Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Rulership
Sub-Genre: MLP: FIM Alternate Universe
Format: DnD-inspired, CYOA Inspired
The Pony in the High Crystal is based on a different timeline where Princess Cadance doesn't exist, but one that was still ruled by King Sombra after defeating those Element Brats and placing them in his prison. The Crystal Ponies live in disharmony, with the world inching to a war between the Crystals and the Equestrians. It is the job for a Crystal Pony (Or a group of them) to take down the leadership and save their fellow ponies.
There are many paths to take this, with even content sprawling taking into account many ways and decisions that can be taken within the QM's Handbook. There is even a system in place in case the Pony chooses the path of leadership, and how they can influence the world and their own Kingdom – Whether they fall into darkness, into Harmony, or both – and other decisions that keep the world active and new ideas/events to pursue.
New editions/variants are encouraged to be made for the player and QM's inspiration to expand, even allowing them to mail and show up to the Tabletop office to show the proof of concept. Not to mention of the devs encouraging the creation and maintenance of a community amongst others. Additionally, ideas for international meet-and-greet sessions hosted annually to create a Grand Campaign of the game.
Genre: Action, Adventure
Sub-Genre: Roleplay Elements, Turn-based
Format: Arcade/Home Console
The Legend of the Cutie Mark Crusaders is a game that follows the three Crusaders, with the goal to save the Mane 6 that were defeated by King Sombra. Each of the three has special abilities that allows them to overcome challenges and puzzles that need to be solved and beaten in order to finally arrive at the last stage: Defeating King Sombra.
The Legend of the Cutie Mark Crusaders Mechanics:
- Applebloom's greatest strength is melee, however she has a weakness towards ranged assaults.
- Scootaloo's greatest strength is her faster speed and evasion of enemy attacks, however she suffers at the point that her attacks are weak.
- Sweetie Belle's greatest strength is in her Defensive and Offensive spells, however an added mechanic is a cap on her magic usage, with each spell needing a number of "Magic Points" to be able to be casted, not to mention she is weak at physical defence and attack. As an added special, Sweetie Belle can cast buffs to her friends, however it lasts for only 2 turns only and can be casted once per turn.
- Babs Seed's greatest strength is within the power of Charisma, with her weakness being defence against magic.
Different from other games of the time, Legends of the CMCs holds an entirely new mechanic that gives buffs and debuffs when fighting:
- Armour/Clothing System: Certain Clothes and Armour would be compatible with either one or all three of the CMC, not to mention that the Clothes and Armour can affect on their stats and performance when in battle.
- Weapons/Magical Foci System: All three have access to melee weapons, whether that be an electric guitar, a spear, etc. There are "Special Weapons" that can be gained through hard challenges and puzzles, with requirements needing the player to be at a certain location at a certain time in-game. Sweetie Belle has a special mechanic that allows her to use Magical Foci, however it is rare to be able to get it either from traders or schools of magic; they can boost damage and defence for different spell-types, and would debuff the ones opposite of the chosen spell-type, like Fire vs Water for example.
- Stamina and Magical Bars: In order to establish a balance in the game to stop speedrunners from getting an easy win, the bars exist for that reason..not to mention it adds an extra challenge to the players. Sweetie Belle only has access to using magic. The Stamina + Magic Bar cap will increase with more points heading towards the ones that increase the capacity.
- Level/XP System: XP can be gained from learning new skills/spells, defeating enemies in battle. Levelling up the characters becomes harder over time, with its cap increasing. Each level up would constitute an added +2 free points for the player to spend it on stats. Strength, Endurance, Intelligence, Mana, Charisma, and Luck.
- Open-World Experience: The game contains an open world for the players to explore, with quests/character interactions with different ponies and other creatures around Equestria. There's even a map that starts of fogged at the beginning of the game, becoming more clear as time goes on. Finding different landmarks would provide XP for discovering them in-game.
