@Imperial Fister is going to the Thing a viable Free Social? It seemed like our intentions were for it to be relatively chill, so it seems like it should be.

Also, how much Odr did we give Abjorn?
The Thing happens, technically, on Winter turn 1, but you vote on it on Summer turn 3. You are currently in Summer turn 2 and are now voting for Summer turn 3.

I believe you gave him 1 odr, right?
Should we put our training xp into Fylgja just to get it closer to 10? We aren't going to get it close in one or two turns but otherwise I feel like it's gonna keep being pushed back.
Okay, so, here's a plan. This sets up the ability to hit Fylgja 10 next turn (the soonest it's possible), and puts a lot of work into setting up our farm to function properly with its new much higher population...it doesn't quite get living space squared away, but it will do so easily next turn and doing so this turn would be really problematic longer term.

The 'using shapeshifts for Research' is not intended as a long term thing, but Work Dice were really tight this turn.

[X] Plan Fylgja Reveals

-[X] Free Action: Deliver messages securely to both Corpsemaker and Dorri informing them that Skavidr is a spy, likely from Rogaland. In both cases apologize and note that the other also needed to be informed.

-[X] [X] Learn Latin from Brother Bartholomew x2
--[X] See if we can get to know him as a person during this time

-[X] [Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
--[X] Our Family and Retainers
--[X] Get to know the new retainers a little, help everyone settle in, reveal Fylgjas for all adults using Norse cultivation that so desire (including Haydis, Asva, Jordan, and Stigrun)

-[X] [Travel] Surveillance
--[X] Use the box of bees and its bee-spirits to put together a 24/7 spying operation on Dorri, his immediate family, and retainers. Focus less on trying to breach whatever spells he has up - that will only risk drawing attention and be unlikely to work - and more on building a picture of their movements. They can't ward themselves in public, not easily or completely.
---[X] The plan here is introduce ourselves and negotiate with the bees if possible rather than compelling them.
--[X] We will use Dressed in Rags and mundane Stealth (including enhancing it with shapeshifting), via our fylgja when appropriate, to also surveil Dorri ourselves when it seems unlikely to get us caught, leaving out additional bees in any unusual locations he seems to frequent.
--[X] When bee-based surveillance starts to put together a picture of where he might be meeting Drysalt or what is otherwise the most important place, go in person. Try and record an Experience, as this will be unimpeachable court testimony.

-[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
--[X] The coast!
---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)

-[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unless otherwise specified:
--[X] For metal items have Heat Hold available just in case
--[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
--[X] Burning Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successes total) to enhance the crafting process


-[X] (Research)
--[X] Invite Kurt to join in the communal sparring, also try and find out more about him if possible – 1 Research
--[X] Try and find out more about Vagn Wheel-Drifter – 1 Research
--[X] Try and find out how Dorri Rattlespear actually fights. A spear is likely involved and he has a Ring style involving crushing planes of force, but what else has he got? – 1 Research
--[X] Try feeding various tomvaettir in our soul things that are not traditionally foods (rocks, wood, iron, and so on) and see if that works similarly to feeding them different varieties of food – 1 Research
--[X] Try and experiment with using Flamecalling and Unleash Inferno as a power source for our Flame-Tending Blade and Thermic Reckoning. See if we can use flame to fuel these techniques in the same way we have already discovered we can with Stoked Dice, which would hopefully work even against people with better firestorm. We will practice on a deserted beach with no extraneous flammables, and shoot all fire over the sea. (+1 Reward Dice - courtesy of @Skippy ) – 1 Research
--[X] Right before our Rewrites refresh for the new season (and not before that) Alloy Stoker State and Contested Movement using a Rewrite to force our new alloy to allow Contested Movement to count as a Stoker State Trick for purposes of using only part of the Stoked Pool (allowing us to add only a few dice to it if we so desire) – 1 Research

-[X] (Training) Hugr (255 xp to rank up)
--[X] Train Sparkbomb 72xp (18xp)
--[X] Train the lesser version of Time Stands Still we figured out the principle behind (Stutter Step? Temporal Step?) 4 xp (2xp)

