Starfleet Design Bureau

[X] Two Nacelles (Warp 3.6, 15 -> 23 Industry)
[X] Four Nacelles (Warp 4, 15 -> 31 Industry)

Okay, the way I see it, either we construct a fairly well-paced boat that stays at the center of the fleet and anchors it, or one acts as a spearhead at the fore of a charge into enemy territory. I'm okay with either or.
@Sayle is 2 nacelles faster than the stingray? According to the stingray refit threadmark the stingray goes 3.4 at cruise, but the latest threadmark says that 3.6 cruise is 10% below the stingray
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Warp speeds are exponential so it's more than a 10% difference that the whole fleet has to slow down to stay with the slowest ship.
No. It's explicitly a 10% difference in the update. I don't know why anyone would argue that Sayle's explicit 10% slower statement is wrong while refusing to acknowledge the slowest speed of the Dreadnought matches the preexisting speed of the Stingray

[X] Two Nacelles (Warp 3.6, 15 -> 23 Industry)
[X] Two Nacelles (Warp 3.6, 15 -> 23 Industry)

Extra speed seems to be lacking in benefits given escort constraints.
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[X] Three Nacelles (Warp 3.8, 15 -> 27 Industry) [Experimental]
So boring. And I actually think the current saucer/deflector combo is cool and nicely streamlined. I'm kind of hoping for a TOS/ENT version of this guy, but with a cool third nacelle:

Where is this from, this is an awesome ship, I like my starships boxy; I don't know how to explain it but the long-ness and roundness of starfleet ships has always bugged me. :V

Star Trek Attack Wing: Tholian One (Tholian Web Prize Ship) - YouTube TAS: S1 - E1: Beyond The Farthest Star - Trek Report
[X] Two Nacelles (Warp 3.6, 15 -> 23 Industry)

as someone said, we're going to be mounting experimental weapons i'd rather not pair that with experimental Nacelles, not in the middle of a war.