Summer 9/Voyage 1.9 | Unruly Thanes 3 Part 1
[X] Plan Attracting The Bird
-[X] 53d6 Attack (43d6 tricks)
-[X] 30d6 Defense (30d6 tricks)
-[X] 28d6 Intercept (28d6 tricks)
-[X] Put up a 60d6+9 (w/Hugareida) Semi-Halting Vortex to protect us and those near us (-60 Orthstirr).

-[X] If given the opportunity and it seems useful be prepared to use Stabilizing Palm or The Quickest Stitch on fallen allies.

-[X] Make a 60d6+5 Sharpenedx9 Meteoric Shot attack w/Puncture (-30 Orthstirr) on one enemy who isn't expecting it. Also make a total of up to ten 10d6+5 Sharpenedx4 Basic Attacks using our Bolt Thrower(-4 Orthstirr each) and up to one 12d6+5 (w/Hugareida) Orthstirr-Enhancedx8 Kindle Spinner (-10 Orthstirr) opportunistically(with the Kindle Spinner only used if a group of enemies separate from the scrum).

-[X] To defend our people, throw out up to two 30d6+5 (w/Hugareida) Orthstirr-Enhanced x14 Inertia-Arresting Throws to protect other groups of people not immediately around us as needed (-20 Orthstirr each)

-[X] Against the first attack against ourselves or any of our people by the 8th Decade bird where we can do so (and we'll use EWC to move if necessary to enable this) use Contested Movement adding all our Stoker State dice to the action (-3 Orthstirr, 23d6+5 or higher on the roll) counterattacking with a Chuck of a quick-drawn Glue-Pot w/Puncture (-13 Orthstirr), and if that doesn't work sacrifice a quick-drawn shield to stop it (-1 Shield).

-[X] Against attacks by the 3rd Decade bird (if it comes for us or our people) likewise use Contested Movement with one use of Fight of Our Life (-3 Orthstirr, 15d6+5 roll) and counterattack with a Firebomb-Strike + Stunner Slam combo w/Puncture (-23 Orthstirr)intended to be nonlethal and knock the bird out, and if that doesn't work sacrifice a quick-drawn shield to stop it (-1 Shield).

-[X] By default, other than the Contested Movement usages above, use our ongoing Semi-Halting Vortex to defend against all attacks against us or those near us, if things get through that or seem big and coming towards us use up to three quick-drawn shields (-1 Shield each) and then up to two 60d6+9 Reinforcedx44 Sway defenses to save ourselves(-46 Orthstirr each). If targeted by Chivalric cultivators or Norsemen not using Puncture, we will attempt to use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr) or Sidestep (-2 Orthstirr) before resorting to Shields or Sway, but there's no point against Thanes.

-[X] In the event we go down to 100 Orthstirr or below stoke Frami

-[X] Tactics – The basic idea here is to defend our people and take potshots as opportunity presents and attempt to attract and intercept the 8th Decade Hawk, which we will then hit with a glue pot and disable it. If it doesn't take the bait, we'll use our Meteoric Shot on it to draw its attention. If that's not needed we'll instead use the Meteoric Shot on some other troublesome looking cultivator who's not expecting it (not one of the Chivalrics or our Kinsman).
(Hama-Raesan: 59+4=63 vs Trick Defense: 210+9=219, Defender Wins!)
An errant javelin shatters against the surface of your Semi-Halting Vortex as your teeth grind together. The rapid swirling of constant motion blurs together into a vaguely cohesive blob of violent shapes and bloody colors. Red sprays splatter across the grassy surface, coating each strand in a crimson layer of slick blood. The battle cries and pained screams of battling men echo in your ears as the cacophonous din only adds more confusion to mix.

You understand intellectually that battle—true mass battle—is a chaotic, disorientating mess, but it took actually being in the middle of such a frenzy to truly internalize it as fact.

Slapping a palm to Gorm Bloodslick's bleeding side, your orthstirr surges as it mends his sundered flesh. Sharing a nod, you help him to his feet and watch as he jumps right back into the fray. Lifting off the ground, you rise once more into the air.

Even up above, the swirling mass of combat is a disorientating mess. But at least it's not as bad as it is on the ground. Of course, flying above everyone's' heads while acting the lighthouse comes with its own set of problems.

The Thane fighting Arnfinn Heavystep shoves him back, shifts, and hurls a javelin your way. At the same time, an enemy Norseman leaps away from his opponent and hucks a javelin of his own.
(Hama-Raesan: 66+5=71 vs Trick Defense: 227+9=236, Defender Wins!) (Honed Trick Attack: 84 vs Trick Defense: 218+9=227, Defender Wins!)
Contorting on the spot, the first javelin sails harmlessly on past your twisting torso as your free hand swings up. The second javelin shatters against Standstill's might, the broken pieces falling to the ground.
(Sharpened Trick Attack: 193+5=198 vs Hama-Ealga: 82+8=90, Attacker Wins! Armor Pierced!)
The Thane who threw that first javelin stumbles back as an arm-length arrow suddenly sprouts from his chest—a courteous gift of your bolt thrower. His shock and stunned pain doesn't stick around for long as Arnfinn lunges in to take advantage. The oversized boy drives his axe through the Thane's helmet, into the temple, and cleaves it away from the rest of his head—all with a single, powerful strike.

