Starfleet Design Bureau

At this point, I'd be well and truly shocked if any one design, ours or not, gets picked over the other. The Newton-class and the Halley Project both complement each other quite well, in my opinion, and I think we'll be seeing a fair amount of both classes entering service.
Maybe, maybe not.
I do expect the Halleys to have a significantly longer lifespan in service.

[X] Halley-class. After comets.
There's also a few other volume maximising designs that could be chosen that would serve a bit better from a tactical perspective but still give us comparable volume to play around with.
Damn right. Federation cube now! If the Borg can do it, then we can do it better.

[X] Hemiunu-class. After famous builders and architects.
[X] Halley-class. After comets.
I also wouldn't count this out on being able to place a minefield (as long as it isn't last minute) or seed weapons platforms. With antimatter stores and a bunch of fabrication bays they might be able to manufacture the mines and then load them up with antimatter. When dealing with such things I'd also expect careful handling and placement would be a concern.

If Starfleet makes a bunch of these (and I'd expect almost everyone to see the value of doing so) then those specialist pod designs or some modified interfaces allowing access could become common.
Heh, do we get a UFS Elon Musk if Archer wins? I remember that's a canon thing from Discovery.

"How do you want to be remembered in history? Alongside the Wright Brothers, Elon Musk, Zefram Cochrane? Or... as a selfish little man, who put the survival of his own ego before the lives of others"

Poor Discovery, it's really not aging well.
Heh, do we get a UFS Elon Musk if Archer wins? I remember that's a canon thing from Discovery.

"How do you want to be remembered in history? Alongside the Wright Brothers, Elon Musk, Zefram Cochrane? Or... as a selfish little man, who put the survival of his own ego before the lives of others"

Poor Discovery, it's really not aging well.

Disco has a lot of awesome stuff going for it, The Usual Suspects on the internet did it no favors. Neither did the fact that people saw the beginning of Season 1 and thought it would be Grim Dark Hard Man Trek when they were establishing the Antithesis to their Thesis.

But yeah, that line is pretty funny. Musk hadn't gone mask off yet, plenty of people - myself included - bought the hype back then. I'm chalking it up to historical context being lost in World War III.
Heh, do we get a UFS Elon Musk if Archer wins? I remember that's a canon thing from Discovery.

"How do you want to be remembered in history? Alongside the Wright Brothers, Elon Musk, Zefram Cochrane? Or... as a selfish little man, who put the survival of his own ego before the lives of others"

Poor Discovery, it's really not aging well.

Well, given what Sayle thinks of Discovery's take on S31 I feel it's a pretty safe assumption that that charlatan is a simple footnote in history. A less long lasting Henry Ford, if you will.

Also damn in retrospect is that line double funny, since I'm pretty sure the Wright Brothers quickly went into the 'patent shit and grow rich off of it' line of thinking that lead to them quickly loosing importance in early aviation.
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[X] Halley-class. After comets.
[X] Hemiunu-class. After famous builders and architects.

Yeah, the main thing with the Newton to me seems to be... They're trying to do the Saladin again, but didn't even manage to achieve its A- Tactical on an S-Rank cost ship. The difference in cost between a Halley and a Newton is very small, but a Halley provides vastly more utility for the cost, only has marginally inferior tactical scores (It's just that Alpha Strike is extremely over-emphasized in the Tactical scores even though you'll almost never get a position where you get a full alpha strike in. So you could build a ship of nothing but torpedo launchers and it would get S-Rank Tactical, but probably lose almost every battle in practice because Torpedoes can actually miss when the Federation's major rivals love being dodgy, cheap, spammable, low profile frigates.)

Honestly, it's weird that our Tactical is so much worse than the Newton's despite on paper having equal average performance, greater coverage, and technically in a pinch we can dump the cargo pod and get High mobility and remove our biggest blind spot. It seems like Starfleet Tactical mostly only considers battles against heavy cruisers and the like to be the only fights that matter even though in practice, we're almost always fighting wolfpacks of lightly armored glass cannons? It's also weird that the Defense is worse than the Cygnus despite having two generations superior hull plating, is the ORB really that much of a hit on our defense rating?

