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I know that we sacrificed for faith, but could we maybe use the divine fingerprint trick to make ourselves seem like the center of the Waaagh?
beyond the reasonability of the plan, "divine fingerprint" was the name for putting an image of a god in a magic crystal. just having one of those images wouldn't allow doing that.
and for what you probably actually meant of using av to generate a bunch of waaagh energy, even if would produce enough to make that big of an effect, i dont think Mathilde could focus it onto her specifically being the center.
beyond the reasonability of the plan, "divine fingerprint" was the name for putting an image of a god in a magic crystal. just having one of those images wouldn't allow doing that.
and for what you probably actually meant of using av to generate a bunch of waaagh energy, even if would produce enough to make that big of an effect, i dont think Mathilde could focus it onto her specifically being the center.
Simple Mathilde looks like a green skin and uses the Deceiver to convince all that she is a green skin. Under her robes she has a Waaagh image that small drops of AV are constantly flowing onto meaning that she is in fact the center of the Waaagh energy. This is helped by her chopping off the heads of anyone who tries to argue that she isn't in charge.
Double sneaky Mork sitting in the house of sneak, getting his pockets picked. The house always wins.
I doubt I'll be around but if we're going to spoof gods I'd rather try spoofing Thugni and see if we can lend weight to that idea of Ranald stealing from the Glittering Vault via performing an act of Runesmithing.
Admittedly we would probably end up having to join the Runesmith Guild for real if we pulled it off…
The thing about seeming like the centre of the Waaagh is that if enough greenskins believe it it'll stop being a trick and start being the truth, and then things get Interesting.
Yeah, I was gonna say, the Only Gork/Mork thing was Mathilde being at the centre of a Waaagh, given how she got literally possessed by Mork in the process of accidentally doing a counter-ritual, and given how Waaagh energies are the energies of Gork and Mork.

Do you think that Mook will let us rob him twice the same way?
Mork only left the opening for that theft because he carelessly left Mathilde's body after doing what he wanted to do, destroy the Only Gork priest and Idol.

But if Mathilde gets Morkishly possessed again, and He realizes this is the puny human that stole part of His and His brother's energies, He might not want to let go of her, I think. So no, I don't think Mork would give us the opportunity to rob him again.

...Besides which, I don't wanna put Ranald on the spot again. He came through for us because it was an emergency, I'm not sure he'd do so again if we intentionally tried to get possessed.
Yeah, I was gonna say, the Only Gork/Mork thing was Mathilde being at the centre of a Waaagh, given how she got literally possessed by Mork in the process of accidentally doing a counter-ritual, and given how Waaagh energies are the energies of Gork and Mork.

Mork only left the opening for that theft because he carelessly left Mathilde's body after doing what he wanted to do, destroy the Only Gork priest and Idol.

But if Mathilde gets Morkishly possessed again, and He realizes this is the puny human that stole part of His and His brother's energies, He might not want to let go of her, I think. So no, I don't think Mork would give us the opportunity to rob him again.

...Besides which, I don't wanna put Ranald on the spot again. He came through for us because it was an emergency, I'm not sure he'd do so again if we intentionally tried to get possessed.
Ranald joins his followers in premeditated heists all the time. Also considering that we will be actively be channeling Ranald by using the Deceiver I am not sure that any possession will actually happen. But if it does Ranald will be prepared and have the home field advantage instead of having to help suddenly.
"The reputation of your Order will make that more easy to convince people of," you say.

"And yours, in some areas," Egrimm replies with an odd little smile. The tone he used is odd, an inch away from well-practiced slickness but some element deliberately left out to prevent it all from harmonizing, which must have taken more effort than actually following through. Your first thought is that he's toying with you, but he's not watching you closely enough for that. He's not amused by your reaction, but by his own - he's mocking himself for defaulting to that form of oily flattery when it's entirely unnecessary.
It's like you're trying to make us suspicious of him.

