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[X][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X] [COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
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[X] [LIBRARY] Back-fill: geography
[X] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)

For this option:
[] [COLLEGE] Translations of Extensive/Obscure Asur Medicine and Anatomy texts into Reikspiel, to be donated to the Temple of Shallya (Pay with 6 College Favor)
do we think giving it to just the Shallyans and not also the Vereneans would irritate the tensions we already have? or is it enough in Shallya's sphere that the Vereneans wouldnt feel snubbed being left out of knowledge sharing?
For this option:
[] [COLLEGE] Translations of Extensive/Obscure Asur Medicine and Anatomy texts into Reikspiel, to be donated to the Temple of Shallya (Pay with 6 College Favor)
do we think giving it to just the Shallyans and not also the Vereneans would irritate the tensions we already have? or is it enough in Shallya's sphere that the Vereneans wouldnt feel snubbed being left out of knowledge sharing?
I think the Verenans would understand. Verena is Shallya's mother so Their followers can't be too annoyed with one another.

Besides, the Verenans are extremely decentralized as a Cult. We only really have tensions with the Nuln ones, I don't think the others would mind all that much that Shallyans are getting new ways of curing people.
If there is knowledge they would like to have then the venerians can come to our library filled with giant spiders just like everyone else. 😌
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Why do power stones have colour-specific names? Goldstones and crystal mist, for example. Unlike Age of Sigmar where power stone equivalents have unique properties and appearance, Fantasy power stones all have the exact same function and appearance bar colour.
I think the Verenans would understand. Verena is Shallya's mother so Their followers can't be too annoyed with one another.

Besides, the Verenans are extremely decentralized as a Cult. We only really have tensions with the Nuln ones, I don't think the others would mind all that much that Shallyans are getting new ways of curing people.
And it's not like the Verenans couldn't then just go to the Shallyans themselves and say "hey, when you come to us to make new copies of these books to replace the worn out ones, do you mind if we make an extra one for our own library?"
[X] [DWARF] Negotiation to examine Phoenix Crown and its enchantments. (Pay with Runesmith Guild Boon)

Just imagine the bragging rights we'd get for the Elfcation.
-I think they should get Arthropods because Patrons of the Old World page 14 tells us that the Eonir weave the intelligence of spiders into their weapons, and their Textile books presumably have information on weaving spider silk, which'd need spiders.
-Snakes, because Atharti.


-For Flora: Old World Wetlands, unless that's covered by Forests.

It's not, but it's expertise held by the House that controls that ward, not the Library of Mournings.

-Books relating to the Heomreth if they exist in Divided Loyalties, unless that's covered by Hoeth or Birds of Prey.

Birds of Prey.

-Ursines, Chiroptera, and Canines if the Eonir employ bears, bats, and giant wolves in warfare like the Wood Elves do in Total War (they also use giant spiders).
They don't, the Asrai vibe of unleashing the savagery of nature is a separate doctrine to the Eonir having meticulously shaped the wild to serve them.
-Books on mutation maybe?

Elves generally don't.

If they're in the Laurelorn area, they aren't getting written about.

-Demigryphs if they exist in Laurelorn, unless that's covered by Birds of Prey.
They got pushed into the Drakwald.

-Octopoda. There's wetlands nearby so you've got bog octopi, and WFRP 2e: WFRP Companion p113 has elven writing saying bog octopi were servants of the Old Ones.

As per wetlands.

-Rune Magic. If even the Empire's got it, elves probably do too. I believe this counts as theory? Or at least more similar to Enchantment than Rituals.

If they have writings on the subject, then they know better than to give copies to a library in a Dwarfhold.

-Gut Magic, for obvious reasons.

You're going to have to explain how this is obvious.

-Warpstone, because it's found everywhere IIRC and Eonir are the type to use Dark Magic.
Writings on the subject amount to 'don't', which is probably more advisable to heed than any amount of step-by-step instructions.

-Asur books on phoenixes, unless they count as Birds of Prey.

They're occasional visitors, rather than native to the area.

-Whatever birds are associated with Loec.

There aren't any.
-Incarnate elementals unless they're part of the Wind subjects rather than Elementals.

Part of the Wind subjects.

