If anyone wants to do more options by all means feel free. You can use my template.

Late 2318/into 2319 Fleet Distribution Vote Options

NOTE: I am doing this out through 2319.Q4 in order to account for all ships coming out of repair, though in truth we'll almost certainly have to do another fleet distribution before then to account for next year's new member. So don't worry too much if I'm just "stockpiling" some ships in 2319.Q4 in sectors that don't seem to need them.

Fleet Strength/Requirements Changes
2318.Q4 – Mutual Support comes into effect
2318.Q4 – Caldonian Peacekeeping Operation Ends
2318.Q4 – Caldonians join Federation (Assume adds +3 to KBZ requirements)
2318.Q4 – Horizon Border Zone Established (Requires D9)
2318.Q4 – Ships return from GBZ Reinforcement Operations
2319.Q1 – S'harien [Excelsior] (Explorer Corps) goes into refit for Excelsior-A pattern
2319.Q1 – Atuin [Excelsior] (Explorer Corps) goes into refit for Excelsior-A pattern
2319.Q1 – T'Kumbra [Miranda-A] returns from repair.
2319.Q2 – Calypso [Miranda-A] returns from repair.
2319.Q2 – USS Insight [Renaissance] returns from repair.
2319.Q2 – Agile [Miranda-A] returns from repair.
2319.Q2 – Constellation-A [SF Berth A] Completes
2319.Q2 – Constellation-A [SF Berth 1] Completes
2319.Q2 – Selaya [Constellation-A] completes refit
2319.Q2 – Stalwart [Constellation] goes into refit
2319.Q2 – Renaissance [UP Berth 1] Completes
2319.Q2 – Renaissance [UP Berth 2] Completes
2319.Q2 – Renaissance [UP Berth 3] Completes
2319.Q2 – Renaissance [UP Berth 4] Completes
2319.Q3 – Lightning [Centaur-A] returns from repair
2319.Q3 – Sojourner [Excelsior-A] returns from repair
2319.Q3 – Enlightenment [Renaissance] returns from repair
2319.Q3 - Docana [Constellation-A] completes refit
2319.Q4 – Exeter [Consititution-B] returns from repair
2319.Q4 – Thirishar [Excelsior-A] returns from repair/refit
2319.Q4 – Clarion [Miranda-A] returns from repair.
2319.Q4 – Tarrak returns from repair/refit as Excelsior-A (EC)

Blooded Ships: Challorn, Docana, Zephyr, Bull, Yukikaze, Gale, Thirishar, Kumari, Agile
Veteran Ships: Cheron, T'Mir

[][FLEET] Rebuild GBZ, prioritize SBZ and CBZ

Summary: Under this plan we leave an Excelsior, a Renaissance, and 3 frigates to help rebuild the shattered GBZ forces, eventually putting 6 Renaissances there and getting rid of all the Constitution-Bs (as they are no longer competitive). Because the Sydraxian Border Zone provides Mutual Support to the greatest number of sectors (5!) it is prioritized with a lot of ships as they become available and come back from repair. On the other hand, the HBZ only supports Rigel, so despite its importance I allow it to be handled with only 2 and then 3 ships. The Licori Border Zone has also decreased in importance, so I allow it to stay at 3 ships as well.

