Honestly this entire thing just increased my desire to actually learn Berserkergang, sure I doubt we'll use it all the time but its another tool in the tool box (not to mention the martial style do contribute dice too our combat pool even when we aren't using them specifically, so it still worthwhile.
Honestly this entire thing just increased my desire to actually learn Berserkergang, sure I doubt we'll use it all the time but its another tool in the tool box (not to mention the martial style do contribute dice too our combat pool even when we aren't using them specifically, so it still worthwhile.

I kind of agree with you. Expanding our arsenal has always repaid until now.

Halla entire fighting style is abaout begin extremely technical and versatile.

Other warriors seem specialize in one Martial Style of Hugareida, trying to refine their skill until they are the best.

Halla instead has an incredible variety of powers and abilities, she can pull dozens of different Tricks out of her sleeves and do all types of bullshit hax.

And thanks to Sundersight now she can learn exactly what tool in her large toolbox is fit for the job.

This is why i supported getting the Lighting Hugareida too, we would have even more variety in our skill set to deal with different enemies. I mean, what if we meet an enemy vulnerable to Lighting?
We should probably try to immobilize or corner him and then finish him with Flame-Tending Blade.

I don't think we can immobilize or corner someone in Berserkergang

He will have, in character, survived a bunch of Sparkbombs after his armor got wrecked and half his body got turned to atoms if we select the option, so we're looking at DR 13+ minimum since Sparkbombs deal like 16 damage each.
He could have used CM or another trick/twist to survive some of them
Yes, but do we have any good plans for dealing with an ultra jacked up Hooknails? Can we deal with overwhelming brute force and sheer 'I just have more numbers and Shapeshifts'?

It strongly depends on what those numbers are. If we can survive a turn of defending against him without attacking much or using Shield Sacrifices, FTB will take him out, for one thing. Otherwise it largely depends on his DR. If it's something like 13-ish including his Frenzy we can probably kill him by burning some Odr on Sparkbombs. If it's higher than that we may have problems.

I suspect he will maintain full use of Hugareidas and tricks. He just can't do long term planning or cunning tricks as opposed to hitting us as hard as possible and defending as best as possible. Berserkergang trades smarts for strength, you're not going to become weaker from proccing Berserkergang. Stupider? Yes. But that might not matter with enough power.

I think odds are pretty good if he has the kind of DR you are speculating he has, that he can't defend himself at all. He may well have access to offensive Hugareida, but not something defensive like Contested Movement. If the DR is lower his ability to defend may be higher, though.

Another possibility is that only Perfected Hugareida Tricks are available. That wouldn't surprise me at all.

I do think assuming he doesn't have ranged attacks in either of those circumstances is a big assumption, though.

He will have, in character, survived a bunch of Sparkbombs after his armor got wrecked and half his body got turned to atoms if we select the option, so we're looking at DR 13+ minimum since Sparkbombs deal like 16 damage each.

This doesn't necessarily follow. The description was taking some liberties with the mechanics for narrative impact and burning Aspects to survive might well have been involved. He could easily have that much DR but he could also not.
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[X] You find his scorched body at the bottom of a crater (End it here, with victory in hand)

It would be cool to face Berserkergang!Hooknails, but you guys are underestimating the statline of Berserkergang!Hooknails overmuch as opposed to actually planning for him.
[X] You find his scorched body at the bottom of a crater (End it here, with victory in hand)

It would be cool to face Berserkergang!Hooknails, but you guys are underestimating the statline of Berserkergang!Hooknails overmuch as opposed to actually planning for him.
The Plan is to stay away from him and hit him with FTB

Anything more detailed relies on having actual information about the style and not a bunch of speculation.
The blast swallows him whole as it carries on into the now-darkened sky—the light of the beam dwarfing even that of the sun, if only for a scant few seconds. Punching a hole through a dozen stacked clouds, it streaks off into that black eternity, where it will travel on till infinity.
Reminds me of that HP fic where Harry used a tunnel-drilling spell against Voldemort. Tom lost an arm and fled, despite Harry having been completely drained by then.
i will be honestly surprised if FTB on first round would hit. after all, if he walks out the crater he regained the side that Thermic Reckoning burned away...
[X] You find his scorched body at the bottom of a crater (End it here, with victory in hand)

It would be cool to face Berserkergang!Hooknails, but you guys are underestimating the statline of Berserkergang!Hooknails overmuch as opposed to actually planning for him.
I really dont think so. Remember, Berserkergang isnt some ultimate form, its a powerful martial stance using sacrifice, but not something that is unbeatavle. As for surviving former round, its likely more about narrative and in world fate, while mechanics would have him dying. Hence the vote for it
Nope these guys all came to our home to loot and burn it to the ground and then take anyone they could as thralls, I have zero sympathy for them.
Ressurect as many as we can safely keep.
(Probably needing those shackles, and iirc IF said we could at max shackle a third of the raiders before running out)
For economy (thralls) or politics (maybe our Jarl could ransom a big number of them of to their Jarl to get a "we will not join the war against you" guarantee)