-[X] (Training) Fylga (320 xp to rank up)
--[X] Train Fylgja itself 140 xp (70xp)

-[X] (Work Dice Usage)
--[X] Buildings, Resources, and Livestock: Storage 1, Resources Goods 0, Resources Silver 4, Livestock Goods 0, otherwise maxed out (60 Total)
--[X] Crafting: Create two Superior Mail Shirts for Dorri's Deal, Create 2 Grand Forged Iron Plows, 2 Grand Forged Iron Scythes, 1 Grand Forged Iron Wood Axe, 1 Grand Forged Iron Pot, 2 Grand Forged Iron Work Knives (48 Total)
--[X] Construction: Complete two levels of Living Space 48, Complete Workshop 23 (71 Total),

-[X] (Incidentals)
--[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Asgeirr, Eyvor,
--[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 2 oz Icy Iron, 4 oz Molten Iron,

-[X] (Capacity Slots)
--[X] Assign Eyeshine Blind, unassign Sailwind

-[X] (Alloy Slots)
--[X] Unassign Fight of Our Lives, assign our new Alloy (from Research above)

-[X] (Shapeshifting Slots)
--[X] Unassign all slots other than Improved Attractiveness and Reduced Sleep, assign Reduced Sleep x6 (total)

-[X] (Assign Hugareida Levels)
--[X] Assign 3 Emberwind Level to Dice

-[X] (Fylgja Capacity)
--[X] Unassign Sparkbomb, assign Cool Off
-[X] (Standing Orders)
--[X] Add a Standing Order for our Fylgja to use Cool Off if we experience any sudden flashes of anger.

Should we put our training xp into Fylgja just to get it closer to 10? We aren't going to get it close in one or two turns but otherwise I feel like it's gonna keep being pushed back.

We can't complete it this turn, but we can next turn with the level of focus we're putting in here.

EDIT2: Replaced crafting with surveillance, in terms of actions.
EDIT3: Added a bit more detail to our personal stealth option there to clarify what precautions we're taking. Added another Research action.
EDIT4: Switched up one Research to be making use of our Rewrite rather than getting more info on Kare.
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--[X] Attempt to alloy Hamr and Stoker State, see what happens – 1Research

Fairly sure that we did this already.

More generally, there's a few research items I think it's important to get done this turn, mostly our idea for using Firestorm to power the FtB - when I have a chance to write it up in a bit I'll post in the thread.
Fairly sure that we did this already.

It's not on the Alloy list. I think we considered doing so but didn't actually follow through.

EDIT: Wait, found it...its uses got confirmed after we did it, which is how it wound up not on the list. I'll ditch it from the plan and add it to the list.

EDIT2: I'm blind. It was on the list. My bad.

More generally, there's a few research items I think it's important to get done this turn, mostly our idea for using Firestorm to power the FtB - when I have a chance to write it up in a bit I'll post in the thread.

That's totally fair. I do think we need info on people, but we're a little light on real research here and could swap some stuff out pretty readily.
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huh, that's new alright....
-[X] Free Action: Deliver messages securely to both Corpsemaker and Dorri informing them that Skavidr is a spy, likely from Rogaland. In both cases apologize and note that the other also needed to be informed.
...is this the free social? or did we got another free action from somewhere?
--[X] Using Whale Bone Ash
--[X] Duplicating the Runework from our other cooking pot
Just checking: Did we fix the runes on the other pots? Because i only remember the tasty sheep one and how it made everything cooked in it taste like sheep.
] Invite Kurt to join in the communal sparring, also try and find out more about him if possible – 1 Research
--[X] Try and find out more about Vagn Wheel-Drifter – 1 Research
--[X] Try and find out more about Kare Wolf-Seek – 1 Research
These seem more social than research.
Try and find out how Dorri Rattlespear actually fights
This one... yeah, this one is more for @Imperial Fister what stories did Halla hear while growing up about Dorri? Did she saw him fight in festivals or somewhere? Did Stenairr talked about it?

If there is free research, we could ID more of our stash of magical items.
Can we Alloy kennings with something?
Or what happens if we alloy a muna or hugreida with a social skill? or an utility one?
Edit: Can we alloy our traits too? Or our Fylgja?
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...is this the free social? or did we got another free action from somewhere?