Sol Sector – Requires D18 (Supported by LBZ and SBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 10 = 3 homeworlds (Earth, Betazed, Gaen), 7 other major worlds)
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pathfinder], 2 Starbase I (12) [Earth, Betazed] = 18D
  • 2319.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pathfinder], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Lightning], 2 Starbase I (12) [Earth, Betazed] = 21D
  • 2319.Q4 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pathfinder], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Exeter], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Lightning], 2 Starbase I (12) [Earth, Betazed] = 26D
  • Notes: In 2319.Q3 the Lightning returns from repairs. In 2319.Q4 the Exeter arrives from repair.
Vulcan Sector – Requires D10 (supported by RBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 5 = 1 homeworld (Vulcan), 4 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Constellation-A (4) [Kearsage], Starbase I (6) = 10D
  • Notes: No change.
Andor Sector – Requires D7 (supported by RBZ and KBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 5 = 1 homeworld (Andoria), 4 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Miranda-A (2) [Dryad], Starbase I (6) = 8D
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Constellation-A (4) [SF Berth A], , Starbase I (6) = 11D
  • Notes: In 2319.Q2 the Constellation-A built in SF Berth A arrives, and the Dryad goes to the CBZ.
Tellar Sector – Requires D7 (supported by SBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 4 = 1 homeworld (Tellar Prime), 3 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Constellation-A (4) [Challorn], Starbase I (6), Extra Outposts (5) = 15D.
  • Notes: No change.
Amarkia Sector – Requires D7 (supported by SBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 4 = 1 homeworld (Amarkia), 3 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q1 - 1 Constellation-A (4) [Sappho], Starbase I (6), Extra Outposts (5) = 15D
  • Notes: No change.
Ferasa Sector – Requires D10 (supported by KBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 10 = 3 homeworlds,(Ferasa, Risa, Aqueniou), 7 other major worlds)
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], Starbase I (6) = 11D
  • 2318.Q4 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart], Starbase I (6) = 14D
  • 2319.Q2 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], Starbase I (6) = 11D
  • 2319.Q3 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], 1 Constellation-A (4) [Docana], Starbase I (6) = 15D
  • 2319.Q4 – 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Thirishar], 1 Constellation-A (4) [Docana], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], Starbase I (6) = 21D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 the Stalwart arrives from Caldonian Peacekeeping mission. In 2319.Q2 the the Stalwart goes into refit. In 2319.Q3, the Docana arrives from refit. In 2319.Q4 the Thirishar arrives from refit/repair.
Rigel Sector – Requires D7 (supported by LBZ and SBZ and HBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 8 = 3 homeworlds (Rigel, Okatha, Vail), 5 other major worlds)
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Korolev], 1 Constellation-A (4) [Vigour], Starbase I (6) = 15D
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Constellation-A (4) [Vigour], Starbase I (6) = 10D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 Korolev goes to Horizon Border Zone.
Apinae Sector – Requires D10 (supported by CBZ and SBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 6 = 2 homeworlds (Apinae, Indoria), 4 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Constitution-B (5) [Valiant], 2 Starbase I (12) [Grand Hive of Apinae, Indorian Starbase], Extra Outposts [5] = 22D
  • As of 2318.Q4 - 1 Constitution-B (5) [Valiant], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Yukikaze], 2 Starbase I (12) [Grand Hive of Apinae, Indorian Starbase], Extra Outposts [5] = 25D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 Yukikaze returns from GBZ.
Alukk Sector – Requires D7 (supported by CBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 5 = 1 homeworld (Alukk), 4 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind], 1 Starbase (6) [Alukk Station] = 9D
  • 2318.Q4 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Hood], 1 Starbase (6) [Alukk Station] = 11D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 Hood arrives from Caldonian peacekeeping mission, and Winterwind goes to Cardassian Border Zone.
Romulan Border Zone – Requires D15 (Supports Vulcan and Andoria sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 1 major world (Solitude)
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pleezirra], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Cloudburst], Starbase I (6) = 15D
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pleezirra], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Cloudburst, Gale (B)], 1 Oberth (1) [Inspire], Starbase I (6) = 19D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 Gale and Inspire arrive from Gabriel reinforcements.
Klingon Border Zone – Requires D10/D13 as of Q4 (Supports Andor and Ferasa Sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 3 = 1 homeworld (Caldonia), 2 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Centaur-A (3) [Typhoon], 1 Oberth (1) [Hawking], 1 Starbase I (6) [Shrantet] = 10D
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Excelsior-A [Endurance] (6), 1 Centaur-A (3) [Typhoon], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Svai], 1 Oberth (1) [Hawking], 1 Starbase I (6) [Shrantet] = 18D
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Excelsior-A [Endurance] (6), 1 Constellation-A [Selaya], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Typhoon], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Svai], 1 Oberth (1) [Hawking], 1 Starbase I (6) [Shrantet] = 21D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 the Endurance and Svai arrive from the GBZ. In 2319.Q2 the Selaya arrives from refit.
Cardassian Border Zone – Requires D12 (Supports Alukk and Apinae sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 2 homeworlds (Rethelia, Fiiral), 2 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir], 1 Starbase I (6) [Lapycorias] = 13D
  • 2318.Q4 – 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir], 1 Starbase I (6) [Lapycorias] = 16D
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Saratoga], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Dryad], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir], 1 Starbase I (6) [Lapycorias] = 23D
  • 2319.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Renaissance (5) [Enlightenment], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Saratoga], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Dryad], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir], 1 Starbase I (6) [Lapycorias] = 28D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 the Winterwind arrives from Alukk. In 2319.Q2 the Dryad arrives from Andor sector and the Saratoga arrives from the GBZ. In 2319.Q3 the Enlightenment comes back from repair.
Sydraxian Border Zone – Requires D11 (Supports Apinae, Amarkia, Tellar, Sol, and Rigel sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 2 major worlds (Vega, Klivvar Proxima)
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Constitution-A (5) [Cheron], 1 Renaissance (5) [Torch], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Lion], Starbase I (6) [Vega] = 18D
  • 2319.Q2 – 1 Constitution-A (5) [Cheron], 2 Renaissance (10) [Torch, UP Berth 4], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Lion], Starbase I (6) [Vega] = 23D
  • 2319.Q3 – 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Sojourner], 1 Constitution-A (5) [Cheron], 2 Renaissance (10) [Torch, UP Berth 4], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Lion], Starbase I (6) [Vega] = 29D
  • Notes: In 2319.Q2, the UP Berth 4 Renaissance arrives from construction. In 2319.Q3 the Sojourner and arrives from repairs.