But while you scan the battlefield and reload your weapon, the Hawk circling up above decides to make its move. Tucking in its wings, it dives towards Trygve Ironoath at breakneck speeds. You'd just finished stopping his legs from killing him, too! You can't just let it undo all your hard work, dammit!

Fortunately, you have something prepared for just such an occasion.

Reaching into your soul, you retrieve the ceramic jar filled with sealwood sap from the pocket it was stored in. As the Hawk closes in and its deadly talons gleam in the sunlight, time slows like wax drips. The jar leaves your hand and tumbles through the air as it flies in a precise arc.
(Halla's Hamr: 77+5=82 vs Hawk's Soma: 52, Halla Wins! Hawk is Trapped!)
The Hawk blinks forwards—disappearing from one spot and reappearing several feet ahead—but it doesn't matter. Reality twists and the pot smashes against the Hawk's feathers as you demand it so.

It's as the Hawk panics and starts to plummet—the sticky sap clinging to its feathers doing its work—that you realize something. Something rather curious.

The Hawk isn't a cultivator of the Eighth Decade. If your senses aren't deceiving you, then the Hawk is only a cultivator of the Fifth Decade! Is the Hawk actually Louis Dubois' bird or is there something else going on here?

Either way, the Hawk is now incapacitated on the ground.

(Round End)
(Unspent Orthstirr Refunded)
(Friendly Forces: 15+60(Numbers)+10(Halla Support)+10(Champions)=95 vs Enemy Forces: 10+36(Numbers)+5(Champions)=51, Friendly Advantage!)
Duels and battles rage all across the courtyard-turned-charnel house as both sides scramble for the advantage. However, despite their best efforts, the sea-fort's defenders are being pushed back. While the battle is largely a chaotic mess, there generally are two mostly distinct sides to the battle. After all, a man that gets surrounded is a soon-to-be corpse.
(Allied General Casualties: 4-3(Halla Support)=1. Enemy Champions: 2)=1 of yours, 2 of Farbjorn's. (Enemy General Casualties: 5. Friendly Champions: 6)=4 Norsemen, 7 Thanes
As the defenders step back and the attackers advance, they leave the bodies of their dead and wounded comrades behind. In a proper field battle, these bodies would be pulled off the field—but this is no proper fight.
(Allied Death Saves: 2, 2, 1) 3 Dead (Identity Rolls: 21). (Enemy Death Saves: 2, 4, 6, 4, 2, 4, 3, 3, 5, 3, 1) 6 Dead, 5 Wounded
Unfortunately, your felag just suffered its first death. Harold Hugehands was disemboweled by your Kinsman, who then stepped forward and slew one of Farbjorn's men—a man by the name of Tyrgny Fine-Dancer—with a sword-thrust to the neck. Another of Farbjorn's men, Gustav Arisson, was slain by a Thane's ice-wrapped sword.

On the other side, however, your men have racked up quite the tally. Eleven of the enemy lay dead and dying as your men step over their forms. Stigmar killed a Norseman while Jordan took a Thane. Tryggr shared a double-kill with a man of Farbjorn's felag. Stigandr put an arrow through a Norseman's head. Hakon Thunderclap put a lightning bolt through a Thane while Stigulf and his second killed and wounded three men each.
Champion Duels (Louis: 53+20=73 vs Unknown 1: 32+6=38) 1;0 - Louis' Favor. (Thomas: 98+10=108 vs Vagn: 17+3=20) 2;0 - Thomas Wins (Death Save: 3) Vagn Dies
The duel between Louis Dubois and one of Farbjorn's champions is still ongoing, though Farbjorn's man is sporting injuries and is slowing down a little.

Morale amongst the defenders is flagging. They've lost more men then you have and they didn't have all that many to begin with. Not to mention the sound of chaos coming from the inside of the tower, either.

However, as the headless body of Vagn Wheel-Drifter hits the ground and the blood-stained blade of Thomas Laurent rises into the air, morale surges.
(Enemy Champion Activity: Kinsman: Forcing a Duel, Thomas Laurent: Battling) (Friendly Champion Activity: Stigulf: Battling, Unknown 2: Dueling.) (Kinsman and Unknown 2 are now dueling)
As your Kinsman wipes the blood of Tyrgny Fine-Dancer off his blade, Stigulf's Second—who happens to be Tyrgny's kin—challenges him to a duel. Your Kinsman accepts and the pair start to clash.

Stigulf is getting stuck in while Thomas does the same. The Falcon is still active, but it seems like it won't be doing much after you disabled the Hawk.

All in all, the situation could be better, but you're definitely winning. One more victory and you'll take the day, you can feel it!

