We chose incredibly expensive quad nacelles for a marginal cruising speed increase, which for a ship of this size basically only makes sense on primary combatants that can justify that cost by killing more stuff in greater time. We doubled the impulse engines, which you only really makes sense for being better at fighting and running down other ships. There are many incredibly expensive decisions which have pushed this away from being the Kea. Mk II.
It is useful to be able to actually accept reality and face facts. We are here due to our decisions and nothing else. Better a good battleship than an overpriced heavy cruiser.
Strongly disagree
The assertions about ship size basically ignore the Kea, and also the ongoing transitional era of size inflation we are currenty going through, where even the Klingons are building warships that are almost 200kt
Quad Nacelles cost us a premium of 12 points
Thats roughly a quarter of what 8x Prototype Phasers are going to cost us for phasers, and around 8% of the entire ship cost
Dual Drives cost us a premium of 8 points, or ~5% of the ship costs
All of that, in aggregate, cost only as much as the proposed weapons pod with 4x Prototype Torpedos would, and provided all-round boosts in different areas that made this a much better heavy cruiser
And critically stayed within Starfleet's requirements
It is useful to be able to actually accept reality and face facts. We are here due to our decisions and nothing else. Better a good battleship than an overpriced heavy cruiser.
Costs rise with technology and capability; thats a given
This ship will cost around 50 percent more than a Callie
Coincidentally, a K'Tinga will cost around 50% more than a D7, which itself cost around 30% more than a D6
The Ktinga is still a cruiser
Just like how the D7[Cost 60] and D6[Cost 44] were both cruisers, in the same ship class as th Excalibur[Cost 97]
Then we will have the option to mount two less aft launchers on the hull or something I'd imagine. Sayle does not actually structure votes like this, or ever force us into a maximal aft torpedo armament, so this is a moot point.
And at that point we are trying to build a pocket dreadnought on a heavy cruiser hull, and doing it badly
The juice is very much not worth the squeeze
I can't really argue with that, in all fairness, but that is how this Quest approaches every single Project it undertakes.
Designing a ship pretty consistently to be very expensive but very capable, and then suddenly panicking based on misreading the update is even more disorganised, I think. It's likely to produce an inherently compromised design which is neither a good battleship, nor an affordable heavy line cruiser. The quad nacelles and other expensive features have already stopped this ship from being cheap enough to be the Kea Mk. II.
Personally I would personally have preferred to design a cheaper ship from the outset, but like, it's better to recognise where we are and make the best of it, rather than compromising the whole design into something it simply can't be. This will never be cheap enough to be a good cheap heavy line cruiser. That is the simple consequence of the decisions voters have made.
Those are the limitations of a quest format
However, when we make those initial choices, we are stuck with them; we dont get to change them without consequences
Like how more torpedo launchers on this hull mean we auto-lose the cruiser competition
This was never meant to be a cheap ship design; that was the Miranda
If we had wanted to buid a cheaper ship, that woud have been the choice; in picking this one, we prioritized capability as its reason for being while staying within the requirements of Starfleet
This is not something you change at the last minute on a whim