Stigmar and Tryggr are the only people who are up for it at the moment—the rest have heard too many stories of your convulsions and the like to be super amped.

Stigmar I'd be down to teach bur I'd be worried he'd die from it. He's too much of a Normal Guy in our band of Monsters. But it might be the way to promote him to not being eternally last place of our huskarls.

Tryggr... I'm more hesitant on. He's a fun guy sure, but we met him and his twin just chilling happily acting as bandits and raiding regular people for loot. I don't get the opinion he's the most moral of people, even if he does respect us. Not sure I wanna empower him as of now.

This would involve raising a dozen more children who are fully capable of withholding their powers from us if we piss them off.

I mean my ultimate goal would be one piece of Realized equipment for each child we have, something suiting their needs and inclinations, a sort of Sibling to keep them safe on their journey.

Might need to wait longer on that since they're still young.

Re: Getting involved;

I think it's important to get involved if we think the Jarl is actually a Bad Dude, because it's pretty clear Dorri will lose without our support. We are the metaphorical straw to break that back. So if we want Dorri to stick around we better be involved.

If we don't care and think the Jarl will be fine and that we can get over his insults to our Father at ours and Asva's weddings, it's fine to ignore it, but it also won't gain us any real favor with him. Neutrality is fine as long as we think he's an okay enough dude.

If we want to curry favor with the Jarl getting involves on his side seems the best way to get favor and earn rewards, even if we don't take over as headman

Do note that Jarls seem to have a lot of rivalry with other would-be Jarls. I doubt Dorri would care if we developed a Jarlsoul, but the Jarl almost certainly will take offense much like Folkmar(?) Did on our first raid.
This is a really good question. @Imperial Fister do we know enough to actually start learning how to drip feed someone Odr as a Trick? We'd definitely learn it if so, or would we need Research actions first, or is it not a Trick just a technique?

Oh, and side question, would our Unbinding Trick benefit from our Hugr Training Item?

I have a plan, but I'd adjust it to learn this if available. Speaking of which, tentative plan:

[X] Plan Spreading Ashes
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (1)
--[X] Cover and Binding for our Book (+16 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Use the pelt of Moonless Night for the leather of the cover, hopefully making it very hard to damage
--[X] Wax the pages with a mix of wax and hearthroot oil to make it flame resistant
--[X] Use 1 Odr as ink in writing the title
--[X] Add runes to the cover saying "When this book is opened, the contents will be restored from damage." (Hopefully allowing instant repairs when colored and the book is opened).

-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (2)
--[X] Various small but useful or pleasant presents for everyone in the family orhousehold (+16 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Made of metal as this is a smithing action
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (3)
--[X] Reforge Tryggr and Trausti's Helms to attempt to improve them (+16successes from Tools/Workshop)

-[X] [Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
--[X] Kurt Frogtongue and Haydis
--[X] Specifically, in addition to doing the requested fertility ritual, offer to make him a huscarl if he wants (no pressure, we're fine keeping him in his current position), give him the Superior weapon for his bravery in battle, and offer Fylgja unveiling to both if they want it.

-[X] Trip to Gotland to spread Steinarr's Ashes
--[X] Details on this are likely their own vote.

-[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
--[X] The hills!
---[X] (Optional) Range further from your home
---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)

-[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unless otherwise specified:
--[X] For metal items have Heat Hold available just in case
--[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
--[X] Burning Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successes total) to enhance the crafting process


-[X] (Seeress) Learn seidr with the Seeress (Only available during Summer)
--[X] Ask Solrun to explain the various uses a seeress has for a Fylgja. We feel like we're missing something fundamental here having had most of our Fylgja education from warriors.
--[X] Ask Solrun about the mountain of metal and that whole thing. She's not likely to know the martial style itself, but she might know who or what it's based on.
--[X] Check with Solrun if our idea for the bridge and burl is on the right track...or at least not dangerous (we think we can capture the Experience of being on a bridge them imprint it into the burl to use as a beacon to come back).

-[X] (Research)
--[X] Teach Abjorn how to weave and start teaching him to needlebind, plus other general Odr cultivation preparations.
--[X] Finish teaching Bjorney Eyespeech – 1 Research
--[X] Try and see if we can put a Muna (specifically, Whistling Wind) or a Hugareida (trying with Gale) into our Hamr, allowing us to take on its aspects physically – 1 Research
--[X] Very carefully infuse Stigmar and then Tryggr's Hamr with up to 7 Odr each, carefully going one point at a time and stopping if they seem to be having any problems, making sure Abjorn is on hand to see what we're doing as best he can – 1 Research
--[X] Meditate on the Mountain of Metal associated with Time Stands Still and our breathing, attempting to feel out the borders of what causes that feeling and its effects on us – 1 Research
---[X] While we're talking to Sten at some point, ask him about the mountain of metal and the sensations we experience, see if he knows anything about it or has experienced anything similar
--[X] Try and feed the lesser spirits in our Soulscape and grow them in the direction of being loyal to us, investing up to 9 Odr total – 1 Research
--[X] Try and carefully invert Ignition away from ourselves and see what it does – 1 Research
---[X] Switch all Ignition effects from +6 damage to adding dice when we do this, then back afterwards, and make sure we have, like, 10 layers of Reinforce Shield up.

