[X] Retinue - The more effort and time Hultressa puts into this act, the more assets she can actually bring with her to the Auction as her presumed efforts 'work out' in terms of recruitment. Some effort will already be made, enough to bring Frederick, but any other assets will require some time put towards this. Doing so will allow Hultressa to much more strongly justify bringing in others, arming them even as her guards, and so on. Therefore, once you are at the Temple of Khaine, you will have that many more weapons and bodies at hand to aid you.
I trust the millenarian veteran to know her own limits. Rescuing a damsel from a Druchii auction is what Roland was made for;
I trust the millenarian veteran to know her own limits. Rescuing a damsel from a Druchii auction is what Roland was made for;