Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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It costs nothing to try, and if it's a bad idea we can back out. And if it works, then it brings two groups who otherwise wouldn't have any contact with each other together.

My concern is that the representative sent by the colleges to discuss the matter would need to be well versed in both college culture and dwarven culture to make it work, and I can think of just one candidate for that.

Well no, technically it costs an indeterminate but likely large amount of AV to try. For me it's just that the same AV would go to blowing up orcs so it's not like it's wasted.
There are idiots and bad actors in any organisation. To say then that the presence of those people makes any attempt at cooperation impossible is kinda defeatist. Its how you get to GWs "the world fell with Praag" take; that Order is doomed to fail because talking doesnt work.

One of the benefist of being judged as an individual is you will be blamed for the actions of at most one idiot.
One of the benefist of being judged as an individual is you will be blamed for the actions of at most one idiot.
Honestly, that's my point but much better brought to said point.
We can vouch for Mathilde because we are her... We can not vouch for dipshit wizard a, b and 3...

Edit: and keep in mind, someones gonna be a dipshit at some point and the dwarfs will remember that for an age and a half.
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On top of the varied aforementioned reasons, I will reiterate my opinion that if we really had to do it, I'd really rather do it with Kragg's boon rather than AV. We've given the dwarfs enough to power a lot of Anvil Runes for the upcoming Silver Road War.
Who prevents the genius but ruthless gold wizard from pilfering through runic lore bought by favors to then do something any reasonable dwarf would see as an almost personal attack?

Maybe I'm just overthinking but it just feels letting the dwarfs interact with the wizards would result in further "wizards are crazy, prone to explode and should only be trusted after extensive vetting" rather then harmony and peace for all...
I feel like it only assumes that floodgates would open directly between wizards and runesmiths which I don't think will happen.

What is most likely is that Dragomas will negotiate with the Runesmith guild for the exchange rate between favor economies and then set up one of the Collage Bursars to oversee the transfers. Any dwarf that wants something from Collages reach out to Bursar and vice versa. So any Joe Mc'Crazy that tries to blow up the moon with Dwarve Runes or Jake Mc'thief that seeks to steal runelore will need to get past said Bursar first before getting anywhere near a Dwarf.
So, when I say OOC information inducing decision making,

Not like any other Tomb Kings will care, he's an exile.

Even the dwarf wights aren't necessarily his fault, it's his traitorous vassals who buried him, IIRC, so that's probably on them

It's stuff like this.

And I end up torn between wanting to just vote against stuff that has this kind of support on principle, and wanting to see us go for it and having Boney change it so we get punished for assuming we already knew.
Well no, technically it costs an indeterminate but likely large amount of AV to try. For me it's just that the same AV would go to blowing up orcs so it's not like it's wasted.
Try it and find out. If the cost would be significant there'd be a chance to back out.

Anyways, neither the Runesmiths' guild nor the college leadership will want random yahoos to fuck things up, and figuring out how to prevent that would definitely be part of the negotiations. I don't think we should be concern as about that.

I mean, Mathilde will probably be present for some of the negotiations so she will be in character, but us players can count on the folks in the big hats to not shoot themselves.
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Anyways, neither the Runesmiths' guild nor the college leadership will want random yahoos to fuck things up, and figuring out how to prevent that would definitely be part of the negotiations. I don't think we should be concern as about that.

I mean, Mathilde will probably be present for some of the negotiations so she will be in character, but us players can count on the folks in the big hats to not shoot themselves.

Counterpoint: Alric. Has a big hat, had a bigger hat and wants it back.
Counterpoint: Alric. Has a big hat, had a bigger hat and wants it back.
His political rival with the bigger hat who will actually be involved instead of him knows this and will account for it when designing and agreeing to terms.

If she couldn't do that much Alric would still have the bigger hat. "What if my successor is a dumbass" is treaty design 101.

Who will have access to this new channel and under which circumstances and oversight will likewise be part of those terms, so Alric with his current hat is likewise something that will actively be accounted for.
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[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] Construction plan for Sonnigwiese for stone fortifications and manor with wizard tower.

Because stone carting stone is expensive and what the plan will cover will probaly trigger a subvote.
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Alric does a great job at everything he'd be helping the dwarves with. It's his leadership that's the problem.

Besides, earning dwarf favours isn't helpful, even if he could swap them for College favours. His problem isn't his favour stock, it's his College reputation.