-[X] (Drifa)
--[X] Make sure she learns Recall, the utility Hugareida, and the basics of rote medical and household seidr if we can 1xp
---[X] We'll mention the ways we beat Hooknails involved Scouring Cleanse and Sickness Sear, respectively, to get her interested...this lesson plan will take more than one turn, but we're starting it now and can hopefully inspire her to pick up the basics.

-[X] (Training) Hamr (117 xp to rank up)
--[X] Train Hamr Itself 118xp (59xp)
--[X] Train Tree Split with Abjorn since we could use another guard breaker 3xp
--[X] Train a 'Hamstring Slash' Trick for the Slash skill to slice someone's hamstrings and hobble a foe 4xp (2xp)

-[X] (Training) Hugr (255 xp to rank up)
--[X] Train our new Unbinding Hugr Trick 9xp

-[X] (Work Dice Usage)
--[X] Buildings, Resources, and Livestock: 2 Living Space, 1 Storage, 1 Resources Goods, otherwise maxed out (58 Total)
--[X] Crafting: Make a Superior Forged Iron weapon (of his choice) for Kurt and a Superior Forged Iron Mail-Necked Helm for Agnar Bjarnesson, both as Yule presents (8 Total)
--[X] Construction: Make 3/10 of the Tournament Grounds (27 Total),
--[X] Seidr: Perform a 9 Work Die Fertility Ritual for Kurt and Heydis (9 Total),
--[X] Conversion: Spend for 6 Research Dice (12 Total)

-[X] (Incidentals)
--[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Sigurdr, Hallbjorn,
--[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 6 oz Storm Iron
--[X] Start carrying the Hag Stone with us everywhere

...I kind of wanted to do a plan this turn, but you have cunningly already included all the stuff I wanted to do in your plan after we discussed it before.


... :D

[X] Plan Spreading Ashes

A couple thoughts:
- Don't we get four crafting projects f we're putting two actions into it? Or are we only investing one personal action, and the third project is a freebie for some reason?
- With the spirits, my guess is that rather than going for loyalty per se, maybe we want to get them to sort of take the form of various animals so that our soul is more "alive"? But IDK, it's worth trying lots of things and seeing what sticks.
- We always send our Flygia to the hills, what if we sent it to the coastline? We live quite close to the sea and I bet lots of interesting flotsam and jetsam washes up.
- Might want to include a very rough overview of the trade stuff we're doing with the sea trip, just so that the first update of the trip does not begin with us already aboard ship when we might want to buy soapstones/tar first.
Stigmar I'd be down to teach bur I'd be worried he'd die from it. He's too much of a Normal Guy in our band of Monsters. But it might be the way to promote him to not being eternally last place of our huskarls.

Tryggr... I'm more hesitant on. He's a fun guy sure, but we met him and his twin just chilling happily acting as bandits and raiding regular people for loot. I don't get the opinion he's the most moral of people, even if he does respect us. Not sure I wanna empower him as of now.

We're not teaching them Odr cultivation, we're infusing their stats with our own Odr. All they get is the Infusion. If we stick to Hamr Infusion 3, that's a minor Orthstirr savings, +3 Endurance, and +1 shapeshifting slot. Which is all good, but not overpowering.

And a chicken survived it, I'm pretty sure they'll be fine.

- Don't we get four crafting projects f we're putting two actions into it? Or are we only investing one personal action, and the third project is a freebie for some reason?

Only on smithing do we get the doubling. The book is not smithing. Therefore, two smithing projects, plus the book.

- With the spirits, my guess is that rather than going for loyalty per se, maybe we want to get them to sort of take the form of various animals so that our soul is more "alive"? But IDK, it's worth trying lots of things and seeing what sticks.

We can try? I'm not sure how to phrase that one, I'll probably adjust the wording a little to aim for something specific.

- We always send our Flygia to the hills, what if we sent it to the coastline? We live quite close to the sea and I bet lots of interesting flotsam and jetsam washes up.

Sure. Why not? I always forget that one because it's not on the list, but we've done it before, so it's probably fine.

- Might want to include a very rough overview of the trade stuff we're doing with the sea trip, just so that the first update of the trip does not begin with us already aboard ship when we might want to buy soapstones/tar first.

Yeah, fair enough. I'll note it as a trade expedition in addition to the personal reasons.
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I think it's important to get involved if we think the Jarl is actually a Bad Dude, because it's pretty clear Dorri will lose without our support. We are the metaphorical straw to break that back. So if we want Dorri to stick around we better be involved.

If we don't care and think the Jarl will be fine and that we can get over his insults to our Father at ours and Asva's weddings, it's fine to ignore it, but it also won't gain us any real favor with him. Neutrality is fine as long as we think he's an okay enough dude.

