So I've put a lot of thought into slots 2 and 4, and as I see it, our options are basically:
- Transporters + Sensors: lots of utility, but forgoes a lot of science.
- Transporters + Biomed: specializes in planetside exploration, potential to solve medical crises
- CPU + Sensors: specializes in space exploration, potential to detect trouble early
- CPU + Biomed: max science, but forgoes a lot of utility
I don't think any of these choices are bad, but I'm personally inclined to put the first and last options aside. The first leaves out too much science. The last is more palatable, but I think the loss of utility is tough to justify, especially since we're probably going to go for maximum science for our other slots. This isn't a multirole ship, but it does have to be able to operate independently.
So I think the question is whether we want to make the ship better at space exploration or planetary exploration.
I have changed my mind on this, based on the conversation in the thread. I think the argument Cavalier gave is correct: deep space exploration items and unusual physics anomalies will likely be picked up by dedicated explorers. Survey ships are the ones spending time on the ground, combing over the fine details, and are more likely to have to deal with biological questions. It's very painful to have to choose between that and better sensors– I'd honestly give up a whole slot to have both on the same ship– but again, it is what it is. So:
[X] 1: Astrometrics (+2 Science)
[X] 2: Biological-Rated Transporter Room (Transporter Capability)
[X] 3: Science Labs (+2 Science)
[X] 4: Biosciences/Medical Laboratory (+2 Science)
All that said, I think the issue of plagues is a little oversold. Quarantine exists. Planetside medical facilities exist, and Starfleet ship medical facilities will exist, both of which will be larger than what we can fit on a small survey vessel. This medbay and biolab will doubtlessly save crewmembers' lives, and probably a colony too. But if we forgo it it's not the end of the Federation, and you could make similar arguments about better sensors and deflector shields.