nearly 2000 credits of net income!) next turn. Arkania is a definite lock: it's cheap, but has lots of potential, including a native population of dragons, Arkanian geneticists to recruit, business collaboration with Adascorp, plus archaeological ruins of the 'ancient Sith library' sort.

We had several hundred spare credits after my first pass, so I also added bases on Sullust (home of Sullustan navigators, and headquarters of SoroSuub -- lots of investment potential here, especially related to the Commerce Guild), Tibannopolis (a platform city over Bespin, with refineries, hotels and casinos, and a hidden Force sect as neighbors), and Lorrd.

EDIT: replaced Tibannopolis with a base on Lorrd because reasons.
EDIT 2: re-added Tibannopolis

Base Upgrades:

Coruscant Base:

[X] Uscru Investments: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 investment income
[X] All Planets Market: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 trade income
[X] Underworld Takeover: Cost: 75 Reward: Guardian/Seeker recruitment rate increase, can be taken more than once, potential for further development in owned areas
[X] Corusca Intelligencer: Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Investment income, Abyss Watchers-owned media outlet set up on Coruscant
[X] Undercity Healthcare: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Silver Cross Income
'Undercity Healthcare' pays for itself, 'Corusca Intelligencer' will help fight Palpatine in the public eye, and 'Underworld Takeover' will open up a sizable 'upgrade tree' that @fasquardon proposed several hundred pages ago. I'm inclined to hold off on the Karada upgrades, since the Mercy Hospital upgrade should let us build those two on Taris for more income.

Kalee Military Base:
[X] Tradeport: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[X] Benelex Expansion: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Investment income
The 'Megafauna Museum' would be especially timely for creature research and for Grievous's 'Hunt' hero action, neither of which are on the docket this turn. The other two upgrades pay for themselves in <2 turns...

Oracle (Lucrehulk):
[X] 'Grand Fleet' Initiative: Cost: 250 Reward: Oracle Fleet upgraded to military-grade
We had just enough extra credits to afford this. We have a fair number of Martial default bonuses, so I'm hoping it gives us a +1 Martial Action (perhaps limited to 'Space'- or 'Combat'-related actions). Of course, an extra default bonus would be pretty helpful as well.

Mandalorian Mansion:
[X] Aegis Security Facility: Cost: 75 Reward: +25 income, defenses established
[X] Karada Facility: Cost: 125 Reward: +50 income from Karada sales, medical supplies for Clan Skirata
Karada Facility helps Clan Skirata and pays for itself in ~2 turns. 'Aegis Security' provides defense and military income

Lordran, Kiln:
[X] Build personal Retreat: Cost: 200
[X] Droid Factory:
-[X] Basic Droid Factory: Cost: 50 Upkeep: 20 Reward: +2 groups of basic battle droids per turn
-[X] OOM Droid Factory: Cost: 60 Upkeep: 25 Reward: +2 groups of OOM battle droids per turn
[X] Baktoid Vehicle factories:
-[X] Single-Trooper Aerial Platform: Cost: 50 Upkeep: 25 Reward: +2 groups of STAPs per turn
-[X] Vulture-class droid starfighter: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: +1 group of Vulture Droids per turn
[X] C-9979 Landing Craft Slipways: Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: +1 C-9979 Landers per turn
We're finally getting that Personal Retreat, as well as a Slipways for the Landing Craft, plus a few droid factories to help with the Foundry. Plus, thanks to Cheriss's Learning and Hero actions, all droid units will be heavily upgraded, and thanks to our Kiln discounts the slipways and factories will be pretty darn cheap.

EDIT: added OOM droid factory

La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):
[X] Defense Grid: Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for base established
[X] Svivreni Material Research Facilities: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Significantly Decreased research times for current/future anomalous/rare materials research
We can afford the Svivreni Facilities, which should let us focus on materials research in the near future.

