Starfleet Design Bureau

Specialist ships just don't do very well, in the Trekverse.

Which is a shame, because its more fun to design a specialist ship, the more specialized the better, like for example designing a ship dedicated entirely to being a geological survey ship, or one dedicated to being essentially a glorified public bus, or even just like a stealth ship.
[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[X] 2: Secondary Computer Core (+1 Science) [+1 Civilian Industry]
[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[X] 4: Deflector Array Sensor Analysis (+1 Science, Advanced Scanners)

I'm fine with losing a point of science in return for a better scanning array. Can't science what you can't see.
I just want more cool half-saucer designs okay?

The Stingray looked awesome. And it was surprisingly effective for being what amounted to our freshman effort that wasn't designed with actual pitched battle in mind. I imagine we can definitely do something even better to succeed it, doctrinally and technologically.
I'd even be down for something like a 3/4s saucer, enough of a cutout to have the neck of the ship attached to the primary hull instead of onto the bottom of it. Don't entirely know if that makes sense, but I can at least see it in my head.
The issue is always space: the utility cruser is going to need space for weapons, space for cargo, space for Engineering Stuff, probably space for a medical bay and modest lab...

This problem is only made worse by the increase in interior volume consumed by the more advanced technology- Phasers and the Warp Seven core are double the size of the warp five cores and phase cannons, the deflector has already gone from one deck to Three and I don't expect this to get better anytime soon. (Staring at Phaser Strips being like an entire deck in horror* but yeah
We build a lot of saucers because of how they're the option that gives us the most space, which is, you know, really important for anything expecting to do more than one thing with any great competency.
You might note that it's Trek canon that ships that do only one thing well, tend to get memed on by ships that do lots of stuff good enough, usually with a Starfleet logo on the side.

"Jack of all trades, master of none, but far better than a master of one" is in full effect.
And while it's later down the timeline, I really can't think of any better example than the D'Deridex.
Which is a ship newer than the Galaxy class and a pure WarShip explicitly designed to counter the Galaxy class...
Which can only defeat a Galaxy with 2-1 odds and surprise, 3-1 odds and luck, or 4-1 odds and neither... While being about two thirds the cost of a Galaxy and so in no way able to actually achive those ratios reasonably.

Specialist ships just don't do very well, in the Trekverse.
To be fair, UFP ships are just better. They have better toys, they have better crews, they're just... better.

A good example of this is phasers. Most other polities use either disruptors or a mix of phasers and disruptors, while the UFP uses pure phaser loadouts. In theory, a disruptor and a phaser can achieve similar levels of destruction, with the disruptor being cheaper and simpler to produce and operate. The phaser is a lot more flexible though, meaning it can be tuned to achieve a desired result more efficiently. No one else in the Alpha Quadrant has the technological capacity to take advantage of this the way the Federation does.

This sort of granular level qualitative edge for UFP ships is very much an across the board phenomenon. Federation shielding can stand up to blows that gut other ships. Federation warp drives are generally faster. The list keeps going.

Fundamentally, this sort of thing is the equivalent of an F-35 going up against F-15s. Yes, one is a dedicated air superiority platform while the other isn't, but the technological edge is such that the generalist is going to give the specialist a bad time.
[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[X] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[X] 4: Biosciences/Medical Laboratory (+2 Science)
[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[X] 2: Secondary Computer Core (+1 Science) [+1 Civilian Industry]
[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[X] 4: Deflector Array Sensor Analysis (+1 Science, Advanced Scanners)
Vote Tally : Starfleet Design Bureau Sci-Fi | Page 389 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 9705-9883]
##### NetTally 4.0.1

[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
No. of Votes: 85

[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
No. of Votes: 84

[X] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
No. of Votes: 53

[X] 4: Biosciences/Medical Laboratory (+2 Science)
No. of Votes: 44

[X] 4: Deflector Array Sensor Analysis (+1 Science, Advanced Scanners)
No. of Votes: 43

[X] 2: Secondary Computer Core (+1 Science) [+1 Civilian Industry]
No. of Votes: 33

[X] 3: Medium Cargo Bay (+2 Engineering, Cargo Capability)
No. of Votes: 2

[X] 1: Antimatter Pods (1 -> 3 Year Range) [+2 Civilian Industry]
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Arimai

Total No. of Voters: 88

Astrometrics, the Science Lab, and the Transporter have a pretty good lock for their sections, but it's neck and neck between the Deflector Analysis and the Bio Lab.
[x] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[x] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
[x] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[x] 4: Biosciences/Medical Laboratory (+2 Science)
[x] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[x] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
[x] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[x] 4: Biosciences/Medical Laboratory (+2 Science)
Ultimately I think it's a question of focus. Neither is wrong, but they are certainly different.
Biolabs is a focus on planetary landings.
It's for is you want a Starfleet that romances the ladies in an exotic jungle then uses the labs to survive the murderous flowers, old school style.
The sensors are a focus on space science.
It's for is you want a Starfleet that focus on exotic space phenomenon, discovering crazy wormholes and modifies the deflectors to survive a self proclaimed deity, old-school style.

They are both valid, they are both awesome. They are both on theme... And our future explorers will do both. We can pick one.
The decision to make is which one will help the growing Federation more at this point in time.
[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[X] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[X] 4: Deflector Array Sensor Analysis (+1 Science, Advanced Scanners)
[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[X] 2: Secondary Computer Core (+1 Science) [+1 Civilian Industry]
[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[X] 4: Deflector Array Sensor Analysis (+1 Science, Advanced Scanners)

Swear to God if you idiots vote to put cargo capacity on the dedicated Science ship.
[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[X] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[X] 4: Deflector Array Sensor Analysis (+1 Science, Advanced Scanners)

Swear to God if you idiots vote to put cargo capacity on the dedicated Science ship.
Please chill. The Cargo option has 2 people voting for it out of close to 90.
[x] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[x] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
[x] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[x] 4: Biosciences/Medical Laboratory (+2 Science)

This is specifically useful in a period of increased colonization of previously uninhabited worlds, which seems likely now that the Federation has come into being and has a bunch of unsurveyed worlds in its newly expanded borders. Its useful because of better ability to examine flora, fauna, and diseases. All of which may make a colonist's life very unpleasant if not spotted before hand. It'd also let these ships put together quick solutions if necessary if a biomedical distress call is received.
[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[X] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[X] 4: Deflector Array Sensor Analysis (+1 Science, Advanced Scanners)
[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[X] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[X] 4: Deflector Array Sensor Analysis (+1 Science, Advanced Scanners)
[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[X] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[X] 4: Biosciences/Medical Laboratory (+2 Science)

No plagues on my watch!
[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[X] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[X] 4: Deflector Array Sensor Analysis (+1 Science, Advanced Scanners)
You know, I'm honestly pretty okay with either of the [4] options winning. No strong opinions, either one would be extremely useful for different use cases and I don't actually see either one as inherently better.
[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[X] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[X] 4: Biosciences/Medical Laboratory (+2 Science)

No plagues allowed in the Federation
Maybe actually take a look at the tally before you start trying to call people out? The cargo bay has basically no chance of winning.
[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[X] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[X] 4: Deflector Array Sensor Analysis (+1 Science, Advanced Scanners)

Please chill. The Cargo option has 2 people voting for it out of close to 90.
It was a joke based on the fact the thread has a bad habit of trying to multirole too hard even on ships that aren't meant to be multirole. Our science ships are always ending up with minimal science to make them better at non science tasks, so I made a joking call out about it happening again. I'm sorry I tried to be funny.
[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[X] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[X] 4: Deflector Array Sensor Analysis (+1 Science, Advanced Scanners)