Licori Border Zone – Requires D11 (Supports Sol and Rigel sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 1 homeworld (Paddah), 3 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Rru'adorr], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Lexington], 1 Oberth (1) [Torbriel] = 12D
  • No change.
  • Notes: No change.
Horizon Border Zone – Requires D9 as of 2318.Q4 (Supports Rigel sector)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: Kelowna, Laian
  • As of 2318.Q3 - Nothing
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Spirit], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Korolev] = 11D
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Spirit], 1 Constellation-A (5) [SF Berth 1], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Korolev] = 15D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4, Spirit arrives from GBZ reinforcements and Korolev arrives from Rigel. In 2319.Q2 SF Berth 1 Constellation-A arrives.
Caldonian Peacekeeping Mission – Requires D8 from 2316.Q4 through 2318.Q3
  • As of 2317.Q4 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Hood], 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart] = D8
  • 2318.Q4 – Mission over.
  • Notes: Hood goes to Alukk Sector and Stalwart goes to KBZ.
Gabriel Border Zone – Requirement Left to Starfleet judgment
  • 2318.Q3 - 2 Excelsior-A (12) [Sojourner, Excelsior], 2 Constitution-B (10) [Exeter, Saratoga], 4 Renaissance (20) [Renaissance, Epiphany, Enlightenment, Insight], 11 Miranda-A (22) [T'Kumbra, Agile, Bantam, Clarion, Fidelity, Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly] = 77C before battles (now 8 ships left intact).
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Kumari (B)], 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Saratoga], 2 Renaissance (10) [Epiphany, Reason], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull (B), Zephyr (B)], 7 Miranda-A (16) [Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly, Dynamo] = 58 C.
  • 2319.Q1 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Kumari (B)], 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Saratoga], 2 Renaissance (10) [Epiphany, Reason], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull (B), Zephyr (B)], 8 Miranda-A (16) [T'Kumbra, Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly, Dynamo] = 61 C.
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Kumari (B)], 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 6 Renaissance (30) [Epiphany, Reason, Insight, UP Berth 1, UP Berth 2, UP Berth 3], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull (B), Zephyr (B)], 10 Miranda-A (20) [Agile (B), Fidelity, Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly, Calypso, Dynamo] = 83 C.
  • 2319.Q4 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Kumari (B)], 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 6 Renaissance (30) [Epiphany, Reason, Insight, UP Berth 1, UP Berth 2, UP Berth 3], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull (B), Zephyr (B)], 11 Miranda-A (22) [Agile (B), Fidelity, Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly, Calypso, Dynamo, Clarion] = 86 C.
  • Notes: In 2318.Q3 the Excelsior, the Bantam, the Fidelity, and the Renaissance are destroyed, while the Sojourner, the Agile, T'Kumbra, Clarion, Insight, Enlightenment, and Exeter are damaged and must be repaired.
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 the Avandar, Bull, Zephyr, Reason, and Dynamo remains from GBZ reinforcements, the Kumari arrives from refit.
  • Note: In 2319.Q1 the T'Kumbra returns from repair.
  • Notes: In 2319.Q2 the Agile, Calypso, and Insight return from repair and three new Renaissance built in UP Berth 1 & Berth 2 & Berth 3 arrives, the remaining Connie-B Saratoga is sent to CBZ.
  • Notes: In 2319.Q4 the Clarion returns from repairs.
Gabriel Border Zone Reinforcements – Arrive in 2318.Q2, active in 2318.Q3, then return home over 2318.Q4.
  • Following are GBZ Reinforcements as of 2318.Q3 – 2 Excelsior-A (Endurance, Spirit), 2 Excelsior (Thirishar, Avandar), 1 Renaissance (Reason), 1 Constitution-B (Huascar), 4 Centaur-A (Lightning, Bull, Yukikaze, Zephyr, Gale), 3 Miranda-A (Calypso, Dynamo, Svai), 1 Oberth (Inspire)
  • Notes: In 2318.Q3 the Huascar is destroyed, and the Thirishar, Calypso, and Lightning are damaged and need repair.
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 they go home, except for 1 Excelsior [Avandar], 1 Reniassance [Reason], 2 Centaur-A [Bull, Zephyr], and 1 Miranda-A [Dynamo] which remain with the GBZ garrison fleet as reinforcements.

[][FLEET] Less GBZ, More CBZ and HBZ

Summary: This plan starts off the same with the GBZ, but doesn't reinforce it quite as much in favor of strengthening other parts of the Federation. It does not get the blooded Miranda-A Agile, and only one of the new construction Renaissances is sent there. Instead the HBZ is made stronger with the Cheron and the CBZ is considerable buffed as well with the Agile and a Renaissance instead of a Connie-B, with the LBZ getting its frigate back. The SBZ is still very strong with 3 Rennies and an Excelsior-A.