Nar Shaddaa Property:
[X] Expanded Smugglers Den: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Smuggling Income
[X] Undercity Investment: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: 30% boost to Nar Shaddaa income
[X] Karada Medcenters: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
[X] Versuch Labs: Cost: 200 Reward: +100 Investment income
[X] Boltholes: Cost: 100 Reward: Boltholes set up across Nar Shaddaa
[X] Serv-O-Droid Expansion: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
Thanks to 'Undercity Investment', most of these pay for themselves in two turns. I also grabbed 'Boltholes', which might be useful this turn given the Jedi Temple protests and Youngling evacuation. I decided against 'Blacksite' since we had other priorities this turn.

Castell Facility:
[X] Gossam Commando Investments/Subversion:
-[X] Gossam Militia: Cost: 75 Reward: Gossam Commandos more likely to support you, potential increase in Underworld Rumors
-[X] Castell Academy: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 25 Reward: increased promotion rates for all Abyss Watcher military squads barring Force users, Gossam Commandos more likely to survive and more likely to support you
Shu Mai isn't our top priority, but we still plan to undercut her control of the Commerce Guild, and now we can afford the base upgrades to set that up for a future turn.

EDIT: added Gossam Militia

Muunilist Mansion:
[X] Invest in Phlut Design Systems: Cost: 100 Reward: +25 income, access to IG droid schematics, potential for future upgrades
[X] Muun Auditors: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Investment income, increased information on financial matters across the galaxy
'Auditors' pays for itself in two turns, and 'Phlut' gives us better droids and an upgrade tree...

Vectivus' Home:
[X] Defense Grid: Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for base established
We can afford it, so let's add Defenses...

Kashyyyk Facility:
[X] Ithorian Botanical Garden and Nursery: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
[X] Sienar Expansion: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
All of these generate income and pay for themselves in 3 turns. We may have other priorities or more cost-effective investments. Since we could only afford a few, I figured our top-tier priorities would be helping out the Ithorians (since they'll be helping us with bacta next turn) and Raith Seinar (since he's already a major ally).

Taris Property:
[X] Promised Land Skyway Lanes: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Mass transit to Promised Land possible, nekghouls able to be fully integrated into least economically.
[X] Orbital Drydocks: Cost: 250 Reward: +100 Investment income, ability for Taris to handle ship repairs
[X] Mercy Medcenter Expansion: Cost: 200 Reward: +100 Karada income, ability to operate from Taris
[X] Planetary Shield: Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Planetary shields set up for Taris
[X] Svivreni Mines: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Investment income, Taris gains on-site source of raw materials
[X] Black Market: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 black market income
[X] Ojoster Intelligencer: Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Investment income, Abyss Watcher-controlled media set up on Taris
[X] Aegis Security Expansion: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Security income
'Planetary Shields' improves security for our 'one basket of eggs', 'Mercy Medcenter' pays for itself in 1 turn (!), and the rest pays for itself in 2. Since we're not picking 'Swoop Racing' or 'Galactic Games' this turn in our Stewardship category, the 'Beautification' upgrade isn't needed. 'Bureau' is nice but low priority, and the 'Recruitment Center' can be built on just about any planet.

Naboo Mansion:
[X] Naboo Moon Mining Guild Investments: Cost: 150 Reward: +50 income from Mining Guild investments, good PR against slavers
[X] Buy Out Borvo's Black Market (Naboo): Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
[X] Invest in Borvo's Black Market (Rori): Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
'Mining Guild' is good PR, and the two 'Black Market' upgrades pay for themselves in 2 turns.

