Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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The New Waystones
(will be renamed if other Waystone types are created)

Dual Transmission - Leyline + Riverine
Iterative Improvements - Storage Mechanism
No Visible Precious Metals

Very Difficult Storage Mechanism
Requires High Mage and Runesmith

Octagonal Pyramidion
Aesthetically Offensive (hidden by cladding)
Visibly Dwarven Rune

Yep obviously it's insane how fast we got this far, though I'm pretty shaky on the final design, an expensive prestige piece with a bunch of interdependencies and requires very rare skills. I really wanted something more focused on immediate usability and cheapness, not trying to go to every expense to improve upon the original design. Countries not being willing or able to spend enough money to adequately Waystone their territory is a subtler but more significant danger than us not making a best possible product on the first try.
So, i have an idea. Its probably very dumb. But i want to see what the thread thinks.

[ ] Mathilde Weber to Thorgrim Grudgebearer.

Let's cut all middle men, Mathilde Weber will go as herself and ask Thorgrim. She will be the only one who faces consequences if things go wrong and she can speak with Thorgrim abaout what to do with this informations.

I know its incredibly risky, but maybe Thorgrim will be more receptive to such a direct aproach?

At least Mathilde can appeal to him as a friend of the Dawi, who even he should know will not betray them easly.
I think, if there is any circumstances in which the high king will admit to things, "We are hoping to be able to send you magic, if we did manage to send you magic could you Do Things With The Magic."

That doesn't need to be "reveal the runes of valaya" specifically to be "yes we can do things with the magic."
Yep obviously it's insane how fast we got this far, though I'm pretty shaky on the final design, an expensive prestige piece with a bunch of interdependencies and requires very rare skills. I really wanted something more focused on immediate usability and cheapness, not trying to go to every expense to improve upon the original design. Countries not being willing or able to spend enough money to adequately Waystone their territory is a subtler but more significant danger than us not making a best possible product on the first try.
the fact that it look hideous as a quirk is hilarious
It'll probably be an option to deploy Waystones that could be taken multiple times with a subvote for where to, but yes.
...Sorry, but to be clear, does this mean we can place waystones in Praag despite not having examined their network yet, or does it only mean that we can try to do that despite possible difficulties arising from their network not being connected to the rest, and not knowing how that might interact with Caledor's leylines?

Laurelorn! They're the hosts.

We probably shouldn't snub them. They gave most of the components for the waystone after all. Let's not snub them at all please.

Also if we deploy waystones in Laurelorn at first we can swamp Tindomiel in orders. That way as many as possible of the Hekarti-waystones can be deployed in areas where they will absolutely not cause any political issues for the Empire.
We only gave Tindomiel right of first refusal to the Empire; it's not known who would be responsible for putting stones up in Laurelorn or how we or the Queen would decide this.

I think the argument could absolutely be made that deploying these highly elven-reliant waystones in Sylvania would be an amazing way to get the gratitude of an Elector Countess, who could then go on to tell her neighbors how it couldn't have been possible to clean Sylvania without the Empire's latest ally. Similarly, the argument could be made to Laurelorn that placing the waystones in Praag would be an amazing way to get Kislev's gratitude, and signal to the world that Laurelorn is now doing its part against the forces of Chaos instead of purely staying in their forest like Athel Loren.

Those would be good reasons on their own for Laurelorn to allow us to place the first new waystones on another country first.


I think the matter of the KA network should be asked... internally, shall we say. Let it be an internal Karaz Ankor question, so that when we ask Kislev or Laurelorn, ideally the questions would also be internal - Boris and Niedzwenka to the Ice Witches, or the Queen to the Grey Lords, for instance. And if we cannot find consensus, we should not ask.

[X] Karak to Karak
[X] Runesmith to Runesmith
[X] Do not ask
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[X] Empire to Empire

Who's asking is who's sharing. If we get permission for this information for the Empire we can use it for the Empire; and the Empire is the scale I think most of the thread ambitions are on the scale of for this topic.
[X] Karak to Karak

If Belegar ask Thorgrim then we can still participate in any projects that expand the Karaz Ankor network and any projects that use the magic from the network to defend the dwarves. Understanding that the magic is being used for the benefit of the Karaz Ankor as a whole might also heal the rift between Belegar and Thorgrim.

[X] Runesmith to Runesmith
[X] Okri to Okri

Asking just Kragg is fine if suboptimal.

[ ] Empire to Empire

I might approval vote this later if needed. I think it is still better than not asking.
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I think the issue with Empire to Empire is... that is a lot of people who would end up finding out, some of which have the qualifications of 'was born to the right parents' and/or 'grandmaster of sucking up at court'. Not really a place one wants to put the greatest of dwarf secrets.
Also I have to say I am glad I was wrong about the Waystone action being wasted. Institutional workarounds for the win. :)

Also 2 extra CF are nice, that is as much as the terrain obstacle paper I think and we paid a Serenity AP for that one.
But while the Lights being able to make adaptations to the enchantment at all is an impressive feat, some of the lustre is diminished when it's discovered that something about those adaptations makes it no longer compatible with the Jades' granite spike, causing the Dhar to leak out and be reabsorbed instead of sent on its way. Though nobody's exactly happy to hear about this, but you'd primed everyone to expect delays and set aside copious amount of times to deal with them. As long as this doesn't set the tone for the rest of the assembly process, this should still lead to something workable.
Don't think of it as a mistake, think of it as a happy accident!
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