presumably this runestone wouldnt be honoring him for his great personality and respect for his comrades but for his abilities as a fighter and his tenacity which are pretty indisputable.
Yeah, but it would be going out of our way to honour a pos. When we could just... Not.
All I think we should give the dude a proper burial or some kind of gravestone at the end of this, it's respectful and is what I would wish for us in similar circumstances. The details don't matter to me a huge deal beyond that. Also avoids Hooknails coming back as a Draugr, which admittedly would be kind of a fun optional boss fight, but I suspect we can do without.
A proper burial for the true dead I'm fully on board.
Or we drop the bodies of at their home region.
Or let any survivors we let go also take the true dead (+meat keeping sticks so they arrive at home with a buriably body)
Honestly this entire thing just increased my desire to actually learn Berserkergang, sure I doubt we'll use it all the time but its another tool in the tool box (not to mention the martial style do contribute dice too our combat pool even when we aren't using them specifically, so it still worthwhile.
How about learning shapecrafting, since that is involved in "normal" berserk making?
How about learning shapecrafting, since that is involved in "normal" berserk making?
This is a kinda terrible idea, as something involved with Shapecrafting makes you permanently extremely paranoid, and it seems to be part of the Sacrifice for the power of it, so its not something we can cheat our way around
This is a kinda terrible idea, as something involved with Shapecrafting makes you permanently extremely paranoid, and it seems to be part of the Sacrifice for the power of it, so its not something we can cheat our way around
Do you have any clues to that besides the one we know being paranoid and Shapecrafters in general being described as kooky?
Because those clues justify caution, but not "looking into it is a kinda terrible idea".
Could be that lacking Odr generation they need to use alternatives from nature which have sideeffects when used too often. (~compare shapecafters kookyness to dug addicts, or to hatters back when hatters used mercury).

And "learning the basics" being "kinda terrible idea" levels of dangerous just seems... wrong, by this quests general vibes, imho.
Technically it says he climbed out of the crater

And dude it's a finale those are explicitly one hit kills
it wouldn't really be a fight if he has to hop on one leg and hit us with one hand, now would it? I fully expect the healing factor to kick in after the return from the smokescreen.

After all, we theorized at the time it was told that berserkergang opens the gate and all the Odr is channeled through premade/reinforced paths from the ritual that's used to make official beserkers. And we know Stabilizing Touch opens the gate AND creates a temporary path or at least, channels the Odr into a natural one to heal the body.
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Do you have any clues to that besides the one we know being paranoid and Shapecrafters in general being described as kooky?
Because those clues justify caution, but not "looking into it is a kinda terrible idea".
Could be that lacking Odr generation they need to use alternatives from nature which have sideeffects when used too often. (~compare shapecafters kookyness to dug addicts, or to hatters back when hatters used mercury).

And "learning the basics" being "kinda terrible idea" levels of dangerous just seems... wrong, by this quests general vibes, imho.

IF has specifically noted that the paranoia is the Sacrifice shapecrafters pay for their power. So...not avoidable. It's possible it's manageable at low levels of knowledge and power, but it's not something we want to play around with and find out, I don't think.
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IF has specifically noted that the paranoia is the Sacrifice shapecrafters pay for their power. So...not avoidable. It's possible it's manageable at low levels of knowledge, but it's not something we want to play around with and find out, I don't think.
Eh, we are nearing the end of Halla, and its something interesting to know. But def a reason to limit exposure to it.
Got the wording of that ruling by IF?
Do you have any clues to that besides the one we know being paranoid and Shapecrafters in general being described as kooky?
Because those clues justify caution, but not "looking into it is a kinda terrible idea".
Could be that lacking Odr generation they need to use alternatives from nature which have sideeffects when used too often. (~compare shapecafters kookyness to dug addicts, or to hatters back when hatters used mercury).

And "learning the basics" being "kinda terrible idea" levels of dangerous just seems... wrong, by this quests general vibes, imho.
Its the same class of thing as being a Seer, which means that we can probably learn how to do specific things by rote, like how people can learn specific Sedir by rote. However, the main thing we would be interested in is understanding how it works, and that would require properly diving into it. We would probably have to do a similar thing to the Horra mess as part of the price, but on a much larger scale due to the power difference between us then and now. All of that, including the going paranoid as all hell bit, on the off chance that we can fix it with Odr when the only use Odr has for Seer shit is being able to throw much stronger spells around by pumping it into them and by having a frankly silly amount of cash to throw at spirits for them to do shit for us.

And thats all after finding a Shapecrafter we get along with well enough for them to teach us.
IF has specifically noted that the paranoia is the Sacrifice shapecrafters pay for their power. So...not avoidable. It's possible it's manageable at low levels of knowledge, but it's not something we want to play around with and find out, I don't think.
maybe with some kid down the line though. I can see us go that route with the twins
Eh, we are nearing the end of Halla, and its something interesting to know. But def a reason to limit exposure to it.
Got the wording of that ruling by IF?
why the heck do you assume we are nearing the end of Halla?