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Just a random gameplay note: I think its kinda flawed that there isn't a way to increase our BR and SR income beyond research and finding new mine sites. We know that the Development party supports doing industrial development closer to home, but currently that's pretty much strictly inferior to the Expansionist exploration in terms of actual results. Which is unfortunate really.
Maybe some sort of Snakepit option for colony expansion, possibly gated behind a technology that allows higher "tier" colonies.
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I have been expecting eventually some colonies will turn major worlds on us. Probably not ones we found, barring exceptional circumstances, for another decade or two, but it presumably happens even with colonies other people founded.
Development is more aimed at pushing the members infrastructure up.
Expansion is more about pushing the members to explore and build new mines/colonies.

How they impact us is in the PP cost in the Snake Pit.
I have been expecting eventually some colonies will turn major worlds on us. Probably not ones we found, barring exceptional circumstances, for another decade or two, but it presumably happens even with colonies other people founded.
I'd like to see some canon worlds become major worlds in game. Like Argelius as a Betazoid major colony, or P'Jem as a Vulcan major colony, Paan Mokar as a Vulcan/Andorian joint colony, Turkana IV as an Earth colony (which will eventually break away)...
[X][FLEET] Less GBZ, More CBZ and HBZ

Looks good. Especially if we send in some diplomats to talk to Cardassia.
I have been expecting eventually some colonies will turn major worlds on us. Probably not ones we found, barring exceptional circumstances, for another decade or two, but it presumably happens even with colonies other people founded.
Many of the mining and research sites we find are in locations unsuitable for large-scale colonization (i.e. exciting phenomena in the atmosphere of a gas giant, or a zone between two neutron stars that irradiates materials in useful ways). Also, it seems very likely that given how few "major worlds" each species has, all of those worlds are colonies that have been in existence for a timescale on the order of a century, and that have gotten heavily investment and sponsorship to build up a large colonial population on the planet.

"Make new major world" would be a project requiring at least a few decades of focused economic attention on top of a pre-existing colony that was already long-established with a diversified economy. That's not to say it won't happen, but we shouldn't expect it to happen often- and we've only really had a quasi-complete list of "major worlds" in Federation space for about 8-10 years of game time, tops.

I'd like to see some canon worlds become major worlds in game. Like Argelius as a Betazoid major colony, or P'Jem as a Vulcan major colony, Paan Mokar as a Vulcan/Andorian joint colony, Turkana IV as an Earth colony (which will eventually break away)...
That would be fun and cool. I suspect the main obstacle to doing it so far has been the amount of archive-trawling required to build up a reasonably complete list. Plus, a lot of sites in Star Trek seem like single isolated facilities, not full-scale colony worlds. For instance, I'm not sure there's much of anything on P'Jem except the monastery, and Turkana IV basically seems to be a single massive urban hive with little evidence of settlement outside that one giant arcology.
Was reading the ship build spreadsheet while out walking after lunch. The repair costs have been entered, and we have a problem.

We can afford the repairs, but it leaves us with a grand total of 13SR in storage.

We want to start the Kepler Prototype next quarter.

We need to either do some creative accounting, borrow resources or delay the prototype.


Do note, this resource shortage is only for the one quarter - our 2319 incomes come in the next quarter.
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Possibly the complexity of their government is exactly why it all fell apart, went to hell in a handbasket, and was replaced by the "simpler" legal structure of warring gangs of vicious thugs.

Given Tasha Yar's age, that pretty much has to have happened starting no later than the 2340s and possibly earlier, too.
Was reading the ship build spreadsheet while out walking after lunch. The repair costs have been entered, and we have a problem.

We can afford the repairs, but it leaves us with a grand total of 13SR in storage.

We want to start the Kepler Prototype next quarter.

We need to either do some creative accounting, borrow resources or delay the prototype.


Do note, this resource shortage is only for the one quarter - our 2319 incomes come in the next quarter.
We're allowed to deficit in exceptional situations, so long as we don't plan to deficit. Income comes in Q1 in this case. Mind you given that we instigated this offensive there might be a penalty.

Borrow the SR and pay the Federation back next quarter.
@OneirosTheWriter @Leila Hann @AKuz and @Iron Wolf - Since this is very important to a vote that will be coming up soon (Kepler design) I figured that rather then just have people guess it would be nice if any of you could clarify if there are any side effects, mechanical or purely narrative, from a ship having no dedicated Rec Room?

People talk about crews going stir crazy but there are countless ways to keep oneself entertained and happy aboard a ship even without a dedicated rec room. Everything from movies/videogames in their crew quarters to jogging through the ship's corridors, to poker tournaments in the mess hall.

I would point out all the times we see people on Voyager playing games in the mess hall, kal-toh and ping pong for example, or that the closest the NX-01 was ever shown to having an entertainment facility was movie night in the mess hall. Except most people would argue that those crews did in fact go crazy...

Edit: As a side note even setting aside the mechanical advantages I kinda like the idea of dedicated recreational facilities being restricted to the larger, Cruiser and Explorer, scale ships. It's another thing, like the command centers Constellations were revealed to have in Master of Orion, that helps define why a 1mt Renaissance is a Cruiser while a 1.1mt Kepler is a Frigate.
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I think there would be a side-effect. I'd probably either apply a small personnel retention penalty (reduction in crew gain) and/or bar ships with no rec facilities from taking border patrol duties, restricting them to sectors where shore leave is more frequent. Aside from that, I'm apt to knock back a design for an FYM-capable heavy explorer that doesn't have something to stop crew from going cuckoo.

It's hard to say ahead of time what any specific configuration will cause though, since there are a lot of variables, like what other components it has, how large vs how many crew the ship has, whether my team won on the weekend...

Except most people would argue that those crews did in fact go crazy...
By the way, if people want to write about weird part anomalies with the Ambassador:
- Most systems, areas, rooms, etc on the ship are redundant with the exception of the single impulse drive.
- There are two recreation facilities, which were our best at the time of design.
- My proudest design moment was including a single tiny little light 2260s era duotronic computer as the backup computer core. The episodes where that comes in handy almost write themselves.
- The entire warp nacelles and fuel section is the same as the Excelsior. As is the protein synthesizer, so the food is the same as the Excelsior.
- The warp core is actually "experimental", that is to say, this was the first time Starfleet deployed the new vertical warp core in a ship and the heavy core is still called "experimental" (although the Amarki kindly bit the bullet in testing them with their new frigates).
My proudest design moment was including a single tiny little light 2260s era duotronic computer as the backup computer core. The episodes where that comes in handy almost write themselves.
"Wait what do you need our backup computer for?"

"In the future only computer systems from the 2260's are capable of decoding the deep state's databases."

"Ah, I see."
- My proudest design moment was including a single tiny little light 2260s era duotronic computer as the backup computer core. The episodes where that comes in handy almost write themselves.
"I need to get access to the backup core."

"Haha, okay, well, get your spelunking gear, a ration pack, and chocolate bars as tribute for the natives and let's go."
