Starfleet Design Bureau

Eventually, I want to name another ship Thunderchild and Polyphemus, to carry on their legacy. Maybe the explorers or the utility cruisers.
[X] Begin work on an explorer to expand the final frontier.

As I said before, I think a small run of high end explorers is a better test bed for our prototypes than a workhorse or a small survey ship that will be less able to cope with the increased maintenance and engineering requirements the new tech will probably create. Large run ships are better off without too many prototypes.

Definitely an explorer. Enterprise may fly the flag of the Federation going forward, but Thunderchild will keep it planted so it may wave.

I think we should keep dead wartime ships' names in a box for the next existential war, since knowing the thread, we'll design another wartime monstrosity then.
For the survey ship how about a sphere with a secondary hull? Lots of lab space, lots of crew space, lots of space for sample storage., lots of surface area for sensors.
2162: Project Brahe (Spaceframe: Part One)
[X] Begin work on a survey ship for scientific survey and investigation.

The order is for a survey ship capable of undertaking scientific investigations in relatively safe space. Because it doesn't need to have plenty of cargo space, you can also build a relatively small design compared to the other possibilities, though feature creep can sometimes exceed your estimates. The first decision you have to make is how to build the primary hull.

The first option is a full saucer section. This will provide you with the greatest flexibility in terms of internal space and secondary hull geometries, but also add the greatest mass to the ship. The second choice is a half-saucer, using the aft section for the impulse engines and access points. The disadvantage is that you will have substantially less space to play with, though it will cost you less overall. The final option is a sphere, which will provide you with around the same internal space as a half saucer but at a lower cost, though the awkward geometry means you will only have an option of forward weapon arrays in the primary hull and the secondary hull will have to be immediately behind it.

[ ] Full Saucer (Industry: 4)
[ ] Half-Saucer (Industry: 3)
[ ] Sphere (Industry: 2)

Hull TypeMassSecondary Hull OptionsAdvantagesDisadvantagesCost
Full Saucer200,000 TonsInline/VentralInternal SpaceCost4 Industry
Half-Saucer150,000 TonsVentralManeuverabilityInternal Space3 Industry
Sphere120,000 TonsInlineCostDefenses2 Industry

Two Hour Moratorium, Please.
Fundamentally, I don't think this needs a heavy armament, so I think a sphere is the way to go. I'd like to mount a few phaser banks and at least one torpedo launcher (doubles for science probes), but we don't need more than 3. The upgrade to phasers instead of phase cannons should provide us the necessary self-defense capability, and we don't need much beyond that. I would think one phaser fore and aft, and a torpedo launcher, maybe aft. She can run away, or turn to launch probes.
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Star Trek science ships get into way too many shenanigans for me to feel safe with a minimalist design.

Fundamentally, I don't think this needs a heavy armament, so I think a sphere is the way to go. I'd like to mount a few phaser banks and at least one torpedo launcher (doubles for science probes), but we don't need more than 3. The upgrade to phasers instead of phase cannons should provide us the necessary self-defense capability, and we don't need much beyond that.

I don't think we get a torpedo and our choice of phaser emplacements if we pick the option with the least surface area to fit them.
[ ] Half-Saucer (Industry: 3)

I do think this is the right choice. We're not intending this thing to be a gunship or a general Troubleshooter, but a dedicated surveyor. The ability to get out of trouble and keep costs under control is the most important thing here.

ORB doesn't provide more space than a Half-Saucer after all, it's just cheaper. And will explode if breathed on wrong. We're not looking for a zero cost survey ship here, this isn't a design we're going to spam in job-lots like our Utility Cruiser. It should be effective, and capable of evading and escaping trouble. We'll save no small amount on internal space by passing on a torpedo armament after all.
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A disembodied voice reminds you that Oberths like to explode mysteriously.

So, as I was saying, we should go for the half or full saucer.
The Oberths ain't spheres, they're saucers with fuckin' hueg secondary hulls. Really, the saucer might be considered the secondary hull when it comes to an Oberth.
As much as I would like to use an Orb to ponder the universe I really want the internal space that a Full Saucer provides so that it can have lots of science labs and a big medical bay.