The problem is that leadership in the Colleges is determined by duels, which Alric or people like him can win.
Alric (probably) isn't even in Altdorf anyway. By the time he hears of the deal, it'll be far too late for him to do any major damage. At worst, he'll sour his personal reputation with the dwarves—a feat he has already achieved with Elspeth and Roswita—and at best he'll blow up some orcs or something.

I don't even know what it'll take to get Alric back into some sort of prominence. Mira is not letting him back in easily.
The problem is that leadership in the Colleges is determined by duels, which Alric or people like him can win.
Well the Light college clearly had a whole bunch of other internal politics going on, or him and Mira wouldn't have had that whole back-and-forth they were doing.

Regardless, my point is that Alric both isn't going to be interested in making nice with the dwarves, and that if he was it'd be a good thing - both because he'd be good at it, and because he'd probably be giving up on his Patriarchal ambitions.
The problem is that leadership in the Colleges is determined by duels, which Alric or people like him can win.
Are you talking about Supreme Patriarch position? Nothing about it will change. If you are talking about Magister Patriarch it was never determined by duels (instead seem to be by vote?) and that won't change either. I don't think Alric becoming MP or SP is a problem for CF-DF trade agreement at all.

We might want to futureproof some by putting some safeguards and what not, but at somepoint you have to trust future generations to handle themselves. Trying to babyproof the universe is crazy and trying to create foolproof agreements about anything is challenge to universe to invent better fool. So just get most reasonable agreement we can get and if it doesn't work both sides can back off and will know better for the next time.
I was kind of against the dwarf deal, but thinking about it more in practice it's not really hugely different then what we did with putting the Lights in contact with the Guardians. So it's probably fine, I think my issue really just stems from the way the vote is worded. There's never going to be institutional access to Runesmith Favor, so phrasing it that way turned me off the idea. but there could be more institutional access towards allowing individuals to accrue that favor which is probably fine.
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[] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)

@Boney This write-in was first proposed a long time ago. Could we do this without specifying that we pay with AV? Just ask if it could happen, and then consider what prices the Runesmith Guild would ask of us? (Including AV, presumably.)
I think my issue really just stems from the way the vote is worded. There's never going to be institutional access to Runesmith Favor, so phrasing it that way turned me off the idea. but there could be more institutional access towards allowing individuals to accrue that favor which is probably fine.
Well it's two-to-one against the current version, so it's not likely passing. But 1/3 of the vote is encouraging enough to try again in a purchase round or two with better wording. Seeing what comes of the Morbs and finding out what seems likely as payment for a repeat performance would inform our AV expenditure anyway. If it's just "wow much college favour" then, given we'd been struggling to actually spend what we accrue of that naturally, a practical use of runesmith favour becomes that much more attractive as an alternative.
@Boney This write-in was first proposed a long time ago. Could we do this without specifying that we pay with AV? Just ask if it could happen, and then consider what prices the Runesmith Guild would ask of us? (Including AV, presumably.)
I'd assume that proposals for alternate payments will be an option for the "are you happy with the price" subvote Boney mentioned, either directly or as a write in, and "would you take our outstanding boon?" is a no-brainer question to ask at that point.
Still, something to remember for next time.
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[] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)

@Boney This write-in was first proposed a long time ago. Could we do this without specifying that we pay with AV? Just ask if it could happen, and then consider what prices the Runesmith Guild would ask of us? (Including AV, presumably.)
I will repeat, yet again, that we have a shiny boon from Kragg that might be preferable to use rather than AV, which we have already given a lot of to Runesmiths.
I will repeat, yet again, that we have a shiny boon from Kragg that might be preferable to use rather than AV, which we have already given a lot of to Runesmiths.

what if we had other plans for that boon?

[X] [DWARF] Negotiation to examine Phoenix Crown and its enchantments. (Pay with Runesmith Guild Boon)

Lets go.

I mean nobody is voting for it but if people want to pay with AV they must be thinking about it surely?
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[x] [DWARF] No purchase.
[x] [COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[x] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
The other half of getting the vote competetive is of course to get a whole bunch of boney posts confirming true things about it people are doubtful of and linking to an index of them in the write-in itself.

As for what WoBs, probably affirm the scope of what's being negotiated, "no, the colleges won't be incompetent about safeguards", and payment details.
Voting is open