Sol Sector – Requires D18 (Supported by LBZ and SBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 10 = 3 homeworlds (Earth, Betazed, Gaen), 7 other major worlds)
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pathfinder], 2 Starbase I (12) [Earth, Betazed] = 18D
  • 2319.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pathfinder], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Lightning], 2 Starbase I (12) [Earth, Betazed] = 21D
  • 2319.Q4 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pathfinder], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Exeter], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Lightning], 2 Starbase I (12) [Earth, Betazed] = 26D
  • Notes: In 2319.Q3 the Lightning returns from repairs. In 2319.Q4 the Exeter arrives from repair.
Vulcan Sector – Requires D10 (supported by RBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 5 = 1 homeworld (Vulcan), 4 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Constellation-A (4) [Kearsage], Starbase I (6) = 10D
  • Notes: No change.
Andor Sector – Requires D7 (supported by RBZ and KBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 5 = 1 homeworld (Andoria), 4 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Miranda-A (2) [Dryad], Starbase I (6) = 8D
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Constellation-A (4) [SF Berth A], , Starbase I (6) = 11D
  • Notes: In 2319.Q2 the Constellation-A built in SF Berth A arrives, and the Dryad goes to the CBZ.
Tellar Sector – Requires D7 (supported by SBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 4 = 1 homeworld (Tellar Prime), 3 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Constellation-A (4) [Challorn], Starbase I (6), Extra Outposts (5) = 15D.
  • Notes: No change.
Amarkia Sector – Requires D7 (supported by SBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 4 = 1 homeworld (Amarkia), 3 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q1 - 1 Constellation-A (4) [Sappho], Starbase I (6), Extra Outposts (5) = 15D
  • Notes: No change.
Ferasa Sector – Requires D10 (supported by KBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 10 = 3 homeworlds,(Ferasa, Risa, Aqueniou), 7 other major worlds)
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], Starbase I (6) = 11D
  • 2318.Q4 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart], Starbase I (6) = 14D
  • 2319.Q2 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], Starbase I (6) = 11D
  • 2319.Q3 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], 1 Constellation-A (4) [Docana], Starbase I (6) = 15D
  • 2319.Q4 – 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Thirishar], 1 Constellation-A (4) [Docana], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], Starbase I (6) = 21D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 the Stalwart arrives from Caldonian Peacekeeping mission. In 2319.Q2 the the Stalwart goes into refit. In 2319.Q3, the Docana arrives from refit. In 2319.Q4 the Thirishar arrives from refit/repair.
Rigel Sector – Requires D7 (supported by LBZ and SBZ and HBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 8 = 3 homeworlds (Rigel, Okatha, Vail), 5 other major worlds)
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Korolev], 1 Constellation-A (4) [Vigour], Starbase I (6) = 15D
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Constellation-A (4) [Vigour], Starbase I (6) = 10D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 Korolev goes to Horizon Border Zone.
Apinae Sector – Requires D10 (supported by CBZ and SBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 6 = 2 homeworlds (Apinae, Indoria), 4 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Constitution-B (5) [Valiant], 2 Starbase I (12) [Grand Hive of Apinae, Indorian Starbase], Extra Outposts [5] = 22D
  • As of 2318.Q4 - 1 Constitution-B (5) [Valiant], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Yukikaze], 2 Starbase I (12) [Grand Hive of Apinae, Indorian Starbase], Extra Outposts [5] = 25D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 Yukikaze returns from GBZ.
Alukk Sector – Requires D7 (supported by CBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 5 = 1 homeworld (Alukk), 4 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind], 1 Starbase (6) [Alukk Station] = 9D
  • 2318.Q4 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Hood], 1 Starbase (6) [Alukk Station] = 11D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 Hood arrives from Caldonian peacekeeping mission, and Winterwind goes to Cardassian Border Zone.
Romulan Border Zone – Requires D15 (Supports Vulcan and Andoria sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 1 major world (Solitude)
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pleezirra], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Cloudburst], Starbase I (6) = 15D
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pleezirra], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Cloudburst, Gale (B)], 1 Oberth (1) [Inspire], Starbase I (6) = 19D
  • 2319.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pleezirra], 1 Reniassance (5) [Enlightenment], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Cloudburst, Gale (B)], 1 Oberth (1) [Inspire], Starbase I (6) = 24D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 Gale and Inspire arrive from Gabriel reinforcements. In 2319.Q3 the Enlightenment returns from repairs.
Klingon Border Zone – Requires D10/D13 as of Q4 (Supports Andor and Ferasa Sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 3 = 1 homeworld (Caldonia), 2 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Centaur-A (3) [Typhoon], 1 Oberth (1) [Hawking], 1 Starbase I (6) [Shrantet] = 10D
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Excelsior-A [Endurance] (6), 1 Centaur-A (3) [Typhoon], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Svai], 1 Oberth (1) [Hawking], 1 Starbase I (6) [Shrantet] = 18D
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Excelsior-A [Endurance] (6), 1 Constellation-A [Selaya], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Typhoon], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Svai], 1 Oberth (1) [Hawking], 1 Starbase I (6) [Shrantet] = 21D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 the Endurance and Svai arrive from the GBZ. In 2319.Q2 the Selaya arrives from refit.
Cardassian Border Zone – Requires D12 (Supports Alukk and Apinae sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 2 homeworlds (Rethelia, Fiiral), 2 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir], 1 Starbase I (6) [Lapycorias] = 13D
  • 2318.Q4 – 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir], 1 Starbase I (6) [Lapycorias] = 16D
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Renaissance (5) [UP Berth 3], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind], 2 Miranda-A (4) [Dryad, Agile (B)], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir], 1 Starbase I (6) [Lapycorias] = 25D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 the Winterwind arrives from Alukk. In 2319.Q2 the Dryad arrives from Andor sector, the Agile arrives from repair, and Renaissance UP Build Berth 3 arrives.
Sydraxian Border Zone – Requires D11 (Supports Apinae, Amarkia, Tellar, Sol, and Rigel sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 2 major worlds (Vega, Klivvar Proxima)
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Constitution-A (5) [Cheron], 1 Renaissance (5) [Torch], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Lion], Starbase I (6) [Vega] = 18D
  • 2319.Q2 – 3 Renaissance (10) [Torch, UP Berth 2, UP Berth 4], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Lion], Starbase I (6) [Vega] = 23D
  • 2319.Q3 – 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Sojourner], 3 Renaissance (10) [Torch, UP Berth 2, UP Berth 4], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Lion], Starbase I (6) [Vega] = 29D
  • Notes: In 2319.Q2, the UP Berth 2 and 4 Renaissance arrives from construction and the Cheron goes to the HBZ. In 2319.Q3 the Sojourner and arrive from repairs.

