[X] Conserving Strength - Spending time running about may well end up being less valuable than Hultressa focusing purely on conserving her strength and building her focus and power for what is to come. Also, apparently, something about scrolls, possibly something about potions. Either way, it would mean no effort put behind anything else but ensuring that Hultressa is able to bring her full focus and power to bear when it comes to the Auction proper.
Give Hultressa some time to recuperate. She's been going full tilt ever since she picked up Frederick and Co. Based on how she almost went full Wrathful Matriarch on Eldrya, she could really benefit from some R&R. Especially since she'll be leaving Gwendolyn alone with Eldrya during the auction.
This is the calm before the storm. Making sure everyone's resolve is solid will pay off dividends.
Give Hultressa some time to recuperate. She's been going full tilt ever since she picked up Frederick and Co. Based on how she almost went full Wrathful Matriarch on Eldrya, she could really benefit from some R&R. Especially since she'll be leaving Gwendolyn alone with Eldrya during the auction.
This is the calm before the storm. Making sure everyone's resolve is solid will pay off dividends.