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We are ghosts too. Vau-Vulkesh didn't make it either.Somewhat off-topic, but I am greatly spooked by the "we are in room full of ghosts" list that shows that pretty much all adaptationist craftworlds get destroyed in canon.
We are ghosts too. Vau-Vulkesh didn't make it either.Somewhat off-topic, but I am greatly spooked by the "we are in room full of ghosts" list that shows that pretty much all adaptationist craftworlds get destroyed in canon.
No surprise when you have someone like Biel-Tan running around pretty much working as a chaos proxy with their actions.
Spooky. I guess it fits with our black armor.
They kiss!Any thoughts on how the meeting with the asuryani will turn out?
Aerellian took a calculated risk, but the problem with those is when you start with garbage numbers you get garbage calculations. After all, most of the people he was planning on bullying are minors or smalls, and "well they're not going to get best use out of it anyway" combined with, between losing any Special Things and any damage from Biel-Tan convincing them to hand it over, well, if they have something unfortunate happen after that it's not like it's Biel-tan's fault, and isn't it lucky they grabbed the Special Thing before it could be lost?
Of course, then this happens, and he has to reeeealy hope that none of the people he was trying to extort keep it to themselves (they aren't.)
This is, in fact, their entire Praxis; "We'll just kill everything that we think is standing in the way of Glorious Aeldari Empire 2.0, including other Aeldari who disagree with us loudly enough (if we think we can get away with it,)." Yes this is incredibly self-defeating.
This is pretty much Biel-Tans operating modus:
So yes they are pretty much chaos proxies with their actions.
They are just making things worse for everyone else.
My point is that we're going to be provoking Biel-Tan regardless. Or rather Saim-Hann is. There is no outcome to pointing out their crimes in front of everyone that results in them going "oh whoopsie doopsie, guess we'll stop" instead of "these ungrateful savages are questioning our divine right to take whatever we want from anyone weaker than us, lets plot vengence". The only question is if we take a significant risk trying to nip that shit in the bud now, or just leave it as a ticking time bomb that'll go off the moment something causes vigilance to slip?Aldemot isn't about Biel-Tan, it's about Chaos and their curses. Last thing we need is a war between the Eldar. Also you are kinda assuming that other Craftworld's will be on board with this move? We on our own cannot do nothing besides provoke Biel-Tan and actually give them justification to wipe us out in self defense and Eldar are hardly united as you believe them to be.
Because of the precedent. If BT isn't actually punished, then we've established that you're allowed to kill and loot and sacrifice the good of the species if you have a big enough stick. Biel-Tan fundamentally cannot be trusted with this revelation.And Eldard will follow this course of action exactly why? Ulthwe will act on the future it sees and not all of them include Biel-Tan being a threat. If anything they aren't threat to Ulthwe, nor are few destroyed minor Craftworld's worthy of Ulthwe expending its own military power on this. Their main concern is Chaos and Biel-Tan may be potential ally for them.
I'm talking about the Dominion. Iyanden is desperately trying to pretend that the Dominion is still a thing or could soon return to being a thing, and a big part of their political power is their perceived legitimacy of its inheritors. If they just let the enslavement, robbery and soul-death of the Aeldari go with a "and don't do it again" then they'll be fucking up that perception of legitimacy even more than initially allying with BT in the first place already will.There's no governing body here, there's no guarantee that there will be another Aeldmoot.
Again, I'm not suggesting a conventional military assault and we absolutely should not "get used to" having a loose cannon with even more of a chip on their shoulder running around shooting blindly into the crowed. Yes, if nipping the Biel-Tan issue in the bud goes south it could fuck up our species, but you know what else could fuck up our species? The Commorraghites finally poking their heads out of the Webway and Biel-Tan going like "hmm... One of our largest cities survived the fall with significant stores of intact relics. These guys are a better shot at rebuilding the Dominion than those useless ingrates who took our rightfully 'rescued' artifacts away!"This group of slaver pirates are major Craftworld capable of fighting entire diaspora and are a major galactic power. In Warhammer these power's tend to act like assholes. We need to get used to it and not make rash moves that will fuck our species as a whole.