Licori Border Zone – Requires D11 (Supports Sol and Rigel sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 1 homeworld (Paddah), 3 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Rru'adorr], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Lexington], 1 Oberth (1) [Torbriel] = 12D
  • No change.
  • Notes: No change.
Horizon Border Zone – Requires D9 as of 2318.Q4 (Supports Rigel sector)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: Kelowna, Laian
  • As of 2318.Q3 - Nothing
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Spirit], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Korolev] = 11D
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Spirit], 1 Constitution-A (5) [Cheron], 1 Constellation-A (5) [SF Berth 1], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Korolev] = 20D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4, Spirit arrives from GBZ reinforcements and Korolev arrives from Rigel. In 2319.Q2 SF Berth 1 Constellation-A arrives and the Cheron arrives from the SBZ.
Caldonian Peacekeeping Mission – Requires D8 from 2316.Q4 through 2318.Q3
  • As of 2317.Q4 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Hood], 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart] = D8
  • 2318.Q4 – Mission over.
  • Notes: Hood goes to Alukk Sector and Stalwart goes to KBZ.
Gabriel Border Zone – Requirement Left to Starfleet judgment
  • 2318.Q3 - 2 Excelsior-A (12) [Sojourner, Excelsior], 2 Constitution-B (10) [Exeter, Saratoga], 4 Renaissance (20) [Renaissance, Epiphany, Enlightenment, Insight], 11 Miranda-A (22) [T'Kumbra, Agile, Bantam, Clarion, Fidelity, Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly] = 77C before battles (now 8 ships left intact).
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Kumari (B)], 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Saratoga], 2 Renaissance (10) [Epiphany, Reason], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull (B), Zephyr (B)], 7 Miranda-A (16) [Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly, Dynamo] = 58 C.
  • 2319.Q1 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Kumari (B)], 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Saratoga], 2 Renaissance (10) [Epiphany, Reason], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull (B), Zephyr (B)], 8 Miranda-A (16) [T'Kumbra, Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly, Dynamo] = 61 C.
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Kumari (B)], 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Saratoga], 4 Renaissance (20) [Epiphany, Reason, Insight, UP Berth 1], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull (B), Zephyr (B)], 9 Miranda-A (18) [Fidelity, Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly, Calypso, Dynamo] = 74 C.
  • 2319.Q4 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Kumari (B)], 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Saratoga], 4 Renaissance (20) [Epiphany, Reason, Insight, UP Berth 1], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull (B), Zephyr (B)], 10 Miranda-A (20) [Fidelity, Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly, Calypso, Dynamo, Clarion] = 77 C.
  • Notes: In 2318.Q3 the Excelsior, the Bantam, the Fidelity, and the Renaissance are destroyed, while the Sojourner, the Agile, T'Kumbra, Clarion, Insight, Enlightenment, and Exeter are damaged and must be repaired.
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 the Avandar, Bull, Zephyr, Reason, and Dynamo remains from GBZ reinforcements, the Kumari arrives from refit.
  • Note: In 2319.Q1 the T'Kumbra returns from repair.
  • Notes: In 2319.Q2 the Calypso, and Insight return from repair and new Renaissance built in UP Berth 1 arrives.
  • Notes: In 2319.Q4 the Clarion returns from repairs.
Gabriel Border Zone Reinforcements – Arrive in 2318.Q2, active in 2318.Q3, then return home over 2318.Q4.
  • Following are GBZ Reinforcements as of 2318.Q3 – 2 Excelsior-A (Endurance, Spirit), 2 Excelsior (Thirishar, Avandar), 1 Renaissance (Reason), 1 Constitution-B (Huascar), 4 Centaur-A (Lightning, Bull, Yukikaze, Zephyr, Gale), 3 Miranda-A (Calypso, Dynamo, Svai), 1 Oberth (Inspire)
  • Notes: In 2318.Q3 the Huascar is destroyed, and the Thirishar, Calypso, and Lightning are damaged and need repair.
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 they go home, except for 1 Excelsior [Avandar], 1 Reniassance [Reason], 2 Centaur-A [Bull, Zephyr], and 1 Miranda-A [Dynamo] which remain with the GBZ garrison fleet as reinforcements.

[][FLEET] Rebuild GBZ, prioritize Border Zones more equally

Summary: Very similar to the first Rebuild GBZ plan, but in this one I send less ships to the CBZ and SBZ in favor of trying to spread ships around more and putting the Cheron in the HBZ to work its magic.