We've previously been able to send brief messages to people with no issues and no action required. There's no back and forth, just sending a message.

Just checking: Did we fix the runes on the other pots? Because i only remember the tasty sheep one and how it made everything cooked in it taste like sheep.

That was an effect of the Bone Ash, not the runes. We're not using the same bone ash, so that should not be an issue.

These seem more social than research.

IF has confirmed we can use Research to gather information on people.

If there is free research, we could ID more of our stash of magical items.
Can we Alloy kennings with something?
Or what happens if we alloy a muna or hugreida with a social skill? or an utility one?
Edit: Can we alloy our traits too? Or our Fylgja?

IDing items is better done when we have more Research, since we only get 6 topics but can get multiple items as one topic (so on a turn where we have 12 Research we could get 7 items and 5 other topics). The other options are possible.
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Twists seem related to great tales and moments, ie Muna. Maybe mix Muna with Odr and something else?
Might also require captured experiences, or creation of a poem or a story. This makes sense in a certain way with what happened with the poem in our soul. While it did nothing it was described as something rather major achieved. As if we were on the right track but missing something.
Alloying Muna to something else might also be related. Also do we plan on doing anything with the secret we got from Corpsemaker?
maybe we can use the spare research to try advance Twist making?
I'm just glad we didn't pass Nutcracker trait down to Eyvor along with everything else.

She would have ended up depopulating the Hading for generations to come if she had it.
Okay, so, here's a plan. This sets up the ability to hit Fylgja 10 next turn (the soonest it's possible), and puts a lot of work into setting up our farm to function properly with its new much higher population...it doesn't quite get living space squared away, but it will do so easily next turn and doing so this turn would be really problematic longer term.

The 'using shapeshifts for Research' is not intended as a long term thing, but Work Dice were really tight this turn.

[X] Plan Fylgja Reveals

-[X] Free Action: Deliver messages securely to both Corpsemaker and Dorri informing them that Skavidr is a spy, likely from Rogaland. In both cases apologize and note that the other also needed to be informed.

-[X][X] Learn Latin from Brother Bartholomew x2
--[X]See if we can get to know him as a person during this time

-[X][Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
--[X]Our Family and Retainers
--[X]Get to know the new retainers a little, help everyone settle in, reveal Fylgjas for all adults using Norse cultivation that so desire (including Haydis, Asva, Jordan, and Stigrun)

-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (1)
--[X] Forged Iron Cooking Pot (+17 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Using Whale Bone Ash
--[X] Duplicating the Runework from our other cooking pot
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (2)
--[X] Forged Iron Wood Axe (+17 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Using beaver Bone Ash
--[X] "May this axe grant skill at all farming and labor." - (Hopefullya training item for Labor and Farmwork)

-[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
--[X] The coast!
---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)

-[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unless otherwise specified:
--[X] For metal items have Heat Hold available just in case
--[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
--[X] Burning Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successes total) to enhance the crafting process


-[X] (Research)
--[X] Invite Kurt to join in the communal sparring, also try and find out more about him if possible – 1 Research
--[X] Try and find out more about Vagn Wheel-Drifter – 1 Research
--[X] Try and find out more about Kare Wolf-Seek – 1 Research
--[X] Try feeding various tomvaettir in our soul things that are not traditionally foods (rocks, wood, iron, and so on) and see if that works similarly to feeding them different varieties of food – 1 Research
--[X] ??? – 1 Research
--[X] Try and find out how Dorri Rattlespear actually fights. A spear is likely involved and he has a Ring style involving crushing planes of force, but what else has he got? – 1 Research

-[X] (Training) Hugr (255 xp to rank up)
--[X] Train Sparkbomb 72xp (18xp)
--[X] Train the lesser version of Time Stands Still we figured out the principle behind (Temporal Step?) 4 xp (2xp)

-[X] (Training) Fylga (320 xp to rank up)
--[X] Train Fylgja itself 140 xp (70xp)

