I would go for some more networking actions here, there are plenty of Franco-Belgian comics that are would make for great shows like Lucky Luke , the Smurfs, Papyrus...
And we could easily get the rights for "Once upon a time... Man" one of the most legendary European animated series that Mary would enjoy and which set the stage to get to the rest of the "Once upon a Time" franchise which was pretty big in the 80s and 90s...
Yep one of the greates edutainment show around here with some nice variation:
1) Once upon a time… Life: "This series is intended for children and adults curious about how the human body works.
It tells in a playful way the architecture and composition of different cell types, biological tissues and organs as well as their respective functions. In addition, these microscopic descriptions of the body's components are integrated into educational scenarios dealing more generally with the development of the human body, its main physiological functions, the life cycle and health education."
2) Once upon a time... Man: Once upon a time... Man tells the story of humanity, from the origins of life until the end of the 20th century. The main historical milestones are covered by depicting a family unit and mixing the main points of history with what it meant in daily life. In addition to the off-camera comments, an anthropomorphic clock (it has eyes and arms), animated in a manner similar to that of Looney Tunes, is displayed on the screen, which allows you to find your way in the chronology of the human history by indicating the date corresponding to the events mentioned
3) Once upon a time... the Americas: This series, intended for children, tells the history of the American continent through all its populations (Inuit, Aztecs, Incas...) and its historical events (conquest of the West, War of 'independence...).
4) Once upon a time... the Discoverers: This series, intended for children, tells the story of the great discoveries, and their actors, who made the world today.
5) Once upon a time... the Explorers: This series, intended for children, tells the story of the great geographical discoveries.
6) Once upon a time… our Earth: This new series Once upon a time, the last produced before the death of its creator Albert Barillé in 2009, explains to children the notion of sustainable development, presented as a major issue for the future of the planet and Humanity.
7) Once upon a time… objects: planned for next year
8) Once upon a time... Space: This series follows the first of its kind, entitled Once upon a time... Man. It takes almost all of the characters from the latter to transpose them into a science fiction setting and scenarios. It is intended for children and adults alike.
Humanity has expanded through space into the distant future and encountered other alien races with whom understanding and collaboration are important. Together, they created the Omega Confederation, an interstellar organization made up of their different species. A human scientist is the president of the group (President Pierrette) and each race sends emissaries to sit on the decision-making group. The members are the Earth and various constellations from which other ethnic groups come, such as Andromeda, Scorpio and Cassiopeia. The Omega Confederation is dedicated to space exploration and the maintenance of galactic peace thanks to its Space Police placed under the command of Colonel Pierre, who is assisted by Commander Legros.
The story follows the adventures of Lieutenant Pierrot — son of Colonel Pierre and President Pierrette — of Lieutenant Psi — whose real name is Mercedes, a young telepathic woman — of the robot Metro, and, to a lesser extent, of Lieutenant Petit-Gros — son of Commander Legros —. The three humans have just graduated from the Space Police academy. They began their career while the turbulent military republic of Cassiopeia, led by General Le Teigneux assisted by consul Le Nabot, led a campaign of destabilization – sometimes in a more clandestine manner, sometimes in a much more open manner – against the Confederation. Indeed, Le Teigneux intends to submit her to his total will with the help of unknown allies.
The situation worsens considerably with the discovery of a new planet called Yama, and the threat of unprecedented magnitude that it contains: the race of Humanoids, controlled by the Great Computer, which wants to conquer all universe and impose its law on all organic life by triggering the greatest war that has ever taken place...