Sol Sector – Requires D18 (Supported by LBZ and SBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 10 = 3 homeworlds (Earth, Betazed, Gaen), 7 other major worlds)
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pathfinder], 2 Starbase I (12) [Earth, Betazed] = 18D
  • 2319.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pathfinder], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Lightning], 2 Starbase I (12) [Earth, Betazed] = 21D
  • 2319.Q4 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pathfinder], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Exeter], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Lightning], 2 Starbase I (12) [Earth, Betazed] = 26D
  • Notes: In 2319.Q3 the Lightning returns from repairs. In 2319.Q4 the Exeter arrives from repair.
Vulcan Sector – Requires D10 (supported by RBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 5 = 1 homeworld (Vulcan), 4 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Constellation-A (4) [Kearsage], Starbase I (6) = 10D
  • Notes: No change.
Andor Sector – Requires D7 (supported by RBZ and KBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 5 = 1 homeworld (Andoria), 4 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Miranda-A (2) [Dryad], Starbase I (6) = 8D
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Constellation-A (4) [SF Berth A], , Starbase I (6) = 11D
  • Notes: In 2319.Q2 the Constellation-A built in SF Berth A arrives, and the Dryad goes to the CBZ.
Tellar Sector – Requires D7 (supported by SBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 4 = 1 homeworld (Tellar Prime), 3 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Constellation-A (4) [Challorn], Starbase I (6), Extra Outposts (5) = 15D.
  • Notes: No change.
Amarkia Sector – Requires D7 (supported by SBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 4 = 1 homeworld (Amarkia), 3 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q1 - 1 Constellation-A (4) [Sappho], Starbase I (6), Extra Outposts (5) = 15D
  • Notes: No change.
Ferasa Sector – Requires D10 (supported by KBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 10 = 3 homeworlds,(Ferasa, Risa, Aqueniou), 7 other major worlds)
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], Starbase I (6) = 11D
  • 2318.Q4 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart], Starbase I (6) = 14D
  • 2319.Q2 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], Starbase I (6) = 11D
  • 2319.Q3 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], 1 Constellation-A (4) [Docana], Starbase I (6) = 15D
  • 2319.Q4 – 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Thirishar], 1 Constellation-A (4) [Docana], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], Starbase I (6) = 21D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 the Stalwart arrives from Caldonian Peacekeeping mission. In 2319.Q2 the the Stalwart goes into refit. In 2319.Q3, the Docana arrives from refit. In 2319.Q4 the Thirishar arrives from refit/repair.
Rigel Sector – Requires D7 (supported by LBZ and SBZ and HBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 8 = 3 homeworlds (Rigel, Okatha, Vail), 5 other major worlds)
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Korolev], 1 Constellation-A (4) [Vigour], Starbase I (6) = 15D
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Constellation-A (4) [Vigour], Starbase I (6) = 10D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 Korolev goes to Horizon Border Zone.
Apinae Sector – Requires D10 (supported by CBZ and SBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 6 = 2 homeworlds (Apinae, Indoria), 4 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Constitution-B (5) [Valiant], 2 Starbase I (12) [Grand Hive of Apinae, Indorian Starbase], Extra Outposts [5] = 22D
  • As of 2318.Q4 - 1 Constitution-B (5) [Valiant], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Yukikaze], 2 Starbase I (12) [Grand Hive of Apinae, Indorian Starbase], Extra Outposts [5] = 25D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 Yukikaze returns from GBZ.
Alukk Sector – Requires D7 (supported by CBZ)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 5 = 1 homeworld (Alukk), 4 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind], 1 Starbase (6) [Alukk Station] = 9D
  • 2318.Q4 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Hood], 1 Starbase (6) [Alukk Station] = 11D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 Hood arrives from Caldonian peacekeeping mission, and Winterwind goes to Cardassian Border Zone.
Romulan Border Zone – Requires D15 (Supports Vulcan and Andoria sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 1 major world (Solitude)
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pleezirra], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Cloudburst], Starbase I (6) = 15D
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Pleezirra], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Cloudburst, Gale (B)], 1 Oberth (1) [Inspire], Starbase I (6) = 19D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 Gale and Inspire arrive from Gabriel reinforcements.
Klingon Border Zone – Requires D10/D13 as of Q4 (Supports Andor and Ferasa Sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 3 = 1 homeworld (Caldonia), 2 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Centaur-A (3) [Typhoon], 1 Oberth (1) [Hawking], 1 Starbase I (6) [Shrantet] = 10D
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Excelsior-A [Endurance] (6), 1 Centaur-A (3) [Typhoon], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Svai], 1 Oberth (1) [Hawking], 1 Starbase I (6) [Shrantet] = 18D
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Excelsior-A [Endurance] (6), 1 Constellation-A [Selaya], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Typhoon], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Svai], 1 Oberth (1) [Hawking], 1 Starbase I (6) [Shrantet] = 21D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 the Endurance and Svai arrive from the GBZ. In 2319.Q2 the Selaya arrives from refit.
Cardassian Border Zone – Requires D12 (Supports Alukk and Apinae sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 2 homeworlds (Rethelia, Fiiral), 2 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir], 1 Starbase I (6) [Lapycorias] = 13D
  • 2318.Q4 – 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir], 1 Starbase I (6) [Lapycorias] = 16D
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Saratoga], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Dryad], 1 Starbase I (6) [Lapycorias] = 22D
  • 2319.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Renaissance (5) [Enlightenment], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Saratoga], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Dryad], 1 Starbase I (6) [Lapycorias] = 27D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 the Winterwind arrives from Alukk. In 2319.Q2 the Dryad arrives from Andor sector and the Saratoga arrives from the GBZ, and the T'Mir goes to the SBZ. In 2319.Q3 the Enlightenment comes back from repair.
Sydraxian Border Zone – Requires D11 (Supports Apinae, Amarkia, Tellar, Sol, and Rigel sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 2 major worlds (Vega, Klivvar Proxima)
  • As of 2318.Q3 – 1 Constitution-A (5) [Cheron], 1 Renaissance (5) [Torch], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Lion], Starbase I (6) [Vega] = 18D
  • 2319.Q2 – 2 Renaissance (10) [Torch, UP Berth 4], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Lion], Starbase I (6) [Vega], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir] = 19D
  • 2319.Q3 – 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Sojourner], 2 Renaissance (10) [Torch, UP Berth 4], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Lion], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir], Starbase I (6) [Vega] = 25D
  • Notes: In 2319.Q2, the UP Berth 4 Renaissance arrives from construction and the T'Mir arrives from the CBZ, while the Cheron goes to the HBZ. In 2319.Q3 the Sojourner and arrives from repairs.