- Save File System: As first of its kind, a save game feature is developed for the Legends of the Cutie Mark Crusader, and on the Arcade Version receive a password system as a security feature, set up by the player who used that save file.
- Day/Night Cycle: As an added immersion to the World of the Legend of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, A Day and Night Cycle is created, with the added benefit of sleeping at night time will restore stamina and magical energy.
- Schools of Magic: There are Schools of Magic accessible for Sweetie Belle to take part in, all these schools have different Spell-Types from the elements to Offence and Defence. These are located in "Major" Cities across Equestria and the Crystal Empire.
- Cooking/Baking: This specific skill can allow the players to have a health, stamina, and magic energy restoration quality, that the higher the skill level is at, the more effective the restoratives become. However, it can work as long as the ingredients and the complexity of the recipes are based on the cooking/baking levels.
- Market System: Each Village and City has markets that allows the player to buy ingredients, weapons, armour/outfit pieces, and other miscellaneous items that fits with the aesthetic.
- School Skills: There are different "Schools" that teach skills, however they can also be learned from working in shops that are catered for that skill.
- Secret Bosses: There are secret bosses that are unlocked after the first completed run of the game (Sadly, the Arcade version doesn't have this), which consists of the following – Cozy Glow, Cozy Glow (Alicorn), Tirek, Chrysalis, Anon-a-miss, and lastly Diamond Tiara. Keynote: They can only be defeated once.
Defeating Cozy Glow (Alicorn) drops an Alicorn Amulet, which allows any of the characters the player chooses to be an Alicorn, which overall boosts their natural advantages. Defeating Tirek would drop the "Shield of Absorption", which absorbs 75% of damage of magical attacks. Chrysalis drops the "Hood of Hive", which allows the wearer to have an additional action during their turn. Defeating Anon-a-miss drops a random mirror, with a pixelated picture of Sunset Shimmer. Defeating Diamond Tiara drops a "You Beat the Game!" Certificate.
- Fighting Mechanic: A Turn-based system that allows the characters to fight "Together" against a common enemy (Player vs Enemy, not Each Character vs Each Enemy). If the player loses the battle, they would reset back to the nearby town's inn, with no exp gained or earned.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Friendship
Sub-Genre: Equestria Girls/FIM, Music
Format: Full-Length Animated Movie
Guest Songwriters (If Accepted, more can come): Weird Al Yankovic, Queen, Michael Jackson
A continuation of All that Shimmers are Gold, with the ancient threat of the sirens re-awakens after a long slumber (and for one of them, after eating Tacos for the fifth time that week). This awakening happens at the same time as the ending of the previous movie. The movie focuses more on developing the world of this new land, alongside the chemistry and lore of the characters. A new event is hosted at Canterlot City, which everyone in town can participate in: The Battle of the Bands.
Rainbow Rocks Notes: Compared to the original version made by Hasbro, Ponywilight's not appearing. (Still Shimmer-Centric). A focus towards the new friends that Sunset made, and while she does have more confidence than before, she suffers from stage fright, which makes her want to overcome it to play along with her new friends' band: The Rainbooms.
The sirens in this version are mysterious lasses, and would be the antagonists that aren't obvious from the get-go, but as the movie continues on, would have clues and foreshadows that reveal them as the antagonists, with a clear motive to return to Equestria and steal its magic.
By the end of the film, Sunset Shimmer overcomes her stage fright in order to defeat the Sirens as their abilities to use magic – now simply becoming normal humans.
Bands (More later):
The Rainbooms: Led by Rainbow Dash (No point in changing the names) as Rhythm Guitarist, it's a group formed out of the six friends to participate in the Battle of the Bands contest in Canterlot City.
BeetleBrony: A group of musicians formed with grand ambitions and taste towards musical experimentation. They've just recently released their hit Single:
Daring Do.
The Cute Musical Crusaders: A group of young sisters that have great ambitions to reach the top of the Musical world.
