Starfleet Design Bureau

[X] Hemiunu-class. After famous builders and architects.
[X] Archer-class. After famous engineers.

These will be fine names, though I've seen a few good others as well.

You shouldn't hide this in smalltext. New quests, like yours, need all the advertising they can get. Especially if they're in an original setting.

I appreciate the shout-out. I didn't want to come off as blatantly out to advertise in an unrelated thread, but if the prevailing attitude is such that it's kosher, then please, feel free to join in if you haven't already. There's a lot of galaxy to explore.
Honestly I really hate thread discords. They are isolating to those who cannot easily access discord. They promote bandwagoning behind whatever conclusion the discord comes to at the cost of in thread debate.
I'm not entirely sure this will be a positive development for the quest.

For one discords associated with quests tend to suck up all the discussion there, making the decision making process much less fair for those who do not participate in the server. Which also leads to much context being lost, as discord is a poor substitute for a forum in terms of longevity of content.
Adding on to these two points; Discord does not do long term storage. Like, by any metric whatsoever. This might not be a problem for quests that have a short run-time, but for longer quests and people like us who often have issues that might knock a quest out of action for a couple weeks to months, that's basically a great deal of wasted time and effort (which just makes people very unhappy) because the only people who actually remember anything that was said were the ones who cared enough to write it down in the moment. Which, if writing it down was something you wanted why didn't you just do it in the thread in the first place?

And of course this doesn't touch on the fact that discourse of any kind suffers when emotion and rhetoric starts substituting for logic and game mechanics, and nothing promotes that issue like a rapid text-chain where entire pages of relevant data can disappear in less than ten seconds.

[X] Archer-class. After famous engineers.

No strong feelings one way or another, so rolled a D6 and got this.
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Adding on to these two points; Discord does not do long term storage. Like, by any metric whatsoever. This might not be a problem for quests that have a short run-time, but for longer quests and people like us who often have issues that might knock a quest out of action for a couple weeks to months, that's basically a great deal of wasted time and effort (which just makes people very unhappy) because the only people who actually remember anything that was said were the ones who cared enough to write it down in the moment. Which, if writing it down was something you wanted why didn't you just do it in the thread in the first place?
I was genuinely baffled when I realized so many people were apparently using discord for image hosting, like in the media posts here.
It's not an image hosting service, it's a chat room.
This ship is going to be constantly operating at the edges of the Federation, edges thst don't have the luxury of close by Pharos-class and which will basically constantly be growing further from them. Extra fuel tanks means we can actually reach the frontier to build it, and also serve beyond it as a tender or support ship.

Thank you for that man.
I still feel its a GRIEVOUS misstep, and having it range further is going to lead to it getting constantly attacked/ambushed. But At least know I understand the reasoning.

Again, my sincere thanks.
Oof, Orbs are painful on the tactical front. Still only 50% coverage for the game stats. However cost wise we're golden, roughly triple the engineering for barely any more cost.

I'm on a Yu-Gi-Oh kick, so Hemiunu-class for me
It's not just the Orb. The Cargo Pod is also giving us a painful blind spot.


While I like the idea of naming this after engineers, I find it likely that when this ship gets to work, the design work will mostly be done and it's time to get your hands dirty.

[X] Hemiunu-class. After famous builders and architects.
I'm expecting these things to have an unusually long service life, even by Star Trek standards. They're not exciting by any measure, but they're a simple and direct answer to two eternal questions: How do we get shit where it needs to go, and how do we build basic infrastructure at a place.

I don't really have any strong feelings about the name though.