Starfleet Design Bureau

Just finished back reading, can we please let the argument that sprint is good for disaster relief die? That's what killed the Radiant class as a concept.

Max sprint only matters for a response if you are already very nearby, and for chasing down/running away hostile ships. The former is situational by definition, the later doesn't line up well with the more defensive doctrine of this vessel.

Losing 20% off a speed you can only manage for twelve hours max when your typical journey is measured in weeks is not a huge sacrifice.
And we should also consider that out of tactical, engineering and science, science is the lowest priority for Starfleet right now. Whatever we design will be competing with the Miranda for yard time, and the Miranda will almost certainly address the internal security and response issues that we've forever been plagued with.
This is a bold set of statements given that the mission statement for this ship is a heavy line cruiser "able to weather any conflict it takes part in" and act "as a lynchpin". To me that reads like tactical is the main priority.

We also know there's a strategic materials crunch stopping starfleet from making enough ships which, with the economics of ship construction, means the Miranda won't be able to be made in sufficient numbers. There was a big discussion before we started this design about why starfleet was unable to spam smaller ships and why we weren't able to design one that'd be an effective use of resources. If the future information we have holds there's also going to be a massive rise in piracy some that are technologically advanced.

The only path to get more resources seems to be locating new deposits using science facilities. This would lead me to believe that the science facilities to support that effort should be our second highest priority. Engineering and cargo will never be unwelcome but get selected based on our best judgement as long as we at least have the guns and science to address tactical and scientific priorities.
[X] Flight Deck (Mass: 220kt) [Cost 55.5] (Maximum Warp: 8 -> 7.6)

Eh. Certain baselines should be maintained no matter the design goal. A Warp 8 engine that can't make even 8 is an outright regression in capability. No thank you.
We haven't even gotten to the nacelles yet, we'll have at least one other opportunity to reach Warp 8.

Given that the math for travel distance-over-time prefers cruise speed (both casual and max cruise) over sprint for all but the most short-range operations, is "Warp 8" all that valuable for any save the niche tactical cases? I don't think so, and there was a decent case made that strategic speed was the big limiting factor in the recent war over tactical speed.

Certain baselines should be maintained. Those baselines are almost never hard numbers - they are comparative performance datapoints. If 70% or so of use cases benefit more from having a massive flight deck than another .4 Warp Speed, then the flight deck is pretty definitively superior.
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This is a bold set of statements given that the mission statement for this ship is a heavy line cruiser "able to weather any conflict it takes part in" and act "as a lynchpin". To me that reads like tactical is the main priority.

We also know there's a strategic materials crunch stopping starfleet from making enough ships which, with the economics of ship construction, means the Miranda won't be able to be made in sufficient numbers. There was a big discussion before we started this design about why starfleet was unable to spam smaller ships and why we weren't able to design one that'd be an effective use of resources. If the future information we have holds there's also going to be a massive rise in piracy some that are technologically advanced.

The only path to get more resources seems to be locating new deposits using science facilities. This would lead me to believe that the science facilities to support that effort should be our second highest priority. Engineering and cargo will never be unwelcome but get selected based on our best judgement as long as we at least have the guns and science to address tactical and scientific priorities.
Tactical is the main design goal, but Starfleet will only order so many ships for the tactical ability, especially when this ship represents a concentration of combat power that's gross overkill against anything short of a peer capital ship. Perhaps if we were anticipating another war soon that would change, but right now we're trying to stabilize post-war, and what they need for that is a lot of smaller ships with good enough tactical and plenty of engineering.

I don't think the problem is that we don't have enough science. I'm fairly certain that the problem is that we have too much science relative to our engineering and tactical, so we're overextended and underbuilt and under patrolled.

Because as far as I can tell, how it works is that science determines how quickly we can expand by discovering suitable sites, engineering determines how quickly we can build up these new colonies, and tactical is, well, tactical. The reason that Starfleet is constantly overstretched is that they have the Sagarmathas and the Curiosity's and the Keas and now the Excaliburs and the Attenboroughs and Atwater's constantly discovering new systems suitable for colonization, and then we have to figure out how to support and protect this new colony with the Archers and Newtons and Cygnus.

I don't think the solution to Starfleet refusing to order large numbers of science ships is to shoehorn more science into our ships, it's to make some really great engineering and tactical ships so that they're not always so overstretched and they actually want to increase our expansion rate.
I don't think the solution to Starfleet refusing to order large numbers of science ships is to shoehorn more science into our ships, it's to make some really great engineering and tactical ships so that they're not always so overstretched and they actually want to increase our expansion rate.
Then we should develop a tactical/science vessel, with the gear to detect resources, instead of something to find colonies we instead find resources we can exploit. More resources, less colonies, more mining spots.
[X] Conventional Secondary Hull (Mass: 220kt) [Cost: 55.5)

I am so happy i am not the only one that dislikes the flightdeck option on principle. This is star trek, space fighters don't work here and you better build bigger ships!
[X] Conventional Secondary Hull (Mass: 220kt) [Cost: 55.5)

I am so happy i am not the only one that dislikes the flightdeck option on principle. This is star trek, space fighters don't work here and you better build bigger ships!
It is not and never was for fighters. I don't know why people don't understand this!
Then we should develop a tactical/science vessel, with the gear to detect resources, instead of something to find colonies we instead find resources we can exploit. More resources, less colonies, more mining spots.
Imagine being the poor bastard who has to go in front of a procurement board and explain to them that, for the third design in a row, the Starfleet Design Bureau has elected to design a ship which in peacetime will be dedicated to science. How they'll cringe as the procurement officers remind them that the light science cruiser that the bureau just designed is currently being tasked with anti-piracy patrols instead of colony site investigation, and that the Excaliburs are expected to be used as surveyors once San Francisco's very practical Miranda class are able to free them from patrol duty, and that the Keas were recently refit and anticipated to remain in service for decades further.

