The idea that, by massively upgrading this ship's capabilities for
nothing more than an opportunity cost we would not plausibly be taking anyway, we somehow made it less efficient is... I struggle to parse it.
Unless you genuinely believe we're going to roll out Thunderchild Mk. II, Photonic Boogaloo in the next six years, whilst we already have a ton of Selachiis... this is the perfect time to put our arms industry to good use in making a more powerful second line combatant. Otherwise that industry is simply going to waste! Even if you think we'd build another "patrol cruiser" like the Cygnus after this.... this cost/capability balance this ship offers is amazing due to a fortuitous blend of circumstances. We're not likely to get that again, it's like rolling a Nat 20.
It's like... I just don't get it.
It's like a reverse version of utilitarianism, where exceeding the minimum capabilities at the same unit cost is bad.
It is a turn of phrase to represent the options
@Sayle has made available to us.