Licori Border Zone – Requires D11 (Supports Sol and Rigel sectors)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: 1 homeworld (Paddah), 3 other major worlds
  • As of 2318.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Rru'adorr], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Lexington], 1 Oberth (1) [Torbriel] = 12D
  • No change.Notes: No change.
Horizon Border Zone – Requires D9 as of 2318.Q4 (Supports Rigel sector)
  • Homeworlds/Major Worlds in sector: ????
  • As of 2318.Q3 - Nothing
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Spirit], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Korolev] = 11D
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Spirit], 1 Constitution-A (5) [Cheron], 1 Constellation-A (5) [SF Berth 1], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Korolev] = 20D
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4, Spirit arrives from GBZ reinforcements and Korolev arrives from Rigel. In 2319.Q2 SF Berth 1 Constellation-A arrives and the Cheron arrives from the SBZ.
Caldonian Peacekeeping Mission – Requires D8 from 2316.Q4 through 2318.Q3
  • As of 2317.Q4 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Hood], 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart] = D8
  • 2318.Q4 – Mission over.
  • Notes: Hood goes to Alukk Sector and Stalwart goes to KBZ.
Gabriel Border Zone – Requirement Left to Starfleet judgment
  • 2318.Q3 - 2 Excelsior-A (12) [Sojourner, Excelsior], 2 Constitution-B (10) [Exeter, Saratoga], 4 Renaissance (20) [Renaissance, Epiphany, Enlightenment, Insight], 11 Miranda-A (22) [T'Kumbra, Agile, Bantam, Clarion, Fidelity, Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly] = 77C before battles (now 8 ships left intact).
  • 2318.Q4 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Kumari (B)], 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Saratoga], 2 Renaissance (10) [Epiphany, Reason], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull (B), Zephyr (B)], 7 Miranda-A (16) [Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly, Dynamo] = 58 C.
  • 2319.Q1 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Kumari (B)], 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 1 Constitution-B (5) [Saratoga], 2 Renaissance (10) [Epiphany, Reason], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull (B), Zephyr (B)], 8 Miranda-A (16) [T'Kumbra, Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly, Dynamo] = 61 C.
  • 2319.Q2 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Kumari (B)], 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 6 Renaissance (30) [Epiphany, Reason, Insight, UP Berth 1, UP Berth 2, UP Berth 3], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull (B), Zephyr (B)], 10 Miranda-A (20) [Agile (B), Fidelity, Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly, Calypso, Dynamo] = 83 C.
  • 2319.Q4 - 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Kumari (B)], 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 6 Renaissance (30) [Epiphany, Reason, Insight, UP Berth 1, UP Berth 2, UP Berth 3], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull (B), Zephyr (B)], 11 Miranda-A (22) [Agile (B), Fidelity, Bon Vivant, Shield, Intrepid, Eketha, Eclipse, Firefly, Calypso, Dynamo, Clarion] = 86 C.
  • Notes: In 2318.Q3 the Excelsior, the Bantam, the Fidelity, and the Renaissance are destroyed, while the Sojourner, the Agile, T'Kumbra, Clarion, Insight, Enlightenment, and Exeter are damaged and must be repaired.
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 the Avandar, Bull, Zephyr, Reason, and Dynamo remains from GBZ reinforcements, the Kumari arrives from refit.
  • Note: In 2319.Q1 the T'Kumbra returns from repair.
  • Notes: In 2319.Q2 the Agile, Calypso, and Insight return from repair and three new Renaissance built in UP Berth 1 & Berth 2 & Berth 3 arrives, the remaining Connie-B Saratoga is sent to CBZ.
  • Notes: In 2319.Q4 the Clarion returns from repairs.
Gabriel Border Zone Reinforcements – Arrive in 2318.Q2, active in 2318.Q3, then return home over 2318.Q4.
  • Following are GBZ Reinforcements as of 2318.Q3 – 2 Excelsior-A (Endurance, Spirit), 2 Excelsior (Thirishar, Avandar), 1 Renaissance (Reason), 1 Constitution-B (Huascar), 4 Centaur-A (Lightning, Bull, Yukikaze, Zephyr, Gale), 3 Miranda-A (Calypso, Dynamo, Svai), 1 Oberth (Inspire)
  • Notes: In 2318.Q3 the Huascar is destroyed, and the Thirishar, Calypso, and Lightning are damaged and need repair.
  • Notes: In 2318.Q4 they go home, except for 1 Excelsior [Avandar], 1 Reniassance [Reason], 2 Centaur-A [Bull, Zephyr], and 1 Miranda-A [Dynamo] which remain with the GBZ garrison fleet as reinforcements.