-[X] (Work Dice Usage)
--[X] Buildings, Resources, and Livestock: Storage 1, Resources Goods 0, Resources Silver 4, Livestock Goods 0, otherwise maxed out (60 Total)
--[X] Crafting: Create two Superior Mail Shirts for Dorri's Deal, Create 2 Grand Forged Iron Plows, 2 Grand Forged Iron Scythes, 1 Grand Forged Iron Wood Axe, 1 Grand Forged Iron Pot, 2 Grand Forged Iron Work Knives (48 Total)
--[X] Construction: Complete two levels of Living Space 48, Complete Workshop 23 (71 Total),

-[X] (Incidentals)
--[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Asgeirr, Eyvor,
--[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 2 oz Icy Iron, 4 oz Molten Iron,

-[X] (Capacity Slots)
--[X] Assign Eyeshine Blind, unassign Sailwind

-[X] (Shapeshifting Slots)
--[X] Unassign all slots other than Improved Attractiveness and Reduced Sleep, assign Reduced Sleep x6 (total)

-[X] (Assign Hugareida Levels)
--[X] Assign 3 Emberwind Level to Dice

-[X] (Fylgja Capacity)
--[X] Unassign Sparkbomb, assign Cool Off
-[X] (Standing Orders)
--[X] Add a Standing Order for our Fylgja to use Cool Off if we experience any sudden flashes of anger.


We can't complete it this turn, but we can next turn with the level of focus we're putting in here.

Okay, so taking a minute to read through, the biggest issue with this plan is... there's no surveillance of Dorri. Even though we agreed this was our biggest priority for this turn. Open conflict could start any day now, and if we can't prove Dorri's guilt to the men of the Hading, it will become a bloodbath, with a lot of the blood being shed by our friends and neighbours.

Getting compelling evidence of his malfeasance isn't going to happen by itself, we need to work towards it. We get two actions if we don't travel, or two actions plus a travel action, and since surveillance counts as "travel", we can use that for surveillance. Instead we seem to have a crafting action which (A) I don't know how we have actions for and (B) is simply not as important given the current crisis, I feel?

So not to be a pill or anything, but I think we need to swap those actions around.

That's totally fair. I do think we need info on people, but we're a little light on real research here and could swap some stuff out pretty readily.

My preferred wording would be something along the lines of:

[] Try and experiment with using Flamecalling and Unleash Inferno as a power source for our Flame-Tending Blade and Thermic Reckoning. See if we can use flame to fuel these techniques in the same way we have already discovered we can with Stoked Dice. Our purpose here is twofold, as it would give us a way of empowering these awesome techniques, but also provide us a way of using Firestorm which enemies with a higher rank in the Hugareida would not be able to overrule. For safety, we will practice on a deserted beach, so there is nothing flammable nearby other than the fuel source we will be practicing with, and we will be firing out over the sea. (+1 Reward Dice - Skippy)

...Which is a bit long, but eh, the intent and precautions here are important I think.
(A) I don't know how we have actions for and (B) is simply not as important given the current crisis, I feel?

So not to be a pill or anything, but I think we need to swap those actions around.

We currently cannot make enough food to support our people without the crafting action, and two of our actions are already taken up with Latin. So we could potentially eat into our foodstores without it, but that means... eating into foodstores before winter.

Which is potentially... very very bad.
So I've drafted a version of the current plan with a surveillance action, but out of respect, wanted to give @DeadmanwalkingXI the chance to change his plan before posting.

We currently cannot make enough food to support our people without the crafting action, and two of our actions are already taken up with Latin. So we could potentially eat into our foodstores without it, but that means... eating into foodstores before winter.

Which is potentially... very very bad.

We just brought home a bunch of whale meat, and we're extremely wealthy and well-liked with considerable trading contacts. We have a bunch of other ways to solve that problem. Failing to gain evidence on Dorri before time runs out is vastly more dangerous. If Dorri fights and the whole Hading stands with him, we have a civil war which will devastate the entire Hading for a generation.