If we want to curry favor with the Jarl getting involves on his side seems the best way to get favor and earn rewards, even if we don't take over as headman
I deeply doubt that we can keep Dorri from being replaced if Corpsemaker actually wants him gone so the best thing to do is not get involved so we don't make an enemy of him or stab Dorri in the back.
Only on smithing do we get the doubling. The book is not smithing. Therefore, two smithing projects, plus the book.



...What if we made the book cover out of metal?

We can try? I'm not sure how to phrase that one, I'll probably adjust the wording a little to aim for something specific.

I mean, I'd probably just see if we can help them take on the forms of some animals, maybe by bringing some examples into our soul and seeing what happens if we let the spirits touch say, a rabbit, and if they can then take on their forms?

....I'm not saying Halla should bring a small petting zoo for spirits into her soul, but I guess I basically am saying that lol
Tryggr... I'm more hesitant on. He's a fun guy sure, but we met him and his twin just chilling happily acting as bandits and raiding regular people for loot. I don't get the opinion he's the most moral of people, even if he does respect us. Not sure I wanna empower him as of now.

…You do realize that we've also gone raiding with Abjorn right?

Edit: And that Steinarr also went raiding on several occasions same as almost every other adult Norseman we've met
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...What if we made the book cover out of metal?

Then we can't use Moonless Night's pelt, which I think is in fact a good idea.

I mean, I'd probably just see if we can help them take on the forms of some animals, maybe by bringing some examples into our soul and seeing what happens if we let the spirits touch say, a rabbit, and if they can then take on their forms?

....I'm not saying Halla should bring a small petting zoo for spirits into her soul, but I guess I basically am saying that lol

Hmmm. Lemme think about it. Like I said, I'm down for some rewording on that one.
Tryggr... I'm more hesitant on. He's a fun guy sure, but we met him and his twin just chilling happily acting as bandits and raiding regular people for loot. I don't get the opinion he's the most moral of people, even if he does respect us. Not sure I wanna empower him as of now.

…..but everyone does that.

Maybe not literally everyone, but every respected Nordic warrior we've met so far has had some 'adventures' overseas. The only difference in this case is that Tryggr's target was us, but that doesn't make him a worse person than ourselves and the husband.

It's still cruel to raid, but finding a Norse warrior of respectable renown who hasn't done just that is a high bar!
You do realize that we've also gone raiding with Abjorn right?

Edit: And that Steinarr also went raiding on several occasions same as almost every other adult Norseman we've met

Raiding and Banditry feel different to me, and Halla even had a whole moral thing when she found out Horra was funding bandits about how its despicable. We haven't been hitting travelers along roads and massacring them for cargo, we've been raiding defensible positions and making 'fair' fights.

Tryggr saw no problem with being a bandit, and his only comments on it were 'I picked the wrong side' stuff.

The use of the word raid in my initial post was a bad one since Raiding is a thing, but Banditry and Raiding in setting seem to be viewed differently. And Tryggr was explicitly a Bandit when we met him.
Raiding and Banditry feel different to me, and Halla even had a whole moral thing when she found out Horra was funding bandits about how its despicable. We haven't been hitting travelers along roads and massacring them for cargo, we've been raiding defensible positions and making 'fair' fights.

Tryggr saw no problem with being a bandit, and his only comments on it were 'I picked the wrong side' stuff.

The use of the word raid in my initial post was a bad one since Raiding is a thing, but Banditry and Raiding in setting seem to be viewed differently. And Tryggr was explicitly a Bandit when we met him.
When people are raiding you they are bandits. When you go out raiding you are raiders.
Raiding and Banditry feel different to me, and Halla even had a whole moral thing when she found out Horra was funding bandits about how its despicable. We haven't been hitting travelers along roads and massacring them for cargo, we've been raiding defensible positions and making 'fair' fights.

The in-universe moral distinction isn't about raiding travelers or defensible positions, it's about who you're targeting. If you're going after an enemy kingdom, then it's a raid (true for both us and Tryggr). If you're raiding your own neighbors, you're a worthless traitor. Which is why Halla was outraged at Horra's actions...he was basically committing treason.

IF has gone into this a few times during discussions...we actually asked about it right after the bandit camp thing with 'Wait, if being a bandit is nid, how were they so powerful?' and similar questions. And the answer is as simple as target selection.
We haven't been hitting travelers along roads and massacring them for cargo, we've been raiding defensible positions and making 'fair' fights.
We haven't been attacking people on the road because it's hard to do that as someone who doesn't leave their kingdom often and uses a boat when they do.

We don't hit towns because it's fair we do it because that's where the loot is when you're conducting lightning raids. (which are also in no way fair)
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If you had, while raiding, encountered any other boats, there would have been an opportunity to see if you attacked it or not
Yeah I sort of assumed that was the case, did I say something to contradict that?

My point was that it's hard to ambush people on the road or at sea unless you can camp on a trade route and we haven't really had an opportunity to do something like that. My apologies if that wasn't communicated correctly.
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