Again, it's not theoretical kinslaying and feeding souls, we know for a fact they've already attacked Craftworlds and left them for the local powers to finish off and that the vast majority of Craftworlds don't have enough Spirit Stones to house their entire populations, even aside from the risk of Daemons just nabbing the unguarded stones once everyone's dead. And I'm not suggesting we kill them and leave them to the Thirst. I literally mentioned that in the original plan. Try for non-lethal but, worst case, the leadership we're trying to take out will all have Spirit Stones anyway, and the rest can just be given community service for their complacency or whatever the Aeldmoot decides.Answer to theoretical kinslaying and feeding souls to Slaanesh cannot be feeding more souls to Slaanesh. We need to ignore emotions and think rationally here and at the end of the day Biel-Tan is something we need to live with and thus we need to kearn how to control it to our own ends.
Yeah, and that fucked up the future so bad that someone threw a light into the past to ensure our survival so hopefully the grimderp doesn't kill us all.That's how every major power in Warhammer operates and not just Eldari. Empire as well, including the Emperor.
Its canonical fact that Eldar would sacrifice entire human race if they could survive and vice versa and that Empire destroyed countless other human civilizations that disagreed with it.
That's how every major power in Warhammer operates and not just Eldari. Empire as well, including the Emperor.
Its canonical fact that Eldar would sacrifice entire human race if they could survive and vice versa and that Empire destroyed countless other human civilizations that disagreed with it.
I could, but I am not sure how to word it to fit it in. I mean Alaitoc's reaction to us will likely be very different when our rejection of the paths comes with us having proof to back it up.@Profilozof do you think you could maybe add a line in the Asuryani section of the plan about seeing if reconciliation with Alaitoc is possible?
I don't think it's possible without the info-bomb. We'll probably have some days after the moot to try diplomacy again.@Profilozof do you think you could maybe add a line in the Asuryani section of the plan about seeing if reconciliation with Alaitoc is possible?
... you do realize that we are soon to be the foremost Adaptionist craft world as the Asuryani and Revanchist factions implode from our and Saim-han's info bombs right? with natural survivalist support to boot since the ability to repopulate is essential to long-term survival of the aeldari species. with this we are soon to be effectively the lead voice in one of 3 factions with the majority of the Aeldari population and naval strength, on good terms with the other two. It's not a small amount of power.Once again we don't have wishes, only proposals and mediations.
As of now we even with prestige of revealing the curses we are non factor here and those that can want something are other major Craftworld's. We can give proposal to these Majors, we can influence them but we cannot want anything as we aren't even damaged party.
relax. they only destroyed the somewhat successful ones. the rest became Asuryani. of course, we are majorly successful in a way which kind of encourages our entire race to not settle for mere survival and possibly fucks up all there goals, but that's what people voted for.Somewhat off-topic, but I am greatly spooked by the "we are in room full of ghosts" list that shows that pretty much all adaptationist craftworlds get destroyed in canon.
based on the way it's written we'll send people who haven't called their leaders aims the acts of a fool publicly to see about finding level headed Asuryani close enough to him to gauge the possibility of an agreement to put the past behind us. with us calling this moot it can either go very well or very badly.Any thoughts on how the meeting with the asuryani will turn out?
So yes they are pretty much chaos proxies with their actions.
They are just making things worse for everyone else.
Its canonical fact that Eldar would sacrifice entire human race if they could survive and vice versa and that Empire destroyed countless other human civilizations that disagreed with it.
The only question is if we take a significant risk trying to nip that shit in the bud now, or just leave it as a ticking time bomb that'll go off the moment something causes vigilance to slip?
My point is that we're going to be provoking Biel-Tan regardless. Or rather Saim-Hann is. There is no outcome to pointing out their crimes in front of everyone that results in them going "oh whoopsie doopsie, guess we'll stop" instead of "these ungrateful savages are questioning our divine right to take whatever we want from anyone weaker than us, lets plot vengence". The only question is if we take a significant risk trying to nip that shit in the bud now, or just leave it as a ticking time bomb that'll go off the moment something causes vigilance to slip?
Because of the precedent. If BT isn't actually punished, then we've established that you're allowed to kill and loot and sacrifice the good of the species if you have a big enough stick. Biel-Tan fundamentally cannot be trusted with this revelation.