Cato Nemodia Mansion:
[X] Karada Medcenter: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
[X] Purchase Rush Clovis's Factory: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Clovis' factory taken over and reactivated
Karada pays for itself in two turns, vulture droids are awesome and will be upgraded by Cheriss this turn, and the 'Clovis Factory' is expensive but should be worthwhile (I expect we'll be able to double-up on droid production, and/or build product lines without extra Upkeep)

EDIT: removed 'vulture droids' and 'shipping center' to pay for Tibannopolis base, extra Kiln factory, and Gossam Militia

Ord Mantell Compound:
[X] Smuggler's Den: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
[X] Fort Garnik Depot: Cost: 150 Reward: +50 military income, Fort Garnik reactivated with potential to expand capabilites
[X] Conference Center: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
'Fort Garnik' fits perfectly with our CNS Taskforce action, and unlocks an upgrade tree. The two smuggling upgrades pay for themselves in two turns.

Dantooine Facilities:
Each of these upgrades pay for themselves in three turns; however, none of these are urgent, and we have much bigger fish to fry.

Corellia Property:
[X] Aegis Security Facility: Cost: 75 Reward: +25 income, defenses established
[X] Dedicated Salvage Teams: Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Salvage income, per turn roll for other benefits
[X] Large-scale Wiretaps: They've never let you down yet. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Information income
[X] Fund Garm Bel Iblis's Militia: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Bel Iblis' militia integrated into CNS fleet, increased security for Corellian space
[X] Karada Medcenter: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
[X] Nerfworks: Cost: 150 Reward: +50 Investment income, access to Nerfworks designs
Defense, salvage, wiretaps are all essential upgrades. Karada pays for itself in 2 turns. The Militia goes hand-in-hand with our 'CNS Taskforce' Martial Action. Nerfworks is expensive, but gives us access to better droid starships, which ties in to research-related awesomeness. Everything else would pay for itself in 3 turns, so I didn't consider them a priority.

Free Action: +1 Intrigue Actions
There were so many options we left on the table. For Martial, there was 'Militia Standardization' (hand-in-hand with the CNS Taskforce) and 'Paramilitary Support' (anti-Palpatine asset that also gives a +5 Martial bonus). For Diplomacy, there was Shard engineers and any of the Force sects. For Lore, there was Jerec, plus any of the other Force sects. For Learning, there were 'Mass Genemods', 'Commando Armor', 'Nano-Machines', and any of the materials research like cortosis.

However, I decided on Intrigue, because practically every single item in that category was not only important but also time-sensitive. Even then, I still left a number of key actions (the 'Tipoca City' raid with Kal Skirata's clone commandos, any of Palpatine's secret projects, etc.) on the table.

Hero Support (applies half the stats to a chosen action):
PR-1: [X] One Fried Paranoiac, Extra Crispy
The Silencer: [X] Rust and Metalorn
Silas Cata: [X] Carrot and Stick
Cheriss Sair: [X] Experimental Frame Development
Thrawn: [X] Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine
Grievous: [X] Foundry Raid Night
Asajj Ventress: [X] Journeys Of An Exile
HK-47: [X] Foundry Raid Night
Jango Fett: [X] Those Who Do Not Exist

Watcher Support (20 teams available, 1 Point per assigned team):
[X] 8 teams assigned
-[X] Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine
[X] 2 teams assigned
-[X] Operation Ultra
Thanks to our 60% recovery rate and 2-5 recruits per turn, we can assign 10 Watchers this turn, recover 6, and recruit (on average) 3.5 by the end of the turn, which puts us very near to the cap.


  • Intrigue category: replaced 'Giving Thyferra A Subtle Nudge' with 'Carrot and Stick', removed 'Delicious Bacta', added 'Return to Tipoca City'; also moved Silas Cata's hero support to 'Carrot and Stick' and the 2 Watchers to 'Operation Ultra'.
  • 'Personal' category: replaced 'Advanced Blazing Chain' with 'Physical Training: Form III (Soresu)'.
  • 'Base Purchases' category: replaced 'Tibannopolis' with 'Lorrd'.
  • 'Base Upgrades' category: removed 'Baktoid Production Lines' and 'Baktoid Shipping Center' from Cato Neimoidia; re-added 'Tibannopolis' (new base); added 'OOM Droid Factory' (Kiln) and 'Gossam Militia' (Castell)
Last edited:
[X] Plan No Special Name
Mainly because I strongly support the Janissarri over the blackguard, for reasons explained in my canon omake.
Last edited:
A/N: First pass through gave us a fair bit of breathing room -- first time in a long while where we had more money than immediate purchasing priorities. I still managed to spend the extra credits, prioritizing military build-up over investment income, but we're still looking our net income increasing by at least 1875 credits per turn.