-Recreational drugs unless that's covered by Medicine or, like alcohol, the Stacks.

Not a subject I'm keen on tackling lightly.

-Shields, as in using them (making them would be Carpentry I believe).

Part of the various one-handed weapon styles.

-Fletching, unless that's covered by Carpentry.

And Archery.

-Are constructs like fenbeasts their own subject?


Actually @Boney is the Rituals subject about the theory behind rituals, or is it actual spell lists of rituals?

Both, but with separate sets of restrictions for who can access them.

[] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)

@Boney This write-in was first proposed a long time ago. Could we do this without specifying that we pay with AV? Just ask if it could happen, and then consider what prices the Runesmith Guild would ask of us? (Including AV, presumably.)

You could, but that is a different approach that may garner a different response.

Why do power stones have colour-specific names? Goldstones and crystal mist, for example. Unlike Age of Sigmar where power stone equivalents have unique properties and appearance, Fantasy power stones all have the exact same function and appearance bar colour.

Branding. Within the Colleges each method of creation was discovered by a separate Wizard, so each had and took the opportunity to inflict their sense of aesthetics upon the unsuspecting world.
Branding. Within the Colleges each method of creation was discovered by a separate Wizard, so each had and took the opportunity to inflict their sense of aesthetics upon the unsuspecting world.
Terry Pratchett Narrator Voice: This was a notable feat, given that the population of Altdorf was already quite suspecting of the Colleges and their sense of aesthetics.
@Boney Once we are sure that the giant tree has finished its growth spur and stabilized, can we make a joint project between Mathilde and Panoramia to make the coolest human-made treehouse/literal love nest up there?
Honestly depending on how big it gets we might be able to set up a small village in there. Maybe a few Dwarfs will be interested in testing out their carpentry skills with such a project.
Honestly depending on how big it gets we might be able to set up a small village in there. Maybe a few Dwarfs will be interested in testing out their carpentry skills with such a project.
Considering how high the damned tree already is I doubt that many people want to regularly climb up and down the stairs to get there in the first place...

Mathilde and Pan are a special case because considering where both live and work in K8P the "Everyday is leg day" fully applies to them both
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More things have been added since the last summary, so here's a new rundown of the state of our elf books:
Natural Science

Anatomy +15 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Astronomy +7
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Asur
Chemistry +8 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Dwarven
Ecology +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Geography +9
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Humorism +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Hydrology +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Logic +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Mathematics +8 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Meteorology +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Mineralogy +10 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Physics +8
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Toxins +12
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive Eonir

Arthropods +15 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Birds of Prey +5
- Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Canines +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Centaurs, Minotaurs, and Harpies +2 - Extensive Asur
Chaos Spawn +5
- Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Dragons and Draconids +13
- Extensive Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive Asur / Extensive Eonir
Equines +3
- Extensive and Obscure Asur
Gors and Ungors +5
- Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Ungulates +5
- Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Rodents and Mustelids +6 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive and Antiquarian Skaven
Serpents +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Eonir

Old World Forests +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Eonir

Cathay +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Cathayan (T)
The Chaos Wastes +8 - Extensive and Antiquarian Imperial / Extensive and Antiquarian Dwarven
The Dark Lands +9 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Antiquarian Dwarven
Dragon Isles +2 - Extensive Dwarven
The Great Steppes +4 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Dwarven
Mountains of Mourn +3 - Imperial / Extensive Dwarven
The Old World +11- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Antiquarian Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Ulthuan +2
- Extensive Asur

The Far Sea +2 - Extensive Asur
The Great Ocean +2
- Extensive Asur
- The Sea of Claws +4 - Extensive Asur / Extensive Eonir
The Sea of Dread +2
- Extensive Asur

Social Science

Ethics +9 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Law +9
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Linguistics +17
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Literature +7
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Asur
Music and Poetry +15
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Philosophy +12
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Rhetoric +12
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Theology +8
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Dwarven / Asur
Trade +12
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive Eonir