I'm honestly good with any of the instrument choices winning.
Ranald joins his followers in premeditated heists all the time. Also considering that we will be actively be channeling Ranald by using the Deceiver I am not sure that any possession will actually happen. But if it does Ranald will be prepared and have the home field advantage instead of having to help suddenly.
I don't think Ranald will be very cheerful about the idea of us reaching into Mork's mouth with the intent of stealing a fistful of Mork's teeth.
It's like you're trying to make us suspicious of him.

I'm honestly good with any of the instrument choices winning.
At this point I feel like we're going to find out he does have a big secret that he's hiding, but it's not that important in the long run. Not Chaos or Necromancy or anything close to actual proscribed magic, but something that he really wants hidden. He purposefully acts a little suspicious around Mathilde to steer her in the wrong direction.

Perhaps: he secretly has a relationship (and possibly children) which is against the rules of his college, he's actually the Emperor's spymaster, he has 6 toes on one foot which is technically a mutation, or he writes really embarrassing romance novels.
I wish the fiddle was a better option because teufelsgeige means devil's violin and that's fuckin perfect. Also, would you translate Lady sotto voice as Lady of Silence or Lady of Whispers?

It's like you're trying to make us suspicious of him.

He's been forced to kiss the ass of grandmaster fuckup for decades and now he's free but he can't quite kick the habit, therefor self-mockery.
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While it would be nice if everything goes of exactly as planned, perhaps due to some sort of divine intervention, you're completely prepared for this to break down somewhere along the way, and to take advantage of the opportunities that breakdown will present to learn more about the area and its inhabitants.
*goes off exactly
It's all well and good to tell people to crank the noisebox every day to see if anything's off, but if it's what they use for music then they really will by listening to it every day."
*really will be listening

Thank you for the update!
I figure there's a line somewhere in Ranald's mind between "admirable risk-taking for the sake of pulling off a theft" and "look, I admire bold action but I don't want you to die and I don't want you to open up a channel from the unadulterated wrath of Mork into the core of my being in the process of dying either."
Sotto voce is what it's labelled on a script when a character is supposedly whispering, but the audience is supposed to hear them. It could imply quiet revelation of hidden truth, or it could mean that you're acting like you're sneaky but you're actually loud enough for even the people in the cheap seats to hear.
Sotto voce is what it's labelled on a script when a character is supposedly whispering, but the audience is supposed to hear them. It could imply quiet revelation of hidden truth, or it could mean that you're acting like you're sneaky but you're actually loud enough for even the people in the cheap seats to hear.

I mean... she's not wrong. :V

I figure there's a line somewhere in Ranald's mind between "admirable risk-taking for the sake of pulling off a theft" and "look, I admire bold action but I don't want you to die and I don't want you to open up a channel from the unadulterated wrath of Mork into the core of my being in the process of dying either."

That is a bit like arguing Ulric has a line about 'look I like it when you charge the enemy bare chested and howl like a wolf, but I don't want you do die'. The gods are not their followers nanny, survival instinct is up to the mortal.
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I am almost certain we are better known in the old world (and ulthuan even) then our own patriarch.
To the extent that educated people (such as Egrimm) thought he was dead… until we gave the game away.
He sighs. "What about yours? Magister Patriarch Olorin, isn't it? I've never heard much about them, which I suppose is only natural."

"Olorin retired back when I was an Apprentice. Algard is the current Magister Patriarch."

He frowns. "Algard, of the Storm-Towers? I'd assumed he was dead."
That is a bit like arguing Ulric has a line about 'look I like it when you charge the enemy bare chested and howl like a wolf, but I don't want you do die'. The gods are not their followers nanny, survival instinct is up to the mortal.
First, I don't think that principle extends to cases where the god is at risk of being harmed along with the mortal.

Second, survival instinct is up to the mortal is not a great argument in favor of doing very dangerous things from the point of view of a character whose self-preservation is reasonably robust.
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