Starfleet Design Bureau

[X] Hemiunu-class. After famous builders and architects.
[X] Archer-class. After famous engineers.

I'm of the opinion that to some extent these are basically the same thing, so I don't mind which wins.
When building militarized stuff being able to supply an initial amount of antimatter to keep it operating until the slower normal tankers can arrive is handy. 2-3 of these ships working to build a Pharos could combine to give it a decent initial reserve too.

On smaller colonies the cost to get a dedicated antimatter shipment could also mean they are really infrequent and poorly served. This lets starfleet have some additional ability to move antimatter from Pharos stations and core worlds to places where making or easily getting antimatter hasn't been an option. Those places aren't burning a crazy amount of it everyday but if a ton of Halleys are floating around it decreases the hurdles to expanded use.

I like Halley for it's roaming nature. Builders and architects is cool too.
[X] Halley-class. After comets.
[X] Hemiunu-class. After famous builders and architects.
[X] Archer-class. After famous engineers.
It's the last ship using that kind of warp core naming it after Archer makes sense.
Something that occurs to me: If we hadn't picked up the additional anti-matter storage, the ORB would've been straight up inferior at its potential role as a transport as compared to the Newton Class. The straight up only reason we're dusting them here is due to that extra 70ly of range, and that has the benefit of being applicable in a wider range of scenarios.

Kinda curious as to how SanFran eked out that extra 16ly of distance, unless that extra 0.2 warp factor really makes that big a difference?
Operational range is the out-and-back trip, so the extra .4 warp factor absolutely makes a difference. With an efficient cruise of 175C compared to 140c, the Newton gets there-and back that much faster...unless you burn extra antimatter and jump up to the maximum cruise speed of the ORB at 238c, which gets you there-and-back in only eight months. The downside is, you burn through more fuel, and put more wear on the Dilithium.

Of course, this is illustrative-we don't know how long maximum cruise can be sustained for a given design, nor how much less fuel efficent it is, and where high gear vs low makes sense. But, in general, the ORB's lower speed does mean that for the same antimatter bunkerage, it is getting less range.
[X] Archer-class. After famous engineers.

I like the idea to name the last batch of ships that use this particular drive after its creator.
Is admiral Archer still around?
[X] Halley-class. After comets.
It fits aesthetically and functionally, with the ship being the head and the container being the tail, and traveling (relatively) slowly between the stars, possibly in semi-regular intervals.

I do want to use the Archer-class name eventually though, maybe for a high-speed scout ship.
I want the Hemiunu-class, for building things on the scale of the Pyramids.

Shame about the microfractures, they'll work out the kinks but that will drive the engineers absolutely BATTY over the service life. I know it would drive me nuts, even if it had no immediate negative consequences.

Not surprised about our underwhelming tactical. The thread was talking like this would be a combat engineer, and that was just never going to happen.
[X] Gofannon-class

Why not Gofannon. He is a god of blacksmithing, ale, architecture. He would be a good name for a ship that can manufacture stuff with its haul and maybe turned its cargo pods into a structure.

Or you can look up a list Here for other smiting God's. We should do the old classic way of naming ships.
[X] Archer-class. After famous engineers.
I think the ratings are about what was to be expected, this isn't made to fight, it can but it shouldn't.
Being just a little more expensive while blowing the Newton out of the water in engineering is pretty great to me.
The Halley isn't bad in a fight for being a floating warehouse and factory.
A warship, the Halley ain't, but it will last long enough to either cripple pirate raiders or get up to speed and outrun them.