Balance Sheet for: Plan Heroes and Friends
Current Treasury: 694

One-Off Costs -- Actions: 150+100+200+50+150+200+100+200+100 = 1250
One-Off Costs -- Base Purchases: 200+100+200+200 = 700
One-Off Costs -- Base Upgrades: 625+200+250+200+710+200+700+175+250+50+150+1250+350+200+350+150 = 5810
Base Upgrades (Coruscant): 150+150+75+100+150 =625
Base Upgrades (Kalee): 100+100 =200
Base Upgrades (Oracle): 250
Base Upgrades (Mandalore): 75+125 =200
Base Upgrades (Kiln): 200+50+60+50+150+200 =710
Base Upgrades (La'Sombra): 50+150 =200
Base Upgrades (Nar Shaddaa): 100+150+100+200+100+50 =700
Base Upgrades (Castell): 75+100 =175
Base Upgrades (Muunilist): 100+150 =250
Base Upgrades (The Home): 50
Base Upgrades (Kashyyyk): 100+50 =150
Base Upgrades (Taris): 150+250+200+200+150+100+100+100 =1250
Base Upgrades (Naboo): 150+100+100 =350
Base Upgrades (Cato Neimoidia): 100+100 =200
Base Upgrades (Ord Mantell): 100+150+100 =350
Base Upgrades (Dantooine): 0
Base Upgrades (Corellia): 75+100+50+150+100+150
Base Discounts*: 326 (subtracted from costs)

Current Upkeep: 1921
Additional Upkeep: (20+25+25+75+100)+75+50+25+(50+100)+100+75 = 720
Upkeep Discounts**: 98+178 = 276 (subtracted from upkeep)

One-Off Rewards***: (?)+(?)

Current Income: 6732
Additional Income: (?)**** + 250+100****+75+225+100+100+400+150+50+150+175 = 1775
Base Upgrades (Coruscant): 75+75+25+75 =250
Base Upgrades (Kalee): 50+50 =100
Base Upgrades (Oracle): 0
Base Upgrades (Mandalore): 25+50 =75
Base Upgrades (Kiln): 0
Base Upgrades (La'Sombra): 0
Base Upgrades (Nar Shaddaa): 50+50+100+25 =225
Base Upgrades (Castell): 0
Base Upgrades (Muunilist): 25+75 =100
Base Upgrades (The Home): 0
Base Upgrades (Kashyyyk): 50+25+25 =100
Base Upgrades (Taris): 100+100+75+50+25+50 =400
Base Upgrades (Naboo): 50+50+50 =150
Base Upgrades (Cato Neimoidia): 50
Base Upgrades (Ord Mantell): 50+50+50 =150
Base Upgrades (Dantooine): 0
Base Upgrades (Corellia): 25+25+25+50+50 =175

Income Penalty (Investments): -263*****
Income Bonuses (Planet): 50****** + 165****** + 50****** + 80****** + 400****** = 745
Income Bonus (Organization): 45******* + 114******* = 159

* 6510 base costs * 5% Wookie Engineer discount = 326 extra credits this turn

** +245 Kiln upkeep * 40% labor-droid discount = extra 98 credits per turn
** +445 Martial upkeep * 40% military-factory discount = extra 178 credits per turn

*** Unknown loot from 'Tipoca City' 'Carrot and Stick', 'Rust and Metalorn', and 'Archaeological Expedition (Yavin IV)',
*** Unknown salvage from Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa, Taris, Oracle fleet, Ord Mantell, Dantooine (2 rolls), and Corellia