A single extra forward torpedo launcher doesn't feel to me to be more than a full letter grade in difference against the most likely enemies of a logistics ship like this, so something weird seems to be going on with the rankings here.

The Newton has a higher alpha strike than the Halley thanks to the extra front launcher, but also the same number of phaser emitters, all concentrated at the frontal arc. All it needs to do is keep its front vaguely pointed towards the enemy, which with High manoeuvrability, it has a decent chance of doing. This means the Newton can semi-reliably concentrate two phaser beams and two launchers at once, whilst the Halley in the best case scenario is hitting with one of each. That's all there is to it really.

More generally, there's a lot of assumptions being made here which I think may be worth re-examining? Manoeuvrability is actually extremely important even when fighting smaller more agile ships. (The debut of the Selachii against the Kzin shuttlecraft is a good demonstration here.) Being able to fight capital ships, which the Klingons use as the lynchpin of their line of battle. Probably we took a hit to our rating due to flaws in the hull plating as well, but a lot of this is stuff that has come a few times or been stated outright in the Quest.

Like I get the temptation to quibble here - I felt similarly over the Shuttlebay not having any facility to be loaded from the cargo pod earlier - but ultimately Starfleet Tactical probably do know their business better than we do. @Sayle isn't putting the Ratings in as a form of unreliable narrator; they are generally pretty accurate and take into account things like probable enemy fleet composition.
I also wouldn't count this out on being able to place a minefield (as long as it isn't last minute) or seed weapons platforms. With antimatter stores and a bunch of fabrication bays they might be able to manufacture the mines and then load them up with antimatter. When dealing with such things I'd also expect careful handling and placement would be a concern.

Honestly I would suggest if someone wants to Manifest this into reality, the best bet would be to write a good omake about it. Or even better, do some art* of the Halley with a mine-laying module installed. A mine-sweeping module would also be a reasonable idea, come to think of it, as the Klingons will certainly use mines of their own. Or perhaps you could develop a combined mine-laying/sweeping module, able to drop both mines, and submunitions for detonating mines? Food for thought.

*(Cough cough @Mechanis cough.)
Heavy Armored Demolition Engineering System Pod.
I can just imagine the exchange.

Klingon: "How can you claim to be a peaceful people, Federation, when you design modular Super Weapons able to be mounted on any freighter?!"

Federation engineer, baffled at the concept of tools being used for warfare: "But... It's for stellar scale geo-engineering."

Klingon: "You can wipe out a colony with it! It is clearly a weapon!"

Federation engineer, being possessed by the Spirit of McArthur: "But with the biosphere intact, it can still be recolonized! If it were a weapon, we'd have added a cobalt seath, to cover a target world in a sea of radio-active cobalt from pole-to-pole!"

Klingon, visibly disturbed, while the engineer's colleaque leaves to look for a priest to exorcise McArthur, again.
I can just imagine the exchange.

Klingon: "How can you claim to be a peaceful people, Federation, when you design modular Super Weapons able to be mounted on any freighter?!"

Federation engineer, baffled at the concept of tools being used for warfare: "But... It's for stellar scale geo-engineering."

Klingon: "You can wipe out a colony with it! It is clearly a weapon!"

Federation engineer, being possessed by the Spirit of McArthur: "But with the biosphere intact, it can still be recolonized! If it were a weapon, we'd have added a cobalt seath, to cover a target world in a sea of radio-active cobalt from pole-to-pole!"

Klingon, visibly disturbed, while the engineer's colleaque leaves to look for a priest to exorcise McArthur, again.
Vulcan - This is your reminder that Humans are a peaceful species because they came mere moments from self extinction and don't want to repeat that.