[X][FLEET] Less GBZ, More CBZ and HBZ
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[X][FLEET] Less GBZ, More CBZ and HBZ

How long will it take to replace our starship and crew losses?
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Thats good. Considering how many crew we lost I was worried for a moment. Thanks for letting us know Briefvoice. Of course we are still going to expand the academy come the next snakepit.
I still want to know what our exact PP amount as of now in universe is so that I can start preplanning my list for it. we still don't know if Linderley's Resignation was accepted or not so that's 20 pp in the wind right now.
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Considering how many crew we lost I was worried for a moment.
The thing is that even though we lost 18O/25E/19T the vast majority of those deaths were aboard ships that were lost with all hands, specifically the Excelsior/Renaissance/Huascar. We only have to replace 6O/10E/6T in crew aboard repairable ships.

It's also worth noting this is pretty much the greatest loss of standard crew since the game started. Our career casualties as of EOY 2317:
Career Casualties
Standard: 28 Officer, 36 Enlisted, 30 Technician
Explorer: 6 Officer, 9 Enlisted, 9 Technician
That total, IIRC, includes member losses. Considering we just lost 18 Officer, 25 Enlisted, and 19 Technicians our standard crew casualties just increased by 164%, 169%, and 163% respectively. In other words a third of all standard crew deaths in the last 17 years just occurred this quarter.
Hmm I find it kind of odd that none of the ships had any survivors or people that made it to life pods. Are they not a thing for ships that get exploded then?
Have we even finished implementing the first round of refits?!
No but we are almost done with them. There are probably only a few ships left that haven't had a refit. We have been refitting our ships as quickly as possible to increase their stats. We also have to take the Jaldun refit into consideration since it has a point or 2 over the Excelsior-A Refit. And that is a cause for concern.
Hmm I find it kind of odd that none of the ships had any survivors or people that made it to life pods. Are they not a thing for ships that get exploded then?
They probably didn't have a chance to get to the escape pods while in the middle of a battle before their ships were destroyed.
Hmm I find it kind of odd that none of the ships had any survivors or people that made it to life pods. Are they not a thing for ships that get exploded then?

There are four ways (we know of) a ship can be taken out of battle. Disabled or destroyed ships remaining crew can evacuate. Crew kill obviously has no crew survivors. A Warp Core Breach is like the HMS Hood during WW2. Out of 1400 crew, three were recovered. Warp Core Breaches are nasty, and leave no survivors.
There are four ways (we know of) a ship can be taken out of battle. Disabled or destroyed ships remaining crew can evacuate. Crew kill obviously has no crew survivors. A Warp Core Breach is like the HMS Hood during WW2. Out of 1400 crew, three were recovered. Warp Core Breaches are nasty, and leave no survivors.

Partially because I suspect it creates a big enough explosion that you not only have to be in a life pod, you'd have to get far enough away from the ship not to be killed by the explosion.
20 / 20 Final Tactical Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Operations Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Engineering Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Hull Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Warp Suite Frame Design

[Design Complete, prototype may now be built]


Generic Team 3 : 2310s Escort - Combat

1+2 (Boost)

20 / 20 New Orleans-A Pattern Nacelle (Escort Nacelle Design Improvements II)
20 / 20 Type II Phaser Bank (Escort Combat Design II)
20 / 20 ToC Torpedo Room Design (Escort Torpedo Launcher II)
20 / 20 Improved Type-S EPS Magnetic Constrictor (Escort Reaction Design II)
20 / 20 Escort Miranda Torpedo Roll Bar Design II

[Unlocked T2 Frigate Tactical Frame]

2320s Generalist Escort here we come!

That logo is adorable. :)

And just a little bit creepy.

Spock counts as an entire team all by himself, and he's outperforming a number of other teams!

It's Spock. Did you expect anything less?

Based on prodding in the discord the HBZ is apparently supposed to look about like this:

I want Starbases at Obar, Becarra, Canun, Kelowna, D4, and Adad Bande.

I want the Honiani, Ked Paddah, and Arcadians to become members as soon as possible.

Can somebody link that discord?

That's a huge border, especially once the Ked Peddah get closer to integration. It's going to be an absolute bitch to keep it manned.

Less of a problem than you think since we'll have the Honiani, Ked Paddah, and Arcadians to help man it.
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