Which would you like to do?
[ ] Duel a Champion
[ ] Battle amongst the men
-[ ] Focus on supporting your men
-[ ] Focus on slaying the enemy

Endurance: (13/13) | Frenzy: (5/5) (+5 to all Combat Rolls) | Armor Health: (17/17) (+4 to Defense) | (8/8) Reinforce Shield, ERA is active
Orthstirr: (338/660) | Odr: (36)
( ) Frami: 220 | ( ) Virthing: 220 | ( ) Saemd: 220
Sagaseeker has 49 orthstirr in his reservoir.
Your Armor has 0/13 orthstirr in its reservoir.
Shapeshifting is granting you (+1 Damage and +1 Attack-Speed)
Your combat pool is 111d6 and you have 0d6 Stoked Dice


AN: Champion Duels are best 2-out-of-3, unless one combatant's roll is twice their opponent's, in which case the duel ends in that combatant's favor.

No moratorium and short vote, same as last time
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[X] Duel a Champion
-[X] Thomas Laurent

Question. Are these bodily deaths or are these their fated day?
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[X] Duel a Champion
-[X] Thomas Laurent

Carlognians excel in mass combat, we can't let one enter the scrum unchallenged.

Still, the Hawk's out of play, that's a good place to be. It's lower cultivation than expected though, but that might just be that it's a relatively new one? Maybe?
[X] Duel a Champion
-[X] Thomas Laurent

I think we need to. We can't interfere with our kinsman and the guy he's up against, but someone needs to handle Thomas, who is turning out to be more badass than we thought.
Thomas got a +10 to his roll while Vagn only got a +3. Thomas is apparently a lot more badass than we were led to believe...we still need to counter him, though. I wonder if he's higher Decade than we were led to believe or something else is going on.

And I think Serge doesn't have a bird and the Hawk belonged to Louis.
Just thinking new Stoker Style trick ideas over, maybe a defensive passive type trick that uses whatever dice you put into it to bugger up edge alignment on an incoming attack so that we get hit by the flat of the blade instead of the edge, or knock it just off of hitting us in a damaging way. Effectively something like DR 1 per 3 dice put in, or whatever is actually balanced, that would stack with stuff like hardened skin etc
I've had the idea of effectively re-inventing the Kuzu Ryu Sen or the Tsubame Gaeshi through Stoker State, apparently that's a thing we can do!

(Which is to say, unleash multiple attacks at the same time)
I was thinking maybe Thomas and Serge swapped armor somehow, but if that were the case, I'd have expected Farbjorn to fold his opponent immediately.
its possible that the hawk was serge's bird. His first bird just died 50 years ago.

After all, he's not norse. Death sticks.
With the armour swap idea, doesn't Knight armour customize itself to its wearer like a heavy armour magical girl, and any suit of armour they put on is the same resultant magical girl?
Actually, I have another theory now: Serge does have a bird, it's guarding Belanger. That's why Heima's people are taking their time.

So the Hawk was Louis's (they were concealing that he had one), and Heima's squad are currently fighting an 8th Decade.

And the more I think about it, the less I think Thomas and Louis swapped...Thomas actually only had a +10 to Louis's +20 on the duels...he's just broken through to 4th Decade and a lot more hardcore than we though.
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Theres always sparkbomb, odds are it won't put him at negative full hp, it just needs to land. Might absolutely wreak the armour we want for study reasons tho. also flashfire cleave to put a couple holes in him without as much armour damage, and less chance of instakilling him

Or Wreacksalot's idea, Nutcracker progress would be lovely. If we got him and one other guy in this fight we would have it finished
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Theres always sparkbomb, odds are it won't put him at negative full hp, it just needs to land. Might absolutely wreak the armour we want for study reasons tho. also flashfire cleave to put a couple holes in him without as much armour damage, and less chance of instakilling him

His armor is probably 25-32, depending on whether he's actually hit the 4th Decade, so it'd be 9-11 to Pierce it. He's likely got between 12-16 Endurance as well. So...21-27 to take him out max, and no more than 30 if we want him to be sure to survive.
Actually, I have another theory now: Serge does have a bird, it's guarding Belanger. That's why Heima's people are taking their time.

So the Hawk was Louis's (they were concealing that he had one), and Heima's squad are currently fighting an 8th Decade.

And the more I think about it, the less I think Thomas and Louis swapped...Thomas actually only had a +10 to Louis's +20 on the duels...he's just broken through to 4th Decade and a lot more hardcore than we though.
Perhaps Vagn was somehow disadvantaged? Or Thomas was buffed? Halla appreciates she can take Louis though not easily and Vagn is our equal supposedly
Perhaps Vagn was somehow disadvantaged? Or Thomas was buffed? Halla appreciates she can take Louis though not easily and Vagn is our equal supposedly

It's not impossible, though the fact that the other battle is +20 vs. +6 while Thomas's was +10 vs. +3 makes me think they're both just very hardcore as compared to their opponents, though both might also be buffed.

And Vagn is in the same 'bracket' as us...that doesn't necessarily mean he'd actually be quite our match in a fight.

EDIT: Oh, right, Thomas's fight is probably also two-on-one...he has a horse, after all. That helps explain some of the bonus, probably.
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