This is vastly more important than merely something which means we have to buy some more food - assuming this is even an issue in the first place with the whale meat, which I could have sworn @Imperial Fister said our share of was at least 60 Food.
Okay, so taking a minute to read through, the biggest issue with this plan is... there's no surveillance of Dorri. Even though we agreed this was our biggest priority for this turn. Open conflict could start any day now, and if we can't prove Dorri's guilt to the men of the Hading, it will become a bloodbath, with a lot of the blood being shed by our friends and neighbours.

Getting compelling evidence of his malfeasance isn't going to happen by itself, we need to work towards it. We get two actions if we don't travel, or two actions plus a travel action, and since surveillance counts as "travel", we can use that for surveillance. Instead we seem to have a crafting action which (A) I don't know how we have actions for and (B) is simply not as important given the current crisis, I feel?

So not to be a pill or anything, but I think we need to swap those actions around.

So, we need to settle our people in and our actions are sharply circumscribed here. Getting our food and Work Die situation squared away if pretty important all things considered. That said, you may be right, what are you thinking of in terms of a surveillance action?

Like 'we watch Dorri' is unlikely to be very productive. What do you have in mind?

My preferred wording would be something along the lines of:

...Which is a bit long, but eh, the intent and precautions here are important I think.

That is indeed a bit long...we might need to fiddle with it a bit.

We currently cannot make enough food to support our people without the crafting action, and two of our actions are already taken up with Latin. So we could potentially eat into our foodstores without it, but that means... eating into foodstores before winter.

Which is potentially... very very bad.

Actually, making a Cooking Pot with Work Dice and mass production (something I'd completely missed in previous analysis) will stop the bleeding on that. We still want an actual good one, mind you, but putting it off a turn might be viable.

So I've drafted a version of the current plan with a surveillance action, but out of respect, wanted to give @DeadmanwalkingXI the chance to change his plan before posting.

To be clear, I'm up for this, I just think we need a better plan than 'watch Dorri' for how to do it.
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So, we need to settle our people in and our actions are sharply circumscribed here. Getting our food and Work Die situation squared away if pretty important all things considered. That said, you may be right, what are you thinking of in terms of a surveillance action?

Like 'we watch Dorri' is unlikely to be very productive. What do you have in mind?

My view is that this is basically similar to the Horra situation, but higher stakes and with a shorter time window, and we need to get evidence to publicly prove his guilt and remove his base of support amongst the Hadingsmen. Given the Thing is soon... that might be the logical time?

I don't think this will happen without some risk on our part (similar to spying on Horra) but ultimately the stakes are so high here, we have to try, or the best part of a generation of fathers and sons are going to get killed in the fighting.

What I had so far was this, let me know what you think:
-[X] [Travel] Surveillance
--[X] Hire a bunch of spirits to put together a 24/7 spying operation on Dorri, his immediate family, and retainers. Focus less on trying to breach whatever spells he has up - that will only risk drawing attention and be unlikely to work - and more on building a picture of their movements. They can't ward themselves in public, not easily or completely.
--[X] We will use Dressed in Rags to spend every moment we aren't training or learning Latin to spend surveilling Dorri, leaving our magic stone bees in any unusual locations he seems to frequent.
--[X] When our spiritual and bee-based surveillance starts to put together a picture of where he might be meeting Drysalt or what is otherwise the most important place, go in person. Try and record an Experience, as this will be unimpeachable court testimony.
--[X] Try and enhance our own stealth with Seidr. (This action could use some work and might need to be a research action).

The bees and spirits here are being used as a value-adder for our own personal surveillance, which I think makes them more likely to help than if we relied on them solo.
[X] Plan Fylgja Reveals
1) Do we have time for A Chill Moment visiting the Thing?
2) Could we do some of my research actions, like Hugareida Inversion?
3) I can see how an axe can be a training item for Labor, but Farming? Wouldn't you want a Plow for that?
--[X] Train the lesser version of Time Stands Still we figured out the principle behind (Temporal Step?) 4 xp (2xp)
Did we actually figure out the principle behind it or is it actually a non-Martial Style trick/Hugareida trick?
My view is that this is basically similar to the Horra situation, but higher stakes and with a shorter time window, and we need to get evidence to publicly prove his guilt and remove his base of support amongst the Hadingsmen. Given the Thing is soon... that might be the logical time?