Don't do that to our poor presenter. Give them something to show off that Starfleet will want to order.
But we already have a recent S-rank Engineering Ship??? 🏹
The Archer is an excellent Engineering vessel, but it's S-class Engineering capabilities are represented by it's cargo capabilities. Just like how the Darwin project yielded an A+ Science, but it is represented in the form of superb biosciences - An Attenborough isn't finding any new mineral deposits or examining matters outside the scope of 'biology'. It's why we build it even though the Kea with an S-class science capability exists.

Similarly, this ship could be S-Rank in Engineering from a different angle to that of the Archer - We could for example make it an actual dedicated fabrication workshop ship. Not like, one module worth of extra repair shops that makes Sayle frustrated, but like entire lengths of the ship dedicated to manufacturing or somesuch.
We need at least a B Engineering, if not an outright A or S if we want to justify large numbers of this ship. A high cruise speed is a great multiplier, but if there is little to multiply then the result will be disappointing still.
If we dont have to compromise other functions to get it

San Francisco is designing the Miranda to fit that role for cheaper, and we also have the Archerswarm in service in ever-increasing numbers. Project Federation is not going to justify itself by duplicating what the Mirandas are going to be doing for cheaper, and what the Archers can do better

Im not saying we dont want Engineering if we can get it
Just that we arent selling this vessel on its engineering

We'll operate 6+ Keas until the 2290's, and with the introduction of the Attenborough and Atwater classes the number of dedicated science ships in our fleet has actually increased. Once the Miranda's are built in sufficient quantity to free them from piracy patrols, the Excaliburs are also used as science ships. That means that we operate nearly double the number of ships conducting scientific missions by 2260.

And we should also consider that out of tactical, engineering and science, science is the lowest priority for Starfleet right now. Whatever we design will be competing with the Miranda for yard time, and the Miranda will almost certainly address the internal security and response issues that we've forever been plagued with. A ship that replaces the recently refit Kea will be doomed to a small production run.
Yes we do

The Attenboroughs are planetary survey and bioscience specialized, the Atwaters geophysics
Neither of them do the general space science job very well as we see with the Humboldt getting Voyager'd by a space anomaly and getting no sensor records worth the name

We only had 9x Keas survive the war, of 12 built
As the war just demonstrated, even with two torpedo tubes hastily shoehorned in the Keas are too comprehensively outgunned to operate near the frontiers where most of the new science is happening, and too slow to run away if things get kinetic

The Keas will still do good science but near the heartlands, where its safe[r]
The 2275 Refits are three decades away at this point and Starfleet cant afford to gimp its science mission for that long

The Federation had twenty two Archers with Engineering A+ before the war broke out
We dont know how many were wrecked in the war, but assuming half the Kea's 25% loss rate because they avoided combat, we'd still have 18-19 Archer cruisers in service

The Federation then constructed another eighteen Archers between 2245 and 2260, a rate of around 1.2 a year
By the time this ship enters service in the mid-2250s, there will be more than 30 Archers in active service
Thats like 20 percent of pre-war Starfleet; I dont use the term Archerswarm lightly

Thats in addition to the Newtons that are still in service, and Project Miranda which San Fran is working on to help replace them

We definitely arent short of Engineering resources, just raw warship numbers
While there is a strong argument for giving the Federation-class cargo bays to take advantage of its speed for high speed emergency cargo near the frontiers, our current Engineering needs are pretty comprehensively met for the foreseeable future

The Excaliburs are Science C+, which is objectively terrible at the job for their class; science vessels they are not, and the main reason they appear to have the job at present is because they are the only current design with the guns and the speed to survive wandering around poking dangerous shit

Their science is pretty trash for their weight class; it wasnt a focus of the design

No, thats inaccurate

Starfleet pointedly makes minimum Science and Tactical demands on both the Miranda and the Federation
Note that in the Archer, Starfleet already has a great dedicated engineering ship they are already pumping out in series production for the next decade and half in addition to their design work on the Miranda class

Instructions to the Project Miranda crew to prioritize engineering and tactical on that design

That appears to be why Engineering is the one area that doesnt get a comment on the Federation
Tactical gets a minimum requirement; Science gets a minimum requirement
Engineering does not
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The Archer is an excellent Engineering vessel, but it's S-class Engineering capabilities are represented by it's cargo capabilities. Just like how the Darwin project yielded an A+ Science, but it is represented in the form of superb biosciences - An Attenborough isn't finding any new mineral deposits or examining matters outside the scope of 'biology'. It's why we build it even though the Kea with an S-class science capability exists.

Similarly, this ship could be S-Rank in Engineering from a different angle to that of the Archer - We could for example make it an actual dedicated fabrication workshop ship. Not like, one module worth of extra repair shops that makes Sayle frustrated, but like entire lengths of the ship dedicated to manufacturing or somesuch.
Sir, you are wrong, we voted for [ ] Fabrication Workshops (+12 Engineering) [Fabrication] as the huge Lower-Decks module of the Halley/Archer.
The Federation had twenty two Archers with Engineering A+ before the war broke out
Sir, you are wrong, the Archer is S-rank Engineering. 😎
and that the Keas were recently refit and anticipated to remain in service for decades further.
Just saying, the Keas are set for decommissioning in two years from this vote.

Though I do agree (specific module dependent) that Science should be a lower priority to Engineering this time around. I mean, between a third small cargo hold and advanced sensors, I'm picking sensors 9/10 times!

Imo ideally we should be prioritizing like this:
Speed/Operating Distance -> Tactical -> Engineering -> Science

Edit: lmao nvm got my dates mixed up
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