I'm talking about the Dominion. Iyanden is desperately trying to pretend that the Dominion is still a thing or could soon return to being a thing, and a big part of their political power is their perceived legitimacy of its inheritors. If they just let the enslavement, robbery and soul-death of the Aeldari go with a "and don't do it again" then they'll be fucking up that perception of legitimacy even more than initially allying with BT in the first place already will.
Again, I'm not suggesting a conventional military assault and we absolutely should not "get used to" having a loose cannon with even more of a chip on their shoulder running around shooting blindly into the crowed. Yes, if nipping the Biel-Tan issue in the bud goes south it could fuck up our species, but you know what else could fuck up our species? The Commorraghites finally poking their heads out of the Webway and Biel-Tan going like "hmm... One of our largest cities survived the fall with significant stores of intact relics. These guys are a better shot at rebuilding the Dominion than those useless ingrates who took our rightfully 'rescued' artifacts away!"
Again, it's not theoretical kinslaying and feeding souls, we know for a fact they've already attacked Craftworlds and left them for the local powers to finish off. And I'm not suggesting we kill them and leave them to the Thirst. I literally mentioned that in the original plan. Try for non-lethal but, worst case, the leadership we're trying to take out will all have Spirit Stones anyway, and the rest can just be given community service for their complacency or whatever the Aeldmoot decides.
Yeah, and that fucked up the future so bad that someone threw a light into the past to ensure our survival so hopefully the grimderp doesn't kill us all.
... you do realize that we are soon to be the foremost Adaptionist craft world as the Asuryani and Revanchist factions implode from our and Saim-han's info bombs right? with natural survivalist support to boot since the ability to repopulate is essential to long-term survival of the aeldari species. with this we are soon to be effectively the lead voice in one of 3 factions with the majority of the Aeldari population and naval strength, on good terms with the other two. It's not a small amount of power.
but it is true we can't claim goods not stolen from us. we can however nudge Saim-han and Ulthwe into putting Beil-tan to work retreiving soul stones for craft worlds more at threat than us and less capable of acquiring there own.
You know what change of topic I find myself wanting to make a super heavy armed with a Graviton Sheer Bombard for the fun of it.
Just wonderful. The Engagement! The Feelings of rigtheous Indignation! *Gets more Popcorn*
That Infodrop will be hilarious. I am not going to worry over anything before that.
Iyanden is going to be looking to run damage control, and Saim-han and the 60 worlds backing them before there reveal got them some new allies aren't going to just be shushed into accepting that it's being dealt with, and we have Iyanden's favor. there are three days before the reveal and there will be at least one after and if we feed Iyanden a means of damage control that ties up a moderate or large percentage of Beil-tan's martial strength so they have less to leverage towards malicious actions, they'll take it.Soon, but not for this Aeldmoot where this question will be asked. Otherwise my entire counterpoint was against aggressive actions.
would you settle for artillery instead?You know what change of topic I find myself wanting to make a super heavy armed with a Graviton Sheer Bombard for the fun of it.
Indeed. hoping to send a line fleet and a pair of warhosts to escort civilians to tug scrap back to the system our craft world is in. see about. probably won't touch them for a good while, but having them and denying them to Orks is worth doing.I am hoping for new Hulls for our Designs. Then stick as much Dakka on it as possible. I want the Orks to give up on Gork and Mork and worship us instead. For we are brutally cunning and cunningly brutal!
I already did that though I might revise that design due to the cost of changing slots and besides just try telling me that having the ability to literally quarter a titan doesn't appeal to you.
The Asuryani aren't going to implode--their solution still clearly works, at least in the short term. They'll adjust their approach with the new information, but its hardly reason to abandon it.... you do realize that we are soon to be the foremost Adaptionist craft world as the Asuryani and Revanchist factions implode from our and Saim-han's info bombs right? with natural survivalist support to boot since the ability to repopulate is essential to long-term survival of the aeldari species. with this we are soon to be effectively the lead voice in one of 3 factions with the majority of the Aeldari population and naval strength, on good terms with the other two. It's not a small amount of power.