I don't think this will happen without some risk on our part (similar to spying on Horra) but ultimately the stakes are so high here, we have to try, or the best part of a generation of fathers and sons are going to get killed in the fighting.

What I had so far was this, let me know what you think:

I'm pretty sure you're dead wrong on the time limit. Dramatically speaking, it's almost certainly not gonna happen until after we're back from Vestfold (at least if we do Vestfold ASAP next year).

And I especially don't think that doing anything for the Thing (which is literally next turn) is remotely viable. That said, I'm not against surveillance...I think hiring a bunch of spirits is really bad, though. There's noting keeping them from leaking that to Dorri which would be catastrophic.

I also think you're going a little intense on the amount of time spent...but there's definitely something to be said for personal surveillance combined with the bees (which are a hive spirit per IF, and thus should serve some of the role of hiring a bunch of spirits). I'll whip up my own version, gimme a minute.

1) Do we have time for A Chill Moment visiting the Thing?
2) Could we do some of my research actions, like Hugareida Inversion?
3) I can see how an axe can be a training item for Labor, but Farming? Wouldn't you want a Plow for that?

1. Per IF, that's available next turn, not this one.
2. Possibly.
3. Maybe? If we're only gonna make one action on a farming item it should be an axe from a Work Die perspective (Beaver Bone Ash is really good there). And it is used in farming as well...it's probably not getting made this turn anyway.

Did we actually figure out the principle behind it or is it actually a non-Martial Style trick/Hugareida trick?

IF said that our last research opened up the possibility of picking up a Trick, yeah.
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Did we actually figure out the principle behind it or is it actually a non-Martial Style trick/Hugareida trick?

I think that the Martial Style may need to wait until we've connected with the Mountain/met Ironjaw/whatever, so this trick might just be lumped under our Standstill until then. But we have confirmation from @Imperial Fister that we can train it.

For names, I suggest Stutter Step for the alliteration, BTW @DeadmanwalkingXI.

I'm pretty sure you're dead wrong on the time limit. And especially that doing anything for the Thing (which is literally next turn) is remotely viable. That said, I'm not against surveillance...I think hiring a bunch of spirits is really bad, though. There's noting keeping them from leaking that to Dorri which would be catastrophic.

I also think you're going a little intense on the amount of time spent...but there's definitely something to be said for personal surveillance combined with the bees (which are a hive spirit per IF, and thus should serve some of the role of hiring a bunch of spirits). I'll whip up my own version, gimme a minute.

If we have more time, that's obviously great, and you're right, the Thing is a bit too soon... it kind of depends how long it takes us to find a smoking gun. But worse case scenario, everything could pop off tomorrow, so I'm erring on the side of caution. Actually, wait a sec, we're not going to see Hasvir in this plan, are we? Well bugger, we can't really do both in one turn and learn Latin... I think surveillance comes first given that we could in an emergency go and speak to Hasvir quite quickly if we had to.

As far as information security with the spirits go, I think this is handled since we can bind spirits? Like, if we made a contract with any spirits we hired for spying, saying that they can't blab about it for the duration of our "contract", then I'm fairly sure that's sufficient? @Imperial Fister, am I barking up the wrong tree here?
Okay, basic surveillance action added based on IF saying our artifact is basically home to a hive of spirit bees. This is the version I went with (subject to editing as needed):

-[ ] [Travel] Surveillance
--[ ] Use the box of bees and its bee-spirits to put together a 24/7 spying operation on Dorri, his immediate family, and retainers. Focus less on trying to breach whatever spells he has up - that will only risk drawing attention and be unlikely to work - and more on building a picture of their movements. They can't ward themselves in public, not easily or completely.
--[ ] We will use Dressed in Rags to also surveil Dorri ourselves when possible, leaving out additional bees in any unusual locations he seems to frequent.
--[ ] When bee-based surveillance starts to put together a picture of where he might be meeting Drysalt or what is otherwise the most important place, go in person. Try and record an Experience, as this will be unimpeachable court testimony.
--[ ] Use shapeshifting for stealth as needed while doing these activities.