Could we get a list of Member world construction, by the way? Part of the reason we haven't taken the "Rush Construction" action for member fleets is that we simply don't know what they have in-progress and how far it is from completion. Not unless someone goes back and trawls through all the MWC posts, but you probably have the information at your fingertips a lot easier than it would take one of us to reconstruct it.

Erm, well, there's a fair bit of it. Key highlights of member worlds involved in this world, though...

Andoria Orbita @ Andoria - Bay 1 is Excelsior (NCC-2020) ETC 2316.Q1 (other bays empty, a Miranda-A refit, and a Civ Freighter)
Hathlorn @ Landle IV - Bay A is Renaissance (NCC-2613) ETC 2317.Q2

Chelok-An @ Vulcan - Bay A is Rennie (NCC-2612) ETC 2317.Q2, Bay B is Miranda-A refit
Faran-Bel @ Delta Vega - Bay A is Connie-B (NCC-1753) ETC 2316.Q1

Xurch Melloch @ Tellar Moon - Bay A, B are Rennie (NCC-2609, 2610) ETC 2317.Q1
Grand Duk @ Ord Grind Duk - Bay B is Rennie (NCC-2611) ETC 2317.Q1

Luna Orbital @ Luna - Bay A, B are Rennie (NCC-2606, 2607) ETC 2317.Q1
Cochrane Yards @ Alpha Centauri - Bay A is Rennie (NCC-2608) ETC 2317.Q1

Lagan-Shir @ Rigel VIII - Bay A is Megatortoise (NCC-2908) ETC 2316.Q1, Bay B is Turtleship (NCC-2910) ETC 2317.Q1

Rixx Loxhanda Defence Yard @ Betazed - Bay A is Rennie (NCC-2614) ETC 2317.Q2
So the most likely to be deployed in time with a hurry up are

Andoria Orbita @ Andoria - Bay 1 is Excelsior (NCC-2020) ETC 2316.Q1 << the 20th or 21st Excelsior build? not sure if the numbers on that sequence started at 2000 or 2001. Still, it is a lot of Excelsior's floating around.
Faran-Bel @ Delta Vega - Bay A is Connie-B (NCC-1753) ETC 2316.Q1 << the last Connie-B that shall ever be built.
Lagan-Shir @ Rigel VIII - Bay A is Megatortoise (NCC-2908) ETC 2316.Q1, << I heard somebody likes these ;)

Nothing else is scheduled to finish until 2317, so even with a rush build, they still have at least a year to go and if the war is quick, probably won't be ready in time.

(9 Rennies from member yards scheduled to sail in 2317!!)
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Not sure if the vote is still open but:

[X][BETA] Provide 40rp and 10pp for Betazed to crash-develop a rapid upgrade package for the Patroller. [+2 S, +1L, 15br/15sr, can be developed in 3 months, 3 months to upgrade]

[X][WS] Plan 2x Heavy Industry

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Not sure if the vote is still open but:

[X][BETA] Provide 40rp and 10pp for Betazed to crash-develop a rapid upgrade package for the Patroller. [+2 S, +1L, 15br/15sr, can be developed in 3 months, 3 months to upgrade]
[X] Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Tellar, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
[X] North America Productivity Commission - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Earth, gain Heavy Industry asset)
[X] Morchell Arebb Complex - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Rigel, gain Heavy Industry asset)


You actually do have to vote by Plan for this one. Otherwise there's no way to know how to count up the variosu assets in the tally.
A Klingon shows more skill then you!

To be fair, that Klingon is a seasoned and fanatical veteran of the never-ending war against bad fashion, a master at wielding the needle, battle-scarred with pinpricks all over his fingers, and ready to give his life for his cause.

He's also as flamboyant and dramatic as the lovechild of a gay french hairdresser and a Jojo character. Don't ever insult him over that, he will strangle you with his yarn. Mon Dieu!
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To be fair, that Klingon is a seasoned and fanatical veteran of the never-ending war against bad fashion, a master at wielding the needle, battle-scarred with pinpricks all over his fingers, and ready to give his life for his cause.

He's also as flamboyant and dramatic as the lovechild of a gay french hairdresser and a Jojo character. Don't ever insult him over that, he will strangle you with his yarn. Mon Dieu!

i knew his mother

jorok is a nice boy
Picard's an archaeologist, actually. Also, in the alternate history episode (Edit: Tapestry) where he doesn't get his artificial heart, he ends up in a science blue uniform.


I decided against archaeology for reasons I cannot remember. I think I was going to make it his minor.

I should probably change psychology to xeno-psychology, etc.
Secondhand ships, good prices! Get yours today from Honest Quark's!
The Konen searched the minds of the galaxy, looking from race to race for the strongest, most deadly ship designs. Unfortunately for them, the Ferengi are the best at bullshitting, even inside their own heads.

I noticed the resemblance to Ferengi ships as I was drawing, but it wasn't something I did on purpose. I was thinking the similarities are coincidental, though its also possible that the Konen met the Ferengi and shared technology sometime in the past.

Like I said, I'm not sure at all about this design for the Whisper, and the ferengi resemblance is one of the reasons. What do you guys think?

Weren't Ferengi Telepathy resistant?

Only when the plot demanded it.

Most sensible explanation is that, like the Cardassians, the Ferengi have had dealings with telepaths before, and developed techniques for resisting telepathy (for the cardassians, it was to fight telepaths. For the ferengi, it was to haggle with them). Hence, there are individual ferengi who have had the anti-psi training, and other individuals who have not.
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Most sensible explanation is that, like the Cardassians, the Ferengi have had dealings with telepaths before, and developed techniques for resisting telepathy (for the cardassians, it was to fight telepaths. For the ferengi, it was to haggle with them). Hence, there are individual ferengi who have had the anti-psi training, and other individuals who have not.

in canon, they have an unusual brain setup, and that's what they say is the source. Though how resistant that makes them could still vary ferengi to ferengi.
in canon, they have an unusual brain setup, and that's what they say is the source. Though how resistant that makes them could still vary ferengi to ferengi.

Considering that betazoids can read the minds of gas creatures, silicates, and bodiless energy beings, I don't really buy that explanation.

The fact that the ferengi psi-resistance is so inconsistent throughout the shows likewise suggests that the writers weren't willing to commit to that.
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