**** Unknown income from 'CNS Defense Taskforce' and 'Deepen the Baobab Partnership'
**** Unknown bonus income from 'Industrial Investments' and 'Agricultural Investments' on Kalee

***** +875 investment income * 30% Palpatine 'tax' = 263 fewer credits per turn

+250 Coruscant income * 20% Charity bonus = extra 50 credits per turn
****** 325+225 =550 total Nar Shaddaa income * 30% Undercity bonus = extra 165 credits per turn
****** +100 Kalee income * 50% Revitalization bonus = extra 50 credits per turn (not including 'Industrial' & 'Agricultural Investments' income)
****** +100 Muunilist income * 80% Recovery/Police bonus = extra 80 credits per turn
****** +400 Taris income * 100% Revitalization bonus = extra 400 credits per turn

******* +75 Silver Cross Income * 60% Silver Cross bonus = 45 extra credits per turn
******* +2282 subtotal Income * 5% Muun Banker bonus = extra 114 credits per turn (not including any "?" income...)

Total Expenses: 9799
Total Revenue: 9148 (+ unknown loot, salvage, and Action income)
Difference: -651 credits

Next Turn's Balance: 43 credits


  • 'Base Purchase' category: removed 'Tibannopolis' base, added 'Lorrd' base
  • 'Base Upgrades' category: removed 'Baktoid Production Lines' and 'Baktoid Shipping Center' from Cato Neimoidia; re-added 'Tibannopolis' (new base); added 'OOM Droid Factory' (Kiln) and 'Gossam Militia' (Castell)
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[X] Plan Heroes and Friends

@Publicola Which base upgrade do you considerable most disposable, as I like Gossam Militia since it adds the Potential for more Underworld Rumors allowing us to better keep an eye on things. And you are sure that building the Karada facilities on Coruscant means we can't do so later on Taris? Maybe drop the STAP factory for that. Also if you can free up the funds to fit in the KDY for Kashyyyk, they made the planet defender ion cannon that disabled a ISD in Empire Strikes Back.

Interesting on the Yavin 4 info, I only knew about Exar Kun but the other goodies there make it much more interesting.
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[X] But What About The Younglings!? (CNS): If your Shatterpoint abilities are telling you that the mounting protests around the Jedi Temple are going to lead to something big, it maaaay be worth listening to it and doing some preemptive preparations for whatever is about to happen. The Jedi Council might not be willing to cooperate with you, but encouraging Satine to help them move younglings and non-essential personnel offsite for the immediate future might not be the worst idea. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 100 Reward: Non-essential personnel temporarily evacuated from Jedi Temple for the duration of the protests
-[X] Thrawn
I think it would be wise to assign Personal Attention to this. We've been told to pay attention to this, after all.

@Killerflood, I'd like you to Cheriss work on her frame. The sooner we get Vectivus out on the field, the better.

[X] But What About The Younglings!? (CNS): Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 100 Reward: Non-essential personnel temporarily evacuated from Jedi Temple for the duration of the protests
I think it would be wise to assign Personal Attention to this. We've been told to pay attention to this, after all.

[X] Personal Shield Technology: Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Reward: Personal Shields (re-)developed [Takes 2 Turns]
I'd prefer if this was swapped out with commando gear. We'd have to do work on the shield technology from scratch if we do Personal Shield Technology this turn, but we won't if we study the commando gear first. It's more efficient to do the commando gear this turn.
I think it would be wise to assign Personal Attention to this. We've been told to pay attention to this, after all.

We need that on Dooku though and using it twice just wastes potential. We already have it at 80% chance and with Thrawn it becomes 95 and with the omake bonuses it becomes 100 at least. We don't need to focus on it personally. We just need to act on it.

As for Cheriss? I'll think on it. I'm thinking of switching out Jango and sending him on the Foundry raid possibly but I would need to redo base costs if I do. I'm wanting a positive balance this turn.