Civilized Realms
The Asrai of Athel Loren +10 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
The City-States of Tilea +10 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
The Druchii of Naggaroth +4 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian
The Empire of Man +10 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
The Eonir of Laurelorn +15 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
The Estalian Kingdoms +10 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
The Great Cities of Nehekhara +6 - Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
The Halflings of the Moot +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
The Karaz Ankor +14 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive Asur
The Kingdom of Bretonnia +12 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
The Old Ones +3 - Extensive and Obscure Asur
The Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan +10
- Extensive Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive and Obscure Asur
The Tzardom of Kislev +10 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
The We +2 - Imperial / Dwarven

Enemies of Man
Beastmen +12 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Chaos Dwarves +9 - Extensive and Obscure Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Skaven (Only Esoteric)
Daemons +6 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Greenskins +13
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Asur
Hobgoblin Khanates +4 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Dwarven
Marauder Tribes +4 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Dwarven
Ogre Kingdoms +8 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Dwarven
Skaven +15 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Skaven / Extensive Asur
Undead +14 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Obscure Vampiric
Vampires +11 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive Dwarven / Obscure Vampiric

Applied Science

Agriculture +6 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Architecture +9
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Carpentry +5
- Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Engineering +16
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive Dwarven / Extensive and Esoteric Skaven (T) / Extensive Asur
Forestry +5
- Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Leatherworking +5
- Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Metallurgy +12
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Medicine +8
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Textiles +5
- Extensive and Esoteric Eonir

War and Combat
Archery +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Greatswords +12
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive Dwarven / Tilean (T) / Extensive Asur
Logistics +3
- Extensive Asur / Skaven
Polearms +3 - Extensive and Obscure Asur
Strategy +5
- Extensive Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Swords +3
- Extensive and Obscure Asur
Tactics +8
- Extensive Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir / Skaven
Unarmed +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Eonir


Teclisean Magic
Aethyr - The Warp +7 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Asur
Sevir - The Winds of Magic +9
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Qhaysh - High Magic +3
- Extensive Imperial / Asur
Ghyran - Life Magic +8
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Shyish - Death Magic +5
- Extensive Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Ghur - Beast Magic +5
- Extensive Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Chamon - Metal Magic +5
- Extensive Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Aqshy - Fire Magic +9
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Indic (T) / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Azyr - Celestial Magic +8
-Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Hysh - Light Magic +5
- Extensive Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Ulgu - Shadow Magic +8
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Dhar - Dark Magic +2
- Extensive Eonir

Advanced Magic
Divine Magic +4 - Extensive and Antiquarian Imperial
Elementalism +8 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Enchantment +7
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Asur
Familiars +7
- Extensive Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
The Old Ones +3
- Extensive and Obscure Asur
Potions +10
- Extensive and Obscure Imperial / Extensive Kislevite / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Power Stones +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Rituals +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Rune Magic +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Terraformation +2 - Extensive Eonir
Waystones and Henges +15
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive and Esoteric Asur

Magical Phenomena
Apparitions +8 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Asur
Elementals +6 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Kislevite
Forest Spirits +10 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Liminal Pathways +2
- Extensive Eonir
Liminal Realms +10
- Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Prophecy +6 - Extensive Imperial / Esoteric Vampiric

Dark Magic
Beastman Wild Magic +10 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Chaos Sorcery +6
- Extensive Imperial / Extensive Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Gut Magic +2 - Extensive Imperial
Necromancy +2 - Extensive Imperial
Skaven Warp Magic +6 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Waaagh Magic +4 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Dwarven
Warpstone +9 - Extensive Dwarven & Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Skaven


Old World Pantheon
The Lady of the Lake +2 - Extensive Bretonnian
Manann, Lord of the Seas +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Morr, God of Death and Dreams +4 - Extensive and Antiquarian Imperial
Myrmidia, Goddess of Civilization and its Defence +3 - Extensive and Obscure Imperial
Ranald, God of Trickery and Thieves +7 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian
Rhya, Earth Mother +3 - Extensive and Obscure Imperial
Shallya, the White Dove of Mercy +5 - Extensive and Obscure Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian
Sigmar Heldenhammer +3 - Extensive and Obscure Imperial
Taal, King of the Wild +3 - Extensive and Obscure Imperial
Ulric, God of Winter and Wolves +6 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Eonir
Verena, Goddess of Wisdom and Justice +3 - Extensive and Obscure Imperial
Gods of the Halflings +1 - Imperial
Minor Gods of the Old World +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial

The Gods of Kislev
The Ancient Widow +0
Ursun, the Great Bear +0
Tor, God of Thunder and Lightning +0
Dazh, God of Fire and Sun +2 - Extensive Kislevite
Salyak, Goddess of Healing and Comfort +0
Benign Spirits of Kislev +0

Dwarven Ancestor Gods
Grungni +5 - Extensive and Obscure Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Valaya +5
- Extensive and Obscure Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Grimnir +5
- Extensive and Obscure Dwarven / Extensive Asur
Thungni +2
- Dwarven / Asur
Smednir +2
- Dwarven / Asur
Morgrim +2
- Dwarven / Asur
Gazul +1 - Dwarven

Asuryan, the Creator +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Eldrazor, Lord of Blades +2
- Extensive Asur
Hoeth, Lord of Wisdom +5
- Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Isha, the Mother +5
- Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Kurnous, Father of the Wilds +2
- Extensive Asur
Ladrielle, Lady of Mists +2
- Extensive Asur
Lileath, Maiden of Dreams +2
- Extensive Asur
Loec, the Shadow Dancer +5
- Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Morai-Heg, the Keeper of Souls +5
- Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Vaul, the Maker +2
- Extensive Eonir

Anath Raema, the Savage Huntress +2 - Extensive Asur
Atharti, Lady of Desire +5
- Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Ereth Khial, the Pale Queen +2
- Extensive Asur
Hekarti, the Hydra Queen +5
- Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Khaine, the Bloody-Handed God +3
- Imperial / Extensive Asur
Nethu, Keeper of the Last Door +2
- Extensive Asur

Ellinill and the Ellinilli
Ellinill, Lord of Destruction +2 - Extensive Asur
Addaioth, Bringer of Wrath and Fire +3
- Asrai, Extensive Asur
Drakira, Queen of Vengeance +2
- Extensive Asur
Estreuth, Herald of Famine +2
- Extensive Asur
Hukon, the Sunderer +3
- Extensive and Obscure Asur
Mathlann, Lord of the Deeps +2
- Extensive Eonir

Nehekharan Cosmology
The Nehekharan Pantheon +0
The Mortuary Cult +0
Nehekharan Incantations +0
Nehekharan War-Statuary +0

Dark Gods
Great Maw +1 - Imperial
Hashut +3 - Extensive Imperial / Dwarven
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If they have writings on the subject, then they know better than to give copies to a library in a Dwarfhold.
Just to be clear, what does 'Rune Magic' refer to here? I thought it was talking about those symbols we etched into our staff rather than actual dwarf runes. Non-dwarf runes are everywhere in wizard aesthetics, plus we took a class on it and Runecraft is in our character sheet.

You're going to have to explain how this is obvious.
That one was a joke, mb.
Just to be clear, what does 'Rune Magic' refer to here? I thought it was talking about those symbols we etched into our staff rather than actual dwarf runes. Non-dwarf runes are everywhere in wizard aesthetics, plus we took a class on it and Runecraft is in our character sheet.

'Rune Magic' here means Runesmithing. Runes as part of Wind magic are covered by books on Enchantment, Rituals, and the individual Winds.

That one was a joke, mb.

I was fully prepared for there to be some deep lore link between the Eonir and the Ogres in some obscure splatbook or novel.
Anyways, looking at the current list of elf books, I'd think the library of mournings would include some stuff on Logic and Chemistry - the first, setting aside general humanities coverage, because of its ties to math and philosophy and the presumed usefulness to magical study.

The second because by gum we spent 2,000 gold on a lab from these folks, and if that doesn't indicate the inclusion of a cartoonish array of bulbous and twisty glasswork we probably got scammed. :V
You could, but that is a different approach that may garner a different response.
...From the Dawi, or the voters? Using a boon gained from doing wizard things at a runesmith's problem has a nice ring to it, I'll admit, but I think derp's mostly looking for a way not to split people based on how exactly we pay and instead decide once we know more about what those payments can buy.
Ulric, God of Winter and Wolves +6 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Eonir

I'm incredibly curious on how the Eonir version of him and the human one differ. and how those holes get squared.

and just generally how they practice their worship of him in elve style.
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