Trixie and her All-Powerful Band: Hearing about The Rainbooms' plans to enter the competition, Trixie wouldn't allow them to be better than she is. Thus, she forms her band to "put them back in their place".
Weird Cheese Sandwich: Cheese Sandwich, simply wants to spread the joy of music, joins up the competition.
Microphone Zombie: His big break after finally leaving his family's group that was.."managed well" by his father. He also wants to do something fun.
Rhapsody: A band formed to simply have fun, however the head singer has an experimentive mind to try out new forms of music, encouraging his friends to create songs, and overall a great singer.
The Great Game
After the recent flop of the My Pretty Pony toys, the executives at Hasbro began planning a way to deal with the issue. Whether that be to shut it down completely, revamp it under the new proposed brand "My Little Pony", or to simply sell the rights of it and hope it never comes back to Hasbro again.
Certainly, it failed to compete with even their classic hit of GI Joe. Good thing they've already cut down on the toy lines to a third, otherwise they'd surely be filing for bankruptcy by now, especially with the electric games lines that other companies invested in reached a bust.
But now, what do they do with this failure?
There was also that plan of revitalising the GI Joe series with a collaboration with Marvel, with plans of the project being released in 1982. Which means more funds will be given to this plan of sorts, and less focused on this drain on their coffers.
An executive looks through the plans for the GI Joe revival series that would be created by Marvel, he couldn't help but see an idea.
Ever since the Marvel Buy-out, with the company joining Lucas Unlimited while Stan Lee and friends still have control over the company, he couldn't help but wonder of a potential plan that may make or break Hasbro. It'd be a risky plan, that could put everything into jeopardy, but the current decisions and directions of the company might head towards a decline, which means investors would become angry and would either pull out or demand more sell-outs.
With this conundrum, a plan is formed in his head ever since that new CEO came into power.
Hasbro on its own will inevitably suffer worse, but if it joined a group of companies that Hasbro can collaborate with cheaper cost, potential to expand the current toy lines with new material from either films, games, or tv shows, and other benefits that would allow them to play safe as they focus on'd be something that would save the company.
Besides, Lucas Unlimited doesn't have its own Toy Production Subdivision, does it?
With this plan in place, and watching their future parent company still rising on the horizon with that genius President of theirs, the possibilities of this plan being accepted by others around him to join him, would undoubtedly rise.
And after all, Hasbro is already doing a collaboration with a Lucas Unlimited Sub-company, why can't it join them for the free benefits? It'd also give them the answer to the current toy proposals being promoted on the spot from the get that idea of
Little Ponies.
With these series of events in motion, the Great Game is on.
N/A: Since
@Kaiser Chris wasn't happy with that omake about Mary having something to her name, I instead created the alternative: a portion of Hasbro with plans to join Lucas Unlimited as its own Toys Production Division, and aside from GI Joe's Revival Series through Marvel, Rebranded My Little Pony and in the future Transformers would be part of the New Era of Lucas Unlimited.
About Legend of The Cutie Mark Crusaders: Originally it'd be based on the Legend of Zelda..before for some reason I decided to incorporate ideas from Angry Birds Epic (The Turn-based System, with the mage able to buff everyone, potions/food, etc.) and Skyrim (Stats, Skill/Schools, Magic), thus it transformed from being another adventure game to save the person, into an actual experiencing of the world of this Alternate Equestria.
About Pony In the High Crystal: A DnD-inspired work, with systems created in case players would go for a specific endgame, like for example ruling over a country. These "endings" would become new beginings with systems already created in dedication to these futures, and allowing something new and fresh to make sure the players do not feel dull after playing them for so long..thus the CYOA-Quest Elements implemented.
About Rainbow Rocks: Don't see much of a problem with the original version..aside from how Battle of the Bands came into fruition and continuing Sunset Shimmer's Character Arc. Not to mention removing the Canterlot High Elements in favour of Canterlot the City, making Battle of the Bands a City-wide contest seems more plausible, but that's just personal taste.